		internal override void LoadCompileTimeReferencedAssemblies(AssemblyLoader/*!*/ loader)

			foreach (string full_name in GetAttribute().ReferencedAssemblies)
				loader.Load(full_name, null, null);
 internal AssemblyLog(AssemblyLoader.LoadedAssembly assembly)
     name = assembly.assembly.GetName().Name;
     version = assembly.assembly.GetName().Version.ToString();
     infoVersion = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(assembly.assembly.Location).ProductVersion; 
     location = assembly.url.ToString();
 /// <summary>
 ///     This API supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and is not intended to be used
 ///     directly from your code. This API may change or be removed in future releases.
 /// </summary>
 public DesignTimeServicesBuilder(
     [NotNull] AssemblyLoader assemblyLoader,
     [NotNull] StartupInvoker startupInvoker)
     _assemblyLoader = assemblyLoader;
     _startup = startupInvoker;
        public void Can_load_external_dlls_from_outside_bin_directory()
            string libDir = GetLibDirectory();
            string graphSharpFullPath = Path.Combine(libDir, "GraphSharp.dll");

            AssemblyDependencyGraph graph = _graphBuilder.BuildAssemblyDependencyGraph();

            Assembly graphSharpAssembly = new AssemblyLoader().LoadAssembly(graphSharpFullPath);
            IEnumerable<Assembly> dependencies = graph.GetDependantAssemblies(graphSharpAssembly);
            dependencies.Single(o => o.GetName().Name == "QuickGraph");
		public static void InitializeDatabase(
            AssemblyLoader assemblyLoader, 
            string contextAssemblyPath, 
            string contextName, 
            string serverName,
			string databaseName)
			assemblyLoader.Load(MigrationsSource.Deployed, contextAssemblyPath);

			using (
				var context =
					Assembly.LoadFile(contextAssemblyPath).CreateInstance(contextName) as DbContext)
						"Server={0};Initial Catalog={1};Integrated Security=true;Application Name=Galen.Ci.EntityFramework.Tests;",
						serverName, databaseName);
		internal AssemblyLog(AssemblyLoader.LoadedAssembly Assembly)
			assemblyLoaded = Assembly.assembly;
			var ainfoV = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(Assembly.assembly, typeof(AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute)) as AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute;
			var afileV = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(Assembly.assembly, typeof(AssemblyFileVersionAttribute)) as AssemblyFileVersionAttribute;

			switch (afileV == null)
				case true: fileVersion = ""; break;
				default: fileVersion = afileV.Version; break;

			switch (ainfoV == null)
				case true: infoVersion = ""; break;
				default: infoVersion = ainfoV.InformationalVersion; break;

			name = Assembly.assembly.GetName().Name;
			version = Assembly.assembly.GetName().Version.ToString();
			location = Assembly.url.ToString();
        internal AssemblyClassLoader(Assembly assembly, string[] fixedReferences)
            : base(CodeGenOptions.None, null)
            this.assemblyLoader = new AssemblyLoader(assembly);
            this.references = fixedReferences;

            #if STATIC_COMPILER
            if (assembly.GetManifestResourceInfo("ikvm.exports") != null)
                using (Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("ikvm.exports"))
                    BinaryReader rdr = new BinaryReader(stream);
                    int assemblyCount = rdr.ReadInt32();
                    for (int i = 0; i < assemblyCount; i++)
                        string assemblyName = rdr.ReadString();
                        int typeCount = rdr.ReadInt32();
                        for (int j = 0; j < typeCount; j++)
                        if (typeCount != 0)
                            IkvmcCompiler.resolver.AddHintPath(assemblyName, Path.GetDirectoryName(assembly.Location));
 private AssemblyLoader GetLoaderForExportedAssembly(Assembly assembly)
     AssemblyLoader loader;
     lock (exportedLoaders)
         exportedLoaders.TryGetValue(assembly, out loader);
     if (loader == null)
         loader = new AssemblyLoader(assembly);
         lock (exportedLoaders)
             AssemblyLoader existing;
             if (exportedLoaders.TryGetValue(assembly, out existing))
                 // another thread beat us to it
                 loader = existing;
                 exportedLoaders.Add(assembly, loader);
     return loader;
        private void DiscoverAssemblies(AssemblyLoader loader, List<string> exclusionList, bool validate = true)
            var result = loader.DiscoverAssemblies();

