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This is a tool to generate complex scripts with data from MS SQL Server

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The Buldozer application is a CLI tool to extraсt data from database and save it as insert into scripts. It was developed in order to simplify work of developer in preparation of the huge amount of parameterization scripts. The ultimate goal is to automatize creation of the SQL scripts in various scenarios

How Data Extractor works

The data in relation DB can be presented as graph where nodes are records in tables and foreign keys are links. Fig1

It is important to understand parent\child relations.For example, in given figure, table1 is parent to table 2\3, and table 2 is child of table 1 and parent to table 4.

The extraction is a process of visiting the graph nodes, according to start records and given list of tables. Result of walking is list of dependent records in hierarchical structure, saved in memory. In general there are 4 possible strategy of walking from one table to another

  • Moving to all children and all parents
  • Moving only to children
  • Moving only to parents
  • Stop moving

For example Fig2

Let imagine we are on table 2, highlighted with blue, the walking process can continue

  1. in both direction to table 1 and table 4
  2. only to parent, to table 1
  3. only to child, to table 4
  4. the process stop

in case strategy is 1 or 2 and if record has value in FK, process will be moved to table 1 Fig3

and selection of the next step repeats for table 1, and so on.

Each table, included in the process, must have extraction strategy defined, if not the default from config file will be picked up.


In order to extract data, the process needs to have

  1. starting points - records in DB
  2. list of the tables to process, the tables must be explicitly listed among with extraction strategy

the process takes record from starting ones, and walking from table to table according to given tables strategy.

Extraction Strategy

Represented in xml in the following way

        <ExtractStrategy xsi:type="OnlyChildrenExtractStrategy" ProcessChildren="true" ProcessParents="false" Where=""/>
        <ExtractStrategy xsi:type="FKDependencyExtractStrategy" ProcessChildren="true" ProcessParents="true" Where=""/>
        <ExtractStrategy xsi:type="OnlyParentExtractStrategy" ProcessChildren="false" ProcessParents="true" Where=""/>
        <ExtractStrategy xsi:type="OnlyOneTableExtractStrategy" ProcessChildren="false" ProcessParents="false" Where=""/>


string part of sql where statment, allows to limit records that will be considered when process selects next step to walk.

    <ExtractStrategy xsi:type="OnlyOneTableExtractStrategy" ProcessChildren="false" ProcessParents="false" where=" id not in (1,2,3) ">

SQL Builder

Logical part of the application responsible to convert extract hierarchical data to SQL insert\update scripts


Starting point records are presented as hierarchical list, each item has list of parent records and children records. The sql builder going item by item, and creates sql text according to specified SQL build strategy.


Overall rule - first process parents records, then children. If extract strategy is not properyly defined for the tables, sql will be generated wrongly

Example Fig1

Lets imagine starting point - row 2 from table 2, and extraction process was done with FKDependencyExtractStrategy. Algorithm will be following

  1. starting from parents, checking table 1
  2. record from table 1 has also parent recods in table 5, so moving there
  3. checking table 5, and generate sql according to Sql Build Strategy
  4. moving back to table 1 and generate sql, considering record from table 5
  5. moving back to table 2 and generate sql, considering record from table 1
  6. moving to table table 4 and generate sql, considering record from table 2

Unqiue Columns

Each table must have unique column(s) beside PK. The combination of columns must uniquely identify the record among others in the table. Unique columns are defined either globaly (see @configs ) or in TableToExtract (see @usage ) The unqiue colums combination is widly used in the sql scripts generation

  • to check if such record exists, if not exists (select ... where ...)
  • to initialize variable that holds primary key of newly inserted record

SQL Generation

The sql is generated according ot SqlBuildStrategy that must be defined for each table

 <SqlBuildStrategy ThrowExecptionIfNotExists="true" NoInserts="false" AsIsInserts="false" IdentityInsert="false" FieldsToExclude="" />


if true, the following sql will be generated

    declare @TableID  
    if not exists(select * from table where [unique columns] )				
       insert ... 
       set TableID ... 
  		RAISERROR('Record from table with unique values can not be found', 16, 1) 

if false

    declare @TableID  
    if not exists(select * from table where [unique columns] )				
       insert ... 
       set TableID ... 
       update ...

