public void readHosts() { string path = Application.persistentDataPath; if (!path.EndsWith("/")) { path += "/"; } PlayerPrefs.Save(); //PlayerPrefs.DeleteAll(); SimpleJSON.JSONNode hostfile = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); #if !(UNITY_WEBPLAYER || UNITY_WEBGL) if (!System.IO.File.Exists("host.cfg")) { hostfile.Add("host", new SimpleJSON.JSONData("http://localhost:3000/api/proxy/gleaner/collector/")); hostfile.Add("trackingCode", new SimpleJSON.JSONData("asdasdasdasda")); System.IO.File.WriteAllText("host.cfg", hostfile.ToString()); } else { hostfile = SimpleJSON.JSON.Parse(System.IO.File.ReadAllText("host.cfg")); } #endif PlayerPrefs.SetString("host", hostfile["host"]); PlayerPrefs.SetString("trackingCode", hostfile["trackingCode"]); PlayerPrefs.Save(); //End tracker data loading }
static void ExportResource() { int StageNum = 1; string fileName = "Stage" + StageNum + ".json"; Transform tf = GameObject.Find("BlockRoot").transform; string seedString = "{\"blocks\":[]}"; JSONNode node = JSON.Parse(seedString); Transform[] arTF = tf.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>(); for (int i = 1; i < arTF.Length; i++) { Transform subtf = arTF[i]; JSONClass subNode = new JSONClass(); subNode.Add("type", "Normal"); subNode.Add("posX", subtf.position.x + ""); subNode.Add("posY", subtf.position.y + ""); node["blocks"][-1] = subNode; } Debug.Log(node.ToString()); writeStringToFile(node.ToString(), fileName); }
//JSON Format: /* { "session": { "id": "session1234", "player": "user123", "game": "game1", "version": "version 1.0" }, "play_events" : [ { "time": "2015-02-17T22:43:45-5:00", "event": "PowerUp.FireBall", "value": "1.0", "level": "1-1"}, { "time": "2015-02-17T22:45:45-5:00", "event": "PowerUp.Mushroom", "value": "2.0", "level": "1-1"} ] } */ public static string ToJSON(Gloggr_Report r) { JSONNode n = new JSONClass(); n.Add ("session", Gloggr_SessionHeader.ToJSONObject(r.session) ); JSONArray a = new JSONArray(); foreach(Gloggr_PlayEvent e in r.play_events) { a.Add(Gloggr_PlayEvent.ToJSONObject(e)); } n.Add ("play_events", a); return n.ToString(); // string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(e, Formatting.Indented); // //from Gloggr_SessionHeader.ToJSON // //json = Gloggr_SessionHeader.FormatJSONKeys(json); // //from Gloggr_PlayEvent.ToJSON // //json = Gloggr_PlayEvent.FormatJSONKeys(json); // return json; }
public void addGame(string title, bool ispublic) { JSONClass json = new JSONClass (); json.Add ("title", new JSONData (title)); json.Add ("public", new JSONData (ispublic)); net.POST (url, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (json.ToString ()), trackHeaders, new GameCreatorListener ()); }
public void login(string user, string pass) { JSONClass json = new JSONClass (); json.Add ("username", new JSONData (this.user)); json.Add ("password", new JSONData (this.pass)); www = net.POST (baseurl + loginurl, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (json.ToString ()), trackHeaders, new LoginListener ()); }
public void OnException(Exception e) { ServiceAPI sp = AppConstant.GetServce(); JSONClass json = new JSONClass(); json.Add("userId",FB.UserId); json.Add("userName",AppConstant.GetUserName()); AppConstant.GetStorageService(sp).InsertJSONDocument(AppConstant.DBName, AppConstant.CollectionName,json,this); }
public static byte[] BuildBytes_NewMatch() { SimpleJSON.JSONClass obj = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); obj.Add("sender", AppWarp.localusername); obj.Add("type", "new_match"); byte[] retVal = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(obj.ToString()); return retVal; }
