protected override void OnTarget( Mobile from, object target ) 
			if ( target is BaseChampion )
				from.SendMessage( "You cannot extract DNA from a champion." );
			else if ( target is BaseVendor )
				from.SendMessage( "You cannot extract DNA from a vendor." );
			else if ( target is PlayerVendor )
				from.SendMessage( "You cannot extract DNA from a vendor." );
			else if ( target is DemonKnight || target is AbysmalHorror || target is DarknightCreeper || target is FleshRenderer || target is ShadowKnight || target is Impaler )
				from.SendMessage( "You cannot extract DNA from a doom boss." );
			else if ( target is BaseCreature )
				BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)target;
				if ( !from.InRange( ((Mobile)bc).Location, 1 ) )
					from.SendMessage( "You are to far away to do that." );
				else if ( bc.Blessed != false )
					from.SendMessage( "They cannot be harmed." );
				else if ( bc.BodyValue == 400 || bc.BodyValue == 401 )
					from.SendMessage( "You cannot extract DNA from a human. " );
				else if ( bc.Controlled != true )
					int qua = bc.Str + bc.HitsMax + bc.PhysicalResistance + bc.DamageMin + bc.DamageMax + bc.VirtualArmor;

					int chance = qua;

					if ( chance <= 500 )
						chance = 499;

					if ( Utility.Random( chance ) < 500 )
						DNAItem dna = new DNAItem();
						dna.DNAName = bc.Name;
						dna.DNAStr = bc.Str;
						dna.DNAHits = bc.HitsMax;
						dna.DNAPhysicalResist = bc.PhysicalResistance;
						dna.DNADamageMin = bc.DamageMin;
						dna.DNADamageMax = bc.DamageMax;
						dna.DNAArmor = bc.VirtualArmor;
						dna.DNAType = DNAType.Prowess;
						dna.DNAAnatomy = bc.Skills[SkillName.Anatomy].Base;
						dna.DNAWrestling = bc.Skills[SkillName.Wrestling].Base;
						dna.DNATactics = bc.Skills[SkillName.Tactics].Base;

						if ( qua <= 200 )
							dna.DNAQuality = DNAQuality.VeryLow;
						else if ( qua <= 350 )
							dna.DNAQuality = DNAQuality.Low;
						else if ( qua <= 450 )
							dna.DNAQuality = DNAQuality.BelowAverage;
						else if ( qua <= 600 )
							dna.DNAQuality = DNAQuality.Average;
						else if ( qua <= 900 )
							dna.DNAQuality = DNAQuality.AboveAverage;
						else if ( qua <= 2000 )
							dna.DNAQuality = DNAQuality.High;
						else if ( qua <= 4500 || qua >= 4500 )
							dna.DNAQuality = DNAQuality.VeryHigh;

						from.AddToBackpack( dna );

						from.PlaySound( 0x240 );

						switch ( Utility.Random( 3 ) )
							case 0:
							bc.Combatant = from;
							from.Combatant = bc;
							from.SendMessage( "You successfully sample the creatures dna, but anger the creature in the progress." );
							bc.Emote( "You have angered the creature" );

							case 1:
							from.SendMessage( "You successfully sample the creatures dna, but the tramua of the sample was to great for the creature." );

							if ( bc.Corpse != null )


							case 2:
							from.SendMessage( "You successfully sample the creatures dna." );

						if ( m_Vial.Amount >= 1 )
							m_Vial.Amount -= 1;
							if ( m_Vial.Amount == 0 )
						switch ( Utility.Random( 2 ) )
							case 0:
							from.SendMessage( "You fail to sample this creatures dna." );
							bc.Combatant = from;
							from.Combatant = bc;
							bc.Emote( "You have angered the creature" );

							if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 35 )
								if ( m_Vial.Amount >= 1 )
									m_Vial.Amount -= 1;
									if ( m_Vial.Amount == 0 )

