 // Victory Points awarded from the number of specific structure colour each neighbours constructed
 private static void AddVictoryNeighboursColour(Player p, Player east, Player west, CardColour c, int amount)
     p.addScore(Score.VICTORY, GetVictoryNeighboursColour(east, west, c, amount));
        public MainGame(Game1 theGame)
            : base("background", 1.0f)
            LABELWIDTH = SEC1WIDTH / 2 - MARGIN;
            CARDWIDTH = (Game1.WIDTH - 8 * (MARGIN * 2) - 30) / MAXHANDSIZE;
            CARDHEIGHT = (int) (CARDWIDTH * 1.612);
            LABELLENGTH = (SEC1WIDTH - MARGIN) / 5;
            RESOURCELENGTH = (SEC1WIDTH - 3 * MARGIN) * 4 / 5;
            player = null;
            wonder = null;
            lastPlayed = new Dictionary<string, Visual>();
            hand = new SortedDictionary<string, Visual>();
            leftButton = new Button(new Vector2(Game1.WIDTH - 27, 200 + CARDHEIGHT / 2 - 7), 15, 15, "", "Font1", "left");
            leftButton.z = 1;
            hand.Add("paperleft", new Visual(new Vector2(Game1.WIDTH - 27, 190), 30, CARDHEIGHT + 30, "paperleft"));
            hand.Add("leftButton", leftButton.setBorder(false));

            close = new Button(new Vector2(Game1.WIDTH - Game1.WIDTH / 9, Game1.HEIGHT * 5/ 8), 75, 40, "Close", "Font1");

            lastPlayed.Add("bg", new Visual(new Vector2(Game1.WIDTH / 3, Game1.HEIGHT / 6), Game1.WIDTH * 2 / 3, Game1.HEIGHT * 2 / 3, "bg"));
            lastPlayed.Add("close", close);

            seatVisuals = new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<string, Visual>>();
            baseVisuals = new Dictionary<String, Visual>();
            baseVisuals.Add("Label1", new Visual(new Vector2(MARGIN, MARGIN), LABELWIDTH, LABELHEIGHT, "Players", "Font1", null, Color.Gray, "grayback"));
            baseVisuals.Add("Label2", new Visual(new Vector2(MARGIN + LABELWIDTH, MARGIN), LABELWIDTH, LABELHEIGHT, "icons"));
            baseVisuals.Add("Divider1", new Visual(new Vector2(SEC1WIDTH - 1, 0), DIVIDERWIDTH, Game1.HEIGHT, "line", Color.Silver));
            baseVisuals.Add("Divider2", new Visual(new Vector2(0, SEC1HEIGHT - 1), Game1.WIDTH, DIVIDERWIDTH, "line", Color.Silver));
            baseVisuals.Add("Age", new Visual(new Vector2(Game1.WIDTH - MARGIN - 75, MARGIN), 75, 75, "age1"));
            baseVisuals.Add("discard", new Visual(new Vector2(Game1.WIDTH - MARGIN - 60, MARGIN * 3 + 120), 60, 60, "0", "Font1", null, Color.White, "deck"));
        //Checks how a player with neighbours west and east would have to spend in order to meet the given cost
        //Returns -1 if the player cannot possibly build the card (including if his neighbours have the required
        //resources, but he cannot afford to purchase them)
        //Returns 0 if the player has all of the required resources and does not need to purchase any
        //Otherwise, returns the total number of coins it would cost the player at minimum to purchase the
        //required resources to meet the cost
        public static int constructCost(Player player, Player west, Player east, Dictionary<Resource, int> cost)
            //check if cost is in coins
            if (cost.ContainsKey(Resource.COIN))
                return (cost[Resource.COIN] > player.getResourceNum(Resource.COIN)) ? -1 : cost[Resource.COIN];
            //split the cost into raw and manufactured goods to deal with them separately, as they do not affect each other
            Dictionary<Resource, int> rawCost = new Dictionary<Resource, int>();
            foreach (Resource r in rawGoods)
                if (cost.ContainsKey(r)) rawCost.Add(r, cost[r]);
            Dictionary<Resource, int> manCost = new Dictionary<Resource, int>();
            foreach (Resource r in manGoods)
                if (cost.ContainsKey(r)) manCost.Add(r, cost[r]);
            //get resource lists
            List<List<Resource>> playerRaw = buildResourceList(player, rawGoods, true);
            List<List<Resource>> playerMan = buildResourceList(player, manGoods, true);
            List<List<Resource>> eastRaw = buildResourceList(east, rawGoods, false);
            List<List<Resource>> westRaw = buildResourceList(west, rawGoods, false);
            List<List<Resource>> neighbourMan = buildResourceList(east, manGoods, false);
            neighbourMan.AddRange(buildResourceList(west, manGoods, false));
            //calculate cost of manufactured goods
            int numManPurchased = countPurchases(manCost, playerMan, neighbourMan);
            int totalCoinCost = numManPurchased * player.mcost;
            //calculate cost of raw goods
            if (player.rcostEast == player.rcostWest)
                //All neighbour resources can be grouped together, since they cost the same amount
                List<List<Resource>> neighbourRaw = eastRaw;
                int numRawPurchased = countPurchases(rawCost, playerRaw, neighbourRaw);
                totalCoinCost += numRawPurchased * player.rcostWest;
                //east and west neighbour resorces must be considered separately, as they cost different amounts
                //countPurchases() will return the coin cost, not just the number of resources purchased
                int numRawPurchased;
                if (player.rcostEast < player.rcostWest)
                    numRawPurchased = countPurchases(rawCost, playerRaw, eastRaw, westRaw);
                    numRawPurchased = countPurchases(rawCost, playerRaw, westRaw, eastRaw);
                totalCoinCost += numRawPurchased;

