        protected override void Initialize()
            if (_display != IntPtr.Zero)
            _display = IntPtr.Zero;

            _display = LibX11.XOpenDisplay(IntPtr.Zero);
            if (_display == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new Exception("Could not open display.");

            if (LibX11.XSelectInput(_display, _window, LibX11.KeyPressMask | LibX11.KeyReleaseMask) == LibX11.BadWindow)
                throw new Exception("X Error!");

            if (_grabKeyboard)
                LibX11.XGrabKeyboard(_display, _window, true, LibX11.GrabModeAsync, LibX11.GrabModeAsync, LibX11.CurrentTime);

            _keyFocusLost = false;
        public override string AsString(KeyCode key)
            var    pair = keyConversion.FirstOrDefault((item) => { return(item.Value == key); });
            string keyCodeString;

            keyCodeString = LibX11.XKeysymToString(pair.Key);
            return(keyCodeString == null ? "Unknown" : keyCodeString);
 private void hide(bool hidePointer)
     if (hidePointer)
         LibX11.XDefineCursor(_display, _window, _cursor);
         LibX11.XUndefineCursor(_display, _window);
 private void grab(bool grabPointer)
     if (grabPointer)
         LibX11.XGrabPointer(_display, _window, true, 0, LibX11.GrabModeAsync, LibX11.GrabModeAsync, _window, IntPtr.Zero, LibX11.CurrentTime);
         LibX11.XUngrabPointer(_display, LibX11.CurrentTime);
        protected override void Dispose(bool disposeManagedResources)
            if (_display != IntPtr.Zero)
                if (_grabKeyboard)
                    LibX11.XUngrabKeyboard(_display, LibX11.CurrentTime);

        // Detects the underlying OS and runtime.
        static Environment()
                // Distinguish between Linux, Mac OS X and other Unix operating systems.
                string kernel_name = (new UnixKernel()).SysName;
                switch (kernel_name)
                case null:
                case "":
                    throw new PlatformNotSupportedException("Unknown platform.");

                case "Linux":
                    _RunningOnLinux = _RunningOnUnix = true;

                case "Darwin":
                    _RunningOnMacOS = _RunningOnUnix = true;

                    _RunningOnUnix = true;
                _RunningOnWindows = true;

            // Detect whether X is present.
            // Hack: it seems that this check will cause X to initialize itself on Mac OS X Leopard and newer.
            // We don't want that (we'll be using the native interfaces anyway), so we'll avoid this check
            // when we detect Mac OS X.
            if (!RunningOnMacOS)
                    _RunningOnX11 = LibX11.XOpenDisplay(IntPtr.Zero) != IntPtr.Zero;

            // Detect the Mono runtime (code adapted from http://mono.wikia.com/wiki/Detecting_if_program_is_running_in_Mono).
            _RunningOnMono = Type.GetType("Mono.Runtime") != null;

            log.Debug(m => m("Detected Runtime Environment : {0} / {1}", RunningOnWindows ? "Windows" : RunningOnLinux ? "Linux" : RunningOnMacOS ? "MacOS" : RunningOnUnix ? "Unix" : RunningOnX11 ? "X11" : "Unknown Platform",
                             RunningOnMono ? "Mono" : ".Net"));
        protected override void Initialize()
            MouseState = new MouseState();

            _moved  = false;
            _warped = false;

            _lastMouseX = _lastMouseY = 6;

            if (_display != IntPtr.Zero)
            _display = IntPtr.Zero;

            _display = LibX11.XOpenDisplay(IntPtr.Zero);
            if (_display == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new Exception("X11Mouse.Initialize, can not open display");
            //var sir = LibX11.XSelectInput( _display, _window, LibX11.ButtonPressMask | LibX11.ButtonReleaseMask | LibX11.PointerMotionMask );
            //if ( sir == LibX11.BadWindow )
            //	throw new Exception( "X11Mouse.Initialize, X Error!" );

