public override void AddItem(EntityObject item) { base.AddItem(item); var saleitem = item as SaleItem; if (saleitem != null && !saleitem.ProductReference.IsLoaded) saleitem.ProductReference.Load(); }
public static void AttachInserted(this ObjectContext context, EntityObject objectDetached, string entitySetName) { if (objectDetached.EntityState == EntityState.Detached) { context.AddObject(entitySetName, objectDetached); } }
public EditWindowPro(DataManager _manager, Type EditWindowClass,EntityObject item) { InitializeComponent(); manager = _manager; IsNewEntity = false; grContent.Children.Add((UserControl)Activator.CreateInstance(EditWindowClass)); }
/// <summary> /// 通知MVC缓存更新缓存的实体 /// </summary> /// <param name="entity"></param> /// <param name="action"></param> public void MvcCacheClear(TEntity entity, string action) { string strModelCode = entity.GetType().Name; BLLCommonServices.MVCCacheSV.EntityAction act; switch (action) { case "Add": act = BLLCommonServices.MVCCacheSV.EntityAction.Add; break; case "Modify": act = BLLCommonServices.MVCCacheSV.EntityAction.Modify; break; case "Delete": act = BLLCommonServices.MVCCacheSV.EntityAction.Delete; break; default: act = BLLCommonServices.MVCCacheSV.EntityAction.None; break; } if (entity is System.Data.Objects.DataClasses.EntityObject) { System.Data.Objects.DataClasses.EntityObject ent = entity as System.Data.Objects.DataClasses.EntityObject; string strFormId = entity.GetType().GetProperties().FirstOrDefault().GetValue(entity, null).ToString(); if (strFormId != "" || strFormId != null) { BLLCommonServices.Utility.MvcCacheClearAsync(strModelCode, strFormId, act); } } }
/// <summary> /// Detaches the Entity. /// </summary> /// <param name="container">The container.</param> /// <param name="entityToCheck">The entity to check.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool PreDelete(this CoreEntitiesContainer container, EntityObject entityToCheck) { if (entityToCheck == null ||entityToCheck.EntityState == EntityState.Deleted) return false; container.Detach(entityToCheck); return true; }
public static bool isAttach( ObjectContext context, EntityObject entity ) { var entry = context.ObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateEntry( entity ); if ( entry.State == EntityState.Detached ) return false; else return true; }
internal QueryEntityDetailsEventArgs( EntityObject parentItem ) : base() { if( parentItem == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException( "parentItem" ); this.ParentItem = parentItem; }
public EditWindowPro(DataManager _manager, Type EditWindowClass,EntityObject item) { InitializeComponent(); manager = _manager; IsNewEntity = false; FormContent = (UserControl)Activator.CreateInstance(EditWindowClass); grContent.Children.Add(FormContent); this.Title = manager.Name; FillFormContent(item); }
private void ApplyValue(DataRow dataRow, EntityObject entityObject) { var properties = entityObject.GetType().GetProperties() .Where(c => (!typeof(IList).IsAssignableFrom(c.PropertyType) && !typeof(EntityObject).IsAssignableFrom(c.PropertyType)) && !typeof(EntityKey).IsAssignableFrom(c.PropertyType)); foreach (var property in properties) { if (dataRow.Table.Columns[property.Name] != null) { dataRow[property.Name] = entityObject.GetValue(property.Name); } } }
public bool Modify(EntityObject entity) { if(entity is Value) { return ConnectionHelper.ModifyWithHistory((Value)entity); } else { return ConnectionHelper.Modify(entity); } }