            var text = new StringBuilder();
            text.Append("\nFound assemblies:");
            foreach (var i in result)
                text.Append(String.Format("\n\t* {0}", i));

            if (validate)
                var found = false;
                foreach (var i in result)
                    var fileName = Path.GetFileName(i);
                    // we shouldn't have any blacklisted assemblies in the list.
                    Assert.IsFalse(exclusionList.Contains(fileName), "Assemblies on an exclusion list should be ignored.");     
                    if (fileName == ExpectedFileName)
                        found = true;
                        "{0} should have been found by the assembly loader", 
        /// <summary>
        /// Emits the compilation into given <see cref="ModuleBuilder"/> using Reflection.Emit APIs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="compilation">Compilation.</param>
        /// <param name="moduleBuilder">
        /// The module builder to add the types into. Can be reused for multiple compilation units.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="assemblyLoader">
        /// Loads an assembly given an <see cref="AssemblyIdentity"/>. 
        /// This callback is used for loading assemblies referenced by the compilation.
        /// <see cref="System.Reflection.Assembly.Load(AssemblyName)"/> is used if not specified.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="assemblySymbolMapper">
        /// Applied when converting assembly symbols to assembly references.
        /// <see cref="IAssemblySymbol"/> is mapped to its <see cref="IAssemblySymbol.Identity"/> by default.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken">Can be used to cancel the emit process.</param>
        /// <param name="recoverOnError">If false the method returns an unsuccessful result instead of falling back to CCI writer.</param>
        /// <param name="compiledAssemblyImage">Assembly image, returned only if we fallback to CCI writer.</param>
        /// <param name="entryPoint">An entry point or null if not applicable or on failure.</param>
        /// <param name="diagnostics">Diagnostics.</param>
        /// <returns>True on success, false if a compilation error occurred or the compilation doesn't contain any code or declarations.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Reflection.Emit doesn't support all metadata constructs. If an unsupported construct is
        /// encountered a metadata writer that procudes uncollectible code is used instead. This is
        /// indicated by 
        /// <see cref="ReflectionEmitResult.IsUncollectible"/> flag on the result. 
        /// Reusing <see cref="System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder"/> may be beneficial in certain
        /// scenarios. For example, when emitting a sequence of code snippets one at a time (like in
        /// REPL). All the snippets can be compiled into a single module as long as the types being
        /// emitted have unique names. Reusing a single module/assembly reduces memory overhead. On
        /// the other hand, collectible assemblies are units of collection. Defining too many
        /// unrelated types in a single assemly might prevent the unused types to be collected. 
        /// No need to provide a name override when using Reflection.Emit, since the assembly already
        /// exists.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Referenced assembly can't be resolved.</exception>
        internal static bool Emit(
            this Compilation compilation,
            ModuleBuilder moduleBuilder,
            AssemblyLoader assemblyLoader,
            Func<IAssemblySymbol, AssemblyIdentity> assemblySymbolMapper,
            bool recoverOnError,
            DiagnosticBag diagnostics,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken,
            out MethodInfo entryPoint,
            out byte[] compiledAssemblyImage)
            compiledAssemblyImage = default(byte[]);

            var moduleBeingBuilt = compilation.CreateModuleBuilder(
                emitOptions: EmitOptions.Default,
                manifestResources: null,
                assemblySymbolMapper: assemblySymbolMapper,
                testData: null,
                diagnostics: diagnostics,
                cancellationToken: cancellationToken);

            if (moduleBeingBuilt == null)
                entryPoint = null;
                return false;

            if (!compilation.Compile(
                win32Resources: null,
                xmlDocStream: null,
                generateDebugInfo: false,
                diagnostics: diagnostics,
                filterOpt: null,
                cancellationToken: cancellationToken))
                entryPoint = null;
                return false;

