public Gateway(string gatewayServer,bool server) { Console.WriteLine("did " + gatewayServer); channels = new Dictionary<string, GatewayMessage>(); if (server) { var jv = new JsDictionary<string, bool>(); jv["force new connection"] = true; GatewaySocket = Global.Require<SocketIOClient>("").AConnect(gatewayServer, jv); } else { GatewaySocket = SocketIOClient.Connect(gatewayServer); } GatewaySocket.On<SocketClientMessageModel>("Client.Message", data => channels[data.Channel](data.User, data.Content)); GatewaySocket.On<string>("disconnect", data => Console.WriteLine("Disconnected "+ DateTime.Now)); }
public InputMapper(Dictionary<string, InputContext> contexts, int playerIndex) { _contexts = contexts; _activeContexts = new Stack<InputContext>(); _callbacks = new List<Action<MappedInput>>(); _currentFrameMappedInput = new MappedInput(playerIndex); }
/// <summary> /// Gets an array of supported method names for Flickr. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// Note: Not all methods might be supported by the FlickrNet Library.</remarks> /// <param name="callback">Callback method to call upon return of the response from Flickr.</param> public void ReflectionGetMethodsAsync(Action<FlickrResult<MethodCollection>> callback) { Dictionary<string, string> parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>(); parameters.Add("method", "flickr.reflection.getMethods"); GetResponseAsync<MethodCollection>(parameters, callback); }
public ModuleControl(Guid moduleID, String fileName) { Dictionary<string, object> parameters = new Dictionary<string,object>(); parameters.Add("moduleID", moduleID); parameters.Add("fileName", fileName); this.DataManager.Load(parameters); }
public BaseGame(int id, int roomId, Map map, eRoomType roomType, eGameType gameType, int timeType) : base(id, roomType, gameType, timeType) { m_roomId = roomId; m_players = new Dictionary<int, Player>(); m_turnQueue = new List<TurnedLiving>(); m_livings = new List<Living>(); m_random = new Random(); m_map = map; m_actions = new ArrayList(); PhysicalId = 0; BossWarField = ""; m_tempBox = new List<Box>(); m_tempPoints = new List<Point>(); if (roomType == eRoomType.Dungeon) { Cards = new int[21]; } else { Cards = new int[8]; } m_gameState = eGameState.Inited; }
private static void FillEventArgs(Hashtable mapArgs, Dictionary<string, string> additionalInfo) { if (additionalInfo == null) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { string str = (i + 1).ToString("d1", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); mapArgs["AdditionalInfo_Name" + str] = ""; mapArgs["AdditionalInfo_Value" + str] = ""; } } else { string[] array = new string[additionalInfo.Count]; string[] strArray2 = new string[additionalInfo.Count]; additionalInfo.Keys.CopyTo(array, 0); additionalInfo.Values.CopyTo(strArray2, 0); for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { string str2 = (j + 1).ToString("d1", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); if (j < array.Length) { mapArgs["AdditionalInfo_Name" + str2] = array[j]; mapArgs["AdditionalInfo_Value" + str2] = strArray2[j]; } else { mapArgs["AdditionalInfo_Name" + str2] = ""; mapArgs["AdditionalInfo_Value" + str2] = ""; } } } }
public GoogleSkuInfo( Dictionary<string,object> dict ) { if( dict.ContainsKey( "title" ) ) title = dict["title"] as string; if( dict.ContainsKey( "price" ) ) price = dict["price"] as string; if( dict.ContainsKey( "type" ) ) type = dict["type"] as string; if( dict.ContainsKey( "description" ) ) description = dict["description"] as string; if( dict.ContainsKey( "productId" ) ) productId = dict["productId"] as string; if( dict.ContainsKey( "price_currency_code" ) ) priceCurrencyCode = dict["price_currency_code"] as string; if( dict.ContainsKey( "price_amount_micros" ) ) { var temp = dict["price_amount_micros"] as long?; if( temp != null ) priceAmountMicros = temp.Value; } }
