public async Task <object> _post(string url, Dictionary <string, object> query = null, Dictionary <string, FB_File> files = null, bool as_graphql = false, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken), bool retry = true)
            var r = await this._cleanPost(Utils.prefix_url(url), query : query, files : files, cancellationToken : cancellationToken);

            var content = await State.check_request(r);

                if (as_graphql)
                    var j = Utils.to_json(content);
                    // TODO: Remove this, and move it to _payload_post instead
                    // We can't yet, since errors raised in here need to be caught below
            catch (FBchatPleaseRefresh ex)
                if (retry)
                    await this._do_refresh();

                    return(await _post(url, query, files, as_graphql, cancellationToken));
                throw ex;
 public async Task <JToken> graphql_request(GraphQL query)
      * Shorthand for `graphql_requests(query)[0]`
      * :raises: Exception if request failed
     return((await this.graphql_requests(new[] { query }.ToList()))[0]);
        public async Task <List <JToken> > graphql_requests(List <GraphQL> queries)
             * :param queries: Zero or more dictionaries
             * :type queries: dict
             * : raises: FBchatException if request failed
             * : return: A tuple containing json graphql queries
             * :rtype: tuple
             * */
            var data = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "method", "GET" },
                { "response_format", "json" },
                { "queries", GraphQL.queries_to_json(queries) }

            return((List <JToken>) await this._post("/api/graphqlbatch/", data, as_graphql : true));