        /// <summary>
        /// Handles a request from a remote node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node">The ID of the remote node.</param>
        /// <param name="request">The <see cref="SdkResolverRequest"/> containing information about the SDK to resolve.</param>
        /// <remarks>This method must not directly handle requests because it would block requests from other nodes.  Instead, it simply
        /// adds requests to a queue which are processed by a background thread.</remarks>
        private void HandleRequest(int node, SdkResolverRequest request)
            if (_requestHandler == null)
                // Start the background thread which will process queued requests if it has not already been started.
                lock (_lockObject)
                    if (_requestHandler == null)
                        // Create the event used to signal that a request was received
                        _requestReceivedEvent = new ManualResetEvent(initialState: false);

                        // Create the queue used to store requests that need to be processed
                        _requests = new ConcurrentQueue <SdkResolverRequest>();

                        // Create the thread which processes requests
                        _requestHandler = Task.Factory.StartNew(RequestHandlerPumpProc, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning);

            // Associate the node with the request
            request.NodeId = node;


            // Signal that one or more requests have been received
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes all requests that are currently in the queue.
        /// </summary>
        private void ProcessRequests()
            // Store a list of threads which are resolving SDKs
            List <Task> tasks = new List <Task>(_requests.Count);

            SdkResolverRequest item;

            while (_requests.TryDequeue(out item))
                SdkResolverRequest request = item;

                // Start a thread to resolve an SDK and add it to the list of threads
                tasks.Add(Task.Run(() =>
                    SdkResult response = null;
                        // Create an SdkReference from the request
                        SdkReference sdkReference = new SdkReference(request.Name, request.Version, request.MinimumVersion);

                        ILoggingService loggingService = Host.GetComponent(BuildComponentType.LoggingService) as ILoggingService;

                        // This call is usually cached so is very fast but can take longer for a new SDK that is downloaded.  Other queued threads for different SDKs will complete sooner and continue on which unblocks evaluations
                        response = ResolveSdk
                            new EvaluationLoggingContext(loggingService, request.BuildEventContext, request.ProjectPath),
                            new SdkEnv(request.SolutionPath, request.ProjectPath),
                    catch (Exception e)
                        ILoggingService loggingService = Host.GetComponent(BuildComponentType.LoggingService) as ILoggingService;

                        EvaluationLoggingContext loggingContext = new EvaluationLoggingContext(loggingService, request.BuildEventContext, request.ProjectPath);

                        loggingService.LogFatalBuildError(loggingContext.BuildEventContext, e, new BuildEventFileInfo(request.ElementLocation));
                        // Get the node manager and send the response back to the node that requested the SDK
                        INodeManager nodeManager = Host.GetComponent(BuildComponentType.NodeManager) as INodeManager;

                        nodeManager.SendData(request.NodeId, response);

            // Wait for all tasks to complete
        private SdkResult RequestSdkPathFromMainNode(int submissionId, SdkReference sdk, LoggingContext loggingContext, ElementLocation sdkReferenceLocation, string solutionPath, string projectPath, bool interactive)
            // Clear out the last response for good measure
            _lastResponse = null;

            // Create the SdkResolverRequest packet to send
            INodePacket packet = SdkResolverRequest.Create(submissionId, sdk, loggingContext.BuildEventContext, sdkReferenceLocation, solutionPath, projectPath, interactive);


            // Wait for either the response or a shutdown event.  Either event means this thread should return
            WaitHandle.WaitAny(new WaitHandle[] { _responseReceivedEvent, ShutdownEvent });

            // Keep track of the element location of the reference
            _lastResponse.ElementLocation = sdkReferenceLocation;

            // Return the response which was set by another thread.  In the case of shutdown, it should be null.