        private void PacketSource_ReceivedPacket(PacketSource <WaxPacket> sender, PacketEventArgs <WaxPacket> e)
            // If a correctly parsed packet...
            if (e.Packet != null && e.Packet is WaxPacket)
                WaxPacket packet = (WaxPacket)e.Packet;

                //Console.WriteLine("[" + packet.Timestamp + "]");

                lock (SyncRoot)
                    if (!waxDevices.ContainsKey(packet.DeviceId))
                        // Create new device
                        waxDevices.Add(packet.DeviceId, new WaxDevice(packet.DeviceId, packet.Timestamp));
                        OnNewDevice(new ManagerEventArgs(waxDevices[packet.DeviceId]));
                    WaxDevice waxDevice = waxDevices[packet.DeviceId];


                    // Forward packet to all destinations
                    foreach (PacketDest <WaxPacket> dest in packetDests)

                    if (packet != null)
                        DebugString = packet.ToString();
                OnReceivedPacket(new ManagerEventArgs(waxDevices[packet.DeviceId], packet));
 public ManagerEventArgs(WaxDevice device, WaxPacket packet)
     Device = device;
     Packet = packet;
 public ManagerEventArgs(WaxDevice device)
     Device = device;
 public ManagerEventArgs(WaxDevice device, WaxPacket packet)
     Device = device;
     Packet = packet;
 public ManagerEventArgs(WaxDevice device)
     Device = device;
        // draws to the HistoryPanel
        protected void DrawGraph(int num, Graphics g, Rectangle rect, WaxDevice device)
            List<PointF> accelXPoints = new List<PointF>();
            List<PointF> accelYPoints = new List<PointF>();
            List<PointF> accelZPoints = new List<PointF>();
            List<PointF> accelVPoints = new List<PointF>();

            Pen penX = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(0x80, Color.Pink), 4.0f); Pen penX2 = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(0x80, penX.Color), 1.0f); penX2.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash;
            Pen penY = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(0x80, Color.LightGreen), 4.0f); Pen penY2 = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(0x80, penY.Color), 1.0f); penY2.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash;
            Pen penZ = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(0x80, Color.LightBlue), 4.0f); Pen penZ2 = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(0x80, penZ.Color), 1.0f); penZ2.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash;
            Pen penV = null, penV2 = null;
            //penV = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(0x80, Color.Gray), 2.0f); penV2 = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(0x80, penV.Color), 1.0f); penV2.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash;

            penX.LineJoin = LineJoin.Round; penX2.LineJoin = LineJoin.Round;
            penY.LineJoin = LineJoin.Round; penY2.LineJoin = LineJoin.Round;
            penZ.LineJoin = LineJoin.Round; penZ2.LineJoin = LineJoin.Round;
            if (penV != null) { penV.LineJoin = LineJoin.Round; }
            if (penV2 != null) { penV2.LineJoin = LineJoin.Round; }

            Pen axis = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(0x80, Color.White), 1.0f);
            Pen axis2 = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(0x80, axis.Color), 1.0f); axis2.DashStyle = DashStyle.Custom; axis2.DashPattern = new float[] { 8.0f, 4.0f };

            long latestTime = long.MinValue, earliestTime = long.MaxValue; // latestTime - (WAX.MAX_HISTORY * (1000 / 10));
            int min = -1, max = 1;
            float minV = 0.0f, maxV = 0.00001f;
            if (scaleMode == 2)
                penV = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(0x80, Color.Orange), 4.0f); penV2 = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(0x80, penV.Color), 1.0f); penV2.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash;
                minV = float.MaxValue; maxV = float.MinValue; min = int.MaxValue; max = int.MinValue;
            foreach (WaxSample sample in device.Samples)
                if ((long)sample.Index < earliestTime) { earliestTime = (long)sample.Index; }
                if ((long)sample.Index > latestTime) { latestTime = (long)sample.Index; }
                if (sample.X < min) { min = sample.X; }
                if (sample.X > max) { max = sample.X; }
                if (sample.Y < min) { min = sample.Y; }
                if (sample.Y > max) { max = sample.Y; }
                if (sample.Z < min) { min = sample.Z; }
                if (sample.Z > max) { max = sample.Z; }
                if (sample.V < minV) { minV = sample.V; }
                if (sample.V > maxV) { maxV = sample.V; }