public static byte[] BuildMessageBytes_OppName() { SimpleJSON.JSONClass obj = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); obj.Add("sender", AppWarp.localusername); obj.Add("type", "oppName"); byte[] retVal = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(obj.ToString()); return retVal; }
public static byte[] BuildMessageBytes_Move( string piece, int gbi ) { SimpleJSON.JSONClass moveObj = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); moveObj.Add("gridBoxIndex", gbi); moveObj.Add("sender", AppWarp.localusername); moveObj.Add("piece", piece); moveObj.Add("type", "move"); return System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(moveObj.ToString()); }
// 保存当前平台类型 static void SavePlatform() { BuildTarget target = EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget; BuildSetting(target); SimpleJSON.JSONClass json = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); json.Add("platform", new SimpleJSON.JSONData((int)target)); json.Add("version", new SimpleJSON.JSONData(ConstantData.mainVersion)); IGG.FileUtil.SaveTextToFile(json.ToString(""), CommandHelper.OutputPath); }
public static JSONNode ToJSONObject(Gloggr_SessionHeader e) { JSONNode n = new JSONClass(); n.Add ("id", new JSONData( e.gSessionID)); n.Add ("player", new JSONData(e.gPlayer)); n.Add ("game", new JSONData(e.gGameName)); n.Add ("version", new JSONData(e.gVersion)); return n; }
public static JSONNode ToJSONObject(Gloggr_PlayEvent e) { JSONNode n = new JSONClass(); n.Add ("time", new JSONData( e.gTime)); n.Add("event", new JSONData(e.gEvent)); n.Add("value", new JSONData(e.gValue)); n.Add("position", new JSONData(e.gPosition)); n.Add("level", new JSONData(e.gLevel)); return n; }
public void SaveName() { string path = Application.persistentDataPath; PlayerPrefs.SetInt("PreTestEnd", 0); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("PostTestEnd", 0); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("TeaTestEnd", 0); if (!path.EndsWith("/")) { path += "/"; } if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("username") && PlayerPrefs.GetString("username") != t.text) { if (System.IO.File.Exists(path + "tracesRaw.csv")) { System.IO.File.AppendAllText(path + PlayerPrefs.GetString("username") + ".csv.backup", System.IO.File.ReadAllText(path + "tracesRaw.csv")); System.IO.File.Delete(path + "tracesRaw.csv"); } } PlayerPrefs.SetString("username", t.text); PlayerPrefs.SetString("password", t.text); PlayerPrefs.Save(); //PlayerPrefs.DeleteAll(); SimpleJSON.JSONNode hostfile = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); #if !(UNITY_WEBPLAYER || UNITY_WEBGL) if (!System.IO.File.Exists("host.cfg")) { hostfile.Add("host", new SimpleJSON.JSONData("")); hostfile.Add("trackingCode", new SimpleJSON.JSONData("57d81d5585b094006eab04d6ndecvjlvjss8aor")); System.IO.File.WriteAllText("host.cfg", hostfile.ToString()); } else { hostfile = SimpleJSON.JSON.Parse(System.IO.File.ReadAllText("host.cfg")); } #endif PlayerPrefs.SetString("host", hostfile["host"]); if (PlayerPrefs.GetString("ActivitiesTracking") == null) { PlayerPrefs.SetString("trackingCode", hostfile["trackingCode"]); } PlayerPrefs.Save(); TrackerObject.SetActive(true); //End tracker data loading }
public JSONClass GetJsonStatus() { var sj = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); var jsonObj = new JSONClass(); jsonObj.Add("id", new JSONData(id)); if (mSocket != null) { var ip = mSocket.RemoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint; jsonObj.Add("ip", new JSONData(ip.ToString())); jsonObj.Add("Active", new JSONData("true")); jsonObj.Add("ReceivePackets", new JSONData(mReceivePacketCount)); jsonObj.Add("ReceivePacketsSize", new JSONData(mReceivePacketSizeCount)); jsonObj.Add("SendPackets", new JSONData(mSendPacketCount)); jsonObj.Add("SendPacketsSize", new JSONData(mSendPacketSizeCount)); jsonObj.Add("MsgQueueLength", new JSONData(msgBuffer.Count)); } else { jsonObj.Add("Active", new JSONData("false")); } sj.Add("Agent", jsonObj); return(sj); }
