private void BindDesignation()
            WebTransport.DAL.DesigRightsDAL objclsDesigRightsDAL = new WebTransport.DAL.DesigRightsDAL();
            var objDesignRights = objclsDesigRightsDAL.SelectDesignation();

            objclsDesigRightsDAL          = null;
            ddlDesignation.DataSource     = objDesignRights;
            ddlDesignation.DataTextField  = "Desig_Name";
            ddlDesignation.DataValueField = "Desig_Idno";
            ddlDesignation.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("--Select--", "0"));
        /// <summary>
        /// To Bind Desig DropDown
        /// </summary>
        private void BindDesignation()
            //  AutomobileOnline.Model.clsDesigRightsDAL objclsDesigRightsDAL = new AutomobileOnline.Model.clsDesigRightsDAL();
            WebTransport.DAL.DesigRightsDAL objclsDesigRightsDAL = new WebTransport.DAL.DesigRightsDAL();
            var objDesignRights = objclsDesigRightsDAL.SelectDesignation();

            objclsDesigRightsDAL     = null;
            ddlDesign.DataSource     = objDesignRights;
            ddlDesign.DataTextField  = "Desig_Name";
            ddlDesign.DataValueField = "Desig_Idno";
            ddlDesign.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("< Choose >", "0"));
        /// <summary>
        /// To Bind Grid
        /// </summary>
        private void BindGrid()
            // AutomobileOnline.Model.clsDesigRightsDAL objclsDesigRightsDAL = new AutomobileOnline.Model.clsDesigRightsDAL();
            WebTransport.DAL.DesigRightsDAL objclsDesigRightsDAL = new WebTransport.DAL.DesigRightsDAL();

            if (ddlType.SelectedItem.Text == "Form")
                var lstGridData = objclsDesigRightsDAL.SelectForGridTypeForm(Convert.ToInt32(ddlDesign.SelectedValue));
                objclsDesigRightsDAL = null;
                grdMain.DataSource   = lstGridData;

                int startRowOnPage = (grdMain.PageIndex * grdMain.PageSize) + 1;
                int lastRowOnPage  = startRowOnPage + grdMain.Rows.Count - 1;
                lblcontant.Text    = "Showing " + startRowOnPage.ToString() + " - " + lastRowOnPage.ToString() + " of " + lstGridData.Count.ToString();
                lblcontant.Visible = true;
                divpaging.Visible  = true;
            else if (ddlType.SelectedItem.Text == "Menu")
                var lstGridData = objclsDesigRightsDAL.SelectForGridTypeMenu(Convert.ToInt32(ddlDesign.SelectedValue));
                objclsDesigRightsDAL = null;
                grdMain.DataSource   = lstGridData;

                int startRowOnPage = (grdMain.PageIndex * grdMain.PageSize) + 1;
                int lastRowOnPage  = startRowOnPage + grdMain.Rows.Count - 1;
                lblcontant.Text    = "Showing " + startRowOnPage.ToString() + " - " + lastRowOnPage.ToString() + " of " + lstGridData.Count.ToString();
                lblcontant.Visible = true;
                divpaging.Visible  = true;
            else if (ddlType.SelectedItem.Text == "Report")
                var lstGridData = objclsDesigRightsDAL.SelectForGridTypeRep(Convert.ToInt32(ddlDesign.SelectedValue));
                objclsDesigRightsDAL = null;
                grdMain.DataSource   = lstGridData;

                int startRowOnPage = (grdMain.PageIndex * grdMain.PageSize) + 1;
                int lastRowOnPage  = startRowOnPage + grdMain.Rows.Count - 1;
                lblcontant.Text    = "Showing " + startRowOnPage.ToString() + " - " + lastRowOnPage.ToString() + " of " + lstGridData.Count.ToString();
                lblcontant.Visible = true;
                divpaging.Visible  = true;
                lblcontant.Visible = false;
                divpaging.Visible  = false;

            int count    = grdMain.Rows.Count;
            int RowCount = 0;