            if (scaleMode != 2)
                if (max > -min) { min = -max; }
                if (min < -max) { max = -min; }

            if (scaleMode == 1) { min = -512; max = 512; }  // Fixed scale for XYZ, auto V
            //            else if (scaleMode == 2) { minV = min = (int)Math.Min(min, minV); maxV = max = (int)Math.Max(max, maxV); }      // Same scale for XYZW (non-accel data)

            // Fix time
            //earliestTime = latestTime - (WAX.MAX_HISTORY * (1000 / 10));
            earliestTime = latestTime - 500;

            //g.TranslateTransform(Translation.X, Translation.Y);
            g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
            //g.FillRectangle(((num & 1) == 0) ? SystemBrushes.ControlLight : SystemBrushes.Control, rect);
            g.FillRectangle(((num & 1) == 0) ? Brushes.Black : new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(33, 33, 33)), rect);

            if (scaleMode == 1)
                float y;
                int range = max - min;
                if (range == 0) { range = 1; }

                // 0g
                y = rect.Top + rect.Height - ((0 - min) * rect.Height / range);
                g.DrawLine(axis, (float)rect.Left, y, (float)rect.Right, y);

                if (scaleMode != 2)
                    // -1g
                    y = rect.Top + rect.Height - ((-256 - min) * rect.Height / range);
                    g.DrawLine(axis2, (float)rect.Left, y, (float)rect.Right, y);

                    // +1g
                    y = rect.Top + rect.Height - ((256 - min) * rect.Height / range);
                    g.DrawLine(axis2, (float)rect.Left, y, (float)rect.Right, y);

            Brush fontBrush = Brushes.Black;
            Font font = DefaultFont;
            fontBrush = Brushes.White;
            font = new Font("Courier New", 14.0f);  // FontFamily.GenericMonospace,

            if (latestTime > earliestTime)
                ulong lastTime = 0;
                foreach (WaxSample sample in device.Samples)
                    if (!sample.valid) { continue; }
                    long missing = (long)(sample.Index - lastTime);
                    lastTime = sample.Index;

                    float x = rect.Left + ((long)sample.Index - earliestTime) * (float)rect.Width / (latestTime - earliestTime);

                    // Cope with discontinuity
                    float lxx = 0, lx = 0, ly = 0, lz = 0, lv = 0;
                    if (missing > 1 && accelXPoints.Count >= 2)
                        if (accelXPoints.Count >= 2) { g.DrawLines(penX, accelXPoints.ToArray()); }
                        if (accelYPoints.Count >= 2) { g.DrawLines(penY, accelYPoints.ToArray()); }
                        if (accelZPoints.Count >= 2) { g.DrawLines(penZ, accelZPoints.ToArray()); }
                        if (penV != null && accelVPoints.Count >= 2) { g.DrawLines(penV, accelVPoints.ToArray()); }
                        lxx = accelXPoints[accelXPoints.Count - 1].X;
                        lx = accelXPoints[accelXPoints.Count - 1].Y;
                        ly = accelYPoints[accelYPoints.Count - 1].Y;
                        lz = accelZPoints[accelZPoints.Count - 1].Y;
                        lv = accelVPoints[accelVPoints.Count - 1].Y;

            if ((max - min) == 0) { max++; }
            if ((maxV - minV) == 0) { maxV++; }

                    float xy = rect.Top + rect.Height - ((sample.X - min) * rect.Height / (max - min));
                    float yy = rect.Top + rect.Height - ((sample.Y - min) * rect.Height / (max - min));
                    float zy = rect.Top + rect.Height - ((sample.Z - min) * rect.Height / (max - min));
                    float vy = rect.Top + rect.Height - ((sample.V - minV) * rect.Height / (maxV - minV));

