        private static void MouseMovement_Raw_S()
            Point mouse = Control.MousePosition;

            short joyX = 0;
            short joyY = 0;

            double x = Program.ActiveConfig.Mouse_Invert_X ?
                       centered.X - mouse.X : mouse.X - centered.X;
            double y = Program.ActiveConfig.Mouse_Invert_Y ?
                       mouse.Y - centered.Y : centered.Y - mouse.Y;

            x = x * Program.ActiveConfig.Mouse_Sensitivity_X;
            y = y * Program.ActiveConfig.Mouse_Sensitivity_Y;

            if (x > short.MaxValue)
                x = short.MaxValue;
            else if (x < short.MinValue)
                x = short.MinValue;

            if (y > short.MaxValue)
                y = short.MaxValue;
            else if (y < short.MinValue)
                y = short.MinValue;

            // Lets just first time apply raw values
            // to the sticks
            joyX = (short)x;
            joyY = (short)y;

        #if (DEBUG)
            PrintVals(joyX, joyY);
            Activate.Controller.RightStickX = joyX;
            Activate.Controller.RightStickY = joyY;

            Cursor.Position = centered;
        private static void SetAxis(short x, short y)
        #if (DEBUG)
            //Logger.appendLogLine("Mouse", $"Mouse (X, Y) = ({x.ToString().PadRight(6, ' ')}, {y.ToString().PadRight(6, ' ')})", Logger.Type.Controller);

            if (Program.ActiveConfig.Mouse_Is_RightStick)
                Activate.Controller.RightStickX = x;
                Activate.Controller.RightStickY = y;
                Activate.Controller.LeftStickX = x;
                Activate.Controller.LeftStickY = y;

        private static void MouseMovement_Default()
            Point mouse = Control.MousePosition;

            short joyX;
            short joyY;

            // I need to find a way to make this
            // more efficent.
            // How it works, its a simple concept that
            // killed my brain because  i suck at maths
            // somehow?
            // We want to get the percentage of the mouse
            // from the center and we use that value to
            // get the value of (mouse)% in Short.MaxValue,
            // this gives us a relative value for the joysticks
            // So in kinda laymans code terms:
            // let Percentage = % of Mouse from Center
            //  - This is the % of the mouse from the center
            //    of the screen, this allows us to make it
            //    relative to the joystick
            // Percentage = Percentage + (Percentage * Sensitivity)
            // let JoystickAXI = Calculate Value of (% of Max Short)
            // set Xbox.Joysticks.AXI = JoystickAXI
            // How it works past that, not even i know.
            // How well it works? Try it for your self its not perfect but it'll do.

            /* Calculate Joystick X */ {
                double x;
                if (Program.ActiveConfig.Mouse_Invert_X)
                    x = centered.X - mouse.X;
                    x = mouse.X - centered.X;

                double max        = (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 4) * 1.5;
                double current    = x + (x * Program.ActiveConfig.Mouse_Sensitivity_X);
                double percentage = (current / max) * Program.ActiveConfig.Mouse_FinalMod;
                double number     = iMax;
                double final      = number * percentage / 100;

                if (final >= iMax && final > 0)
                    final = iMax;
                else if (final <= iMin && final < 0)
                    final = iMin;

                joyX = Convert.ToInt16(final);

            /* Calculate Joystick Y */ {
                double y;
                if (Program.ActiveConfig.Mouse_Invert_Y)
                    y = mouse.Y - centered.Y;
                    y = centered.Y - mouse.Y;

                double max        = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 2;
                double current    = y + (y * Program.ActiveConfig.Mouse_Sensitivity_Y);
                double percentage = (current / max) * Program.ActiveConfig.Mouse_FinalMod;
                double number     = iMax;
                double final      = number * percentage / 100;

                if (final >= iMax && final > 0)
                    final = iMax;
                else if (final <= iMin && final < 0)
                    final = iMin;
                joyY = Convert.ToInt16(final);

            //PrintVals(joyX, joyY);
            Activate.Controller.RightStickX = joyX;
            Activate.Controller.RightStickY = joyY;

            Cursor.Position = centered;
        private static void MouseMovement_Relative()
            Point mouse = Control.MousePosition;
            short joyX  = Activate.Controller.RightStickX;
            short joyY  = Activate.Controller.RightStickY;

             * The idea is to do this
             * just increment the current JOY X and Y by using
             * translated values from the mouse's X and Y new positions
             * same as above/default but instead we are incrementing position
             * and decrementing rather than just setting

            /* Calculate Joystick X */ {
                double x;

                if (Program.ActiveConfig.Mouse_Invert_X)
                    x = centered.X - mouse.X;
                    x = mouse.X - centered.X;

                double max        = (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width / 4) * 1.5;
                double current    = x + (x * Program.ActiveConfig.Mouse_Sensitivity_X);
                double percentage = (current / max) * Program.ActiveConfig.Mouse_FinalMod;
                double number     = iMax;
                double final      = number * percentage / 100;

                if (final >= iMax && final > 0)
                    final = iMax;
                else if (final <= iMin && final < 0)
                    final = iMin;

                short tJoyX = Convert.ToInt16(final);
                joyX += tJoyX;

            /* Calculate Joystick Y */ {
                double y;
                if (Program.ActiveConfig.Mouse_Invert_Y)
                    y = mouse.Y - centered.Y;
                    y = centered.Y - mouse.Y;

                double max        = Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height / 2;
                double current    = y + (y * Program.ActiveConfig.Mouse_Sensitivity_Y);
                double percentage = (current / max) * Program.ActiveConfig.Mouse_FinalMod;
                double number     = iMax;
                double final      = number * percentage / 100;

                if (final >= iMax && final > 0)
                    final = iMax;
                else if (final <= iMin && final < 0)
                    final = iMin;

                short TJoyY = Convert.ToInt16(final);

                joyY += TJoyY;

            Activate.Controller.RightStickX = joyX;
            Activate.Controller.RightStickY = joyY;

            Cursor.Position = centered;