Inheritance: IPropertyVisitor
 static public int get_IsTriggered(IntPtr l)
     try {
         SkillSystem.SkillMessageHandler self = (SkillSystem.SkillMessageHandler)checkSelf(l);
         pushValue(l, true);
         pushValue(l, self.IsTriggered);
     catch (Exception e) {
         return(error(l, e));
 static public int Prepare(IntPtr l)
     try {
         SkillSystem.SkillMessageHandler self = (SkillSystem.SkillMessageHandler)checkSelf(l);
         pushValue(l, true);
     catch (Exception e) {
         return(error(l, e));
 static public int constructor(IntPtr l)
     try {
         SkillSystem.SkillMessageHandler o;
         o = new SkillSystem.SkillMessageHandler();
         pushValue(l, true);
         pushValue(l, o);
     catch (Exception e) {
         return(error(l, e));
 static public int IsOver(IntPtr l)
     try {
         SkillSystem.SkillMessageHandler self = (SkillSystem.SkillMessageHandler)checkSelf(l);
         var ret = self.IsOver();
         pushValue(l, true);
         pushValue(l, ret);
     catch (Exception e) {
         return(error(l, e));
 static public int VisitProperties(IntPtr l)
     try {
         SkillSystem.SkillMessageHandler     self = (SkillSystem.SkillMessageHandler)checkSelf(l);
         SkillSystem.VisitPropertyDelegation a1;
         LuaDelegation.checkDelegate(l, 2, out a1);
         pushValue(l, true);
     catch (Exception e) {
         return(error(l, e));
 static public int set_IsTriggered(IntPtr l)
     try {
         SkillSystem.SkillMessageHandler self = (SkillSystem.SkillMessageHandler)checkSelf(l);
         bool v;
         checkType(l, 2, out v);
         self.IsTriggered = v;
         pushValue(l, true);
     catch (Exception e) {
         return(error(l, e));
 static public int Load(IntPtr l)
     try {
         SkillSystem.SkillMessageHandler self = (SkillSystem.SkillMessageHandler)checkSelf(l);
         Dsl.FunctionData a1;
         checkType(l, 2, out a1);
         SkillSystem.SkillInstance a2;
         checkType(l, 3, out a2);
         self.Load(a1, a2);
         pushValue(l, true);
     catch (Exception e) {
         return(error(l, e));
        public SkillMessageHandler Clone()
            SkillMessageHandler section = new SkillMessageHandler();

            for (int i = 0; i < m_LoadedTrigers.Count; i++)

             * foreach (ISkillTriger triger in m_LoadedTrigers) {
             * section.m_LoadedTrigers.Add(triger.Clone());
             * }*/
            section.m_MsgId = m_MsgId;
 static public int Tick(IntPtr l)
     try {
         SkillSystem.SkillMessageHandler self = (SkillSystem.SkillMessageHandler)checkSelf(l);
         System.Object a1;
         checkType(l, 2, out a1);
         SkillSystem.SkillInstance a2;
         checkType(l, 3, out a2);
         System.Int64 a3;
         checkType(l, 4, out a3);
         self.Tick(a1, a2, a3);
         pushValue(l, true);
     catch (Exception e) {
         return(error(l, e));
        private bool Init(Dsl.FunctionData skill)
            bool ret = false;
            m_UseImpactsForInit = new List<SkillSectionOrMessageTriggers>();
            m_ImpactsForInit = new List<SkillSectionOrMessageTriggers>();
            m_DamagesForInit = new List<SkillSectionOrMessageTriggers>();
            if (null != skill && (skill.GetId() == "skill" || skill.GetId() == "emitskill" || skill.GetId() == "hitskill")) {
                ret = true;
                Dsl.CallData callData = skill.Call;
                if (null != callData && callData.HaveParam()) {
                    m_OuterDslSkillId = int.Parse(callData.GetParamId(0));
                    m_DslSkillId = m_OuterDslSkillId;

                for (int i = 0; i < skill.Statements.Count; i++) {
                    if (skill.Statements[i].GetId() == "section") {
                        m_UseImpactsForInit.Add(new SkillSectionOrMessageTriggers(SectionOrMessageType.Section));
                        m_ImpactsForInit.Add(new SkillSectionOrMessageTriggers(SectionOrMessageType.Section));
                        m_DamagesForInit.Add(new SkillSectionOrMessageTriggers(SectionOrMessageType.Section));
                        Dsl.FunctionData sectionData = skill.Statements[i] as Dsl.FunctionData;
                        if (null != sectionData) {
                            SkillSection section = new SkillSection();
                            section.Load(sectionData, this);
                        } else {
            #if DEBUG