								from.PlaySound( Utility.RandomList( 62, 63 ) );
								from.SendMessage( "The vial has broken." );


							case 1:
							from.SendMessage( "You fail to sample this creatures dna." );
							from.SendMessage( "The creature has died due to the tramua from the dna sample." );

							if ( bc.Corpse != null )

							if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 35 )
								if ( m_Vial.Amount >= 1 )
									m_Vial.Amount -= 1;
									if ( m_Vial.Amount == 0 )

								from.PlaySound( Utility.RandomList( 62, 63 ) );
								from.SendMessage( "The vial has broken." );

					from.SendMessage( "You cannot sample dna from a tamed creature." );
        protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object target)
            if (target is DNAItem)
                DNAItem dna = (DNAItem)target;
                if (dna.DNAType != DNAType.None)
                    if (dna.DNAType == DNAType.Prowess && m_VialSet.Prowess == false)
                        m_VialSet.Prowess = true;
                        from.SendMessage("The DNA was successfully added to the DNA Set");

                        m_VialSet.DNAStr            = dna.DNAStr;
                        m_VialSet.DNAHits           = dna.DNAHits;
                        m_VialSet.DNAPhysicalResist = dna.DNAPhysicalResist;
                        m_VialSet.DNADamageMin      = dna.DNADamageMin;
                        m_VialSet.DNADamageMax      = dna.DNADamageMax;
                        m_VialSet.DNAArmor          = dna.DNAArmor;

                        m_VialSet.DNAAnatomy   = dna.DNAAnatomy;
                        m_VialSet.DNATactics   = dna.DNATactics;
                        m_VialSet.DNAWrestling = dna.DNAWrestling;

                    else if (dna.DNAType == DNAType.Environment && m_VialSet.Environment == false)
                        m_VialSet.Environment = true;
                        from.SendMessage("The DNA was successfully added to the DNA Set");

                        m_VialSet.DNADex        = dna.DNADex;
                        m_VialSet.DNAStam       = dna.DNAStam;
                        m_VialSet.DNAFireResist = dna.DNAFireResist;
                        m_VialSet.DNAColdResist = dna.DNAColdResist;

                        m_VialSet.DNAPoisoning   = dna.DNAPoisoning;
                        m_VialSet.DNAMagicResist = dna.DNAMagicResist;

                    else if (dna.DNAType == DNAType.Mental && m_VialSet.Mental == false)
                        m_VialSet.Mental = true;
                        from.SendMessage("The DNA was successfully added to the DNA Set");

                        m_VialSet.DNAInt          = dna.DNAInt;
                        m_VialSet.DNAMana         = dna.DNAMana;
                        m_VialSet.DNAEnergyResist = dna.DNAEnergyResist;
                        m_VialSet.DNAPoisonResist = dna.DNAPoisonResist;

                        m_VialSet.DNAMagery     = dna.DNAMagery;
                        m_VialSet.DNAEvalInt    = dna.DNAEvalInt;
                        m_VialSet.DNAMeditation = dna.DNAMeditation;

                    else if (dna.DNAType == DNAType.Mimic && m_VialSet.Mimic == false)
                        m_VialSet.Mimic = true;
                        from.SendMessage("The DNA was successfully added to the DNA Set");

                        m_VialSet.DNABodyValue = dna.DNABodyValue;
                        m_VialSet.DNASoundID   = dna.DNASoundID;

                        m_VialSet.DNABluntAttack  = dna.DNABluntAttack;
                        m_VialSet.DNAHealAttack   = dna.DNAHealAttack;
                        m_VialSet.DNAPoisonAttack = dna.DNAPoisonAttack;

                        m_VialSet.DNATrialByFire  = dna.DNATrialByFire;
                        m_VialSet.DNAIceBlast     = dna.DNAIceBlast;
                        m_VialSet.DNACometAttack  = dna.DNACometAttack;
                        m_VialSet.DNACallOfNature = dna.DNACallOfNature;
                        m_VialSet.DNAAcidRain     = dna.DNAAcidRain;