            foreach (GridViewRow row in grdMain.Rows)
                CheckBox chkSelect = (CheckBox)row.FindControl("chkSelect");
                if (chkSelect.Checked)
            if (RowCount == count)
                chkSelectAllRows.Checked     = true;
                imgBtnSelectAllRows.ImageUrl = "~/Images/SelectAll_Active.png";
                chkSelectAllRows.Checked     = false;
                imgBtnSelectAllRows.ImageUrl = "~/Images/SelectAll_Inactive.png";
            if (count > 0)
                selectall.Visible = true;
                selectall.Visible = false;
        protected void imgBtnSelectAllRows_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
            Int32  empIdno           = Convert.ToInt32((Session["UserIdno"] == null) ? "0" : Session["UserIdno"].ToString());
            int    value             = 0;
            string strMsg            = string.Empty;
            int    intDesigRghtsIdno = 0;

            // AutomobileOnline.Model.clsDesigRightsDAL objclsDesigRightsDAL = new AutomobileOnline.Model.clsDesigRightsDAL();
            WebTransport.DAL.DesigRightsDAL objclsDesigRightsDAL = new WebTransport.DAL.DesigRightsDAL();
            if (ddlType.SelectedItem.Text == "Form")
                var lstGridData = objclsDesigRightsDAL.SelectForGridTypeForm(Convert.ToInt32(ddlDesign.SelectedValue));
                int i           = 0;
                foreach (GridViewRow row in grdMain.Rows)
                    bool bAdd    = false;
                    bool bEdit   = false;
                    bool bView   = false;
                    bool bDelete = false;
                    bool bPrint  = false;
                    if (lstGridData.Count > 0)
                        intDesigRghtsIdno = Convert.ToInt32(DataBinder.Eval(lstGridData[i], "DesigRghts_Idno"));
                        CheckBox chkSelect = (CheckBox)row.FindControl("chkSelect");
                        if (chkSelect.Checked == true)
                            bAdd = true; bEdit = true; bView = true; bDelete = true; bPrint = true;
                        else if (chkSelect.Checked == false)
                            bAdd = false; bEdit = false; bView = false; bDelete = false; bPrint = false;
                        value = objclsDesigRightsDAL.UpdateAll(intDesigRghtsIdno, bAdd, bEdit, bView, bDelete, bPrint, empIdno);
                        bool bDesigRights = true;
                        if (bAdd == true && bEdit == true && bView == true && bDelete == true && bPrint == true)
                            bDesigRights = true;
                        if (bAdd == false && bEdit == false && bView == false && bDelete == false && bPrint == false)
                            bDesigRights = false;
                        int intDesigRights = 0;
                        intDesigRights = objclsDesigRightsDAL.UpdateDesigRights(Convert.ToInt32(ddlDesign.SelectedValue) /*intDesigRghtsIdno*/, bDesigRights);
            else if (ddlType.SelectedItem.Text == "Menu")
                var lstGridData = objclsDesigRightsDAL.SelectForGridTypeMenu(Convert.ToInt32(ddlDesign.SelectedValue));
                int i           = 0;
                foreach (GridViewRow row in grdMain.Rows)
                    bool bAdd    = false;
                    bool bEdit   = false;
                    bool bView   = false;
                    bool bDelete = false;
                    bool bPrint  = false;
                    if (lstGridData.Count > 0)
                        intDesigRghtsIdno = Convert.ToInt32(DataBinder.Eval(lstGridData[i], "DesigRghts_Idno"));