                            string err = string.Format("Skill {0} DSL, section must be a function ! line:{1} section:{2}", m_DslSkillId, skill.Statements[i].GetLine(), skill.Statements[i].ToScriptString());
                            throw new Exception(err);
              LogSystem.Error("Skill {0} DSL, section must be a function !", m_DslSkillId);
                    } else if (skill.Statements[i].GetId() == "onmessage") {
                        m_UseImpactsForInit.Add(new SkillSectionOrMessageTriggers(SectionOrMessageType.Message));
                        m_ImpactsForInit.Add(new SkillSectionOrMessageTriggers(SectionOrMessageType.Message));
                        m_DamagesForInit.Add(new SkillSectionOrMessageTriggers(SectionOrMessageType.Message));
                        Dsl.FunctionData sectionData = skill.Statements[i] as Dsl.FunctionData;
                        if (null != sectionData) {
                            SkillMessageHandler handler = new SkillMessageHandler();
                            handler.Load(sectionData, this);
                        } else {
            #if DEBUG
                            string err = string.Format("Skill {0} DSL, onmessage must be a function ! line:{1} onmessage:{2}", m_DslSkillId, skill.Statements[i].GetLine(), skill.Statements[i].ToScriptString());
                            throw new Exception(err);
              LogSystem.Error("Skill {0} DSL, onmessage must be a function !", m_DslSkillId);
                    } else if (skill.Statements[i].GetId() == "onstop") {
                        m_UseImpactsForInit.Add(new SkillSectionOrMessageTriggers(SectionOrMessageType.OnStop));
                        m_ImpactsForInit.Add(new SkillSectionOrMessageTriggers(SectionOrMessageType.OnStop));
                        m_DamagesForInit.Add(new SkillSectionOrMessageTriggers(SectionOrMessageType.OnStop));
                        Dsl.FunctionData sectionData = skill.Statements[i] as Dsl.FunctionData;
                        if (null != sectionData) {
                            m_StopSection = new SkillMessageHandler();
                            m_StopSection.Load(sectionData, this);
                        } else {
            #if DEBUG
                            string err = string.Format("Skill {0} DSL, onstop must be a function ! line:{1} onmessage:{2}", m_DslSkillId, skill.Statements[i].GetLine(), skill.Statements[i].ToScriptString());
                            throw new Exception(err);
              LogSystem.Error("Skill {0} DSL, onstop must be a function !", m_DslSkillId);
                    } else if (skill.Statements[i].GetId() == "oninterrupt") {
                        m_UseImpactsForInit.Add(new SkillSectionOrMessageTriggers(SectionOrMessageType.OnInterrupt));
                        m_ImpactsForInit.Add(new SkillSectionOrMessageTriggers(SectionOrMessageType.OnInterrupt));
                        m_DamagesForInit.Add(new SkillSectionOrMessageTriggers(SectionOrMessageType.OnInterrupt));
                        Dsl.FunctionData sectionData = skill.Statements[i] as Dsl.FunctionData;
                        if (null != sectionData) {
                            m_InterruptSection = new SkillMessageHandler();
                            m_InterruptSection.Load(sectionData, this);
                        } else {
            #if DEBUG
                            string err = string.Format("Skill {0} DSL, oninterrupt must be a function ! line:{1} onmessage:{2}", m_DslSkillId, skill.Statements[i].GetLine(), skill.Statements[i].ToScriptString());
                            throw new Exception(err);
              LogSystem.Error("Skill {0} DSL, oninterrupt must be a function !", m_DslSkillId);
                    } else if (skill.Statements[i].GetId() == "emitskill") {
                        Dsl.FunctionData sectionData = skill.Statements[i] as Dsl.FunctionData;
                        if (null != sectionData) {
                            SkillInstance inst = new SkillInstance();
                            Dsl.CallData header = sectionData.Call;
                            int innerId = 0;
                            if (header.GetParamNum() > 0) {
                                innerId = int.Parse(header.GetParamId(0));
                            inst.m_InnerDslSkillId = GenInnerEmitSkillId(innerId);
                            inst.m_OuterDslSkillId = m_DslSkillId;
                            inst.m_DslSkillId = m_DslSkillId;
