        static void Main(string[] args)
            //// Load a document we can play with.
            Document doc = LoadDocument.Default();


            // InlineLists.RunTests();


            // Comments.AddToEveryPara(doc);



            //// Save to a new file.
            doc.SaveAs2(Filepath.Full().Replace(".docx", "_2.docx"));

            //// Keep the console open even when the program has finished.
            ConsoleC.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Green, "\nThe program has finished.");
        //// This function demonstrates that we can add a comment to (nearly) every paragraph if we like.
        public static void AddToEveryPara(Document doc)
            ConsoleC.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.White, "Trying to write a comment on all the paragraphs!");

            //// Load the default instance of Document class.
            // Document doc = LoadDocument.Default();

            for (int i = 1; i < doc.Paragraphs.Count; i++)
                // Add a comment.
                    object text = "This is a comment on Paragraph " + i + ".";
                    doc.Comments.Add(doc.Paragraphs[i].Range, ref text);
                    ConsoleC.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Green, "Added a comment on Paragraph " + i + "!");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ConsoleC.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Red, "Failed to add a comment to Paragraph " + i + " — " + ex.ToString());

            //Save to a new file.
            doc.SaveAs2(Filepath.Full().Replace(".docx", "_2.docx"));
        public static void DetectHeaders(Document doc)
            try {
                for (int i = 1; i < doc.Paragraphs.Count; i++)
                    Paragraph paragraph = doc.Paragraphs[i];

                    Style  style     = paragraph.get_Style() as Style;
                    int    position  = paragraph.ParaID;
                    string styleName = style.NameLocal;
                    string text      = paragraph.Range.Text;

                    ConsoleC.Write(ConsoleColor.DarkCyan, styleName + "   ");
                    ConsoleC.Write(ConsoleColor.Cyan, position + "    ");
                    ConsoleC.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Blue, StringMethods.TrimAndShorten(text, 20));
                    ////This checks the spacing after every paragraph.
                    //if (position == 360681186)
                    //    ConsoleC.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Cyan, "Left indent: "+paragraph.Format.LeftIndent);

                    //This checks the heading size.
                    if (styleName == "Heading 1")
                        ConsoleC.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Green, "Acceptable heading size.");

                        //// Check whether the first-level heading is followed by
                        //// either a second-level heading or a 3–4 lines of body text.
                        DetectParaAfterHeadingOne(doc, i);
                    else if (styleName == "Heading 2")
                        ConsoleC.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Green, "Acceptable heading size.");
                    else if (styleName == "Heading 3")
                        ConsoleC.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Green, "Acceptable heading size.");
                    else if (styleName == "Heading 4")
                        ConsoleC.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Green, "Acceptable heading size.");
                    else if (styleName == "Heading 5" || styleName == "Heading 6")
                        ConsoleC.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Red, "Header is too small.");
                        Comments.Add(doc, paragraph, "Heading level should be 1, 2, 3, or 4, but this is a " + styleName + ".");
            catch (Exception ex)
                ConsoleC.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Red, "Error in DetectHeaders() — " + ex.ToString());
        //// Assuming the 'k'th paragraph in Document 'doc' is a first-level heading.
        //// Every first-level heading should be followed by either a second-level heading,
        //// circa 3 or 4 lines of body text and then a second-level heading,
        //// or body text and no subheading.
        public static void DetectParaAfterHeadingOne(Document doc, int k)
            ConsoleC.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.White, "Checking what’s after the heading...");
            try {
                Paragraph paragraph2 = doc.Paragraphs[k + 1];
                try {
                    Style  style2     = paragraph2.get_Style() as Style;
                    string styleName2 = style2.NameLocal;

                    if (styleName2 == "Heading 2")
                        ConsoleC.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Green, "First-level heading is followed by a second-level heading — good!");
                    //// Assuming 75 characters per line.
                    else if (paragraph2.Range.Text.Length > 150 && paragraph2.Range.Text.Length < 375)
                        ConsoleC.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Green, "First-level heading is followed by circa 3 or 4 lines of " + styleName2 + " — good!");
                        try {
                            Paragraph paragraph3 = doc.Paragraphs[k + 2];
                            Style     style3     = paragraph3.get_Style() as Style;
                            string    styleName3 = style3.NameLocal;

                            if (styleName3 == "Heading 2")
                                ConsoleC.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Blue, paragraph2.Range.Text);
                                string message = "After a first-level heading and before a second-level heading, there should be circa 3 or 4 lines of body text or none.";
                                ConsoleC.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Red, message);
                                Comments.Add(doc, paragraph2, message);
                                ConsoleC.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Green, "First-level heading is followed by " + styleName2 + " and " + styleName3 + " — good!");
                        catch {
                            ConsoleC.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Green, "First-level heading is followed by " + styleName2 + " — good!");
                catch {
                    ConsoleC.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Red, "Something failed with the style detection.");
            catch {
                ConsoleC.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Red, "The last paragraph in the document is should not be a heading.");
                Comments.Add(doc, doc.Paragraphs[k], "The last paragraph in the document should not be a heading.");
        //// Add() is overloaded such that it will accept either a Document, Paragraph, and String,
        //// or a Document, int, and string. The string is coerced into an object to work with interop.
        //// If the second parameter is an int 'k', it is treated as referring to the 'k'th word in the Document.
        public static void Add(Document doc, Paragraph placeForComment, object comment)
                ConsoleC.Write(ConsoleColor.White, "\nAdding a comment — ");
                ConsoleC.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Blue, comment);