            Cci.IMethodReference cciEntryPoint = moduleBeingBuilt.EntryPoint;


            DiagnosticBag metadataDiagnostics = DiagnosticBag.GetInstance();

            var context = new EmitContext((Cci.IModule)moduleBeingBuilt, null, metadataDiagnostics);

            // try emit via Reflection.Emit
                var referencedAssemblies = from referencedAssembly in compilation.GetBoundReferenceManager().GetReferencedAssemblies()
                                           let peReference = referencedAssembly.Key as PortableExecutableReference
                                           select KeyValuePair.Create(
                                               moduleBeingBuilt.Translate(referencedAssembly.Value, metadataDiagnostics),
                                               (peReference != null) ? peReference.FilePath : null);

                entryPoint = ReflectionEmitter.Emit(
                    assemblyLoader ?? AssemblyLoader.Default,

                // translate metadata errors.
                return compilation.FilterAndAppendAndFreeDiagnostics(diagnostics, ref metadataDiagnostics);
            catch (TypeLoadException)
                // attempted to emit reference to a type that can't be loaded (has invalid metadata)
            catch (NotSupportedException)
                // nop

            // TODO (tomat):
            // Another possible approach would be to just return an error, that we can't emit via
            // Ref.Emit and let the user choose another method of emitting. For that we would want
            // to preserve the state of the Emit.Assembly object with all the compiled methods so
            // that the subsequent emit doesn't need to compile method bodies again.

            // TODO (tomat):
            // If Ref.Emit fails to emit the code the type builders already created will stay
            // defined on the module builder. Ideally we would clean them up but Ref.Emit doesn't
            // provide any API to do so. In fact it also keeps baked TypeBuilders alive as well.

            if (!recoverOnError)
                entryPoint = null;
                return false;

            using (var stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream())
                    () => stream,
                    nativePdbWriterOpt: null,
                    pdbPathOpt: null,
                    allowMissingMethodBodies: false,
                    deterministic: false,
                    cancellationToken: cancellationToken);

                compiledAssemblyImage = stream.ToArray();

            var compiledAssembly = Assembly.Load(compiledAssemblyImage);
            entryPoint = (cciEntryPoint != null) ? ReflectionEmitter.ResolveEntryPoint(compiledAssembly, cciEntryPoint, context) : null;

            // translate metadata errors.
            return compilation.FilterAndAppendAndFreeDiagnostics(diagnostics, ref metadataDiagnostics);
        private ReflectionEmitter(
            EmitContext context,
            IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<Cci.IAssemblyReference, string>> referencedAssemblies,
            ModuleBuilder builder,
            AssemblyLoader assemblyLoader)
            Debug.Assert(context.Module != null);
            Debug.Assert(referencedAssemblies != null);
            Debug.Assert(builder != null);
            Debug.Assert(assemblyLoader != null);

            _module = context.Module;
            _context = context;
            _builder = builder;
            _tokenResolver = (ITokenDeferral)context.Module;
            _assemblyLoader = assemblyLoader;
            _referencedAssemblies = LoadReferencedAssemblies(referencedAssemblies);
 public static MethodInfo Emit(
     EmitContext context,
     IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<Cci.IAssemblyReference, string>> referencedAssemblies,
     ModuleBuilder builder,
     AssemblyLoader assemblyLoader,
     Cci.IMethodReference entryPoint,
     CancellationToken cancellationToken)
     var emitter = new ReflectionEmitter(context, referencedAssemblies, builder, assemblyLoader);
     return emitter.EmitWorker(entryPoint, cancellationToken);
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new instance of the <code>DefaultAddInTree</code> object.
 /// </summary>
 internal DefaultAddInTree(AssemblyLoader loader)
     this.loader = loader;
     // load codons and conditions from the current assembly.
 internal AssemblyClassLoader(Assembly assembly, string[] fixedReferences)
     : base(CodeGenOptions.None, null)
     this.assemblyLoader = new AssemblyLoader(assembly);
     this.references = fixedReferences;
        public static AddinError[] InitializeAddins()
            AssemblyLoader loader = new AssemblyLoader();

            try {
                loader.CheckAssembly (Assembly.GetEntryAssembly ());
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                AddinError err = new AddinError (Assembly.GetEntryAssembly ().Location, ex, true);
                return new AddinError[] { err };