            return totalCoinCost>player.getResourceNum(Resource.COIN)?-1:totalCoinCost;
 // Victory Points returned for the number of defeat tokens each neighbouring city has
 private static int GetVictoryNeighboursConflict(Player east, Player west)
     return east.getScoreType(Score.DEFEAT) + west.getScoreType(Score.DEFEAT);
 // Babylon B [2nd stage]
 // Handle this at the end of every age to play the last card if
 // Player can pay for it, or discard to earn 3 coins or build the third wonder.
 // EXTRA TURN basically
 private static void LastCard(Player p, Card c)
     // stuff
 //Returns the part of the given cost that the player cannot meet with his own single resources
 //Does not consider the player's resource choices
 private static Dictionary<Resource, int> outsourcedCosts(Player player, Dictionary<Resource, int> cost, List<List<Resource>> remainingPlayerChoices, bool self)
     Dictionary<Resource, int> remaining = new Dictionary<Resource, int>();
     Dictionary<Resource, int> coveredByChoices = new Dictionary<Resource, int>(); //Costs that are covered by choices (each item in here is the only relevant application of the choice used)
     foreach (Resource r in cost.Keys) coveredByChoices.Add(r, 0);
     if (remainingPlayerChoices != null)
         foreach (List<Resource> choice in self ? player.getTotalChoices() : player.getPublicChoices())
             int numRelevant = 0;
             Resource coveredResource = Resource.COIN;
             foreach (Resource r in choice)
                 if (cost.ContainsKey(r))
                     coveredResource = r;
             if (numRelevant == 1)
     foreach (Resource r in cost.Keys)
         if (cost[r] > player.getResourceNum(r) + coveredByChoices[r] && r != Resource.COIN)
             remaining.Add(r, cost[r] - player.getResourceNum(r));
     return remaining;
        // Science Choice - player chooses which science to gain from the card at the end of the game
        // NOTE: Should we have this as a max function? eg. Find max of gear, tablet, compass and just add 1?
        private static void AddScienceChoice(Player p, int x)
            int gear = p.getScoreNum(Score.GEAR);
            int compass = p.getScoreNum(Score.COMPASS);
            int tablet = p.getScoreNum(Score.TABLET);

            if (x == 1)
                int max1 = CalculateScience((gear + 1), compass, tablet);
                int max2 = CalculateScience(gear, (compass + 1), tablet);
                int max3 = CalculateScience(gear, compass, (tablet + 1));

                int maxScore = Math.Max(Math.Max(max1, max2), max3);
                if (maxScore == max1)
                    p.addScore(Score.GEAR, 1);
                else if (maxScore == max2)
                    p.addScore(Score.COMPASS, 1);
                else if (maxScore == max3)
                    p.addScore(Score.TABLET, 1);
            else if (x == 2)
                int max1 = CalculateScience(gear + 2, compass, tablet);
                int max2 = CalculateScience(gear, compass + 2, tablet);
                int max3 = CalculateScience(gear, compass, tablet + 2);
                int max4 = CalculateScience(gear + 1, compass + 1, tablet);
                int max5 = CalculateScience(gear + 1, compass, tablet + 1);
                int max6 = CalculateScience(gear, compass + 1, tablet + 1);

                int maxScore = Math.Max(Math.Max(Math.Max(Math.Max(Math.Max(max1, max2), max3), max4), max5), max6);