                        m_VialSet.MountID = dna.MountID;

                        from.SendMessage("This DNA Set already has this type of DNA.");

                    if (m_VialSet.Prowess == true && m_VialSet.Environment == true && m_VialSet.Mental == true && m_VialSet.Mimic == true)
                        m_VialSet.ItemID = 6237;
                        from.SendMessage("You have filled this DNA vial set.");

                        m_VialSet.Prowess     = false;
                        m_VialSet.Environment = false;
                        m_VialSet.Mental      = false;
                        m_VialSet.Mimic       = false;

                        int qua = m_VialSet.DNAStr + m_VialSet.DNADex + m_VialSet.DNAInt + m_VialSet.DNAHits + m_VialSet.DNAStam + m_VialSet.DNAMana + m_VialSet.DNAPhysicalResist + m_VialSet.DNAFireResist + m_VialSet.DNAColdResist + m_VialSet.DNAEnergyResist + m_VialSet.DNAPoisonResist + m_VialSet.DNADamageMin + m_VialSet.DNADamageMax + m_VialSet.DNAArmor;

                        if (qua <= 250)
                            m_VialSet.DNAQuality      = DNAQuality.VeryLow;
                            m_VialSet.DNAMinTame      = 0;
                            m_VialSet.DNAControlSlots = 3;
                        else if (qua <= 500)
                            m_VialSet.DNAQuality      = DNAQuality.Low;
                            m_VialSet.DNAMinTame      = 0;
                            m_VialSet.DNAControlSlots = 3;
                        else if (qua <= 1250)
                            m_VialSet.DNAQuality      = DNAQuality.BelowAverage;
                            m_VialSet.DNAMinTame      = 0;
                            m_VialSet.DNAControlSlots = 3;
                        else if (qua <= 2500)
                            m_VialSet.DNAQuality      = DNAQuality.Average;
                            m_VialSet.DNAMinTame      = Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 5);
                            m_VialSet.DNAControlSlots = 3;
                        else if (qua <= 3500)
                            m_VialSet.DNAQuality      = DNAQuality.AboveAverage;
                            m_VialSet.DNAMinTame      = Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 25);
                            m_VialSet.DNAControlSlots = 3;
                        else if (qua <= 4500)
                            m_VialSet.DNAQuality      = DNAQuality.High;
                            m_VialSet.DNAMinTame      = Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 50);
                            m_VialSet.DNAControlSlots = 3;
                        else if (qua <= 5000000)
                            m_VialSet.DNAQuality      = DNAQuality.VeryHigh;
                            m_VialSet.DNAMinTame      = Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 100);
                            m_VialSet.DNAControlSlots = 3;

                        //Cap Skills if over 100
                        if (m_VialSet.DNAMagery >= 100.0)
                            m_VialSet.DNAMagery = 100.0;

                        if (m_VialSet.DNAEvalInt >= 100.0)
                            m_VialSet.DNAEvalInt = 100.0;

                        if (m_VialSet.DNAMeditation >= 100.0)
                            m_VialSet.DNAMeditation = 100.0;

                        if (m_VialSet.DNAPoisoning >= 100.0)
                            m_VialSet.DNAPoisoning = 100.0;

                        if (m_VialSet.DNAMagicResist >= 100.0)
                            m_VialSet.DNAMagicResist = 100.0;

                        if (m_VialSet.DNAWrestling >= 100.0)
                            m_VialSet.DNAWrestling = 100.0;

                        if (m_VialSet.DNAAnatomy >= 100.0)
                            m_VialSet.DNAAnatomy = 100.0;

                        if (m_VialSet.DNATactics >= 100.0)
                            m_VialSet.DNATactics = 100.0;

                        if (m_VialSet.DNAStr >= FSATS.BioSTR)
                            m_VialSet.DNAStr = FSATS.BioSTR;