            //Warp mouse inside window
            LibX11.XWarpPointer(_display, IntPtr.Zero, _window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 6);

            //TODO: Create a blank cursor
            IntPtr bm_no;

            LibX11.XColor black = new LibX11.XColor(), dummy = new LibX11.XColor();
            IntPtr        colormap;

            byte[] no_data = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };

            colormap = LibX11.XDefaultColormap(_display, LibX11.XDefaultScreen(_display));
            LibX11.XAllocNamedColor(_display, colormap, "black", ref black, ref dummy);
            bm_no   = LibX11.XCreateBitmapFromData(_display, _window, no_data, 8, 8);
            _cursor = LibX11.XCreatePixmapCursor(_display, bm_no, bm_no, ref black, ref black, 0, 0);


            mouseFocusLost = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public override void Capture()
            int             key;
            X11InputManager linMan = (X11InputManager)Creator;

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(linMan != null);

            while (LibX11.XPending(_display) > 0)
                /*if ( LibX11.XCheckMaskEvent( _display, (int)(LibX11.XEventName.KeyPress | LibX11.XEventName.KeyRelease), ref xevent ) == true )*/
                LibX11.XNextEvent(_display, ref _xEvent);
                    switch (_xEvent.type)
                    case LibX11.XEventName.KeyPress:

                        int character = 0;
                        if (TextMode != TextTranslationMode.Off)
                            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(6);
                            LibX11.XLookupString(ref _xEvent.KeyEvent, sb, 6, out key, IntPtr.Zero);

                            if (TextMode == TextTranslationMode.Unicode)
                                character = UTF8toUTF32(sb);
                            else if (TextMode == TextTranslationMode.Ascii)
                                character = (int)sb[0];

                        //Mask out the modifier states X11 sets and read again
                        _xEvent.KeyEvent.state &= ~LibX11.ShiftMask;
                        _xEvent.KeyEvent.state &= ~LibX11.LockMask;
                        StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
                        LibX11.XLookupString(ref _xEvent.KeyEvent, b, 0, out key, IntPtr.Zero);

                        injectKeyDown(key, character);

                        //Check for Alt-Tab
                        if ((_xEvent.KeyEvent.state & LibX11.Mod1Mask) != 0 && key == (int)LibX11.KeySym.XK_Tab)
                            linMan.GrabState = false;

                    case LibX11.XEventName.KeyRelease:

                        if (!IsKeyRepeat(_xEvent))
                            //Mask out the modifier states X sets.. or we will get improper values
                            _xEvent.KeyEvent.state &= ~LibX11.ShiftMask;
                            _xEvent.KeyEvent.state &= ~LibX11.LockMask;

                            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(6);
                            LibX11.XLookupString(ref _xEvent.KeyEvent, sb, 0, out key, IntPtr.Zero);

            }            //end while

            //If grabbing mode is on.. Handle focus lost/gained via Alt-Tab and mouse clicks
            if (_grabKeyboard)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(linMan != null);
                if (linMan.GrabState == false)
                {                       // are no longer grabbing
                    if (_keyFocusLost == false)
                        // ungrab keyboard
                        LibX11.XUngrabKeyboard(_display, LibX11.CurrentTime);
                        _keyFocusLost = true;
                    // We are grabbing - and regained focus
                    if (_keyFocusLost == true)
                        // regrab keyboard
                        LibX11.XGrabKeyboard(_display, _window, true, LibX11.GrabModeAsync, LibX11.GrabModeAsync, LibX11.CurrentTime);
                        _keyFocusLost = false;
        private void processXEvents()
            IntPtr rootWindow, childWindow;
            int    root_x, root_y, win_x, win_y;
            uint   mask;
            bool   doMove = true;