public void addGameVersion(string id) { JSONClass json = new JSONClass (); json.Add ("gameId", id); net.POST (url + "/" + id + "/versions" , System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (json.ToString ()), trackHeaders, new GameVersionCreatorListener ()); }
public void WriteMd5(SimpleJSON.JSONClass jobj) { var abPath = path.Replace("/", "_"); var oj = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); oj.Add("md5", md5); jobj.Add(abPath, oj); }
public void WriteJson(SimpleJSON.JSONClass cl) { //var jd = new SimpleJSON.JSONData(); //jd.Value = var fn = Path.GetFileName(path); var abName = assetBundleFile.Replace("/", "_"); cl.Add(fn, abName); }
void OnGUI() { if (Time.time % 2 < 1) { success = callBack.getResult(); } // For Setting Up ResponseBox. GUI.TextArea(new Rect(10,5,1300,175), success); //========================================================================= if (GUI.Button(new Rect(50, 200, 200, 30), "Run Java Code")) { App42Log.SetDebug(true); customCodeService = sp.BuildCustomCodeService(); // Initializing CustomCodeService. JSONClass jsonBody = new JSONClass(); jsonBody.Add("name" ,"John"); jsonBody.Add("age",30); customCodeService.RunJavaCode(cons.customServiceName,jsonBody,new CustomCodeResponse()); } }
public void WriteJson(SimpleJSON.JSONClass jobj) { var abPath = path.Replace("/", "_"); var ls = new SimpleJSON.JSONArray(); foreach (var dep in dependency) { ls.Add(dep.Replace("/", "_")); } jobj.Add(abPath, ls); }
void DoSync() { JSONClass cl = new JSONClass(); JSONData dt_p1_mana = new JSONData(p1_mana); JSONData dt_p2_mana = new JSONData(p2_mana); JSONData dt_pop_all = new JSONData(pop_all); JSONData dt_pop_p1 = new JSONData(pop_p1); JSONData dt_pop_p2 = new JSONData(pop_p2); cl.Add("p1_mana",dt_p1_mana); cl.Add("p2_mana",dt_p2_mana); cl.Add("pop_all",dt_pop_all); cl.Add("pop_p1",dt_pop_p1); cl.Add("pop_p2",dt_pop_p2); string data = cl.SaveToBase64(); pview.RPC("GameResources_DoSyncGet",PhotonTargets.Others,data); //nview.RPC("GameResources_DoSyncGet", RPCMode.Others, data); //Debug.Log ("sending data to client"); }
public static byte[] BuildBytes_OnlineEvent( OnlineGameEvent _ge ) { SimpleJSON.JSONClass obj = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); obj.Add("sender", AppWarp.localusername); obj.Add("type", "online_event"); obj.Add("gE", (int)_ge.gameEvent); if( _ge.gameEventProperty != null ) { obj.Add("hasEP", true); obj.Add("gEP", _ge.gameEventProperty); } else { obj.Add("hasEP", false); obj.Add("gEP", ""); } byte[] retVal = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(obj.ToString()); return retVal; }
public IEnumerator writePlayerPrefs() { JSONClass root = new JSONClass(); JSONClass users = new JSONClass(); JSONClass wep = new JSONClass(); JSONClass wep2 = new JSONClass(); JSONArray weapons = new JSONArray(); users.Add("user_id", ""+ PlayerPrefs.GetInt("user_id")); users.Add("total_kills", ""+ PlayerPrefs.GetInt("total_kills")); users.Add("total_points", ""+ PlayerPrefs.GetInt("total_points")); users.Add("red", "" + PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("BaseRed")); users.Add("green", "" + PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("BaseGreen")); users.Add("blue", "" + PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("BaseBlue")); users.Add("highest_round_reached", "" + PlayerPrefs.GetInt("highestRound")); users.Add("points_available", "" + PlayerPrefs.GetInt("points_available")); root.Add("user_params", users); Debug.Log(root.ToString()); byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(root.ToString()); WWW www = new WWW(ROOT_URL + POST_USER_URL, data); yield return WaitForRequest(www); }