                if (maxScore == max1)
                    p.addScore(Score.GEAR, 2);
                else if (maxScore == max2)
                    p.addScore(Score.COMPASS, 2);
                else if (maxScore == max3)
                    p.addScore(Score.TABLET, 2);
                else if (maxScore == max4)
                    p.addScore(Score.GEAR, 1);
                    p.addScore(Score.COMPASS, 1);
                else if (maxScore == max5)
                    p.addScore(Score.GEAR, 1);
                    p.addScore(Score.TABLET, 1);
                else if (maxScore == max6)
                    p.addScore(Score.COMPASS, 1);
                    p.addScore(Score.TABLET, 1);
 // Victory Points awarded
 // Through the number of specific structure colour the player has constructed
 private static void AddVictoryColour(Player p, CardColour c, int amount)
     p.addScore(Score.VICTORY, GetVictoryColour(p, c, amount));
 public static Dictionary<Resource, int> outsourcedCosts(Player player, Dictionary<Resource, int> cost)
     return outsourcedCosts(player, cost, null, false);
 // Returns the number of coins awarded from the number of specific structure colour each neighbours have constructed
 private static int GetCoinAllColour(Player p, Player east, Player west, CardColour c, int amount)
     return (p.getCardColourCount(c) + east.getCardColourCount(c) + west.getCardColourCount(c)) * amount;
        private void Initialize()
            lock (this)
                if (init) return;
                trade = new TradeInterface();
                player = Game1.client.getSelf();
                int westSeat = (player.getSeat() - 1 < 0) ? Game1.client.getState().getPlayers().Count - 1 : player.getSeat() - 1;
                int eastSeat = (player.getSeat() + 1 > Game1.client.getState().getPlayers().Count - 1) ? 0 : player.getSeat() + 1;
                east = Game1.client.getState().getPlayers().Values.ElementAt(eastSeat);
                west = Game1.client.getState().getPlayers().Values.ElementAt(westSeat);
                foreach (Player p in Game1.client.getState().getPlayers().Values)
                    Visual conflict = new Visual(new Vector2(Game1.WIDTH - MARGIN - 60, MARGIN * 2 + 75), 60, 60, "0", "Font1", null, Color.White, "conflict");
                    conflict.LoadContent();//BAD HACKS
                    Visual stages = new Visual(new Vector2(Game1.WIDTH - 100, Game1.HEIGHT - 150), 100, 100, "stage13").setVisible(false);
                    Game1.wonders[p.getBoard().getName()].setPosition(new Vector2(5 + SEC1WIDTH, 5 + SEC1HEIGHT)).setWidth(WONDERWIDTH * 2 + 10).setHeight(WONDERHEIGHT * 2).setTexture(p.getBoard().getImageName());
                    seatVisuals.Add(p.getSeat(), new Dictionary<string, Visual>() { { "wonder", Game1.wonders[p.getBoard().getName()] }, { "conflict", conflict }, { "stages", stages } });
                    baseVisuals.Add("player" + p.getSeat(), new Visual(new Vector2(MARGIN, MARGIN * 2 + (MARGIN + LABELHEIGHT) * (p.getSeat() + 1)), DROPDOWNWIDTH, LABELHEIGHT, (p.getSeat() + 1) + "|" + p.getName(), "Font1", Color.White, (p.getSeat() == player.getSeat()) ? Color.Orange : Color.Gray, "grayback"));
                    baseVisuals.Add("status" + p.getSeat(), new Visual(new Vector2(MARGIN + LABELWIDTH, MARGIN * 2 + (MARGIN + LABELHEIGHT) * (p.getSeat() + 1)), LABELWIDTH, LABELHEIGHT, "blank"));
                    baseVisuals.Add("gear" + p.getSeat(), new Visual(new Vector2(MARGIN + LABELWIDTH + (LABELWIDTH * 1 / 24), MARGIN * 2 + (MARGIN + LABELHEIGHT) * (p.getSeat() + 1)), p.getScoreNum(Score.GEAR).ToString(), "Font1"));
                    baseVisuals.Add("tablet" + p.getSeat(), new Visual(new Vector2(MARGIN + LABELWIDTH + (LABELWIDTH * 5 / 24), MARGIN * 2 + (MARGIN + LABELHEIGHT) * (p.getSeat() + 1)), p.getScoreNum(Score.TABLET).ToString(), "Font1"));
                    baseVisuals.Add("compas" + p.getSeat(), new Visual(new Vector2(MARGIN + LABELWIDTH + (LABELWIDTH * 9 / 24), MARGIN * 2 + (MARGIN + LABELHEIGHT) * (p.getSeat() + 1)), p.getScoreNum(Score.COMPASS).ToString(), "Font1"));
                    baseVisuals.Add("victory" + p.getSeat(), new Visual(new Vector2(MARGIN + LABELWIDTH + (LABELWIDTH * 13 / 24), MARGIN * 2 + (MARGIN + LABELHEIGHT) * (p.getSeat() + 1)), p.getScoreNum(Score.VICTORY_BLUE).ToString(), "Font1"));
                    baseVisuals.Add("army" + p.getSeat(), new Visual(new Vector2(MARGIN + LABELWIDTH + (LABELWIDTH * 19 / 24), MARGIN * 2 + (MARGIN + LABELHEIGHT) * (p.getSeat() + 1)), p.getScoreNum(Score.ARMY).ToString(), "Font1"));
                baseVisuals.Add("resources", new Visual(new Vector2(LABELLENGTH + MARGIN * 2, SEC1HEIGHT + MARGIN * 2), RESOURCELENGTH, LABELHEIGHT, "resourceBar"));
                baseVisuals.Add("west", new Visual(new Vector2(MARGIN, SEC1HEIGHT + LABELHEIGHT + MARGIN * 3), LABELLENGTH, LABELHEIGHT, (westSeat + 1) + "|" + "West", "Font1", null, null, "grayback"));
                baseVisuals.Add("east", new Visual(new Vector2(MARGIN, SEC1HEIGHT + LABELHEIGHT * 2 + MARGIN * 4), LABELLENGTH, LABELHEIGHT, (eastSeat + 1) + "|" + "East", "Font1", null, null, "grayback"));
                baseVisuals.Add("self", new Visual(new Vector2(MARGIN, Game1.HEIGHT - (MARGIN + LABELHEIGHT)), LABELLENGTH, LABELHEIGHT, "Self", "Font1", null, null, "grayback"));
                baseVisuals.Add("westresources", new Visual(new Vector2(LABELLENGTH + MARGIN * 2, SEC1HEIGHT + LABELHEIGHT + MARGIN * 3), RESOURCELENGTH, LABELHEIGHT, "emptyResourceBar"));
                baseVisuals.Add("eastresources", new Visual(new Vector2(LABELLENGTH + MARGIN * 2, SEC1HEIGHT + LABELHEIGHT * 2 + MARGIN * 4), RESOURCELENGTH, LABELHEIGHT, "emptyResourceBar"));
                baseVisuals.Add("selfresources", new Visual(new Vector2(LABELLENGTH + MARGIN * 2, Game1.HEIGHT - (MARGIN + LABELHEIGHT)), RESOURCELENGTH, LABELHEIGHT, "emptyResourceBar"));


                for (int i = 0; i < NUMRESOURCES; i++)
                    baseVisuals.Add("west" + i, new Visual(new Vector2(LABELLENGTH + MARGIN * 2 + RESOURCELENGTH * i / 8 + 5, RESOURCEHEIGHT), west.getResourceNum((Resource)i) + "", "Font1"));