       select TableID ...
       from Table
       where [unique columns]


if true, insert\update will not be generated

    declare @TableID  
    if not exists(select * from table where [unique columns] )				
  		RAISERROR('Record from table with unique values can not be found', 16, 1) 
    declare @TableID  
    select TableID ...
    from Table
    where [unique columns]


if true, trigger will be disabled before processing the table


if true SET IDENTITY_INSERT ON\OFF will be used before insert


String with of the columns separated by spaces, to be exluded from processing, it may be useful if data strture of the source and destination DB is slightly different.


if true resulted script will call SP deleter that deletes all related records from all tables before insert. SP will be created in the begining of script and dropped at the end

Config files explained


Contains application level settings, below sections explained one by one


json contains configuration for seri log, please refer to oficial documentation


Contains sql connections strings from where data to be extracted, each connection string has unique key and value

"SourceDB": "Server=;Database;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true;Pooling=True;Max Pool Size=2500;",

by default the value with key SourceDB will be considered as primary one


  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Debug",
      "Microsoft": "Warning",
      "Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime": "Information"
  "Serilog": {
    "Using": [ "Serilog.Sinks.File", "Serilog.Sinks.Console" ],
    "MinimumLevel": "Debug",
    "WriteTo": [
        "Name": "File",
        "Args": { "path": "serilog-configuration-sample.txt", "fileSizeLimitBytes": "5000" }
      { "Name": "Console" }
    "Properties": {
      "Application": "Sample"
  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "SourceDB": "Server=server1;Database=;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true;Pooling=True;Max Pool Size=2500;",
    "ECUMSC": "Server=server2;Database=;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true;Pooling=True;Max Pool Size=2500;",
    "mscdw": "Server=server3;Database=;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true;Pooling=True;Max Pool Size=2500;",
    "dev3Sql12": "Server=server4;Database=;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true;Pooling=True;Max Pool Size=2500;"


Contains global settings for the application logic, below sections explained one by one


represents list of the filed that globally will be ignored during data extraction



list of UniqueColumnsCollection represents list of the table with combination of the columns uniquely identify the record

    <UniqueColumnsCollection TableName="BusinessProcessSteps" UniqueColumns="BPTypeCode StepStartStatusId StepEndStatusId" />
    <UniqueColumnsCollection TableName="bpProcessingConditions" UniqueColumns="ConditionText" />


Please consider that UniqueColumns is string separated by space Field1 Field2 Field3


Sets default extract strategy for table one of

  • OnlyChildrenExtractStrategy
  • FKDependencyExtractStrategy
  • OnlyParentExtractStrategy
  • OnlyOneTableExtractStrategy
 <DefaultExtractStrategy xsi:type="OnlyChildrenExtractStrategy" ProcessChildren="true" ProcessParents="false">
 <DefaultExtractStrategy xsi:type="FKDependencyExtractStrategy" ProcessChildren="true" ProcessParents="true">

 <DefaultExtractStrategy xsi:type="OnlyParentExtractStrategy" ProcessChildren="false" ProcessParents="true">

 <DefaultExtractStrategy xsi:type="OnlyOneTableExtractStrategy" ProcessChildren="false" ProcessParents="false">


Sets default sql build strategy

  <DefaultSqlBuildStrategy ThrowExecptionIfNotExists="false" NoInserts="false" AsIsInserts="false" />


Sets additional parameters for script generation


string name of the database that supose to be recipient of the generated scripts. USE DBName will be added to resulted script. Userfule when app is part of CI process and recipient DB is know uprfront.


bool if true, in resulted script will be placed rollback instead of commit, useful while testing template

Instructions what to extract must be placed in package file and set as app execution argument The package file is xml structure that contains all needed parameters to extract data and build sql.