/// <summary> /// Null test. /// </summary> /// <param name="callback">Callback method to call upon return of the response from Flickr.</param> public void TestNullAsync(Action<FlickrResult<NoResponse>> callback) { Dictionary<string, string> parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>(); parameters.Add("method", "flickr.test.null"); GetResponseAsync<NoResponse>(parameters, callback); }
public void CreateOnEmptyDictionaryReturnsEmptyMap() { Dictionary<int, string> d = new Dictionary<int, string>(); IPersistentMap m = PersistentHashMap.create(d); Expect(m.count(), EqualTo(0)); }
private SqlFormatter(QueryLanguage language, bool forDebug) { this.language = language; = new StringBuilder(); this.aliases = new Dictionary<TableAlias, string>(); this.forDebug = forDebug; }
public override System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<System.DateTime, double>[] Calculate(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<System.DateTime, double>> values) { int basePeriod = base.Period; Dictionary<System.DateTime, double> macdValues = new Dictionary<System.DateTime, double>(); //Dim signalLineValues As New Dictionary(Of Date, Double) base.Period = this.PeriodFast; Dictionary<DateTime, double> ema12values = base.Calculate(values)[0]; base.Period = this.PeriodSlow; Dictionary<DateTime, double> ema26values = base.Calculate(values)[0]; List<KeyValuePair<System.DateTime, double>> closeValues = new List<KeyValuePair<System.DateTime, double>>(values); System.DateTime d = default(System.DateTime); for (int i = 0; i <= closeValues.Count - 1; i++) { d = closeValues[i].Key; macdValues.Add(d, ema12values[d] - ema26values[d]); } base.Period = basePeriod; Dictionary<DateTime, double> ema9values = base.Calculate(macdValues)[0]; return new Dictionary<System.DateTime, double>[] { macdValues, ema9values }; }
public void RestoreListViewSelected() { try { if (listBox != null && oldItem != null && oldItems != null) { if (this.allSelected == true) { listBox.SelectAll(); return; } //このUnselectAll()は無いと正しく復元出来ない状況があり得る listBox.UnselectAll(); //上限越えの場合は、選択を解除して終了。 if (oldItems.Count >= this.MaxRestoreNum) return; //選択数が少ないときは逆に遅くなる気もするが、Dictionaryにしておく var listKeys = new Dictionary<ulong, object>(); if (getKey == null) { getKey = CtrlCmdDefEx.GetKeyFunc(oldItem.GetType()); } foreach (object listItem1 in listBox.Items) { //重複するキーは基本的に無いという前提 try { listKeys.Add(getKey(listItem1), listItem1); } catch { } } object setItem; if (listKeys.TryGetValue(getKey(oldItem), out setItem)) { listBox.SelectedItem = setItem; } foreach (object oldItem1 in oldItems) { if (listKeys.TryGetValue(getKey(oldItem1), out setItem)) { //数が多いとき、このAddが致命的に遅い listBox.SelectedItems.Add(setItem); } } //画面更新が入るので最後に実行する。SelectedItem==nullのときScrollIntoViewは何もしない。 listBox.ScrollIntoView(listBox.SelectedItem); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + "\r\n" + ex.StackTrace); } }
public MockTable(TableName name) { = name; columns = new ColumnCollection(this); rows = new Dictionary<RowId, TableRow>(); rowIndex = new List<RowId>(); }
public static Dictionary<string, IEnumerable> SampleTestData(int maxRows, int minValue=1, int maxValue=100, int denominator=100, string dataSetName = "Data") { List<ExcelTestData> values = new List<ExcelTestData>(); Dictionary<string, IEnumerable> results = new Dictionary<string, IEnumerable>(); Random random = new Random(); RandomDateTime randomdt = new RandomDateTime(1990, 1, 1); for (int i = 0; i < maxRows; i++) { int r = random.Next(minValue, maxValue); decimal result =Convert.ToDecimal( (double)r / denominator); values.Add(new ExcelTestData() { decimalvalue = result, datetimevalue = randomdt.Next() }); } results.Add(dataSetName, values); return results; }
public override void Execute() { AmazonEC2Client client = new AmazonEC2Client(AWSAuthConnection.OUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWSAuthConnection.OUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY); DescribeSnapshotsRequest request = new DescribeSnapshotsRequest(); DescribeSnapshotsResponse response = client.DescribeSnapshots(request); Dictionary<string, List<Amazon.EC2.Model.Snapshot>> snapshots = new Dictionary<string, List<Amazon.EC2.Model.Snapshot>>(); foreach (Amazon.EC2.Model.Snapshot r in response.DescribeSnapshotsResult.Snapshot) { if (!snapshots.ContainsKey(r.VolumeId)) snapshots[r.VolumeId] = new List<Amazon.EC2.Model.Snapshot>(); snapshots[r.VolumeId].Add(r); } foreach (string volumeId in snapshots.Keys) { Console.WriteLine("--- Volume: {0}", volumeId); snapshots[volumeId].Sort(delegate(Amazon.EC2.Model.Snapshot x,Amazon.EC2.Model.Snapshot y) { return DateTime.Parse(x.StartTime).CompareTo(DateTime.Parse(y.StartTime)); }); foreach (Amazon.EC2.Model.Snapshot s in snapshots[volumeId]) { DateTime startTime = DateTime.Parse(s.StartTime); Console.Write("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}", s.SnapshotId, startTime, s.Progress, s.Status); Console.WriteLine(); } Console.WriteLine(); } }
/// <summary> /// Can be used to call unsupported methods in the Flickr API. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// Use of this method is not supported. /// The way the FlickrNet API Library works may mean that some methods do not return an expected result /// when using this method. /// </remarks> /// <param name="method">The method name, e.g. "flickr.test.null".</param> /// <param name="parameters">A list of parameters. Note, api_key is added by default and is not included. Can be null.</param> /// <param name="callback">Callback method to call upon return of the response from Flickr.</param> public void TestGenericAsync(string method, Dictionary<string, string> parameters, Action<FlickrResult<UnknownResponse>> callback) { if (parameters == null) parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>(); parameters.Add("method", method); GetResponseAsync<UnknownResponse>(parameters, callback); }
/// <summary> /// Test the logged in state of the current Filckr object. /// </summary> /// <param name="callback">Callback method to call upon return of the response from Flickr.</param> public void TestLoginAsync(Action<FlickrResult<FoundUser>> callback) { Dictionary<string, string> parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>(); parameters.Add("method", "flickr.test.login"); GetResponseAsync<FoundUser>(parameters, callback); }
public static void HeavyChurn(Simulator sim, int time) { sim.Complete(); Dictionary<Node, Node> volatile_nodes = new Dictionary<Node, Node>(); int fifteen_mins = (int) ((new TimeSpan(0, 15, 0)).Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond); int max = sim.StartingNetworkSize * 2; Random rand = new Random(); DateTime end = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(time); while(end > DateTime.UtcNow) { SimpleTimer.RunSteps(fifteen_mins); List<Node> to_remove = new List<Node>(); foreach(Node node in volatile_nodes.Keys) { double prob = rand.NextDouble(); if(prob <= .7) { continue; } // This is due to some bug that I can no longer remember // sim.RemoveNode(node, prob > .9); sim.RemoveNode(node, true); to_remove.Add(node); } foreach(Node node in to_remove) { volatile_nodes.Remove(node); } Console.WriteLine("Removed: {0} Nodes" , to_remove.Count); while(volatile_nodes.Count < max) { Node node = sim.AddNode(); volatile_nodes.Add(node, node); } } }
public static void initElements() { masterElement = new Dictionary<string, Element>(); masterElement.Add( "fire", new Element( "Fire", 0, "Burny!" ) ); masterElement.Add( "ice", new Element( "Ice", 0, "Freezy!" ) ); masterElement.Add( "electric", new Element( "Electric", 0, "Zappy!" ) ); masterElement.Add( "holy", new Element( "Holy", 0, "Blessy!" ) ); masterElement.Add( "dark", new Element( "Dark", 0, "Damney!" ) ); masterElement.Add( "drain", new Element( "Drain", 0, "Draino!" ) ); masterElement.Add( "reduction", new Element( "Reduction", 0, "Halvey!" ) ); masterElement.Add( "antimech", new Element( "AntiMech", 0, "Roboty!" ) ); }
public Proxy(DokanOptions options, DokanOperations operations) { operations_ = operations; options_ = options; array_ = new ArrayList(); infoTable_ = new Dictionary<ulong, DokanFileInfo>(); }
public ActionResult Assign(string loginId) { User user = _memberShipFactory.CreateUserDao().GetByLoginId(loginId); if (user == null) { throw new HttpException(404, "Cant' find the user with loginid is " + loginId); } var userGroupRoleMap = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>(); var rolePermissionsMap = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>(); foreach (UserGroup ug in _memberShipFactory.CreateUserGroupDao().GetAll()) { userGroupRoleMap.Add(ug.Id, new List<string>()); foreach (Role role in ug.GetAllRoles()) { userGroupRoleMap[ug.Id].Add(role.Id); } } foreach (Role role in _memberShipFactory.CreateRoleDao().GetAll()) { rolePermissionsMap.Add(role.Id, new List<string>()); foreach (Permission permission in role.Permissions) { rolePermissionsMap[role.Id].Add(permission.Id); } } ViewData["userGroupRoleMap"] = userGroupRoleMap; ViewData["rolePermissionMap"] = rolePermissionsMap; return View(user); }
public World() { HhldscompositePool = new List<SimulationObject>(); HhldsPool = new List<SimulationObject>(); PersonPool = new List<SimulationObject>(); ZonalCollection = new Dictionary<string, SpatialZone>(); }
public static ICache BuildCacheStatic(string regionName, IDictionary<string,string> properties) { if (regionName != null && caches[regionName] != null) { return caches[regionName] as ICache; } if (regionName == null) { regionName = ""; } if (properties == null) { properties = new Dictionary<string,string>(); } if (log.IsDebugEnabled) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> de in properties) { sb.Append("name="); sb.Append(de.Key); sb.Append("&value="); sb.Append(de.Value); sb.Append(";"); } log.Debug("building cache with region: " + regionName + ", properties: " + sb.ToString()); } FooCache cache = new FooCache(regionName, properties); caches.Add(regionName, cache); return cache; }
static CodeDomProvider GetCodeProviderInstance(Type type, string compilerVersion) { CodeDomProvider provider; lock (providersLock) { if (providers == null) { providers = new Dictionary<Type, Dictionary<string, CodeDomProvider>>(); } Dictionary<string, CodeDomProvider> typedProviders; if (!providers.TryGetValue(type, out typedProviders)) { typedProviders = new Dictionary<string, CodeDomProvider>(); providers.Add(type, typedProviders); } if (!typedProviders.TryGetValue(compilerVersion, out provider)) { provider = CreateCodeProviderInstance(type, compilerVersion); typedProviders.Add(compilerVersion, provider); } } return provider; }
private void PrintDictionary(Dictionary<string, string> dic) { foreach (var pair in dic) { Output.WriteLine("{0}-{1}", pair.Key, pair.Value); } }
/// <summary>Returns at most the 4 closest addresses in order.</summary> protected List<Connection> GetClosest(List<Connection> cons) { List<Connection> closest = new List<Connection>(cons); // Since MeasuredLatency could change the duration of our sorting we make // a copy as necessary Dictionary<Connection, double> latencies = new Dictionary<Connection, double>(); Comparison<Connection> comparer = delegate(Connection x, Connection y) { double lat_x, lat_y; if(!latencies.TryGetValue(x, out lat_x)) { lat_x = _ncservice.GetMeasuredLatency(x.Address); latencies[x] = lat_x; } if(!latencies.TryGetValue(y, out lat_y)) { lat_y = _ncservice.GetMeasuredLatency(y.Address); latencies[y] = lat_y; } // Remember that smaller is better but -1 is bad... // If either is smaller than 0 invert the comparison.. if(lat_x < 0 || lat_y < 0) { return lat_y.CompareTo(lat_x); } else { return lat_x.CompareTo(lat_y); } }; closest.Sort(comparer); if(closest.Count > 4) { closest.RemoveRange(4, closest.Count - 4); } return closest; }
public void Add() { IDictionary<string, string> dict = new Dictionary<string, string>(); dict = dict.ToReadOnlyDictionary(); Assert.Throws<NotSupportedException>(() => dict.Add("", "")); }
static Dictionary<string, int> LoadNameIndex(BitAccess bits) { Dictionary<string, int> result = new Dictionary<string, int>(); int ver; int sig; int age; Guid guid; bits.ReadInt32(out ver); // 0..3 Version bits.ReadInt32(out sig); // 4..7 Signature bits.ReadInt32(out age); // 8..11 Age bits.ReadGuid(out guid); // 12..27 GUID //if (ver != 20000404) { // throw new PdbDebugException("Unsupported PDB Stream version {0}", ver); //} // Read string buffer. int buf; bits.ReadInt32(out buf); // 28..31 Bytes of Strings int beg = bits.Position; int nxt = bits.Position + buf; bits.Position = nxt; // Read map index. int cnt; // n+0..3 hash size. int max; // n+4..7 maximum ni. bits.ReadInt32(out cnt); bits.ReadInt32(out max); BitSet present = new BitSet(bits); BitSet deleted = new BitSet(bits); if (!deleted.IsEmpty) { throw new PdbDebugException("Unsupported PDB deleted bitset is not empty."); } int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { if (present.IsSet(i)) { int ns; int ni; bits.ReadInt32(out ns); bits.ReadInt32(out ni); string name; int saved = bits.Position; bits.Position = beg + ns; bits.ReadCString(out name); bits.Position = saved; result.Add(name.ToUpperInvariant(), ni); j++; } } if (j != cnt) { throw new PdbDebugException("Count mismatch. ({0} != {1})", j, cnt); } return result; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="entity">an actual entity object, not a proxy!</param> /// <param name="entityMode"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string ToString(object entity, EntityMode entityMode) { IClassMetadata cm = _factory.GetClassMetadata(entity.GetType()); if (cm == null) { return entity.GetType().FullName; } IDictionary<string, string> result = new Dictionary<string, string>(); if (cm.HasIdentifierProperty) { result[cm.IdentifierPropertyName] = cm.IdentifierType.ToLoggableString(cm.GetIdentifier(entity, entityMode), _factory); } IType[] types = cm.PropertyTypes; string[] names = cm.PropertyNames; object[] values = cm.GetPropertyValues(entity, entityMode); for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; i++) { result[names[i]] = types[i].ToLoggableString(values[i], _factory); } return cm.EntityName + CollectionPrinter.ToString(result); }
private int _updateInterval = 60 * (1000*60); // ms #endregion Fields #region Constructors /// <summary> /// Create an OrbitGetter object with its update interval set to <i>updateIntervalMinutes</i> /// </summary> /// <param name="updateIntervalMinutes">the frequency, in minutes, to update TLE files.</param> public OrbitGetter(int updateIntervalMinutes) { this._updateInterval = updateIntervalMinutes * 60 * 1000; // ms this._constellations = new Dictionary<string, Constellation2>(); this._tleThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.UpdateConstellations)); this._tleThread.Start(); }