                    baseVisuals.Add("east" + i, new Visual(new Vector2(LABELLENGTH + MARGIN * 2 + RESOURCELENGTH * i / 8 + 5, RESOURCEHEIGHT + LABELHEIGHT + MARGIN), east.getResourceNum((Resource)i) + "", "Font1"));

                    baseVisuals.Add("self" + i, new Visual(new Vector2(LABELLENGTH + MARGIN * 2 + RESOURCELENGTH * i / 8 + 5, Game1.HEIGHT - (MARGIN + LABELHEIGHT)), player.getResourceNum((Resource)i) + "", "Font1"));

                    if ((Resource)i == Resource.COIN)
                        baseVisuals["east" + i].setLeftMargin(-2);
                        baseVisuals["west" + i].setLeftMargin(-2);
                        baseVisuals["self" + i].setLeftMargin(-2);
                hand.Add("papermiddle", new Visual(new Vector2(MARGIN + 30 + (CARDWIDTH / 2 + MARGIN) * (7 - player.getHand().Count) + 1, 190), Game1.WIDTH - (MARGIN + 30 + (CARDWIDTH / 2 + MARGIN) * (7 - player.getHand().Count)), CARDHEIGHT + 25, "papermiddle"));


                baseVisuals.Add("Scorehead", new Visual(new Vector2(Game1.WIDTH / 4, Game1.HEIGHT / 4), Game1.WIDTH / 2, 50, "scorehead").setVisible(false));
                int n = 1;
                foreach (Player p in Game1.client.getState().getPlayers().Values)
                    baseVisuals.Add("name" + p.getSeat(), new Visual(new Vector2(Game1.WIDTH / 4, Game1.HEIGHT / 4 + 40 * n), (int)(Game1.WIDTH / 2 * 0.296f), 40, p.getName(), "Font1", null, null, "line").setVisible(false));
                    baseVisuals.Add("conflict" + p.getSeat(), new Visual(new Vector2(Game1.WIDTH / 4 + (int)(Game1.WIDTH / 2 * 0.296f), Game1.HEIGHT / 4 + 40 * n), SCOREWIDTH, 40, p.getScoreNum(Score.CONFLICT).ToString(), "Font1", null, null, "line").setVisible(false));
                    baseVisuals.Add("coin" + p.getSeat(), new Visual(new Vector2(Game1.WIDTH / 4 + (int)(Game1.WIDTH / 2 * 0.296f) + SCOREWIDTH, Game1.HEIGHT / 4 + 40 * n), SCOREWIDTH, 40, p.getScoreNum(Score.COIN).ToString(), "Font1", null, null, "line").setVisible(false));
                    baseVisuals.Add("stages" + p.getSeat(), new Visual(new Vector2(Game1.WIDTH / 4 + (int)(Game1.WIDTH / 2 * 0.296f) + SCOREWIDTH * 2, Game1.HEIGHT / 4 + 40 * n), SCOREWIDTH, 40, p.getScoreNum(Score.STAGES).ToString(), "Font1", null, null, "line").setVisible(false));
                    baseVisuals.Add("blue" + p.getSeat(), new Visual(new Vector2(Game1.WIDTH / 4 + (int)(Game1.WIDTH / 2 * 0.296f) + SCOREWIDTH * 3, Game1.HEIGHT / 4 + 40 * n), SCOREWIDTH, 40, p.getScoreNum(Score.VICTORY_BLUE).ToString(), "Font1", null, null, "line").setVisible(false));
                    baseVisuals.Add("commerce" + p.getSeat(), new Visual(new Vector2(Game1.WIDTH / 4 + (int)(Game1.WIDTH / 2 * 0.296f) + SCOREWIDTH * 4, Game1.HEIGHT / 4 + 40 * n), SCOREWIDTH, 40, p.getScoreNum(Score.COMMERCE).ToString(), "Font1", null, null, "line").setVisible(false));
                    baseVisuals.Add("guild" + p.getSeat(), new Visual(new Vector2(Game1.WIDTH / 4 + (int)(Game1.WIDTH / 2 * 0.296f) + SCOREWIDTH * 5, Game1.HEIGHT / 4 + 40 * n), SCOREWIDTH, 40, p.getScoreNum(Score.GUILD).ToString(), "Font1", null, null, "line").setVisible(false));
                    baseVisuals.Add("science" + p.getSeat(), new Visual(new Vector2(Game1.WIDTH / 4 + (int)(Game1.WIDTH / 2 * 0.296f) + SCOREWIDTH * 6, Game1.HEIGHT / 4 + 40 * n), SCOREWIDTH, 40, p.getScoreNum(Score.SCIENCE).ToString(), "Font1", null, null, "line").setVisible(false));
                    baseVisuals.Add("sum" + p.getSeat(), new Visual(new Vector2(Game1.WIDTH / 4 + (int)(Game1.WIDTH / 2 * 0.296f) + SCOREWIDTH * 7, Game1.HEIGHT / 4 + 40 * n), SCOREWIDTH, 40, p.getScoreNum(Score.VICTORY).ToString(), "Font1", null, null, "line").setVisible(false));
                    lastPlayed.Add("player" + p.getSeat(), new Visual(new Vector2(Game1.WIDTH * ((n - 1) % 4 + 2) / 6 + MARGIN, Game1.HEIGHT * ((int)(n / 5) * 2 + 1) / 6 + MARGIN), Game1.WIDTH / 6 - MARGIN * 5, LABELHEIGHT, (p.getSeat() +1) + "|" + p.getName(), "Font1", null, null, "grayback"));
                    lastPlayed.Add("action" + p.getSeat(), new Visual(new Vector2(Game1.WIDTH * ((n - 1) % 4 + 2) / 6 + MARGIN, Game1.HEIGHT * ((int)(n / 5) * 2 + 1) / 6 + LABELHEIGHT + MARGIN * 2), Game1.WIDTH / 6 - MARGIN * 6, Game1.HEIGHT / 3 - MARGIN * 3 - LABELHEIGHT, "coin"));
                quit = new Button(new Vector2(Game1.WIDTH / 2 - 70, Game1.HEIGHT / 4 + 40 * n + MARGIN), 140, 50, "Quit", "Font1");
                baseVisuals.Add("quit", quit.setVisible(false));