                        if (m_VialSet.DNADex >= FSATS.BioDEX)
                            m_VialSet.DNADex = FSATS.BioDEX;

                        if (m_VialSet.DNAInt >= FSATS.BioINT)
                            m_VialSet.DNAInt = FSATS.BioINT;

                        if (m_VialSet.DNAHits >= FSATS.BioHITS)
                            m_VialSet.DNAHits = FSATS.BioHITS;

                        if (m_VialSet.DNAStam >= FSATS.BioSTAM)
                            m_VialSet.DNAStam = FSATS.BioSTAM;

                        if (m_VialSet.DNAMana >= FSATS.BioMANA)
                            m_VialSet.DNAMana = FSATS.BioMANA;

                        if (m_VialSet.DNAFireResist >= 0 && m_VialSet.DNABodyValue == 400 || m_VialSet.DNABodyValue == 400)
                            m_VialSet.DNAFireResist = 0;
                        else if (m_VialSet.DNAFireResist >= FSATS.BioFire)
                            m_VialSet.DNAFireResist = FSATS.BioFire;

                        if (m_VialSet.DNAColdResist >= 0 && m_VialSet.DNABodyValue == 400 || m_VialSet.DNABodyValue == 400)
                            m_VialSet.DNAColdResist = 0;
                        else if (m_VialSet.DNAColdResist >= FSATS.BioCold)
                            m_VialSet.DNAColdResist = FSATS.BioCold;

                        if (m_VialSet.DNAEnergyResist >= 0 && m_VialSet.DNABodyValue == 400 || m_VialSet.DNABodyValue == 400)
                            m_VialSet.DNAEnergyResist = 0;
                        else if (m_VialSet.DNAEnergyResist >= FSATS.BioEnergy)
                            m_VialSet.DNAEnergyResist = FSATS.BioEnergy;

                        if (m_VialSet.DNAPoisonResist >= 0 && m_VialSet.DNABodyValue == 400 || m_VialSet.DNABodyValue == 400)
                            m_VialSet.DNAPoisonResist = 0;
                        else if (m_VialSet.DNAPoisonResist >= FSATS.BioPoison)
                            m_VialSet.DNAPoisonResist = FSATS.BioPoison;

                        if (m_VialSet.DNAPhysicalResist >= 0 && m_VialSet.DNABodyValue == 400 || m_VialSet.DNABodyValue == 400)
                            m_VialSet.DNAPhysicalResist = 0;
                        else if (m_VialSet.DNAPhysicalResist >= FSATS.BioPhys)
                            m_VialSet.DNAPhysicalResist = FSATS.BioPhys;

                        if (m_VialSet.DNADamageMin >= FSATS.BioMinDam)
                            m_VialSet.DNADamageMin = FSATS.BioMinDam;

                        if (m_VialSet.DNADamageMax >= FSATS.BioMaxDam)
                            m_VialSet.DNADamageMax = FSATS.BioMaxDam;

                        if (m_VialSet.DNAArmor >= FSATS.BioVArmor)
                            m_VialSet.DNAArmor = FSATS.BioVArmor;

                        m_VialSet.IsFull = true;

                        if (m_VialSet.IsFull == true)
                            BioPetItem bio = new BioPetItem();

                            bio.DNAStr = m_VialSet.DNAStr;
                            bio.DNADex = m_VialSet.DNADex;
                            bio.DNAInt = m_VialSet.DNAInt;

                            bio.DNAHits = m_VialSet.DNAHits;
                            bio.DNAStam = m_VialSet.DNAStam;
                            bio.DNAMana = m_VialSet.DNAMana;

                            bio.DNADamageMin = m_VialSet.DNADamageMin;
                            bio.DNADamageMax = m_VialSet.DNADamageMax;

                            bio.DNAArmor = m_VialSet.DNAArmor;

