		/// <summary>
		/// Creates an instance of <see cref="WorkShiftVm"/> with the given model and work shift prototype viewModel
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="model"></param>
		/// <param name="prototype"></param>
		public WorkShiftVm(Model.WorkShift model, WorkShiftPrototypeVm prototype)
			Model = model;
			Prototype = prototype;
			StartSeconds = model.StartSeconds;
			EndSeconds = model.EndSeconds;
			IsOpen = model.IsOpen;

			//add workbreak models
			foreach (var workBreak in model.WorkBreaks)
				var wbreak = new WorkBreakVm(workBreak);
				wbreak.DeleteCommand = new Commands.Command(o => Breaks.Remove(wbreak));

			//auto add future workbreak models
			Breaks.CollectionChanged += (s, e) =>
				if (e.NewItems != null)
					foreach (WorkBreakVm wbreak in e.NewItems)
					foreach (WorkBreakVm wbreak in e.OldItems)

			ToggleIsOpenCommand = new Commands.Command(o => IsOpen = !IsOpen);
		/// <summary>
		/// Corrects Shifts and Prototypes info to match the desired count
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="desiredCount">Target number of shifts in this profile</param>
		private void correctShifts(int desiredCount)
			//changing ShiftPrototypes makes ShiftPrototype.Index akin to errors
			//-> Correct Indices
			var arr = ShiftPrototypes.OrderBy(x => x.Index).ToArray();
			for (byte i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)
				arr[i].Index = i;

			//add or remove shift prototypes to/from model and viewModel
			//-> correct shiftPrototypes
			while (desiredCount != _model.WorkShiftPrototypes.Count)
				if (desiredCount > _model.WorkShiftPrototypes.Count)
					//add a new proto until the desired number of protos are reached
					//each added item have its index and other props properly propped!
					//-> add ShiftPrototype
					var protoModel = WorkShiftPrototype.CreateDefault(_model);
					var protoVm = new WorkShiftPrototypeVm(protoModel, ShiftColors);

					//After adding to shiftPrototypes, WorkShifts of each WorkDay have to be corrected too
					//-> add WorkShifts
					foreach (var day in _model.WorkDays)
						//find workDayVm from day model
						var workDayVm = WorkDays.First(x => x.Id == day.Id);

						//add new shifts to workDay vm and workDay model
						if (day.WorkShifts.Any(x => x.WorkShiftPrototype.Index == protoModel.Index)) continue;
						var shift = WorkShift.CreateDefault(day, protoModel);
						workDayVm.Shifts.Add(new WorkShiftVm(shift, protoVm));
					//remove extra shift prototypes from model and viewModel
					//remove a new proto until the desired number of protos are reached
					//-> remove ShiftPrototype
					var protoModel = _model.WorkShiftPrototypes.OrderBy(x => x.Index).Last();
					ShiftPrototypes.RemoveWhere(x => x.Index == protoModel.Index);

					//After correcting shiftPrototypes, WorkShifts of each WorkDay have to be corrected too
					//-> remove WorkShifts
					foreach (var day in _model.WorkDays)
						//find workDayVm from day model
						var workDayVm = WorkDays.First(x => x.Id == day.Id);

						//remove extra shifts from workDay vm and workDay model
						var shift = day.WorkShifts.First(x => x.WorkShiftPrototype.Index == protoModel.Index);
						workDayVm.Shifts.Remove(workDayVm.Shifts.OrderBy(x => x.Prototype.Index).Last());