                seatViewed = player.getSeat();
                activeVisuals = seatVisuals[seatViewed];
                init = true;
 // Olympia B [3rd stage]
 // The third stage allows the player to "copy" a Guild (purple card) of
 // their choice built by one of their two neighboring cities at the end of the game
 private static void CopyGuild(Player p, Player east, Player west)
     p.addPlayed(GetGuildCopyCard(p, east, west));
 // Olympia A
 // the player can, once per Age, build a structure of their choice for free
 private static void FreeBuild(Player p, Card c, int age)
     // stuff
 // Victory Points awarded from the number of wonderstages the player has built
 private static void AddVictoryWonder(Player p)
     p.addScore(Score.VICTORY, p.getBoard().getStagesBuilt());
 // Victory Points awarded from the number of conflict points each neighbour has
 private static void AddVictoryNeighboursConflict(Player p, Player east, Player west)
     p.addScore(Score.VICTORY, GetVictoryNeighboursConflict(east, west));
 // Victory Points, Army, Science or any other generic score
 // This could probably be used to replace alot of generic score functions
 private static void AddScore(Player p, Score s, int points)
     p.addScore(s, points);
 // Trading Cost for East && West of manufactured Resources
 private static void SetManufactedTrade(Player p)
     p.mcost = 1;
 public void addPlayer(Player _player)
     players.Add(_player.getID(), _player);
 private static void SetRawTradeWest(Player p)
     p.rcostWest = 1;
        public static List<List<int>> getResourcePurchaseSplits(Dictionary<Resource, int> cost, Player player, Player east, Player west)
            List<List<int>> splits = new List<List<int>>();

            //check if cost is in coins
            if (cost.ContainsKey(Resource.COIN))
                splits.Add(new List<int> { 0, 0 });
                return splits;
            //split the cost into raw and manufactured goods to deal with them separately, as they do not affect each other
            Dictionary<Resource, int> rawCost = new Dictionary<Resource, int>();
            foreach (Resource r in rawGoods)
                if (cost.ContainsKey(r)) rawCost.Add(r, cost[r]);
            Dictionary<Resource, int> manCost = new Dictionary<Resource, int>();
            foreach (Resource r in manGoods)
                if (cost.ContainsKey(r)) manCost.Add(r, cost[r]);
            //get resource lists
            List<List<Resource>> playerRaw = buildResourceList(player, rawGoods, true);
            List<List<Resource>> playerMan = buildResourceList(player, manGoods, true);
            List<List<Resource>> eastRaw = buildResourceList(east, rawGoods, false);
            List<List<Resource>> westRaw = buildResourceList(west, rawGoods, false);
            List<List<Resource>> eastMan = buildResourceList(east, manGoods, false);
            List<List<Resource>> westMan = buildResourceList(west, manGoods, false);

            getRemainingCostAndChoices(rawCost, playerRaw, rawCost, playerRaw);
            //rawCost and playerRaw should now be updated to apply player's raw goods to the cost, including choices
            //where only one choice is relevant, etc. playerRaw should only contain choices with multiple elements that
            //can't be reconciled simply.
            List<List<List<Resource>>> playerRawChoiceCombos = enumerateCombos(playerRaw);
            List<List<int>> rawSplits = new List<List<int>>();
            if (playerRawChoiceCombos.Count == 0)
                List<List<Dictionary<Resource, int>>> rawCostSplits = splitCost(rawCost);
                foreach (List<Dictionary<Resource, int>> costSplit in rawCostSplits)
                    Dictionary<Resource, int> cantCover = new Dictionary<Resource, int>();
                    List<List<Resource>> remainingResources = new List<List<Resource>>();
                    getRemainingCostAndChoices(costSplit[0], eastRaw, cantCover, remainingResources);
                    if (cantCover.Count > 0 && cantCover.Values.Count(x => x > 0) > 0) continue;
                    getRemainingCostAndChoices(costSplit[1], westRaw, cantCover, remainingResources);
                    if (cantCover.Count > 0 && cantCover.Values.Count(x => x > 0) > 0) continue;
                    rawSplits.Add(new List<int> { costSplit[0].Values.Sum() * player.rcostEast, costSplit[1].Values.Sum() * player.rcostWest });

            foreach (List<List<Resource>> combo in playerRawChoiceCombos)
                Dictionary<Resource, int> remainingRawCost = new Dictionary<Resource, int>();
                getRemainingCostAndChoices(rawCost, combo, remainingRawCost, combo);
                List<List<Dictionary<Resource, int>>> rawCostSplits = splitCost(remainingRawCost);
                foreach (List<Dictionary<Resource, int>> costSplit in rawCostSplits)
                    Dictionary<Resource, int> cantCover = new Dictionary<Resource, int>();
                    List<List<Resource>> remainingResources = new List<List<Resource>>();
                    getRemainingCostAndChoices(costSplit[0], eastRaw, cantCover, remainingResources);
                    if (cantCover.Count > 0 && cantCover.Values.Count(x => x > 0) > 0) continue;
                    getRemainingCostAndChoices(costSplit[1], westRaw, cantCover, remainingResources);
                    if (cantCover.Count > 0 && cantCover.Values.Count(x => x > 0) > 0) continue;
                    rawSplits.Add(new List<int> { costSplit[0].Values.Sum()*player.rcostEast, costSplit[1].Values.Sum()*player.rcostWest });