            LibX11.XQueryPointer(_display, _window, out rootWindow, out childWindow, out root_x, out root_y, out win_x, out win_y, out mask);
            int sysX = win_x;
            int sysY = win_y;

            if (_warped)
                if (sysX < 5 || sysX > MouseState.Width - 5 ||
                    sysY < 5 || sysY > MouseState.Height - 5)
                    doMove = false;
            if (doMove)
                int dx = sysX - _lastMouseX;
                int dy = sysY - _lastMouseY;
                _lastMouseX            = sysX;
                _lastMouseY            = sysY;
                MouseState.X.Absolute += dx;
                MouseState.Y.Absolute += dy;
                MouseState.X.Relative += dx;
                MouseState.Y.Relative += dy;

                if (grabMouse)
                    if (MouseState.X.Absolute < 0)
                        MouseState.X.Absolute = 0;
                    else if (MouseState.X.Absolute > MouseState.Width)
                        MouseState.X.Absolute = MouseState.Width;
                    if (MouseState.Y.Absolute < 0)
                        MouseState.Y.Absolute = 0;
                    else if (MouseState.Y.Absolute > MouseState.Height)
                        MouseState.Y.Absolute = MouseState.Height;

                    if (mouseFocusLost == true)
                        if (sysX < 5 || sysX > MouseState.Width - 5 ||
                            sysY < 5 || sysY > MouseState.Height - 5)
                            _lastMouseX = MouseState.Width >> 1;
                            _lastMouseY = MouseState.Height >> 1;
                            LibX11.XWarpPointer(_display, IntPtr.Zero, _window, 0, 0, 0, 0, _lastMouseX, _lastMouseY);
                            _warped = true;
                if (dx + dy != 0)
                    _moved = true;

            var anyButtons = ((int)LibX11.Buttons.Button1Mask | (int)LibX11.Buttons.Button2Mask | (int)LibX11.Buttons.Button3Mask | (int)LibX11.Buttons.Button4Mask | (int)LibX11.Buttons.Button5Mask);

            if (lastButtons != (mask & (int)anyButtons))
                (new List <int> ()
                }).ForEach((button) => {
                    var mb = ToMouseButton(button);
                    if (((lastButtons & (int)button) == 0) && (((mask & (int)anyButtons) & (int)button) != 0))
                        MouseState.Buttons |= (int)mb;
                        log.InfoFormat("ButtonPressed : {0}", button);
                        if (IsBuffered == true && EventListener != null)
                            if (EventListener.MousePressed(new MouseEventArgs(this, MouseState), mb) == false)
                    if (((lastButtons & (int)button) != 0) && (((mask & (int)anyButtons) & (int)button) == 0))
                        MouseState.Buttons &= ~(int)mb;
                        log.InfoFormat("ButtonReleased : {0}", button);
                        if (IsBuffered == true && EventListener != null)
                            if (EventListener.MouseReleased(new MouseEventArgs(this, MouseState), mb) == false)

                lastButtons = (int)(mask & (int)anyButtons);

            //The Z axis gets pushed/released pair message (this is up)
            if ((mask & (int)LibX11.Buttons.Button4Mask) != 0)
                log.InfoFormat("MouseWheel : Up");
                MouseState.Z.Relative += 120;
                MouseState.Z.Absolute += 120;
                _moved = true;

            //The Z axis gets pushed/released pair message (this is down)
            if ((mask & (int)LibX11.Buttons.Button5Mask) != 0)
                log.InfoFormat("MouseWheel : Down");
                MouseState.Z.Relative -= 120;
                MouseState.Z.Absolute -= 120;
                _moved = true;