                            bio.DNAFireResist     = m_VialSet.DNAFireResist;
                            bio.DNAColdResist     = m_VialSet.DNAColdResist;
                            bio.DNAEnergyResist   = m_VialSet.DNAEnergyResist;
                            bio.DNAPoisonResist   = m_VialSet.DNAPoisonResist;
                            bio.DNAPhysicalResist = m_VialSet.DNAPhysicalResist;

                            bio.DNAMagery      = m_VialSet.DNAMagery;
                            bio.DNAEvalInt     = m_VialSet.DNAEvalInt;
                            bio.DNAMeditation  = m_VialSet.DNAMeditation;
                            bio.DNAMagicResist = m_VialSet.DNAMagicResist;
                            bio.DNAPoisoning   = m_VialSet.DNAPoisoning;
                            bio.DNAAnatomy     = m_VialSet.DNAAnatomy;
                            bio.DNATactics     = m_VialSet.DNATactics;
                            bio.DNAWrestling   = m_VialSet.DNAWrestling;

                            bio.DNABodyValue = m_VialSet.DNABodyValue;
                            bio.DNASoundID   = m_VialSet.DNASoundID;

                            bio.DNABluntAttack  = m_VialSet.DNABluntAttack;
                            bio.DNAHealAttack   = m_VialSet.DNAHealAttack;
                            bio.DNAPoisonAttack = m_VialSet.DNAPoisonAttack;

                            bio.DNATrialByFire  = m_VialSet.DNATrialByFire;
                            bio.DNAIceBlast     = m_VialSet.DNAIceBlast;
                            bio.DNACometAttack  = m_VialSet.DNACometAttack;
                            bio.DNACallOfNature = m_VialSet.DNACallOfNature;
                            bio.DNAAcidRain     = m_VialSet.DNAAcidRain;

                            bio.DNAControlSlots = 5;
                            bio.DNAMinTame      = 120.0;

                            bio.MountID = m_VialSet.MountID;

                            bio.ItemID = ShrinkTable.Lookup(m_VialSet.DNABodyValue);

                            bio.Visible = false;

                            from.SendGump(new BioExpGump(-1, from, bio, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
                from.SendMessage("That cannot be added to this DNA set.");
         	protected override void OnTarget( Mobile from, object target ) 
			if ( target is BaseChampion )
				from.SendMessage( "You cannot extract DNA from a champion." );
			else if ( target is BaseVendor )
				from.SendMessage( "You cannot extract DNA from a vendor." );
			else if ( target is PlayerVendor )
				from.SendMessage( "You cannot extract DNA from a vendor." );
			else if ( target is DemonKnight || target is AbysmalHorror || target is DarknightCreeper || target is FleshRenderer || target is ShadowKnight || target is Impaler )
				from.SendMessage( "You cannot extract DNA from a doom boss." );
			else if ( target is BaseCreature )
				BaseCreature bc = (BaseCreature)target;
				if ( !from.InRange( ((Mobile)bc).Location, 1 ) )
					from.SendMessage( "You are to far away to do that." );
				else if ( bc.Blessed != false )
					from.SendMessage( "They cannot be harmed." );
				else if ( bc.BodyValue == 400 || bc.BodyValue == 401 )
					from.SendMessage( "You cannot extract DNA from a human. " );
				else if ( bc.Controlled != true )
					DNAItem dna = new DNAItem();
					dna.DNAName = bc.Name;
					dna.DNAType = DNAType.Mimic;
					dna.DNABodyValue = bc.BodyValue;
					dna.DNASoundID = bc.BaseSoundID;

					if ( bc is BaseMount )
						BaseMount bm = (BaseMount)bc;
						dna.MountID = bm.ItemID;

					if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 15 )
						switch ( Utility.Random( 3 ) )
							case 0:
							dna.DNABluntAttack = true;

							case 1:
							dna.DNAHealAttack = true;

							case 2:
							dna.DNAPoisonAttack = true;

					if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 15 )
						switch ( Utility.Random( 5 ) )
							case 0:
							dna.DNATrialByFire = true;