            getRemainingCostAndChoices(manCost, playerMan, manCost, playerMan);
            //manCost and playerMan should now be updated to apply player's man goods to the cost, including choices
            //where only one choice is relevant, etc. playerMan should only contain choices with multiple elements that
            //can't be reconciled simply.
            List<List<List<Resource>>> playerManChoiceCombos = enumerateCombos(playerMan);
            List<List<int>> manSplits = new List<List<int>>();
            if (playerManChoiceCombos.Count == 0)
                List<List<Dictionary<Resource, int>>> manCostSplits = splitCost(manCost);
                foreach (List<Dictionary<Resource, int>> costSplit in manCostSplits)
                    Dictionary<Resource, int> cantCover = new Dictionary<Resource, int>();
                    List<List<Resource>> remainingResources = new List<List<Resource>>();
                    getRemainingCostAndChoices(costSplit[0], eastMan, cantCover, remainingResources);
                    if (cantCover.Count > 0 && cantCover.Values.Count(x => x > 0) > 0) continue;
                    getRemainingCostAndChoices(costSplit[1], westMan, cantCover, remainingResources);
                    if (cantCover.Count > 0 && cantCover.Values.Count(x => x > 0) > 0) continue;
                    rawSplits.Add(new List<int> { costSplit[0].Values.Sum() * player.mcost, costSplit[1].Values.Sum() * player.mcost });
            foreach (List<List<Resource>> combo in playerManChoiceCombos)
                Dictionary<Resource, int> remainingManCost = new Dictionary<Resource, int>();
                getRemainingCostAndChoices(manCost, combo, remainingManCost, combo);
                List<List<Dictionary<Resource, int>>> manCostSplits = splitCost(remainingManCost);
                foreach (List<Dictionary<Resource, int>> costSplit in manCostSplits)
                    Dictionary<Resource, int> cantCover = new Dictionary<Resource, int>();
                    List<List<Resource>> remainingResources = new List<List<Resource>>();
                    getRemainingCostAndChoices(costSplit[0], eastMan, cantCover, remainingResources);
                    if (cantCover.Count > 0 && cantCover.Values.Count(x => x > 0) > 0) continue;
                    getRemainingCostAndChoices(costSplit[1], westMan, cantCover, remainingResources);
                    if (cantCover.Count > 0 && cantCover.Values.Count(x => x > 0) > 0) continue;
                    rawSplits.Add(new List<int> { costSplit[0].Values.Sum() * player.mcost, costSplit[1].Values.Sum() * player.mcost });

            if (rawSplits.Count == 0) rawSplits.Add(new List<int> { 0, 0 });
            if (manSplits.Count == 0) manSplits.Add(new List<int> { 0, 0 });

            foreach (List<int> option in rawSplits)
                foreach (List<int> option2 in manSplits)
                    splits.Add(new List<int> { option[0] + option2[0], option[1] + option2[1] });

            return splits;
 // Returns the number of coins awarded with the basis of Wonder stages built
 private static int GetCoinWonder(Player p, int amount)
     return p.getBoard().getStagesBuilt() * amount;
 // Victory Points awarded from the number of wonderstages built from each neighbour including the player
 private static void AddVictoryAllWonders(Player p, Player east, Player west)
     p.addScore(Score.VICTORY, GetVictoryAllWonders(p, east, west));
        public TradeInterface()
            : base("bg", new Vector2(Game1.WIDTH / 3, Game1.HEIGHT / 6), Game1.WIDTH * 2 / 3, Game1.HEIGHT * 2 / 3)
            CARDHEIGHT = height - MARGIN * 2;
            CARDWIDTH = (int) (CARDHEIGHT / CARDRATIO) - MARGIN * 2;
            SECTIONWIDTH = (width - MARGIN * 4) / 3;
            RSIZE = (int)(height * 0.054f);

            self = Game1.client.getSelf();
            west = Game1.client.westPlayer(self);
            east = Game1.client.eastPlayer(self);

            visuals1 = new Dictionary<string, Visual>();
            trade = new Dictionary<string, Visual>();
            requirements = new Dictionary<Visual, Resource>();
            selfChoices = new List<TradeChoice>();
            eastChoices = new List<TradeChoice>();
            westChoices = new List<TradeChoice>();

            card = new Visual(new Vector2(pos.X + MARGIN, pos.Y + MARGIN), CARDWIDTH, CARDHEIGHT, null);
            buildCard = new Button(new Vector2(pos.X + width - 150, pos.Y + MARGIN + height * 0 / 4), 100, 50, "Card", "Font1");
            buildStage = new Button(new Vector2(pos.X + width - 150, pos.Y + MARGIN * 2 + height * 1 / 4), 100, 50, "Stage", "Font1");
            sellCard = new Button(new Vector2(pos.X + width - 150, pos.Y + MARGIN * 3 + height * 2 / 4), 100, 50, "Sell", "Font1");
            close = new Button(new Vector2(pos.X + width - 150, pos.Y + MARGIN * 4 + height * 3 / 4), 100, 50, "Close", "Font1");

            back = new Button(new Vector2(pos.X + width / 5, pos.Y + height * 9 / 10), 100, 40, "Back", "Font1");
            build = new Button(new Vector2(pos.X + width * 3 / 5, pos.Y + height * 9 / 10), 100, 40, "Build", "Font1");