            AddinError[] errors = null;
            addInTree = new DefaultAddInTree (loader);

            FileUtilityService fileUtilityService = (FileUtilityService)ServiceManager.GetService(typeof(FileUtilityService));

            StringCollection addInFiles = null;
            StringCollection retryList  = null;

            if (ignoreDefaultCoreDirectory == false) {
                addInFiles = fileUtilityService.SearchDirectory(defaultCoreDirectory, "*.addin.xml");
                retryList  = InsertAddIns (addInFiles, out errors);
                retryList = new StringCollection();

            if (addInDirectories != null) {
                foreach(string path in addInDirectories) {
                    addInFiles = fileUtilityService.SearchDirectory(path, "*.addin.xml");
                    StringCollection partialRetryList  = InsertAddIns (addInFiles, out errors);
                    if (partialRetryList.Count != 0) {
                        string [] retryListArray = new string[partialRetryList.Count];
                        partialRetryList.CopyTo(retryListArray, 0);

            while (retryList.Count > 0) {
                StringCollection newRetryList = InsertAddIns (retryList, out errors);

                // break if no add-in could be inserted.
                if (newRetryList.Count == retryList.Count) {

                retryList = newRetryList;

            return errors;
        public OperationExecutor(
            [NotNull] CommonOptions options,
            [CanBeNull] string environment)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.DataDirectory))
                Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(DataDirEnvName, options.DataDirectory);
#if NET451
                AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetData("DataDirectory", options.DataDirectory);

            if (!File.Exists(options.Assembly))
                throw new OperationException($"Could not find assembly '{options.Assembly}'.");

            var assemblyFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(options.Assembly);
            // TODO add hooks into Assembly.Load to allow loading from other locations
            var assemblyLoader = new AssemblyLoader(Assembly.Load);
            var projectAssembly = assemblyLoader.Load(assemblyFileName);

            // optional
            var startupAssembly = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.StartupAssembly)
                ? projectAssembly
                : assemblyLoader.Load(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(options.StartupAssembly));

            var projectDir = string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.ProjectDirectory)
                ? Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()
                : options.ProjectDirectory;

            var contentRootPath = string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.ContentRootPath)
#if NET451
                ? AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetData("APP_CONTEXT_BASE_DIRECTORY") as string ?? AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory
                ? AppContext.BaseDirectory
                : options.ContentRootPath;

            var rootNamespace = string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.RootNamespace)
                ? assemblyFileName
                : options.RootNamespace;

            _contextOperations = new LazyRef<DbContextOperations>(
                () => new DbContextOperations(
                    new LoggerProvider(name => new ConsoleCommandLogger(name)),
                    assembly: projectAssembly,
                    startupAssembly: startupAssembly,
                    environment: environment,
                    contentRootPath: contentRootPath));
            _databaseOperations = new LazyRef<DatabaseOperations>(
                () => new DatabaseOperations(
                    new LoggerProvider(name => new ConsoleCommandLogger(name)),
                    startupAssemblyLoader: assemblyLoader,
                    startupAssembly: startupAssembly,
                    environment: environment,
                    projectDir: projectDir,
                    contentRootPath: contentRootPath,
                    rootNamespace: rootNamespace));
            _migrationsOperations = new LazyRef<MigrationsOperations>(
                () => new MigrationsOperations(
                    new LoggerProvider(name => new ConsoleCommandLogger(name)),
                    assembly: projectAssembly,
                    startupAssemblyLoader: assemblyLoader,
                    startupAssembly: startupAssembly,
                    environment: environment,
                    projectDir: projectDir,
                    contentRootPath: contentRootPath,
                    rootNamespace: rootNamespace));