                        CheckBox chkSelect = (CheckBox)row.FindControl("chkSelect");
                        if (chkSelect.Checked == true)
                            bAdd = true; bEdit = true; bView = true; bDelete = true; bPrint = true;
                        else if (chkSelect.Checked == false)
                            bAdd = false; bEdit = false; bView = false; bDelete = false; bPrint = false;
                        value = objclsDesigRightsDAL.UpdateAll(intDesigRghtsIdno, bAdd, bEdit, bView, bDelete, bPrint, empIdno);
                        bool bDesigRights = true;
                        if (bAdd == true && bEdit == true && bView == true && bDelete == true && bPrint == true)
                            bDesigRights = true;
                        if (bAdd == false && bEdit == false && bView == false && bDelete == false && bPrint == false)
                            bDesigRights = false;
                        int intDesigRights = 0;
                        intDesigRights = objclsDesigRightsDAL.UpdateDesigRights(Convert.ToInt32(ddlDesign.SelectedValue) /*intDesigRghtsIdno*/, bDesigRights);
            else if (ddlType.SelectedItem.Text == "Report")
                var lstGridData = objclsDesigRightsDAL.SelectForGridTypeRep(Convert.ToInt32(ddlDesign.SelectedValue));
                int i           = 0;
                foreach (GridViewRow row in grdMain.Rows)
                    bool bAdd    = false;
                    bool bEdit   = false;
                    bool bView   = false;
                    bool bDelete = false;
                    bool bPrint  = false;
                    if (lstGridData.Count > 0)
                        intDesigRghtsIdno = Convert.ToInt32(DataBinder.Eval(lstGridData[i], "DesigRghts_Idno"));
                        CheckBox chkSelect = (CheckBox)row.FindControl("chkSelect");
                        if (chkSelect.Checked == true)
                            bAdd = true; bEdit = true; bView = true; bDelete = true; bPrint = true;
                        else if (chkSelect.Checked == false)
                            bAdd = false; bEdit = false; bView = false; bDelete = false; bPrint = false;
                        value = objclsDesigRightsDAL.UpdateAll(intDesigRghtsIdno, bAdd, bEdit, bView, bDelete, bPrint, empIdno);
                        bool bDesigRights = true;
                        if (bAdd == true && bEdit == true && bView == true && bDelete == true && bPrint == true)
                            bDesigRights = true;
                        if (bAdd == false && bEdit == false && bView == false && bDelete == false && bPrint == false)
                            bDesigRights = false;
                        int intDesigRights = 0;
                        intDesigRights = objclsDesigRightsDAL.UpdateDesigRights(Convert.ToInt32(ddlDesign.SelectedValue) /*intDesigRghtsIdno*/, bDesigRights);
            objclsDesigRightsDAL = null;
            if (value > 0)
                strMsg = "Record updated successfully.";
            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "alertstrMsg", "PassMessage('" + strMsg + "')", true);
        protected void grdMain_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
            Int32  empIdno           = Convert.ToInt32((Session["UserIdno"] == null) ? "0" : Session["UserIdno"].ToString());
            string strMsg            = string.Empty;
            int    intDesigRghtsIdno = 0;
            bool   bAdd    = false;
            bool   bEdit   = false;
            bool   bView   = false;
            bool   bDelete = false;
            bool   bPrint  = false;

