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This is an API client to access your data in Billomat. It is written as .NET Standard library to be used in .NET Framework projects and .NET Core projects as well.


code and build

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GitHub issues


License: MIT Nuget NuGet


Connect to your Billomat instance

First of all, you need an API Key for your user. To get one, please follow the instructions.

BillomatNet is divided into several services, which correspond to the sections of the REST-API (e.g. InvoiceService for invoices, OfferService for offers and so on). Every service can be instanciated providing a configured HttpClient. But there's also a central entry point BillomatClient, so you just have to instanciate it with a valid configuration and access the configured service instance of your interest.

Sample 1 (querying a filtered list of customers)

var config = new Configuration
    ApiKey = "your_api_key",
    BillomatId = "your_billomat_id"

var billomatClient = new BillomatClient(config);
var service = billomatClient.Clients;

var query = new Query<Client, ClientFilter>()
    .AddFilter(x => x.Name, "GmbH")
    .AddSort(x => x.City, SortOrder.Ascending);

var clients = await service.GetListAsync(query, CancellationToken.None);

All lists are paged. The result contains information about the current page and the total number of items available. The query object built in the sample above also allows to specify the page (if omitted, you will get the first page containing 100 items according to the API spec of Billomat).

Sample 2 (querying a customer)

var config = new Configuration
    ApiKey = "your_api_key",
    BillomatId = "your_billomat_id"

var billomatClient = new BillomatClient(config);
var service = billomatClient.Clients;
var client = await service.GetById(435363);

Project Status

The REST-API itself contains a whole bunch of functionality. This wrapper is still under development. New functions will be added successively. You can find detailed information about recent changes in change log.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub. Please check the contribution guide.This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to our code of conduct.