                            if (!m_EmitSkillInstances.ContainsKey(inst.InnerDslSkillId)) {
                                m_EmitSkillInstances.Add(inst.InnerDslSkillId, inst);
                            } else {
            #if DEBUG
                                string err = string.Format("Skill {0} DSL, emitskill id duplicate ! line:{1} onmessage:{2}", m_DslSkillId, skill.Statements[i].GetLine(), skill.Statements[i].ToScriptString());
                                throw new Exception(err);
                                LogSystem.Error("Skill {0} DSL, emitskill id duplicate !", m_DslSkillId);
                        } else {
            #if DEBUG
                            string err = string.Format("Skill {0} DSL, emitskill must be a function ! line:{1} onmessage:{2}", m_DslSkillId, skill.Statements[i].GetLine(), skill.Statements[i].ToScriptString());
                            throw new Exception(err);
              LogSystem.Error("Skill {0} DSL, oninterrupt must be a function !", m_DslSkillId);
                    } else if (skill.Statements[i].GetId() == "hitskill") {
                        Dsl.FunctionData sectionData = skill.Statements[i] as Dsl.FunctionData;
                        if (null != sectionData) {
                            SkillInstance inst = new SkillInstance();
                            Dsl.CallData header = sectionData.Call;
                            int innerId = 0;
                            if (header.GetParamNum() > 0) {
                                innerId = int.Parse(header.GetParamId(0));
                            inst.m_InnerDslSkillId = GenInnerHitSkillId(innerId);
                            inst.m_OuterDslSkillId = m_DslSkillId;
                            inst.m_DslSkillId = m_DslSkillId;
                            if (!m_HitSkillInstances.ContainsKey(inst.InnerDslSkillId)) {
                                m_HitSkillInstances.Add(inst.InnerDslSkillId, inst);
                            } else {
            #if DEBUG
                                string err = string.Format("Skill {0} DSL, hitskill id duplicate ! line:{1} onmessage:{2}", m_DslSkillId, skill.Statements[i].GetLine(), skill.Statements[i].ToScriptString());
                                throw new Exception(err);
                                LogSystem.Error("Skill {0} DSL, hitskill id duplicate !", m_DslSkillId);
                        } else {
            #if DEBUG
                            string err = string.Format("Skill {0} DSL, hitskill must be a function ! line:{1} onmessage:{2}", m_DslSkillId, skill.Statements[i].GetLine(), skill.Statements[i].ToScriptString());
                            throw new Exception(err);
              LogSystem.Error("Skill {0} DSL, oninterrupt must be a function !", m_DslSkillId);
                    } else {
            #if DEBUG
                        string err = string.Format("SkillInstance::Init, Skill {0} unknown part {1}, line:{2} section:{3}", m_DslSkillId, skill.Statements[i].GetId(), skill.Statements[i].GetLine(), skill.Statements[i].ToScriptString());
                        throw new Exception(err);
            LogSystem.Error("SkillInstance::Init, Skill {0} unknown part {1}", m_DslSkillId, skill.Statements[i].GetId());
            } else {
            #if DEBUG
                string err = string.Format("SkillInstance::Init, isn't skill DSL, line:{0} skill:{1}", skill.GetLine(), skill.ToScriptString());
                throw new Exception(err);
            LogSystem.Error("SkillInstance::Init, isn't skill DSL");
            LogSystem.Debug("SkillInstance.Init section num:{0} {1} skill {2}", m_Sections.Count, ret, m_DslSkillId);
            return ret;
 public SkillMessageHandler Clone()
     SkillMessageHandler section = new SkillMessageHandler();
     for (int i = 0; i < m_LoadedTrigers.Count; i++) {
     section.m_MsgId = m_MsgId;
     return section;
        public bool Init(ScriptableData.ScriptableDataInfo config)
            bool ret = false;

            ScriptableData.FunctionData skill = config.First;
            if (null != skill && skill.GetId() == "skill")
                ret = true;
                ScriptableData.CallData callData = skill.Call;
                if (null != callData && callData.HaveParam())
                    m_SkillId = int.Parse(callData.GetParamId(0));

                for (int i = 0; i < skill.Statements.Count; i++)
                    if (skill.Statements[i].GetId() == "section")