Package structure

xml contains defintion how resulted scripts are extracted.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<Package xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <SourceForScript Order="" ScriptName="">
        <RecordsToExtract TableName="" Where="" ProcessingOrder=""/>
        <RecordsToExtract TableName="" Where="" ProcessingOrder=""/>


        <TableToExtract TableName="" UniqueColumns="">
          <ExtractStrategy xsi:type="OnlyOneTableExtractStrategy" ProcessChildren="false" ProcessParents="false" Where=""/>
          <SqlBuildStrategy ThrowExecptionIfNotExists="false" NoInserts="false" AsIsInserts="false" FieldsToExclude=""/>
        <TableToExtract TableName="" UniqueColumns="">
          <ExtractStrategy xsi:type="FKDependencyExtractStrategy" ProcessChildren="true" ProcessParents="true" Where=""/>
          <SqlBuildStrategy ThrowExecptionIfNotExists="true" NoInserts="false" AsIsInserts="false" IdentityInsert="false" FieldsToExclude="" />


The package can contain many scripts, each scripts element has execution Order and ScriptName of resulted script, file name will be formed by the following mask: {Order}_p_{ScriptName}.sql



xml element consist of two parts

  • RootRecords
  • TablesToProcess


xml contains list of RecordsToExtract the references to certain records in database from which extraction will start. RecordsToExtract will be sorted by ProcessingOrder and query like the following will be constructed

select [list of columns according to given parameters] 
from [TableName]
where [the where string]

if where is empty, it will be ignored

TableName can be defined withe Regular Expression TableName="RegExp:^Cls_(.*)"


xml contains list of TableToExtract the definition of how each table must be extracted and processed by Sql Builder


Only tables presented in the TablesToProcess list will be considered for extraction, the rest will be ignored!


xml represents definition for table TableName processing. UniqueColumns can be specified, if not the global definition will be used

TableName can be defined withe Regular Expression TableName="RegExp:^Cls_(.*)"


Defines Extract strategy for table one of

  • OnlyChildrenExtractStrategy
  • FKDependencyExtractStrategy
  • OnlyParentExtractStrategy
  • OnlyOneTableExtractStrategy for more see - @extractor


Defines SQL Build strategy, see more in @sqlBuilder

Command Line Interface

The application supports CLI(command line interface) also it can be used in powershell scripts

param (

function Run-Buldozer {
  Write-Host "Starting..."
  Write-Host $a   
  $p = Start-Process -NoNewWindow -PassThru -Wait -FilePath "ParameterizationExtractor.exe" -ArgumentList $a    
  if ($p.ExitCode -lt 0) {    
    Write-Host "Error occurs, powershell pipeline will be terminated"   
    throw New-Object System.Management.Automation.PipelineStoppedException 

Run-Buldozer "-p 01_AllClss.xml -s $sqlServerName -d $databaseName" | 
Run-Buldozer "-p 02_misc.xml -s $sqlServerName -d $databaseName" 

Supported Arguments

  • -n connection string name from the appsettings, default is SourceDB
  • -p path to package, mandatory
  • -d database name, if specified, server name must be set (-s)
  • -s server name, if specified, database name must be set (-d)
  • -o path to output folder, default is Output

By default as source for data extraction will be used connection string with key SourceDB. However, sometimes comfortable to create a list of frequently used connection strings and keep it in config file, so by -n it will be easy to swtich between the DBs.

-s -d are used if app is a part of CI\CD process and soruce DB is uknown till certain moment.

Command Line Arguments have highest priority comparing to appsettings.json


To create package to extract parameterization for XAML Presentations



Step 0, Scope

Out task is to extract only parameterization related to XAML presentations, tables MenuItems, BpTypeStepPresentations and ProductPresentations must be out of processing , otherwise the tool will extract half DB. Therefore we have to limit ourselves to the following tables

  • PresentationGroups
  • PesentationValidationRules
  • Presentations

Step 1, Package

First of all we have to create package file, xml file with extract instructions.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<Package xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">


Step 2, Script

We have to name script and set order

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<Package xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <SourceForScript Order="10" ScriptName="Presentations">

The resulted script will be named 10_p_Presentations.sql

Step 3, Root Record

The root record, from which we start extraction, is record from table Presentations.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<Package xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <SourceForScript Order="10" ScriptName="Presentations">
        <RecordsToExtract TableName="Presentations" Where="presentationid in (1,2,3)" ProcessingOrder="5"/>    

It is possible to defined as many root records as needed.