public override string ToString() { var sj = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); var jsonObj = new JSONClass(); jsonObj.Add("AgentCount", new JSONData(AgentCount)); var jsonArray = new JSONArray(); lock (agents) { foreach (var agent in agents) { jsonArray.Add("Agent", agent.Value.GetJsonStatus()); } } jsonObj.Add("Agents", jsonArray); sj.Add("AgentStatus", jsonObj); return(sj.ToString()); }
public override string ToString() { var sj = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); var jsonObj = new JSONClass(); KeyValuePair <int, Actor>[] ad; lock (actorDict) { ad = actorDict.ToArray(); } jsonObj.Add("ActorCount", new JSONData(ad.Length)); var jsonArray = new JSONArray(); foreach (var actor in ad) { var actorJson = new JSONClass(); actorJson.Add("type", new JSONData(actor.Value.GetType().ToString())); var actorComponents = new JSONClass(); /* * foreach (var compoent in actor.Value.GetComponents().Result) * { * actorComponents.Add("Component", new JSONData(compoent.GetType().ToString())); * } */ actorJson.Add("Components", actorComponents); actorJson.Add("Attribute", actor.Value.GetAttr()); jsonArray.Add("Actor", actorJson); } jsonObj.Add("Actors", jsonArray); sj.Add("AtorStatus", jsonObj); return(sj.ToString()); }
void Test() { var N = JSONNode.Parse("{\"name\":\"test\", \"array\":[1,{\"data\":\"value\"}]}"); N["array"][1]["Foo"] = "Bar"; P("'nice formatted' string representation of the JSON tree:"); P(N.ToString("")); P(""); P("'normal' string representation of the JSON tree:"); P(N.ToString()); P(""); P("content of member 'name':"); P(N["name"]); P(""); P("content of member 'array':"); P(N["array"].ToString("")); P(""); P("first element of member 'array': " + N["array"][0]); P(""); N["array"][0].AsInt = 10; P("value of the first element set to: " + N["array"][0]); P("The value of the first element as integer: " + N["array"][0].AsInt); P(""); P("N[\"array\"][1][\"data\"] == " + N["array"][1]["data"]); P(""); var data = N.SaveToBase64(); var data2 = N.SaveToCompressedBase64(); N = null; P("Serialized to Base64 string:"); P(data); P("Serialized to Base64 string (compressed):"); P(data2); P(""); N = JSONNode.LoadFromBase64(data); P("Deserialized from Base64 string:"); P(N.ToString()); P(""); var I = new JSONClass(); I["version"].AsInt = 5; I["author"]["name"] = "Bunny83"; I["author"]["phone"] = "0123456789"; I["data"][-1] = "First item\twith tab"; I["data"][-1] = "Second item"; I["data"][-1]["value"] = "class item"; I["data"].Add("Forth item"); I["data"][1] = I["data"][1] + " 'addition to the second item'"; I.Add("version", "1.0"); P("Second example:"); P(I.ToString()); P(""); P("I[\"data\"][0] : " + I["data"][0]); P("I[\"data\"][0].ToString() : " + I["data"][0].ToString()); P("I[\"data\"][0].Value : " + I["data"][0].Value); P (I.ToString()); }
public JSONClass toJSON(){ JSONClass j = new JSONClass (); j.Add ("id", new JSONData (id)); j.Add ("prodId", new JSONData (productId)); j.Add ("type", new JSONData (type)); j.Add ("quantity", new JSONData (quantity)); return j; }