            visuals1.Add("buildcard", buildCard);
            visuals1.Add("buildstage", buildStage);
            visuals1.Add("sellCard", sellCard);
            visuals1.Add("card", card);
            visuals1.Add("close", close);

            trade.Add("discount", new Visual(new Vector2(pos.X + MARGIN * 2, pos.Y + MARGIN), "Requirements:", "Font1", Color.Black));
            trade.Add("costborder", new Visual(new Vector2(pos.X + MARGIN - 1, pos.Y + MARGIN - 1), SECTIONWIDTH + 2, (int)(RSIZE * 2.5f) + 2, "border").setBorder(false));
            trade.Add("label1", new Visual(new Vector2(pos.X + MARGIN * 2, pos.Y + (int)(RSIZE * 2.5) + MARGIN * 2), "West", "Font1", Color.Black));
            trade.Add("border1", new Visual(new Vector2(pos.X + MARGIN - 1, pos.Y + (int)(RSIZE * 2.5) + MARGIN * 2 - 1), SECTIONWIDTH + 2, (int)(RSIZE * 1.5f) + 2, "border").setBorder(false));
            trade.Add("label2", new Visual(new Vector2(pos.X + SECTIONWIDTH + MARGIN * 3, pos.Y + (int)(RSIZE * 2.5) + MARGIN * 2), "Self", "Font1", Color.Black));
            trade.Add("border2", new Visual(new Vector2(pos.X + SECTIONWIDTH + MARGIN * 2 - 1, pos.Y + (int)(RSIZE * 2.5) + MARGIN * 2 - 1), SECTIONWIDTH + 2, (int)(RSIZE * 1.5f) + 2, "border").setBorder(false));
            trade.Add("label3", new Visual(new Vector2(pos.X + (SECTIONWIDTH + MARGIN) * 2 + MARGIN * 2, pos.Y + (int)(RSIZE * 2.5) + MARGIN * 2), "East", "Font1", Color.Black));
            trade.Add("border3", new Visual(new Vector2(pos.X + (SECTIONWIDTH + MARGIN) * 2 + MARGIN - 1, pos.Y + (int)(RSIZE * 2.5) + MARGIN * 2 - 1), SECTIONWIDTH + 2, (int)(RSIZE * 1.5f) + 2, "border").setBorder(false));

            trade.Add("border4", new Visual(new Vector2(pos.X + (SECTIONWIDTH + MARGIN) * 0 + MARGIN - 1, pos.Y + RSIZE * 4 + MARGIN * 3 - 1), SECTIONWIDTH + 2, RSIZE * 6 + 2, "border").setBorder(false));
            trade.Add("border5", new Visual(new Vector2(pos.X + (SECTIONWIDTH + MARGIN) * 1 + MARGIN - 1, pos.Y + RSIZE * 4 + MARGIN * 3 - 1), SECTIONWIDTH + 2, RSIZE * 9 + 2, "border").setBorder(false));
            trade.Add("border6", new Visual(new Vector2(pos.X + (SECTIONWIDTH + MARGIN) * 2 + MARGIN - 1, pos.Y + RSIZE * 4 + MARGIN * 3 - 1), SECTIONWIDTH + 2, RSIZE * 6 + 2, "border").setBorder(false));

            trade.Add("border7", new Visual(new Vector2(pos.X + (SECTIONWIDTH + MARGIN) * 0 + MARGIN - 1, pos.Y + RSIZE * 10 + MARGIN * 3 - 1), SECTIONWIDTH + 2, RSIZE * 3 + 2, "border").setBorder(false));
            trade.Add("border8", new Visual(new Vector2(pos.X + (SECTIONWIDTH + MARGIN) * 2 + MARGIN - 1, pos.Y + RSIZE * 10 + MARGIN * 3 - 1), SECTIONWIDTH + 2, RSIZE * 3 + 2, "border").setBorder(false));

            westHelpers = new Dictionary<Resource, TradeHelper>();
            eastHelpers = new Dictionary<Resource, TradeHelper>();
            foreach (Resource r in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Resource))){
                if (r != Resource.COIN)
                    westHelpers.Add(r, new TradeHelper(r, 3, new Vector2(pos.X + MARGIN * 2, pos.Y + ((int)r + 4) * RSIZE + MARGIN * 3)));
                    eastHelpers.Add(r, new TradeHelper(r, 3, new Vector2(pos.X + SECTIONWIDTH * 2 + MARGIN * 4, pos.Y + ((int)r + 4) * RSIZE + MARGIN * 3)));


            trade.Add("back", back);
            trade.Add("build", build);

            trade.Add("rwest", new Visual(new Vector2(pos.X + width * 1 / 3 + MARGIN, pos.Y + MARGIN), 110, 45, "rwest"));
            trade.Add("reast", new Visual(new Vector2(pos.X + width * 1 / 3 + MARGIN, pos.Y + MARGIN), 110, 45, "reast"));
            trade.Add("rboth", new Visual(new Vector2(pos.X + width * 1 / 3 + MARGIN, pos.Y + MARGIN), 110, 45, "rboth"));
            trade.Add("mboth", new Visual(new Vector2(pos.X + width * 2 / 3 + MARGIN * 2, pos.Y + MARGIN), 110, 45, "mboth"));