             * // this algorithm requires the ButtonPressMask be specifiec
             * // in the XSelectEvent call during Initialize. X11 Documentation
             * // http://tronche.com/gui/x/xlib/event-handling/XSelectInput.html
             * // states that only *one* client may request this mask.
             * // Since SWF and the OpenTK GameWindow classes both request this
             * // This can't be used with those X11 form types.
             * while ( LibX11.XPending( _display ) > 0 )
             * {
             *      log.InfoFormat( "Found Pending Events..." );
             *      LibX11.XNextEvent( _display, ref _xEvent );
             *      MouseButtonID mb = MouseButtonID.Button3;
             *      log.InfoFormat( "Event.Type : {0}", _xEvent.type );
             *      switch ( _xEvent.type )
             *      {
             *              case LibX11.XEventName.MotionNotify:
             *                      int sysX = _xEvent.MotionEvent.x;
             *                      int sysY = _xEvent.MotionEvent.y;
             *                      if ( _warped )
             *                      {
             *                              if ( sysX < 5 || sysX > MouseState.Width - 5 ||
             *                                       sysY < 5 || sysY > MouseState.Height - 5 )
             *                                      continue;
             *                      }
             *                      int dx = sysX - _lastMouseX;
             *                      int dy = sysY - _lastMouseY;
             *                      _lastMouseX = sysX;
             *                      _lastMouseY = sysY;
             *                      MouseState.X.Absolute += dx;
             *                      MouseState.Y.Absolute += dy;
             *                      MouseState.X.Relative += dx;
             *                      MouseState.Y.Relative += dy;
             *                      if ( grabMouse )
             *                      {
             *                              if ( MouseState.X.Absolute < 0 )
             *                                      MouseState.X.Absolute = 0;
             *                              else if ( MouseState.X.Absolute > MouseState.Width )
             *                                      MouseState.X.Absolute = MouseState.Width;
             *                              if ( MouseState.Y.Absolute < 0 )
             *                                      MouseState.Y.Absolute = 0;
             *                              else if ( MouseState.Y.Absolute > MouseState.Height )
             *                                      MouseState.Y.Absolute = MouseState.Height;
             *                              if ( mouseFocusLost == true )
             *                              {
             *                                      if ( sysX < 5 || sysX > MouseState.Width - 5 ||
             *                                               sysY < 5 || sysY > MouseState.Height - 5 )
             *                                      {
             *                                              _lastMouseX = MouseState.Width >> 1;
             *                                              _lastMouseY = MouseState.Height >> 1;
             *                                              LibX11.XWarpPointer( _display, IntPtr.Zero, _window, 0, 0, 0, 0, _lastMouseX, _lastMouseY );
             *                                              _warped = true;
             *                                      }
             *                              }
             *                      }
             *                      _moved = true;
             *                      break;
             *              case LibX11.XEventName.ButtonPress:
             *                      mb = ToMouseButton( _xEvent.ButtonEvent.button );
             *                      MouseState.Buttons |= (int)mb;
             *                      ((X11InputManager)Creator).GrabState = true;
             *                      if ( _xEvent.ButtonEvent.button < 4 )
             *                      {
             *                              if ( IsBuffered == true && EventListener != null )
             *                                      if ( EventListener.MousePressed( new MouseEventArgs( this, MouseState ), mb ) == false )
             *                                              return;
             *                      }
             *                      break;
             *              case LibX11.XEventName.ButtonRelease:
             *                      mb = ToMouseButton( _xEvent.ButtonEvent.button );
             *                      MouseState.Buttons &= ~(int)mb;
             *                      if ( _xEvent.ButtonEvent.button < 4 )
             *                      {
             *                              if ( IsBuffered == true && EventListener != null )
             *                                      if ( EventListener.MouseReleased( new MouseEventArgs( this, MouseState ), mb ) == false )
             *                                              return;
             *                      }
             *                      //The Z axis gets pushed/released pair message (this is up)
             *                      else if( _xEvent.ButtonEvent.button == 4 )
             *                      {
             *                                      MouseState.Z.Relative += 120;
             *                                      MouseState.Z.Absolute += 120;
             *                                      _moved = true;
             *                      }
             *                      //The Z axis gets pushed/released pair message (this is down)
             *                      else if( _xEvent.ButtonEvent.button == 5 )
             *                      {
             *                                      MouseState.Z.Relative -= 120;
             *                                      MouseState.Z.Absolute -= 120;
             *                                      _moved = true;
             *                      }
             *                      break;
             *      }
             * }