void Start() { SimpleJSON.JSONNode hostfile = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); #if !(UNITY_WEBPLAYER || UNITY_WEBGL) if (!System.IO.File.Exists("host.cfg")) { hostfile.Add("limesurvey_host", "localhost:4000"); } else { hostfile = SimpleJSON.JSON.Parse(System.IO.File.ReadAllText("host.cfg")); } #endif try { host = hostfile["limesurvey_host"]; survey_pre = hostfile["limesurvey_pre"]; survey_post = hostfile["limesurvey_post"]; survey_tea = hostfile["limesurvey_tea"]; master_token_online = hostfile["master_token_online"]; master_token_offline = hostfile["master_token_offline"]; activities_tracking = hostfile["activities_tracking"]; } catch (Exception ex) { } PlayerPrefs.SetString("LimesurveyHost", host); if (survey_pre != "") { PlayerPrefs.SetString("LimesurveyPre", survey_pre); PlayerPrefs.SetString("CurrentSurvey", "pre"); } if (survey_post != "") { PlayerPrefs.SetString("LimesurveyPost", survey_post); } else { PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey("LimesurveyPost"); } if (survey_tea != "") { PlayerPrefs.SetString("LimesurveyTea", survey_tea); } else { PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey("LimesurveyTea"); } if (master_token_online != "") { PlayerPrefs.SetString("MasterTokenOnline", master_token_online); } else { PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey("MasterTokenOnline"); } if (master_token_offline != "") { PlayerPrefs.SetString("MasterTokenOffline", master_token_offline); } else { PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey("MasterTokenOffline"); } PlayerPrefs.SetString("ActivitiesTracking", activities_tracking); if (activities_tracking == "" || activities_tracking == null) { sessionObj.ValidateSession(); } PlayerPrefs.Save(); }
public override void Add (string aKey, JSONNode aItem) { var tmp = new JSONClass (); tmp.Add (aKey, aItem); Set (tmp); }
private static JSONNode SaveToJSON() { JSONClass root = new JSONClass (); JSONArray slotsJson = new JSONArray (); int i =0; foreach (Save slotInList in saves) { JSONClass slot = new JSONClass(); if(saves[i].Hero.Name != null) { JSONData name = new JSONData (slotInList.Hero.Name); slot.Add ("name", name); JSONData score = new JSONData (slotInList.Score); slot.Add ("score", score); JSONData heroClass = new JSONData (slotInList.Hero.GetType().ToString()); slot.Add ("class", heroClass); JSONData heroXp = new JSONData (slotInList.Hero.XpQuantity); slot.Add ("xp", heroXp); JSONData currentLevel = new JSONData (GameModel.Levels[slotInList.LevelId].Name); slot.Add ("currentLevel", currentLevel); } else { slot.Add ("name", ""); slot.Add ("score", ""); slot.Add ("class", ""); slot.Add ("xp", ""); slot.Add ("currentLevel", ""); } slotsJson.Add (slot); Debug.Log(i); i++; } root.Add ("slots", slotsJson); return root; }
//it's static so we can call it from anywhere public void Save() { Debug.Log ("SAVING"); JSONClass newSave = new JSONClass(); JSONArray itemSave = new JSONArray (); JSONArray runeSave = new JSONArray (); newSave.Add ("item", itemSave); newSave.Add ("rune", runeSave); newSave.Add ("discovered", new JSONData (discovered)); for (int i = 0; i < itemUnlock.Length; i++) { newSave ["item"].Add(new JSONData(itemUnlock[i])); } for (int i = 0; i < runeUnlock.Length; i++) { newSave ["rune"].Add(new JSONData(runeUnlock[i])); } //Application.persistentDataPath is a string, so if you wanted you can put that into debug.log if you want to know where save games are located FileStream file = File.Create (Application.persistentDataPath + "/savedData.json"); //you can call it anything you want file.Close(); System.IO.File.WriteAllText(Application.persistentDataPath + "/savedData.json", newSave.ToString("")); }
public JSONClass toJSON(){ JSONClass j = new JSONClass (); j.Add ("id", new JSONData (id)); j ["attributes"] = attributes; j.Add ("type", new JSONData (type)); j ["soldiers"] = soldiers.toJSON (); return j; }