            WebTransport.DAL.DesigRightsDAL objclsDesigRightsDAL = new WebTransport.DAL.DesigRightsDAL();
            HiddenField hiddesigId    = (HiddenField)grdMain.Rows[0].FindControl("hiddesigId");
            int         intDesignIdno = Convert.ToInt32(hiddesigId.Value);

            if (e.CommandName == "cmdAdd")
                string[] strAdd = Convert.ToString(e.CommandArgument).Split(new char[] { '_' });
                if (strAdd.Length > 1)
                    intDesigRghtsIdno = Convert.ToInt32(strAdd[0]);
                    if (Convert.ToBoolean(strAdd[1]) == true)
                        bAdd = false;
                        bAdd = true;

                    int value = objclsDesigRightsDAL.UpdateAdd(intDesigRghtsIdno, bAdd, empIdno);
                    objclsDesigRightsDAL = null;
                    if (value > 0)
                        strMsg = "Record updated successfully.";
            if (e.CommandName == "cmdEdit")
                string[] strEdit = Convert.ToString(e.CommandArgument).Split(new char[] { '_' });
                if (strEdit.Length > 1)
                    intDesigRghtsIdno = Convert.ToInt32(strEdit[0]);
                    if (Convert.ToBoolean(strEdit[1]) == true)
                        bEdit = false;
                        bEdit = true;
                    int value = objclsDesigRightsDAL.UpdateEdit(intDesigRghtsIdno, bEdit, empIdno);
                    objclsDesigRightsDAL = null;
                    if (value > 0)
                        strMsg = "Record updated successfully.";
            if (e.CommandName == "cmdView")
                string[] strView = Convert.ToString(e.CommandArgument).Split(new char[] { '_' });
                if (strView.Length > 1)
                    intDesigRghtsIdno = Convert.ToInt32(strView[0]);
                    if (Convert.ToBoolean(strView[1]) == true)
                        bView = false;
                        bView = true;
                    int value = objclsDesigRightsDAL.UpdateView(intDesigRghtsIdno, bView, empIdno);
                    objclsDesigRightsDAL = null;
                    if (value > 0)
                        strMsg = "Record updated successfully.";
            if (e.CommandName == "cmdDelete")
                string[] strDelete = Convert.ToString(e.CommandArgument).Split(new char[] { '_' });
                if (strDelete.Length > 1)
                    intDesigRghtsIdno = Convert.ToInt32(strDelete[0]);
                    if (Convert.ToBoolean(strDelete[1]) == true)
                        bDelete = false;
                        bDelete = true;
                    int value = objclsDesigRightsDAL.UpdateDelete(intDesigRghtsIdno, bDelete, empIdno);
                    objclsDesigRightsDAL = null;
                    if (value > 0)
                        strMsg = "Record updated successfully.";
            if (e.CommandName == "cmdPrint")
                string[] strPrint = Convert.ToString(e.CommandArgument).Split(new char[] { '_' });
                if (strPrint.Length > 1)
                    intDesigRghtsIdno = Convert.ToInt32(strPrint[0]);
                    if (Convert.ToBoolean(strPrint[1]) == true)
                        bPrint = false;
                        bPrint = true;
                    int value = objclsDesigRightsDAL.UpdatePrint(intDesigRghtsIdno, bPrint, empIdno);
                    objclsDesigRightsDAL = null;
                    if (value > 0)
                        strMsg = "Record updated successfully.";
            if (e.CommandName == "cmdSelectAll")
                string[] strAll = Convert.ToString(e.CommandArgument).Split(new char[] { '_' });
                if (strAll.Length > 1)
                    intDesigRghtsIdno = Convert.ToInt32(strAll[0]);
                    int         value     = 0;
                    GridViewRow row       = (GridViewRow)(((Control)e.CommandSource).NamingContainer);
                    CheckBox    chkSelect = (CheckBox)row.FindControl("chkSelect");
                    if (chkSelect.Checked == true)
                        bAdd = true; bEdit = true; bView = true; bDelete = true; bPrint = true;
                    else if (chkSelect.Checked == false)
                        bAdd = false; bEdit = false; bView = false; bDelete = false; bPrint = false;
                    value = objclsDesigRightsDAL.UpdateAll(intDesigRghtsIdno, bAdd, bEdit, bView, bDelete, bPrint, empIdno);
                    objclsDesigRightsDAL = null;
                    if (value > 0)
                        strMsg = "Record updated successfully.";
            bool bDesigRights = true;

            if (bAdd == true && bEdit == true && bView == true && bDelete == true && bPrint == true)
                bDesigRights = true;
            if (bAdd == false && bEdit == false && bView == false && bDelete == false && bPrint == false)
                bDesigRights = false;
            int intDesigRights = 0;

            //  AutomobileOnline.Model.clsDesigRightsDAL objclsDesigRightsDAL1 = new AutomobileOnline.Model.clsDesigRightsDAL();
            WebTransport.DAL.DesigRightsDAL objclsDesigRightsDAL1 = new WebTransport.DAL.DesigRightsDAL();
            intDesigRights        = objclsDesigRightsDAL1.UpdateDesigRights(intDesignIdno, bDesigRights);
            objclsDesigRightsDAL1 = null;
            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "alertstrMsg", "PassMessage('" + strMsg + "')", true);