                doc.Comments.Add(placeForComment.Range, ref comment);
                ConsoleC.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Red, "Failed to add a comment to paragraph!");
 //// This checks a document for all paragraphs containing inline lists.
 public static void DetectAll(Document doc)
     ConsoleC.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.White, "Checking every paragraph for inline lists...");
     foreach (Paragraph para in doc.Paragraphs)
         if (IsMatch(para.Range.Text))
             Comments.Add(doc, para, "This paragraph seems to contain a list. Consider rephrasing as a bulleted or numbered list.");
             ConsoleC.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Blue, para.Range.Text);
             ConsoleC.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Red, "This paragraph seems to contain a list. Consider rephrasing as a bulleted or numbered list.");
     ConsoleC.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.White, "The check for inline lists is complete.");
        public static void Add(Document doc, int k, object comment)
                ConsoleC.Write(ConsoleColor.White, "\nAdding a comment of ");
                ConsoleC.Write(ConsoleColor.Blue, comment);
                ConsoleC.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.White, " to word #" + k + ".");

                doc.Comments.Add(doc.Words[k], ref comment);

                ConsoleC.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Red, "Failed to add a comment to word #" + k + "!");
        // private static InteropManager im = new InteropManager(Filepath.Folder(), Filepath.FileOnly());

        // private static Word.Application wordDoc = im.getWord();
        // private static Document doc = wordDoc.Application.ActiveDocument;

        // Document wordDoc = im.getWord();
        //public Headers()

        public static void DetectLineSpacingAfterBullets(Document doc)
            ConsoleC.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.White, "Checking every bullet for 6pt line-spacing between indentation levels...");

            int badSpacingCount     = 0;
            int badSpacingFailCount = 0;

            // foreach (Paragraph paragraph in wordDoc.Application.ActiveDocument.Paragraphs)
            for (int i = 1; i < doc.Paragraphs.Count; i++)
                Paragraph paragraph  = doc.Paragraphs[i];
                Paragraph paragraph2 = doc.Paragraphs[i + 1];

                string listString  = paragraph.Range.ListFormat.ListString;
                string listString2 = paragraph2.Range.ListFormat.ListString;

                if (listString != "" && listString2 != "" && paragraph.Format.LeftIndent != paragraph2.Format.LeftIndent)
                    Style  style     = paragraph.get_Style() as Style;
                    string styleName = style.NameLocal;

                    if (styleName != "Heading 1" && styleName != "Heading 2" && styleName != "Heading 3" && styleName != "Heading 4")
                        if (paragraph.Format.SpaceAfter == 6)
                            //Console.WriteLine("That's the correct spacing");
                            ConsoleC.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Blue, paragraph.Range.Text);
                            //Console.WriteLine("This paragraph's left indent is different to the next paragraph's left indent.");

                            ConsoleC.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Yellow, "Detected line-spacing that should be 6pt but isn’t.");


                                paragraph.Format.SpaceAfter = 6;
                                ConsoleC.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Green, "Spacing has been changed to 6pt.");
                                Comments.Add(doc, paragraph, "Line-spacing has been changed to 6pt.");
                                ConsoleC.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Red, "Failed to automatically change line-spacing to 6pt.");
                                Comments.Add(doc, paragraph, "Line-spacing needs to change to 6pt.");
                        //ConsoleC.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Green, "This paragraph is a heading.");

            //// Give feedback having gone through the document.
            ConsoleC.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.White, "Finished checking every bullet.");
                (badSpacingCount == 0 ? ConsoleColor.Green : ConsoleColor.Yellow),
                "There were " + badSpacingCount + " instances where the spacing after a bullet " +
                "needed to be changed to 6pt before a bullet of a different indentation."
                (badSpacingFailCount == 0 ? ConsoleColor.Green : ConsoleColor.Red),
                "There are " + badSpacingFailCount + " instances where this could not be corrected automatically."

            //// Save to a new file.
            doc.SaveAs2(Filepath.Full().Replace(".docx", "_2.docx"));
        public static void LanguageChecker(Document doc)
                int count = doc.Words.Count;

                int countUKEnglish      = 0;
                int countUSEnglish      = 0;
                int countNotUKUSEnglish = 0;

                ConsoleC.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.White, "Checking the language of every word...");

                for (int k = 1; k <= count; k++)
                    //// Write a marker of where we are in the document every kth word.
                    if (k % 50 == 0)
                        ConsoleC.Write(ConsoleColor.Black, ConsoleColor.Gray, " " + k + " / " + count + " ");

                    string text = doc.Words[k].Text;

                    //// Check language

                    if (doc.Words[k].LanguageID == WdLanguageID.wdEnglishUK)
                        ConsoleC.Write(ConsoleColor.Green, text);
                        // ConsoleC.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Green, "\nThis is a UK/US English word.");
                    else if (doc.Words[k].LanguageID == WdLanguageID.wdEnglishUS)
                        ConsoleC.Write(ConsoleColor.Yellow, text);
                        if (countUSEnglish % 10 == 1)
                            Comments.Add(doc, k, "This is US English but should be UK English.");
                        ConsoleC.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Red, "\n" + text);
                        ConsoleC.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Red, "This is not a UK or US English word.");
                        if (countNotUKUSEnglish % 10 == 1)
                            Comments.Add(doc, k, "This is not UK English but should be.");

                //// Give feedback after all the words have been checked.
                ConsoleC.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.White, "\nFinished checking language.");

                ConsoleC.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Green, countUKEnglish + " words were UK English. This is good!");
                if (countUSEnglish > 0)
                    ConsoleC.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Yellow, countUSEnglish + " words were US English. Please change these to UK English.");
                if (countNotUKUSEnglish > 0)
                    ConsoleC.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Red, countNotUKUSEnglish + " words were neither. Please change these to UK English.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                ConsoleC.WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Red, ex.ToString());