                    if (xy < rect.Top) { xy = rect.Top; } if (xy > rect.Top + rect.Height - 1) { xy = rect.Top + rect.Height - 1; }
                    if (yy < rect.Top) { yy = rect.Top; } if (yy > rect.Top + rect.Height - 1) { yy = rect.Top + rect.Height - 1; }
                    if (zy < rect.Top) { zy = rect.Top; } if (zy > rect.Top + rect.Height - 1) { zy = rect.Top + rect.Height - 1; }
                    if (vy < rect.Top) { vy = rect.Top; } if (vy > rect.Top + rect.Height - 1) { vy = rect.Top + rect.Height - 1; }

                    // Draw dashed continuity lines
                    if (missing > 1)
                        if (lxx != 0 || lx != 0) { g.DrawLine(penX2, lxx, lx, x, xy); }
                        if (lxx != 0 || ly != 0) { g.DrawLine(penY2, lxx, ly, x, yy); }
                        if (lxx != 0 || lz != 0) { g.DrawLine(penZ2, lxx, lz, x, zy); }
                        if (lxx != 0 || lv != 0) { if (penV2 != null) { g.DrawLine(penV2, lxx, lv, x, vy); } }

                    accelXPoints.Add(new PointF(x, xy));
                    accelYPoints.Add(new PointF(x, yy));
                    accelZPoints.Add(new PointF(x, zy));
                    accelVPoints.Add(new PointF(x, vy));

                if (accelXPoints.Count >= 2) { g.DrawLines(penX, accelXPoints.ToArray()); }
                if (accelYPoints.Count >= 2) { g.DrawLines(penY, accelYPoints.ToArray()); }
                if (accelZPoints.Count >= 2) { g.DrawLines(penZ, accelZPoints.ToArray()); }
                if (accelVPoints.Count >= 2 && penV != null) { g.DrawLines(penV, accelVPoints.ToArray()); }

            int deviceId = device.DeviceId;
            string label = deviceId.ToString();
            SizeF labelSize = g.MeasureString(label, font);
            g.DrawString(label, font, fontBrush, (float)rect.Width - labelSize.Width - 5, (float)rect.Y + 5);
            g.DrawString(label, font, fontBrush, (float)rect.X + 5, (float)rect.Y + 5);

            if (device.Samples.Count > 0)
                WaxSample lastSample = device.Samples[device.Samples.Count - 1];
                if (scaleMode == 2)
                    g.DrawString("motion = " + lastSample.X.ToString(), font, fontBrush, (float)rect.X + 5, (float)rect.Y + 5 + 1 * font.Height);
                    g.DrawString("temp   = " + lastSample.Y.ToString(), font, fontBrush, (float)rect.X + 5, (float)rect.Y + 5 + 2 * font.Height);
                    g.DrawString("light  = " + lastSample.Z.ToString(), font, fontBrush, (float)rect.X + 5, (float)rect.Y + 5 + 3 * font.Height);
                    g.DrawString("sound  = " + lastSample.V.ToString(), font, fontBrush, (float)rect.X + 5, (float)rect.Y + 5 + 4 * font.Height);
                    g.DrawString("x = " + (lastSample.X / 256.0f).ToString(), font, fontBrush, (float)rect.X + 5, (float)rect.Y + 5 + 1 * font.Height);
                    g.DrawString("y = " + (lastSample.Y / 256.0f).ToString(), font, fontBrush, (float)rect.X + 5, (float)rect.Y + 5 + 2 * font.Height);
                    g.DrawString("z = " + (lastSample.Z / 256.0f).ToString(), font, fontBrush, (float)rect.X + 5, (float)rect.Y + 5 + 3 * font.Height);