public static void GetBrokenRulesString(IBusinessObject currentObj, List <IBusinessObject> checkEntities, List <string> errorMessages, System.Data.Objects.DataClasses.EntityObject parent) { if (checkEntities.Contains(currentObj)) { return; } checkEntities.Add(currentObj); if (parent == null) { errorMessages.Add(currentObj.GetCurrentBrokenRules()); } else { errorMessages.Add(currentObj.GetCurrentBrokenRules()); } if (IsNew(currentObj)) { return; } foreach (Adage.EF.Interfaces.RelatedObject eachObj in currentObj.RelatedObjects) { IRelatedEnd childColl; if (eachObj.RelatedType == RelatedEnum.Many) { childColl = eachObj.GetRelatedEnd((EntityObject)currentObj); if (childColl == null || childColl.IsLoaded == false) { continue; } } else { if (eachObj.GetReference((EntityObject)currentObj).IsLoaded == false) { continue; } childColl = eachObj.GetRelatedEnd((EntityObject)currentObj); } foreach (Adage.EF.Interfaces.IBusinessObject eachChild in childColl) { eachChild.FindBrokenRules(checkEntities, errorMessages, (EntityObject)currentObj); } } }
/// <summary> /// Persiste en la base de datos el objeto que le llega y retorna el id del registro recien creado /// </summary> /// <param name="entidad">Entidad que debe estar relacionada en la clase Enumeraciones</param> /// <param name="obj">objeto que se recibe y se inserta en la DB</param> /// <param name="idUsuario">Si no se requiere usuario se puede recibir null</param> /// <returns>retorno del id delregistro insertado</returns> public int Crear(Enumeraciones.Entidad entidad, EntityObject obj) { this._ent.AddObject(entidad.ToString(), obj); this._ent.SaveChanges(); if (obj == null) throw new Exception("El objeto no puede ser null"); if (obj.EntityKey.EntityKeyValues.Count() == 1) return Convert.ToInt32(obj.EntityKey.EntityKeyValues[0].Value.ToString()); else return 0; }
/// <summary> /// Persiste en la base de datos las modificaciones al objeto que le llega /// </summary> /// <param name="entidad">Objeto entidad que se va a insertar</param> /// <param name="obj">Objeto que se recibe y se inserta en la DB</param> /// <param name="idRegistro">Corresponde al id del registro que se va actualizar</param> /// <param name="idUsuario">Si no se requiere usuario se puede recibir null</param> public void Actualizar(Enumeraciones.Entidad entidad, EntityObject obj, int idRegistro, int? idUsuario) { if (obj == null) throw new Exception("El objeto no puede ser null"); //Agrega el entity key if (obj.EntityKey == null) obj.EntityKey = this.GetEntityKey(entidad, idRegistro); Utilidades.DAOUtil.AttachUpdated(this._ent, obj); this._ent.SaveChanges(); }
public EntityObject UpdateEntityObject(EntityObject obj, Action<COATEntities, EntityObject> attachRelated) { if (obj.EntityState == EntityState.Detached) { Entities.Attach(obj); Entities.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(obj, EntityState.Modified); if (attachRelated != null) { attachRelated(Entities, obj); } } return obj; }
public static string GetEntitySetName(this ObjectContext context, EntityObject entity) { Type entityType = ObjectContext.GetObjectType(entity.GetType()); if (entityType == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("not an entity"); } EntityContainer container = context.MetadataWorkspace.GetEntityContainer(context.DefaultContainerName, DataSpace.CSpace); return container.BaseEntitySets .Where(anEntitySet => anEntitySet.ElementType.Name.Equals(entityType.Name)) .Select(anEntitySet => anEntitySet.Name) .Single(); }
