    void FixedUpdate()
        // Update the ping client UI with the ping statistics computed by teh job scheduled previous frame since that
        // is now guaranteed to have completed
        PingClientUIBehaviour.UpdateStats(m_numPingsSent, m_lastPingTime);

        // Update the NetworkDriver. It schedules a job so we must wait for that job with Complete

        // If the client ui indicates we should be sending pings but we do not have an active connection we create one
        if (PingClientUIBehaviour.ServerEndPoint.IsValid && !m_clientToServerConnection.IsCreated)
            m_clientToServerConnection = m_ClientDriver.Connect(PingClientUIBehaviour.ServerEndPoint);
        // If the client ui indicates we should not be sending pings but we do have a connection we close that connection
        if (!PingClientUIBehaviour.ServerEndPoint.IsValid && m_clientToServerConnection.IsCreated)
            m_clientToServerConnection = default(NetworkConnection);

        DataStreamReader strm;

        NetworkEvent.Type cmd;
        // Process all events on the connection. If the connection is invalid it will return Empty immediately
        while ((cmd = m_clientToServerConnection.PopEvent(m_ClientDriver, out strm)) != NetworkEvent.Type.Empty)
            if (cmd == NetworkEvent.Type.Connect)
                // When we get the connect message we can start sending data to the server
                // Set the ping id to a sequence number for the new ping we are about to send
                m_pendingPing = new PendingPing {
                    id = m_numPingsSent, time = Time.fixedTime
                // Create a 4 byte data stream which we can store our ping sequence number in
                var pingData = new DataStreamWriter(4, Allocator.Temp);
                m_clientToServerConnection.Send(m_ClientDriver, pingData);
                // Update the number of sent pings
            else if (cmd == NetworkEvent.Type.Data)
                // When the pong message is received we calculate the ping time and disconnect
                m_lastPingTime = (int)((Time.fixedTime - m_pendingPing.time) * 1000);
                m_clientToServerConnection = default(NetworkConnection);
            else if (cmd == NetworkEvent.Type.Disconnect)
                // If the server disconnected us we clear out connection
                m_clientToServerConnection = default(NetworkConnection);
    // Update is called once per frame
    private void Update()

        if (!m_Connection.IsCreated)
            if (!Done)
                Debug.Log("Something went wrong during connection");


        NetworkEvent.Type cmd;

        while ((cmd = m_Connection.PopEvent(m_Driver, out DataStreamReader stream)) != NetworkEvent.Type.Empty)
            switch (cmd)
            case NetworkEvent.Type.Connect:
                Debug.Log("We are now connected to the server.");
                var value = 1;

                using (var writer = new DataStreamWriter(4, Allocator.Temp))
                    m_Connection.Send(m_Driver, writer);


            case NetworkEvent.Type.Data:
                var  readerCtx   = default(DataStreamReader.Context);
                uint streamValue = stream.ReadUInt(ref readerCtx);

                Debug.Log("Got the value = " + streamValue + " back from the server.");

                Done = true;
                m_Connection = default;


            case NetworkEvent.Type.Disconnect:
                Debug.Log("Client got disconnected from the server.");
                m_Connection = default;


            case NetworkEvent.Type.Empty: