 public SuffixArrayRange(PrecomputedSearchResult precomputedResult, IBigArray <ulong> suffixArray,
                         FourBitDigitBigArray digits)
     //If there are no results
     if (precomputedResult.MinSuffixArrayIdx == precomputedResult.MaxSuffixArrayIdx)
         HasResults = false;
     else //Otherwise there are search results
         HasResults = true;
         Min        = precomputedResult.MinSuffixArrayIdx;
         //Note that the precomputed results are stored with the max value exclusive so that it can also encode HasResults
         //  whereas this class uses inclusive, so correct for that by taking 1
         Max         = precomputedResult.MaxSuffixArrayIdx - 1;
         SuffixArray = suffixArray;
         Digits      = digits;
        public static SuffixArrayRange Search(IBigArray <ulong> suffixArray, FourBitDigitBigArray digitArray, byte[] lookFor,
                                              IBigArray <PrecomputedSearchResult>[] precomputedResults = null)
            if (lookFor.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("lookFor must contain at least 1 digit");

            if (digitArray.Length == 0)
                return(new SuffixArrayRange(false));

            if (suffixArray.Length != digitArray.Length)
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          "Suffix Array must be the same length as the Digit Array. This is not the correct suffix array for this digit array");

            //If we've been passed null for the precomputedResults, make an empty array for them
            if (precomputedResults == null)
                precomputedResults = new IBigArray <PrecomputedSearchResult> [0];

            //If we have been given the precomputed results for strings of the length we're looking for
            if (precomputedResults.Length >= lookFor.Length)
                IBigArray <PrecomputedSearchResult> precomputedResultsOfRequiredLength =
                    precomputedResults[lookFor.Length - 1];

                //Convert the string of bytes we're looking for to a long to use as the array index
                long precomputedResultIdx = ByteArrToLong(lookFor);

                PrecomputedSearchResult precomputedResult = precomputedResultsOfRequiredLength[precomputedResultIdx];

                //Convert this precomputed result into a SuffixArrayRange before returning it
                SuffixArrayRange suffixArrayRange = new SuffixArrayRange(precomputedResult, suffixArray, digitArray);
            else //Otherwise we don't have the precomputed results for this search, run the suffix array search
                long matchingPosition = binarySearchForPrefix(suffixArray, digitArray, lookFor, 0,
                                                              suffixArray.Length - 1);

                //If there were no matches
                if (matchingPosition == -1)
                    return(new SuffixArrayRange(false));
                else //Otherwise match found, look for more
                    long min = matchingPosition;
                    long max = matchingPosition;

                    while (min > 0 && doesStartWithSuffix(digitArray, lookFor, (long)suffixArray[min - 1]) == 0)

                    while (max < digitArray.Length - 1 &&
                           doesStartWithSuffix(digitArray, lookFor, (long)suffixArray[max + 1]) == 0)

                    SuffixArrayRange suffixArrayRange = new SuffixArrayRange(min, max, suffixArray, digitArray);