public ActionResult AddNewLead(NewLeadViewModel newLeadViewModel)

                var insertNewLeadResponse = AddLead(newLeadViewModel);

                var result = insertNewLeadResponse < 0 ? "Error" : "Success";

                var message = insertNewLeadResponse< 0? "There were errors while trying to add the new lead.":"New Lead Successfully Added";

                return Json(new { Result = result, Message = message });
            catch (Exception e)
                return Json(new {Result = "Error", Message = "There were errors while trying to add the new lead."});
        private void SetUpNewLead(NewLeadViewModel newLeadViewModel)
            var userInSession = HttpContext.Session[Utils.UserKey] as UserModel;

            if (!userInSession.IsNull())
                //It means the user logged is an agentID
                if (userInSession.EmployeeId > 0)
                    newLeadViewModel.UserAdder_empId = userInSession.EmployeeId;
                    //Otherwise it's a Merchant and it's passed in the MID parameter
                    newLeadViewModel.MID = GetLoggedUserId();

            //Defining the next visit(To be changed)
            newLeadViewModel.Source = "Virtual Office Web Site";
            newLeadViewModel.status_id = 10;
            newLeadViewModel.nextVisit = DateTime.Today.AddMonths(1);
        private int AddLead(NewLeadViewModel newLeadViewModel)
            var getAddNewLeadRequestInfo = Utils.GetRequestInfo(Method.POST, "/api/Lead/Add");

            var insertLeadResponse = _webClient.Execute<AddNewLeadResponse>(newLeadViewModel, ApiUrls.API_KEY, ApiUrls.API_SECRET, getAddNewLeadRequestInfo);

            return insertLeadResponse.LeadId;