protected virtual void Raise_OnEnvelopeReceivedEvent(RabbitEnvelopeDispatcher dispatcher) { if (null != this.OnEnvelopeReceived) { Task.Factory.StartNew(() => this.OnEnvelopeReceived(dispatcher)); } }
public void Start(object manualResetEvent) { ManualResetEvent startEvent = manualResetEvent as ManualResetEvent; _log.Debug("Enter Start"); _shouldContinue = true; using (IModel channel = _connection.CreateModel()) { // first, declare the exchange and queue channel.ExchangeDeclare(_exchange.Name, _exchange.ExchangeType, _exchange.IsDurable, _exchange.IsAutoDelete, _exchange.Arguments); channel.QueueDeclare(_exchange.QueueName, _exchange.IsDurable, false, _exchange.IsAutoDelete, _exchange.Arguments); channel.QueueBind(_exchange.QueueName, _exchange.Name, _exchange.RoutingKey, _exchange.Arguments); // next, create a basic consumer QueueingBasicConsumer consumer = new QueueingBasicConsumer(channel); // and tell it to start consuming messages, storing the consumer tag string consumerTag = channel.BasicConsume(_exchange.QueueName, false, consumer); // signal the wait event that we've begun listening startEvent.Set(); _log.Debug("Will now continuously listen for events using routing key: " + _exchange.RoutingKey); while (_shouldContinue) { try { object result = null; if (false == consumer.Queue.Dequeue(100, out result)) { continue; } BasicDeliverEventArgs e = result as BasicDeliverEventArgs; if (null == e) { continue; } else { this.LogMessage(e); } IBasicProperties props = e.BasicProperties; Envelope env = new Envelope(); env.SetReceiptTime(DateTime.Now); env.Payload = e.Body; foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in props.Headers) { try { string key = entry.Key as string; string value = Encoding.UTF8.GetString((byte[])entry.Value); _log.Debug("Adding header to envelope: {" + key + ":" + value + "}"); env.Headers.Add(key, value); } catch { } } if (this.ShouldRaiseEvent(_registration.Filter, env)) { RabbitEnvelopeDispatcher dispatcher = new RabbitEnvelopeDispatcher(_registration, env, channel, e.DeliveryTag); this.Raise_OnEnvelopeReceivedEvent(dispatcher); } } catch (OperationInterruptedException) { // The consumer was removed, either through // channel or connection closure, or through the // action of IModel.BasicCancel(). _shouldContinue = false; } catch { } } _log.Debug("No longer listening for events"); try { channel.BasicCancel(consumerTag); } catch (OperationInterruptedException) { } } _log.Debug("Leave Start"); }