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Includes an old version of the "Microsoft Enterprise Library" from 2006. This version was developed especially for the. NET Framework 2.0.



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Enterprise Library for .NET Framework 2.0 - January 2006

This document contains late-breaking information about Enterprise Library – January 2006 that could not be included in the documentation. Any additional information and bug fixes that are delivered after the release date will be available on the Enterprise Library Community site and on the team blogs.

Known Issues

The following sections contain information about this release.

Data Access Application Block

Oracle packages cannot be reordered with the configuration console. When you use the Data Access Application Block with an Oracle database, the order in which you specify Oracle packages in configuration is significant. This is because the application block uses the first package whose prefix matches the stored procedure name. However, it is not possible to change the order of Oracle packages with the configuration console. As a result, you should be careful to create the packages in the desired order. If you want to change the order after the packages are created, you must modify the configuration file with a text editor.

Cryptography Application Block

The configuration console does not return errors when it loads configuration files if the cryptography key files cannot be located. When you use keyed cryptography algorithms with the Cryptography Application Block, the key is stored in a separate file that is referenced in the application block's configuration file. If the key file cannot be loaded from the specified location, the configuration console still loads the configuration file, but it does not return any errors. You must take explicit steps to load and unload a user profile when you use DPAPI with user mode from an ASP.NET Web application. The configuration console uses DPAPI, in either user mode or machine mode, to encrypt symmetric algorithm keys and keyed hashed algorithm keys. If you are developing an ASP.NET application that uses keys that were encrypted in user mode, you must write additional code and perform several administrative tasks to allow your ASP.NET application to decrypt the keys. This is because ASP.NET does not automatically load a user profile, which is required when using DPAPI with user mode. For information about how to use DPAPI from an ASP.NET application, see How To: Use DPAPI (User Store) from ASP.NET with Enterprise Services and How To: Use DPAPI (Machine Store) from ASP.NET on MSDN.

Logging Application Block

In the configuration console, changes to the category filters are still made even if you click the Cancel button. If you add a category filter node to the Logging Application Block configuration, you can use a dialog box to change the filter mode (possible values are "Allow all categories except those explicitly denied below" and "Deny all categories except those explicitly allowed below") and to edit the list of categories. In most dialog boxes, any changes you make are discarded when you click the Cancel button. Because of a bug in the Category Filter Editor dialog box, any changes to the filter mode or to the category list are accepted even if you click the Cancel button. Caching queue handles in the MSMQ Trace Listener caches may cause authorization checks to be bypassed. To improve performance, the MSMQ Trace Listener calls the Message Queuing APIs in a manner that internally caches the queue handle after the first use. Message Queuing performs authorization checks only to determine whether the user is authorized to send a message to the queue when the handle is first created. Consequently, in an application that uses impersonation to run under the credentials of the end user, if User A calls the MSMQ Trace Listener first and is authorized to write to the queue, User B will be able to successfully write to the queue at a later time, whether or not he or she is authorized to do so.

Security Application Block

Cannot enter empty audit identifier prefix for the AzMan authorization provider using the configuration console. The AzMan authorization provider supports having an empty audit identifier prefix at run time. However, the configuration console displays a validation error if you try to save this configuration. If you require an empty audit identifier prefix, you must edit the configuration file with a text editor. SqlConfiguration QuickStart The CreateSqlConfiguration.cmd script that creates the database used by the SqlConfiguration QuickStart assumes that you have a local SQL Server with an instance name of SQLEXPRESS. It also requires that you have the Northwind database installed. You can download the scripts to create Northwind from Northwind and pubs Sample Databases for SQL Server 2000.

Unit Tests

You must run Installutil.exe on the unit test assemblies for instrumentation-related tests to pass. Many of the instrumentation unit tests require that certain performance counters and WMI schemas be installed before the tests are run. Consequently, for the instrumentation tests to pass, it is necessary to run Installutil.exe on the unit test assemblies.


Includes an old version of the "Microsoft Enterprise Library" from 2006. This version was developed especially for the. NET Framework 2.0.







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