        }                                                 // 4 bytes

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the Tennis_Management_Software.Coach class.
        /// </summary>
        public Coach()
            HourlyPaymentRate      = 0;
            ExtraHourlyPaymentRate = 0;
            TennisPlayerInfo       = new TennisPlayerInformation <CoachTimetable>();
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialises a new instance of the Tennis_Management_Software.Student class.
 /// </summary>
 public Student(uint id, string name, string surname, PersonGender gender,
                string phoneNumber, string homePhoneNumber, string homeAddress,
                DateTime dateOfBirth, string email, StudentSkillLevel studentLevel,
                List <StudentTimetable> studentTimetableList, string fatherWorkAddress,
                string motherWorkAddress, string fatherPhoneNumber, string motherPhoneNumber,
                uint studentTennisAssociationNum, uint healthCertificateNum)
     this.ID                   = id;
     this.Name                 = name;
     this.Surname              = surname;
     this.Gender               = gender;
     this.PhoneNumber          = phoneNumber;
     this.HomePhoneNumber      = homePhoneNumber;
     this.HomeAddress          = homeAddress;
     this.DateOfBirth          = dateOfBirth;
     this.Email                = email;
     this.StudentLevel         = studentLevel;
     this.FatherName           = fatherWorkAddress;
     this.MotherName           = motherWorkAddress;
     this.FatherPhoneNumber    = fatherPhoneNumber;
     this.MotherPhoneNumber    = motherPhoneNumber;
     this.TennisAssociationNum = studentTennisAssociationNum;
     this.HealthCertificateNum = healthCertificateNum;
     TennisPlayerInfo          = new TennisPlayerInformation <StudentTimetable>(studentTimetableList);
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the Tennis_Management_Software.Coach class.
 /// </summary>
 public Coach(uint id, string name, string surname, PersonGender gender, string email,
              string phoneNumber, string homePhoneNumber, string homeAddress, DateTime dateOfBirth,
              float hourlyPaymentRate, float extraHourlyPaymentRate, List <CoachTimetable> timetableList)
     this.ID                     = id;
     this.Name                   = name;
     this.Surname                = surname;
     this.Gender                 = gender;
     this.Email                  = email;
     this.PhoneNumber            = phoneNumber;
     this.HomePhoneNumber        = homePhoneNumber;
     this.HomeAddress            = homeAddress;
     this.DateOfBirth            = dateOfBirth;
     this.HourlyPaymentRate      = hourlyPaymentRate;
     this.ExtraHourlyPaymentRate = extraHourlyPaymentRate;
     TennisPlayerInfo            = new TennisPlayerInformation <CoachTimetable>(timetableList);