                        ScriptableData.FunctionData sectionData = skill.Statements[i] as ScriptableData.FunctionData;
                        if (null != sectionData)
                            SkillSection section = new SkillSection();
                            section.Load(sectionData, m_SkillId);
                            LogSystem.Error("Skill {0} DSL, section must be a function !", m_SkillId);
                    else if (skill.Statements[i].GetId() == "onmessage")
                        ScriptableData.FunctionData sectionData = skill.Statements[i] as ScriptableData.FunctionData;
                        if (null != sectionData)
                            SkillMessageHandler handler = new SkillMessageHandler();
                            handler.Load(sectionData, m_SkillId);
                            LogSystem.Error("Skill {0} DSL, onmessage must be a function !", m_SkillId);
                    else if (skill.Statements[i].GetId() == "onstop")
                        ScriptableData.FunctionData sectionData = skill.Statements[i] as ScriptableData.FunctionData;
                        if (null != sectionData)
                            m_StopSection = new SkillMessageHandler();
                            m_StopSection.Load(sectionData, m_SkillId);
                            LogSystem.Error("Skill {0} DSL, onstop must be a function !", m_SkillId);
                    else if (skill.Statements[i].GetId() == "oninterrupt")
                        ScriptableData.FunctionData sectionData = skill.Statements[i] as ScriptableData.FunctionData;
                        if (null != sectionData)
                            m_InterruptSection = new SkillMessageHandler();
                            m_InterruptSection.Load(sectionData, m_SkillId);
                            LogSystem.Error("Skill {0} DSL, oninterrupt must be a function !", m_SkillId);
                        LogSystem.Error("SkillInstance::Init, unknown part {0}", skill.Statements[i].GetId());

                 * foreach (ScriptableData.ISyntaxComponent info in skill.Statements) {
                 * if (info.GetId() == "section") {
                 *  ScriptableData.FunctionData sectionData = info as ScriptableData.FunctionData;
                 *  if (null != sectionData) {
                 *    SkillSection section = new SkillSection();
                 *    section.Load(sectionData, m_SkillId);
                 *    m_Sections.Add(section);
                 *  } else {
                 *    LogSystem.Error("Skill {0} DSL, section must be a function !", m_SkillId);
                 *  }
                 * } else if (info.GetId() == "onmessage") {
                 *  ScriptableData.FunctionData sectionData = info as ScriptableData.FunctionData;
                 *  if (null != sectionData) {
                 *    SkillMessageHandler handler = new SkillMessageHandler();
                 *    handler.Load(sectionData, m_SkillId);
                 *    m_MessageHandlers.Add(handler);
                 *  } else {
                 *    LogSystem.Error("Skill {0} DSL, onmessage must be a function !", m_SkillId);
                 *  }
                 * } else if (info.GetId() == "onstop") {
                 *  ScriptableData.FunctionData sectionData = info as ScriptableData.FunctionData;
                 *  if (null != sectionData) {
                 *    m_StopSection = new SkillMessageHandler();
                 *    m_StopSection.Load(sectionData, m_SkillId);
                 *  } else {
                 *    LogSystem.Error("Skill {0} DSL, onstop must be a function !", m_SkillId);
                 *  }
                 * } else if (info.GetId() == "oninterrupt") {
                 *  ScriptableData.FunctionData sectionData = info as ScriptableData.FunctionData;
                 *  if (null != sectionData) {
                 *    m_InterruptSection = new SkillMessageHandler();
                 *    m_InterruptSection.Load(sectionData, m_SkillId);
                 *  } else {
                 *    LogSystem.Error("Skill {0} DSL, oninterrupt must be a function !", m_SkillId);
                 *  }
                 * } else {
                 *  LogSystem.Error("SkillInstance::Init, unknown part {0}", info.GetId());
                 * }
                 * }*/
                LogSystem.Error("SkillInstance::Init, isn't skill DSL");
            //LogSystem.Debug("SkillInstance.Init section num:{0} {1}", m_Sections.Count, ret);