void Test() { var N = SimpleJSON.JSONNode.Parse("{\"name\":\"test\", \"array\":[1,{\"data\":\"value\"}]}"); N["array"][1]["Foo"] = "Bar"; P("'nice formatted' string representation of the JSON tree:"); P(N.ToString("")); P(""); P("'normal' string representation of the JSON tree:"); P(N.ToString()); P(""); P("content of member 'name':"); P(N["name"]); P(""); P("content of member 'array':"); P(N["array"].ToString("")); P(""); P("first element of member 'array': " + N["array"][0]); P(""); N["array"][0].AsInt = 10; P("value of the first element set to: " + N["array"][0]); P("The value of the first element as integer: " + N["array"][0].AsInt); P(""); P("N[\"array\"][1][\"data\"] == " + N["array"][1]["data"]); P(""); var data = N.SaveToBase64(); var data2 = N.SaveToCompressedBase64(); N = null; P("Serialized to Base64 string:"); P(data); P("Serialized to Base64 string (compressed):"); P(data2); P(""); N = SimpleJSON.JSONNode.LoadFromBase64(data); P("Deserialized from Base64 string:"); P(N.ToString()); P(""); var I = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); I["version"].AsInt = 5; I["author"]["name"] = "Bunny83"; I["author"]["phone"] = "0123456789"; I["data"][-1] = "First item\twith tab"; I["data"][-1] = "Second item"; I["data"][-1]["value"] = "class item"; I["data"].Add("Forth item"); I["data"][1] = I["data"][1] + " 'addition to the second item'"; I.Add("version", "1.0"); P("Second example:"); P(I.ToString()); P(""); P("I[\"data\"][0] : " + I["data"][0]); P("I[\"data\"][0].ToString() : " + I["data"][0].ToString()); P("I[\"data\"][0].Value : " + I["data"][0].Value); P(I.ToString()); }
public static JSONNode Deserialize(System.IO.BinaryReader aReader) { JSONBinaryTag type = (JSONBinaryTag)aReader.ReadByte(); switch (type) { case JSONBinaryTag.Array: { int count = aReader.ReadInt32(); JSONArray tmp = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { tmp.Add(Deserialize(aReader)); } return(tmp); } case JSONBinaryTag.Class: { int count = aReader.ReadInt32(); JSONClass tmp = new JSONClass(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { string key = aReader.ReadString(); var val = Deserialize(aReader); tmp.Add(key, val); } return(tmp); } case JSONBinaryTag.Value: { return(new JSONData(aReader.ReadString())); } case JSONBinaryTag.IntValue: { return(new JSONData(aReader.ReadInt32())); } case JSONBinaryTag.DoubleValue: { return(new JSONData(aReader.ReadDouble())); } case JSONBinaryTag.BoolValue: { return(new JSONData(aReader.ReadBoolean())); } case JSONBinaryTag.FloatValue: { return(new JSONData(aReader.ReadSingle())); } default: { throw new Exception("Error deserializing JSON. Unknown tag: " + type); } } }
public static JSONNode Deserialize(BinaryReader aReader) { var type = (JSONBinaryTag)aReader.ReadByte(); switch (type) { case JSONBinaryTag.Array: { var count = aReader.ReadInt32(); var tmp = new JSONArray(); for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { tmp.Add(Deserialize(aReader)); } return(tmp); } case JSONBinaryTag.Class: { var count = aReader.ReadInt32(); var tmp = new JSONClass(); for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { var key = aReader.ReadString(); var val = Deserialize(aReader); tmp.Add(key, val); } return(tmp); } case JSONBinaryTag.Value: { return(new JSONData(aReader.ReadString())); } case JSONBinaryTag.IntValue: { return(new JSONData(aReader.ReadInt32())); } case JSONBinaryTag.DoubleValue: { return(new JSONData(aReader.ReadDouble())); } case JSONBinaryTag.BoolValue: { return(new JSONData(aReader.ReadBoolean())); } case JSONBinaryTag.FloatValue: { return(new JSONData(aReader.ReadSingle())); } case JSONBinaryTag.LongValue: { return(new JSONData(aReader.ReadInt64())); } case JSONBinaryTag.Null: { return(new JSONData(null)); } } throw new Exception("JSON Deserialize: Unknown tag in stream"); }