public static void AttachUpdated(this ObjectContext objContext, EntityObject objDetached) { if (objDetached.EntityState == EntityState.Detached) { object original = null; if (objContext.TryGetObjectByKey(objDetached.EntityKey, out original)) { objContext.ApplyCurrentValues(objDetached.EntityKey.EntitySetName, objDetached); } else { throw new ObjectNotFoundException(); } } }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <c>DataObject</c> class. /// </summary> protected DataObject(EntityObject entity) { Debug.Assert(entity != null); _InitValidation(); // set entity's data object reference IWrapDataAccess wda = entity as IWrapDataAccess; if (wda == null) Debug.Assert(false, "Entity object does not implement IWrapDataAccess."); wda.DataObject = this; _entity = entity; }
///// <summary> ///// 根据权限过滤 ///// </summary> ///// <param name="filterString"></param> ///// <param name="queryParas"></param> ///// <param name="userID"></param> ///// <param name="entityName"></param> //protected void SetOrganizationFilter(ref string filterString, ref List<object> queryParas, string employeeID, string entityName) //{ // //获取用户 // T_SYS_USER user = permissionclient.GetUserByEmployeeID(employeeID); // //EmployeeBLL bll = new EmployeeBLL(); // //T_HR_EMPLOYEE emp = bll.GetEmployeeByID(user.EMPLOYEEID); // V_EMPLOYEEPOST vemp = personnelclient.GetEmployeeDetailByID(user.EMPLOYEEID); // if (vemp == null) return; // T_HR_EMPLOYEE emp = vemp.EMPLOYEEPOSTS[0].T_HR_EMPLOYEE; // //获取正常的角色用户权限 // V_Permission[] perms = permissionclient.GetUserMenuPerms(entityName, user.SYSUSERID); // if (perms == null) // return; // //获取查询的权限,值越小,权限越大 // int maxPerm = -1; // var permlist = perms.Where(p => p.Permission.PERMISSIONVALUE == "3"); // if (permlist.Count() > 0) // { // maxPerm = permlist.Min(p => Convert.ToInt32(p.RoleMenuPermission.DATARANGE)); // } // //perms.Where(p => p.Permission.PERMISSIONVALUE == "3").Min(p => Convert.ToInt32(p.RoleMenuPermission.DATARANGE)); // //var maxPerm = "2"; // //if (!emp.T_HR_EMPLOYEEPOST.IsLoaded) // //{ // // emp.T_HR_EMPLOYEEPOST.Load(); // //} // //获取自定义权限 // int custPerm = GetCustomPerms(entityName, emp); // if (custPerm < maxPerm) // maxPerm = custPerm; // //看整个公司的 // if (Convert.ToInt32(maxPerm) == Convert.ToInt32(AssignObjectType.Company)) // { // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filterString)) // filterString += " AND "; // filterString += " ("; // int i = 0; // foreach (T_HR_EMPLOYEEPOST ep in emp.T_HR_EMPLOYEEPOST) // { // if (i > 0) // filterString += " OR "; // filterString += "OWNERCOMPANYID==@" + queryParas.Count().ToString(); // //暂时先去掉 // //if (!ep.T_HR_POSTReference.IsLoaded) // // ep.T_HR_POSTReference.Load(); // //if (ep.T_HR_POST != null && ep.T_HR_POST.T_HR_DEPARTMENTReference.IsLoaded == false) // // ep.T_HR_POST.T_HR_DEPARTMENTReference.Load(); // //if (ep.T_HR_POST != null && ep.T_HR_POST.T_HR_DEPARTMENT != null && ep.T_HR_POST.T_HR_DEPARTMENT.T_HR_COMPANYReference.IsLoaded == false) // // ep.T_HR_POST.T_HR_DEPARTMENT.T_HR_COMPANYReference.Load(); // queryParas.Add(ep.T_HR_POST.T_HR_DEPARTMENT.T_HR_COMPANY.COMPANYID); // i++; // } // filterString += ") "; // } // //看部门的 // if (Convert.ToInt32(maxPerm) == Convert.ToInt32(AssignObjectType.Department)) // { // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filterString)) // filterString += " AND "; // filterString += " ("; // int i = 0; // foreach (T_HR_EMPLOYEEPOST ep in emp.T_HR_EMPLOYEEPOST) // { // if (i > 0) // filterString += " OR "; // filterString += "OWNERDEPARTMENTID==@" + queryParas.Count().ToString(); // if (!ep.T_HR_POSTReference.IsLoaded) // ep.T_HR_POSTReference.Load(); // if (ep.T_HR_POST != null && ep.T_HR_POST.T_HR_DEPARTMENTReference.IsLoaded == false) // ep.T_HR_POST.T_HR_DEPARTMENTReference.Load(); // queryParas.Add(ep.T_HR_POST.T_HR_DEPARTMENT.DEPARTMENTID); // i++; // } // filterString += ") "; // } // //看岗位的 // if (Convert.ToInt32(maxPerm) == Convert.ToInt32(AssignObjectType.Post)) // { // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filterString)) // filterString += " AND "; // filterString += " ("; // int i = 0; // foreach (T_HR_EMPLOYEEPOST ep in emp.T_HR_EMPLOYEEPOST) // { // if (i > 0) // filterString += " OR "; // filterString += "OWNERPOSTID==@" + queryParas.Count().ToString(); // if (!ep.T_HR_POSTReference.IsLoaded) // ep.T_HR_POSTReference.Load(); // queryParas.Add(ep.T_HR_POST.POSTID); // i++; // } // filterString += ") "; // } // //看员工 // if (Convert.ToInt32(maxPerm) == Convert.ToInt32(AssignObjectType.Employee)) // { // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filterString)) // filterString += " AND "; // filterString += "OWNERID==@" + queryParas.Count().ToString(); // queryParas.Add(employeeID); // } //} //private int GetCustomPerms(string menuCode, T_HR_EMPLOYEE emp) //{ // int perm = 99; // return perm; //暂时未实现 // //过滤自定义的权限 // //emp = // //if (!emp.T_HR_EMPLOYEEPOST.IsLoaded) // //{ // // emp.T_HR_EMPLOYEEPOST.Load(); // //} // if (emp != null) // { // foreach (T_HR_EMPLOYEEPOST ep in emp.T_HR_EMPLOYEEPOST) // { // if (!ep.T_HR_POSTReference.IsLoaded) // ep.T_HR_POSTReference.Load(); // if (ep.T_HR_POST != null && ep.T_HR_POST.T_HR_DEPARTMENTReference.IsLoaded == false) // ep.T_HR_POST.T_HR_DEPARTMENTReference.Load(); // if (ep.T_HR_POST != null && ep.T_HR_POST.T_HR_DEPARTMENT != null && ep.T_HR_POST.T_HR_DEPARTMENT.T_HR_COMPANYReference.IsLoaded == false) // ep.T_HR_POST.T_HR_DEPARTMENT.T_HR_COMPANYReference.Load(); // T_SYS_ENTITYMENUCUSTOMPERM[] custPerms; // //查看有没有岗位的特别权限 // custPerms = permissionclient.GetCustomPostMenuPerms(menuCode, ep.T_HR_POST.POSTID); // if (custPerms != null && custPerms.Count() > 0) // perm = Convert.ToInt32(AssignObjectType.Post); // //查看有没有部门的特别权限 // custPerms = permissionclient.GetCustomDepartMenuPerms(menuCode, ep.T_HR_POST.T_HR_DEPARTMENT.DEPARTMENTID); // if (custPerms != null && custPerms.Count() > 0) // perm = Convert.ToInt32(AssignObjectType.Department); // //查看有没有公司的特别权限 // custPerms = permissionclient.GetCustomCompanyMenuPerms(menuCode, ep.T_HR_POST.T_HR_DEPARTMENT.T_HR_COMPANY.COMPANYID); // if (custPerms != null && custPerms.Count() > 0) // perm = Convert.ToInt32(AssignObjectType.Company); // } // } // return perm; //} //private int GetCustomPerms(string menuCode, T_HR_EMPLOYEE emp) //{ // int perm = 99; // //过滤自定义的权限 // if (!emp.T_HR_EMPLOYEEPOST.IsLoaded) // { // emp.T_HR_EMPLOYEEPOST.Load(); // } // foreach (T_HR_EMPLOYEEPOST ep in emp.T_HR_EMPLOYEEPOST) // { // if (!ep.T_HR_POSTReference.IsLoaded) // ep.T_HR_POSTReference.Load(); // if (ep.T_HR_POST != null && ep.T_HR_POST.T_HR_DEPARTMENTReference.IsLoaded == false) // ep.T_HR_POST.T_HR_DEPARTMENTReference.Load(); // if (ep.T_HR_POST != null && ep.T_HR_POST.T_HR_DEPARTMENT != null && ep.T_HR_POST.T_HR_DEPARTMENT.T_HR_COMPANYReference.IsLoaded == false) // ep.T_HR_POST.T_HR_DEPARTMENT.T_HR_COMPANYReference.Load(); // PermissionWS.T_SYS_ENTITYMENUCUSTOMPERM[] custPerms; // //查看有没有岗位的特别权限 // custPerms = PermClient.GetCustomPostMenuPerms(menuCode, ep.T_HR_POST.POSTID); // if (custPerms != null && custPerms.Count() > 0) // perm = Convert.ToInt32(AssignObjectType.Post); // //查看有没有部门的特别权限 // custPerms = PermClient.GetCustomDepartMenuPerms(menuCode, ep.T_HR_POST.T_HR_DEPARTMENT.DEPARTMENTID); // if (custPerms != null && custPerms.Count() > 0) // perm = Convert.ToInt32(AssignObjectType.Department); // //查看有没有公司的特别权限 // custPerms = PermClient.GetCustomCompanyMenuPerms(menuCode, ep.T_HR_POST.T_HR_DEPARTMENT.T_HR_COMPANY.COMPANYID); // if (custPerms != null && custPerms.Count() > 0) // perm = Convert.ToInt32(AssignObjectType.Company); // } // return perm; //} #endregion #region 克隆实体1 public static void CloneEntity <T>(T sourceObj, T targetObj) where T : class { Type a = sourceObj.GetType(); PropertyInfo[] infos = a.GetProperties(); foreach (PropertyInfo prop in infos) { //System.Data.Objects.DataClasses. if (prop.PropertyType.BaseType == typeof(System.Data.Objects.DataClasses.EntityReference) || prop.PropertyType.BaseType == typeof(System.Data.Objects.DataClasses.RelatedEnd) || prop.PropertyType == typeof(System.Data.EntityState) || prop.PropertyType == typeof(System.Data.EntityKey)) { continue; } if (sourceObj is System.Data.Objects.DataClasses.EntityObject) { System.Data.Objects.DataClasses.EntityObject ent = sourceObj as System.Data.Objects.DataClasses.EntityObject; if (ent != null && ent.EntityKey != null && ent.EntityKey.EntityKeyValues != null && ent.EntityKey.EntityKeyValues.Count() > 0) { bool isKeyField = false; foreach (var key in ent.EntityKey.EntityKeyValues) { if (key.Key == prop.Name) { isKeyField = true; break; } } if (isKeyField) { continue; } } } //prop.Name object value = prop.GetValue(sourceObj, null); try { prop.SetValue(targetObj, value, null); } catch (Exception ex) { string e = ex.Message; } } }
/// <summary> /// Helper provisorio para realizar um update no entity sem precisar de ir ao banco de dados. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">Contexto do Entity.</param> /// <param name="entitySetName">Nome do EntitySet.</param> /// <param name="entity">Entity Object.</param> public static void Update(this ObjectContext context, string entitySetName, EntityObject entity) { if (entity.EntityKey == null) entity.EntityKey = context.CreateEntityKey(entitySetName, entity); if (entity.EntityState == EntityState.Detached) context.Attach(entity); var stateEntry = context.ObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateEntry(entity.EntityKey); var propertyNameList = stateEntry.CurrentValues.DataRecordInfo.FieldMetadata.Select(pn => pn.FieldType.Name); foreach (var propName in propertyNameList) { stateEntry.SetModifiedProperty(propName); } //var relatedEntities = context.ObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateEntries(System.Data.EntityState.Added).Where( }
public static string GetEntitySetFullName(this ObjectContext context, EntityObject entity) { // If the EntityKey exists, simply get the Entity Set name from the key if (entity.EntityKey != null) { return entity.EntityKey.EntitySetName; } else { string entityTypeName = entity.GetType().Name; var container = context.MetadataWorkspace.GetEntityContainer(context.DefaultContainerName, DataSpace.CSpace); string entitySetName = (from meta in container.BaseEntitySets where meta.ElementType.Name == entityTypeName select meta.Name).First(); return container.Name + "." + entitySetName; } }
public static void AttachUpdated(this ObjectContext context, EntityObject detachedEntity) { #region EntityKey is null if (detachedEntity.EntityKey == null) { //String entitySetName = GetEntitySetFullName(context, detachedEntity); //int objectId = (int)detachedEntity.GetType().GetProperty("Id").GetValue(detachedEntity, null); ////detachedEntity.EntityKey = new System.Data.EntityKey(entitySetName, "Id", objectId); //detachedEntity.EntityKey = new EntityKey(context.GetEntitySetName(detachedEntity.GetType())); //// create a new primary key //Guid newPk = Guid.NewGuid(); //// create