            trade.Add("westCoin", new Visual(new Vector2(pos.X + SECTIONWIDTH/3 + MARGIN - 1, pos.Y + (int)(RSIZE * 13) + MARGIN * 5 - 1), RSIZE * 2, RSIZE * 2, westCoin.ToString(), "Font1", Color.Black, Color.White, "coin", Game1.HEIGHT / 70).setBorder(false));
            trade.Add("selfCoin", new Visual(new Vector2(pos.X + SECTIONWIDTH / 3 + (SECTIONWIDTH + MARGIN) * 1 + MARGIN - 1, pos.Y + (int)(RSIZE * 13) + MARGIN * 5 - 1), RSIZE * 2, RSIZE * 2, (self.getResourceNum(Resource.COIN) - westCoin - eastCoin).ToString(), "Font1", Color.Black, Color.White, "coin", Game1.HEIGHT / 70).setBorder(false));
            trade.Add("eastCoin", new Visual(new Vector2(pos.X + SECTIONWIDTH / 3 + (SECTIONWIDTH + MARGIN) * 2 + MARGIN - 1, pos.Y + (int)(RSIZE * 13) + MARGIN * 5 - 1), RSIZE * 2, RSIZE * 2, eastCoin.ToString(), "Font1", Color.Black, Color.White, "coin", Game1.HEIGHT / 70).setBorder(false));

            for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                requirements.Add(new Visual(new Vector2(pos.X + MARGIN * 2 + RSIZE * i, pos.Y + MARGIN + 30), RSIZE, RSIZE, null).setVisible(false), Resource.CLAY);

            activeVisuals = visuals1;
        // Returns the best Guild Card to copy from the player's neighbours
        private static Card GetGuildCopyCard(Player p, Player east, Player west)
            List<string> guilds = new List<string>();
            Dictionary<string, int> guildScore = new Dictionary<string, int>();
            string bestCard = null;
            int bestScore = 0;

            // Guild Cards taken from East Player
            foreach (string c in east.getPlayed())
                if (CardLibrary.getCard(c).colour.Equals(CardColour.PURPLE))

            // Guild Cards taken from West Player
            foreach (string c in west.getPlayed())
                if (CardLibrary.getCard(c).colour.Equals(CardColour.PURPLE))

            // Looping through the Guild Cards available to calculate the best guild
            foreach (string cardID in guilds)
                guildScore.Add(cardID, 0);
                foreach (Effect e in CardLibrary.getCard(cardID).effects)
                    if (e.type.Equals(Effect.TypeType.VICTORY) && e.from.Equals(Effect.FromType.NEIGHBOURS))
                        if (cardType.ContainsKey(e.basis))
                            guildScore[cardID] = GetVictoryNeighboursColour(east, west, cardType[e.basis], e.amount);
                        else if (e.basis.Equals(Effect.BasisType.DEFEAT))
                            //Need to finish the function called here
                            guildScore[cardID] = GetVictoryNeighboursConflict(east, west);
                    else if (e.type.Equals(Effect.TypeType.VICTORY) && e.from.Equals(Effect.FromType.PLAYER) && cardType.ContainsKey(e.basis))
                        guildScore[cardID] += GetVictoryColour(p, cardType[e.basis], e.amount); // Added multiple times
                    else if (e.type.Equals(Effect.TypeType.VICTORY) && e.from.Equals(Effect.FromType.ALL) && e.basis.Equals(Effect.BasisType.WONDER))
                        guildScore[cardID] = GetVictoryAllWonders(p, east, west);
                    else if (e.type.Equals(Effect.TypeType.SCHOICE))
                        //CalculateScience(g c t)
                        int gear = p.getScoreNum(Score.GEAR);
                        int comp = p.getScoreNum(Score.COMPASS);
                        int tab = p.getScoreNum(Score.TABLET);

                        int maxScience = Math.Max(Math.Max(
                            CalculateScience(gear + 1, comp, tab),
                            CalculateScience(gear, comp + 1, tab)),
                            CalculateScience(gear, comp, tab + 1));

                        guildScore[cardID] = maxScience;
            } // End Foreach string cardID in guilds

            // Finding the best guild Card
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> key in guildScore)
                if (key.Value > bestScore)
                    bestScore = key.Value;
                    bestCard = key.Key;

            // Returning the Best Guild Card
            return CardLibrary.getCard(bestCard);
 //Checks whether a player can build a card from a chain
 public static bool canChainBuild(Player player, Card card)
     foreach (string cardID in player.getPlayed())
         if (card.chains.Contains(CardLibrary.getCard(cardID).name)) return true;
     return false;
 // Victory Points returned from the number of wonderstages built from each neighbour including the player
 private static int GetVictoryAllWonders(Player p, Player east, Player west)
     return p.getBoard().getStagesBuilt() + east.getBoard().getStagesBuilt() + west.getBoard().getStagesBuilt();
 private static List<List<Resource>> buildResourceList(Player p, List<Resource> rSet, bool self)
     List<List<Resource>> resources = new List<List<Resource>>();
     Dictionary<Resource, int> playerResources = p.getResources();
     List<List<Resource>> playerChoices = self?p.getTotalChoices():p.getPublicChoices();
     foreach (Resource r in rSet)
         if (r != Resource.COIN)
             for (int i = 0; i < playerResources[r]; i++)
                 resources.Add(new List<Resource> { r });
     foreach (List<Resource> choice in playerChoices)
         List<Resource> l = new List<Resource>();
         if (!rSet.Contains(l[0])) continue;
     return resources;
 // Victory Points returned from the number of specific structure colour the player has constructed
 private static int GetVictoryColour(Player p, CardColour c, int amount)
     return p.getCardColourCount(c) * amount;
 // Victory Points returned from the number of specific structure colour each neighbours constructed
 private static int GetVictoryNeighboursColour(Player east, Player west, CardColour c, int amount)
     return (east.getCardColourCount(c) + west.getCardColourCount(c)) * amount;
 private static void AddResourceUnPurchaseable(Player p, List<Resource> r)