private static JSONNode HighScoreToJSON() { JSONClass root = new JSONClass (); JSONArray slotsJson = new JSONArray (); foreach (HighScore slotInList in highScores) { JSONClass slot = new JSONClass(); JSONData name = new JSONData (slotInList.Name); slot.Add ("name", name); JSONData score = new JSONData (slotInList.Score); slot.Add ("score", score); slotsJson.Add (slot); } root.Add ("slots", slotsJson); return root; }
/* * { "type": "group_info", //标记 "group": //group 信息 { "member": [//成员 { "uid": ""//用户id }, ... ], "vid": "", //场馆id "name": "",//..名字 "address": "",//..地址 "time": "",//..时间 "latitude": "",//..经度 "longtitude": "",//..纬度 "state": "",//..状态 3种状态 0 是未预订 2是预订 1是投票状态 "max": ""//..最大成员数 默认10 } } */ public string GetExtJson(string groupID) { Monitor.Enter(userGroupDict); try { SportMatchGroup group = groupList.Find(a => { return a.groupID == groupID; }); Venue venue = group.venue; JSONClass jc = new JSONClass(); jc.Add("type", new JSONData("group_info")); JSONClass jc_1 = new JSONClass(); JSONArray ja_1_1 = new JSONArray(); var itr = userGroupDict.GetEnumerator(); while (itr.MoveNext()) { string groupid = itr.Current.Value; if (groupid != groupID) continue; string uuid = itr.Current.Key; JSONClass jc_1_1_i = new JSONClass(); jc_1_1_i.Add("uid", new JSONData(uuid)); ja_1_1.Add(jc_1_1_i); } jc_1.Add("member", ja_1_1); if (venue == null) { jc_1.Add("vid", new JSONData("")); jc_1.Add("name", new JSONData("")); jc_1.Add("address", new JSONData("")); jc_1.Add("time", new JSONData("")); jc_1.Add("latitude", new JSONData("")); jc_1.Add("longtitude", new JSONData("")); jc_1.Add("state", new JSONData(0)); } else { jc_1.Add("vid", new JSONData(; jc_1.Add("name", new JSONData(; jc_1.Add("address", new JSONData(venue.address)); jc_1.Add("time", new JSONData(venue.time)); jc_1.Add("latitude", new JSONData(venue.latitude)); jc_1.Add("longtitude", new JSONData(venue.longitude)); jc_1.Add("state", new JSONData(2)); } jc_1.Add("max", new JSONData(10)); jc.Add("group", jc_1); return jc.ToJSON(0); } finally { Monitor.Exit(userGroupDict); } }
public JSONClass toJSON(){ JSONClass j = new JSONClass (); j.Add ("id", new JSONData (id)); j ["attributes"] = attributes; j.Add ("type", new JSONData (type)); j.Add ("quantity", new JSONData (quantity)); j ["weapons"] = weapons.toJSON (); j ["armors"] = armors.toJSON (); j ["shields"] = shields.toJSON (); return j; }
public JSONClass toJSON(){ JSONClass j = new JSONClass (); j.Add ("id", new JSONData (id)); j.Add ("type", new JSONData (type)); j.Add ("targetId", new JSONData (targetId)); j ["startTimestamp"] = startTimestamp.ToString(); j ["etaTimestamp"] = etaTimestamp.ToString(); return j; }
public JSONClass toJSON(){ JSONClass j = new JSONClass (); j.Add ("id", new JSONData (id)); j.Add ("type", new JSONData (type)); j.Add ("level", new JSONData (level)); return j; }
void OnGUI() { = activeSkin; scrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView(containerRect, scrollPosition, innerFrameRect); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { GUI.Label(label_AlertRect, error, alertMsgStyle); } GUI.Label(headerRect, header, headerStyle); GUI.Label(label_Feedback1Rect, question_1, labelStyle); feedback_1 = GUI.TextArea(txtArea_Feedback1, feedback_1); GUI.Label(label_Feedback2Rect, question_2, labelStyle); feedback_2 = GUI.TextArea(txtArea_Feedback2, feedback_2); GUI.Label(label_Feedback3Rect, question_3, labelStyle); feedback_3 = GUI.TextArea(txtArea_Feedback3, feedback_3); GUI.Label(label_Feedback4Rect, question_4, labelStyle); feedback_4 = GUI.TextArea(txtArea_Feedback4, feedback_4); GUI.Label(label_RateRect, label_rate, labelStyle); GUILayout.BeginArea(radioBtnRect); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); toolbarInt = GUILayout.Toolbar(toolbarInt, toolbarStrings, radioBtnStyle); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.EndArea(); //toolbarInt = GUI.Toolbar(radioBtnRect,toolbarInt, toolbarStrings, radioBtnStyle); if (GUI.Button(A_btnRect, "main menu", A_btnStyle)) { // Open Contact us modal Application.LoadLevel("GUI_TitleScreen"); } // Submit if (GUI.Button(B_btnRect, "submit", B_btnStyle)) { // Clear Error message error = String.Empty; #region Validate fields // Check if any field is empty if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(feedback_1) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(feedback_2) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(feedback_3) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(feedback_4)) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { error += "\n"; } error += "Please fill in all fields :)"; newAlert = true; } #endregion #region Format and send if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { // Package the review SimpleJSON.JSONClass json = new SimpleJSON.JSONClass(); json.Add("Device id", deviceId); json.Add("Likes", feedback_1); json.Add("Hates", feedback_2); json.Add("Suggestions", feedback_3); json.Add("Other", feedback_4); json.Add("Rating", (toolbarInt + 1).ToString()); // Do something... storageService.InsertJSONDocument(Constants.dbName, Constants.collectionReviews, json, callBack); // Log the event logService.SetEvent("[DEMO] Feedback Submitted", logCallBack); error = "Sending..."; newAlert = true; } #endregion } A_btnScale.OnMouseOver(A_btnRect); B_btnScale.OnMouseOver(B_btnRect); GUI.EndScrollView(); //DemoReviewForm(); }
public JSONClass toJSON(){ JSONClass j = new JSONClass (); j.Add ("id", new JSONData (id)); j.Add ("attackerId", new JSONData (attackerId)); j ["timestamp"] = timestamp.ToString(); j.Add ("attackerGeneral", new JSONData (attackerGeneral)); j.Add ("defenderkerGeneral", new JSONData (defenderGeneral)); j.Add ("result", new JSONData (result)); return j; }
public override JSONNode this [string aKey] { get { return new JSONLazyCreator (this, aKey); } set { var tmp = new JSONClass (); tmp.Add (aKey, value); Set (tmp); } }
public JSONClass toJSON(){ JSONClass j = new JSONClass (); j.Add ("id", new JSONData (id)); j ["timestamp"] = timestamp.ToString(); j.Add ("senderId", new JSONData (senderId)); j ["message"] = message; j.Add ("isTo", new JSONData (isTo)); return j; }
public static JSONNode Deserialize (System.IO.BinaryReader aReader) { JSONBinaryTag type = (JSONBinaryTag)aReader.ReadByte (); switch (type) { case JSONBinaryTag.Array: { int count = aReader.ReadInt32 (); JSONArray tmp = new JSONArray (); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) tmp.Add (Deserialize (aReader)); return tmp; } case JSONBinaryTag.Class: { int count = aReader.ReadInt32 (); JSONClass tmp = new JSONClass (); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { string key = aReader.ReadString (); var val = Deserialize (aReader); tmp.Add (key, val); } return tmp; } case JSONBinaryTag.Value: { return new JSONData (aReader.ReadString ()); } case JSONBinaryTag.IntValue: { return new JSONData (aReader.ReadInt32 ()); } case JSONBinaryTag.DoubleValue: { return new JSONData (aReader.ReadDouble ()); } case JSONBinaryTag.BoolValue: { return new JSONData (aReader.ReadBoolean ()); } case JSONBinaryTag.FloatValue: { return new JSONData (aReader.ReadSingle ()); } default: { throw new Exception ("Error deserializing JSON. Unknown tag: " + type); } } }
public override void Add (string aKey, JSONNode aItem) { var tmp = new JSONClass(); tmp.Add(aKey, aItem); Set(tmp); }