Additionally please check @usage

Step 4, Extract Strategy and Unique Columns

Considering given ER model, the strategy may be the following

  • Presentations - starting point, so we have to go via parents and children, FKDependencyExtractStrategy. Unique Columns are Name and Code
  • PresentationGroups - we need only one record, and extraction must not go to parents\children otherwise all presentations with the same group will be extracted, therefore here is OnlyOneTableExtractStrategy. Unique Column is Code
  • PesentationValidationRules - we need only recrods for specified presentationid, therefore OnlyOneTableExtractStrategy. Unique Column are ViewModelProperty ValidationType PresentationID DescrEng
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<Package xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <SourceForScript Order="10" ScriptName="Presentations">
        <RecordsToExtract TableName="Presentations" Where="presentationid in (1,2,3)" ProcessingOrder="5"/>    

        <TableToExtract TableName="PresentationGroups" UniqueColumns="Code">
          <ExtractStrategy xsi:type="OnlyOneTableExtractStrategy" ProcessChildren="false" ProcessParents="false"/>

        <TableToExtract TableName="Presentations" UniqueColumns="Code Name">
          <ExtractStrategy xsi:type="FKDependencyExtractStrategy" ProcessChildren="true" ProcessParents="true"/>

        <TableToExtract TableName="PresentationValidationRules" UniqueColumns="ViewModelProperty ValidationType PresentationID DescrEng">
          <ExtractStrategy xsi:type="OnlyOneTableExtractStrategy" ProcessChildren="false" ProcessParents="false"/>



Step 5, SQL Build Strategy

  • Presentations - ThrowExecptionIfNotExists = false, NoInserts = false and AsIsInserts = false we need to have insert or update. IdentityInsert is false also, no FieldsToExclude to exlcude.
  • PresentationGroups - ThrowExecptionIfNotExists = false, NoInserts = false and AsIsInserts = false we need to have insert or update. FieldsToExclude="ParentPresentationGroupId", we do not want to extract parent records, so just exlude this field
  • PesentationValidationRules - ThrowExecptionIfNotExists = false, NoInserts = false and AsIsInserts = false we need to have insert or update. IdentityInsert is false also, no FieldsToExclude to exlcude.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<Package xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <SourceForScript Order="10" ScriptName="Presentations">
        <RecordsToExtract TableName="Presentations" Where="presentationid in (1,2,3)" ProcessingOrder="5"/>    

        <TableToExtract TableName="PresentationGroups" UniqueColumns="Code">
          <ExtractStrategy xsi:type="OnlyOneTableExtractStrategy" ProcessChildren="false" ProcessParents="false"/>
          <SqlBuildStrategy ThrowExecptionIfNotExists="false" NoInserts="false" AsIsInserts="false" FieldsToExclude="ParentPresentationGroupId"/>   

        <TableToExtract TableName="Presentations" UniqueColumns="Code Name">
          <ExtractStrategy xsi:type="FKDependencyExtractStrategy" ProcessChildren="true" ProcessParents="true"/>
          <SqlBuildStrategy ThrowExecptionIfNotExists="false" NoInserts="false" AsIsInserts="false" />

        <TableToExtract TableName="PresentationValidationRules" UniqueColumns="ViewModelProperty ValidationType PresentationID DescrEng">
          <ExtractStrategy xsi:type="OnlyOneTableExtractStrategy" ProcessChildren="false" ProcessParents="false"/>
          <SqlBuildStrategy ThrowExecptionIfNotExists="false" NoInserts="false" AsIsInserts="false" />




This is a tool to generate complex scripts with data from MS SQL Server







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