new entity key //EntityKey entityKey = new EntityKey(context.GetType().Name + "." + detachedEntity.ToString(), pkName, newPk); //// get type name of new entity //String typeName = oc.GetType().Namespace + "." + entityKey.EntitySetName; //// create a new entity } #endregion if (detachedEntity.EntityState == EntityState.Detached) { object currentEntity = null; if (context.TryGetObjectByKey(detachedEntity.EntityKey, out currentEntity)) { context.ApplyCurrentValues(detachedEntity.EntityKey.EntitySetName, detachedEntity); var newEntity = detachedEntity as IEntityWithRelationships; var oldEntity = currentEntity as IEntityWithRelationships; if (newEntity != null && oldEntity != null) { context.ApplyReferencePropertyChanges(newEntity, oldEntity); } } else { throw new ObjectNotFoundException(); } } }
public static void AttachUpdated(this ObjectContext context, EntityObject objectDetached) { if (objectDetached.EntityState == EntityState.Detached) { object currentEntityInDb = null; if (context.TryGetObjectByKey(objectDetached.EntityKey, out currentEntityInDb)) { context.ApplyCurrentValues(objectDetached.EntityKey.EntitySetName, objectDetached); //context.ApplyPropertyChanges(objectDetached.EntityKey.EntitySetName, objectDetached); //(CDLTLL)Apply property changes to all referenced entities in context context.ApplyReferencePropertyChanges((IEntityWithRelationships)objectDetached, (IEntityWithRelationships)currentEntityInDb); //Custom extensor method } else { throw new ObjectNotFoundException(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Helper provisorio para realizar um update no entity que possuir relacionamentos. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">Contexto do Entity.</param> /// <param name="entitySetName">Nome do EntitySet.</param> /// <param name="entity">Entity Object.</param> public static void UpdateWithReference(this ObjectContext context, string entitySetName, EntityObject entity) { if (entity.EntityKey == null) entity.EntityKey = context.CreateEntityKey(context.DefaultContainerName + "." + entitySetName, entity); if (entity.EntityState == EntityState.Detached) { object currentEntityInDb; if (context.TryGetObjectByKey(entity.EntityKey, out currentEntityInDb)) { context.ApplyPropertyChanges(entity.EntityKey.EntitySetName, entity); context.ApplyReferencePropertyChanges(entity, (IEntityWithRelationships)currentEntityInDb); //extension } else { throw new ObjectNotFoundException(); } } }
public static void Insert(EntityObject item) { EntityModelContainer context = GetContext(); if (item.EntityState != EntityState.Added) context.AddObject(item.GetType().Name + "s", item); }
private EntityState GetState(EntityObject entityObject, Dictionary<EntityKey, EntityState> states, DataRow parentRow) { if (parentRow != null && parentRow.RowState == DataRowState.Deleted) { return EntityState.Deleted; } else if (entityObject.EntityKey == null) { return EntityState.Added; } else if (states.ContainsKey(entityObject.EntityKey)) { return states[entityObject.EntityKey]; } else { return EntityState.Unchanged; } }
private void CreateRow(EntityObject entityObject, DataRow parentRow, Dictionary<EntityKey, EntityState> states, DataSet dataset) { var tableName = entityObject.GetType().Name; var dataTable = dataset.Tables[tableName]; var state = GetState(entityObject, states, parentRow); DataRow dataRow = null; if (state == EntityState.Added) { dataRow = dataTable.NewRow(); ApplyValue(dataRow, entityObject); dataTable.Rows.Add(dataRow); ApplyRelationValue(dataRow, parentRow, dataset); if (parentRow != null && parentRow.RowState == DataRowState.Unchanged) { parentRow.SetModified(); } } else { dataRow = dataTable.Rows.Find(entityObject.EntityKey.EntityKeyValues.Select(c => c.Value).ToArray()); if (dataRow != null) { if (state == EntityState.Deleted) { dataRow.Delete(); } else { ApplyValue(dataRow, entityObject); } } } var navigationProperties = entityObject.GetType().GetProperties().Where(c => typeof(IList).IsAssignableFrom(c.PropertyType)); foreach (var navigationProperty in navigationProperties) { var navigationValue = (IList)navigationProperty.GetValue(entityObject, null); foreach (EntityObject childObject in navigationValue) { CreateRow(childObject, dataRow, states, dataset); } } }
public static bool IsEntityObjectLoadable( EntityObject entityObject ) { return ( ( entityObject.EntityState & EntityState.Added ) != EntityState.Added ) && ( ( entityObject.EntityState & EntityState.Detached ) != EntityState.Detached ); }
public static string GetTableName(EntityObject entity) { string tableName = entity.GetType().Name; //T_FB_CHARGEAPPLYMASTER entityCharge = entity as T_FB_CHARGEAPPLYMASTER; //if (entityCharge != null) //{ // entityCharge.T_FB_EXTENSIONALORDERReference.Load(); // entityCharge.T_FB_EXTENSIONALORDER.T_FB_EXTENSIONALTYPEReference.Load(); // if (entityCharge.T_FB_EXTENSIONALORDER.T_FB_EXTENSIONALTYPE.EXTENSIONALTYPECODE == "CCBX") // { // tableName = typeof(T_FB_TRAVELEXPAPPLYMASTER).Name; // } //} return tableName; }
public static void AddAutoOrderCode(EntityObject entity) { string tablename = GetTableName(entity); T_FB_ORDERCODE orderCode = listOrderCode.FirstOrDefault(item => { return item.TABLENAME == tablename; }); if (orderCode == null) { Tracer.Debug("生成编号失败:在T_FB_ORDERCODE表中未找到此表配置项目:" + tablename); return; } //string code = GetOrderCode(orderCode);张秉福旧方法 //新方法 string code = string.Empty; using (OrderCodeBLL bll = new OrderCodeBLL()) { code = bll.GetAutoOrderCode(tablename); } string codePropertyName = orderCode.FIELDNAME; entity.SetValue(codePropertyName, code); //开始更新元数据单号 string Formid = string.Empty; Tracer.Debug("开始更新元数据:"+tablename); try { switch (tablename) { case "T_FB_TRAVELEXPAPPLYMASTER": //T_FB_TRAVELEXPAPPLYMASTER item = (T_FB_TRAVELEXPAPPLYMASTER)entity; //Formid = item.T_FB_EXTENSIONALORDER.ORDERID; //出差报销在OA中出差报销审核的业务逻辑中处理 break; default: Formid =entity.EntityKey.EntityKeyValues[0].Value.ToString(); SMT.SaaS.BLLCommonServices.FlowWFService.ServiceClient client = new SaaS.BLLCommonServices.FlowWFService.ServiceClient(); Tracer.Debug("开始调用元数据获取接口:FlowWFService.GetMetadataByFormid("+Formid+")"); string xml=string.Empty; xml=client.GetMetadataByFormid(Formid); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(xml)) { Tracer.Debug("XML元数据为空,跳过:" + xml); break; } Tracer.Debug("获取到的元数据:"+xml); xml=xml.Replace("自动生成", code); Tracer.Debug("替换单号后的XML:"+xml); client.UpdateMetadataByFormid(Formid, xml); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { Tracer.Debug(ex.ToString()); } }
public abstract EntityObject PopulateItem(EntityObject item);
public static bool Remove(EntityObject item) { EntityModelContainer context = GetContext(); try { context.DeleteObject(item); } catch { Methods.ShowStandardMsgBox(FormMessageType.Error, RscError.ErrorTitle, RscError.EntityDelete); context.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(item, System.Data.EntityState.Modified); return false; } return true; }
public static void ChangeEntityState(EntityObject item, EntityState entityState) { EntityModelContainer context = GetContext(); context.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(item, entityState); }