							case 1:
							dna.DNAIceBlast = true;

							case 2:
							dna.DNACometAttack = true;

							case 3:
							dna.DNACallOfNature = true;

							case 4:
							dna.DNAAcidRain = true;

					from.AddToBackpack( dna );

					from.PlaySound( 0x240 );

					switch ( Utility.Random( 3 ) )
						case 0:
						bc.Combatant = from;
						from.Combatant = bc;
						from.SendMessage( "You successfully sample the creatures dna, but anger the creature in the progress." );
						bc.Emote( "You have angered the creature" );

						case 1:
						from.SendMessage( "You successfully sample the creatures dna, but the tramua of the sample was to great for the creature." );

						if ( bc.Corpse != null )


						case 2:
						from.SendMessage( "You successfully sample the creatures dna." );

					if ( m_Vial.Amount >= 1 )
						m_Vial.Amount -= 1;
						if ( m_Vial.Amount == 0 )
					switch ( Utility.Random( 2 ) )
						case 0:
						from.SendMessage( "You fail to sample this creatures dna." );
						bc.Combatant = from;
						from.Combatant = bc;
						bc.Emote( "You have angered the creature" );

						if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 35 )
							if ( m_Vial.Amount >= 1 )
								m_Vial.Amount -= 1;
								if ( m_Vial.Amount == 0 )

							from.PlaySound( Utility.RandomList( 62, 63 ) );
							from.SendMessage( "The vial has broken." );


						case 1:
						from.SendMessage( "You fail to sample this creatures dna." );
						from.SendMessage( "The creature has died due to the tramua from the dna sample." );

						if ( bc.Corpse != null )

						if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 35 )
							if ( m_Vial.Amount >= 1 )
								m_Vial.Amount -= 1;
								if ( m_Vial.Amount == 0 )

							from.PlaySound( Utility.RandomList( 62, 63 ) );
							from.SendMessage( "The vial has broken." );

				from.SendMessage( "You cannot sample dna from a tamed creature." );
		public EvilGenetecist() : base( AIType.AI_Mage, FightMode.Closest, 10, 1, 0.2, 0.4 )
			SpeechHue = Utility.RandomDyedHue();
			Title = "the evil genetecist";
			Hue = Utility.RandomSkinHue();

			if ( this.Female = Utility.RandomBool() )
				Body = 0x191;
				Name = NameList.RandomName( "female" );
				Body = 0x190;
				Name = NameList.RandomName( "male" );

			SetStr( 200, 275 );
			SetDex( 115, 125 );
			SetInt( 200, 275 );

			SetHits( 1900, 2100 );
			SetMana( 1000 );

			SetDamage( 10, 23 );

			SetSkill( SkillName.Fencing, 66.0, 97.5 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.Macing, 65.0, 87.5 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.MagicResist, 25.0, 47.5 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.Swords, 65.0, 87.5 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.Tactics, 65.0, 87.5 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.Wrestling, 15.0, 37.5 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.EvalInt, 55.0, 67.5 );
			SetSkill( SkillName.Magery, 90.0, 105.5 );

			Fame = 5000;
			Karma = -5000;

			AddItem( new Boots() );

			int hue = Utility.RandomMinMax( 1410, 1450 );  //Random Zog Green

			Item robe = new Robe();
			robe.Hue = hue;
			AddItem( robe );

			Item chest = new LeatherChest();
			chest.Hue = hue;
			AddItem( chest );

			Item gloves = new LeatherGloves();
			gloves.Hue = hue;
			AddItem( gloves );

			Item gorget = new LeatherGorget();
			gorget.Hue = hue;
			AddItem( gorget );

			Item legs = new LeatherLegs();
			legs.Hue = hue;
			AddItem( legs );

			Item arms = new LeatherArms();
			arms.Hue = hue;
			AddItem( arms );

			Item hair = new Item( Utility.RandomList( 0x203B, 0x2049, 0x2048, 0x204A ) );
			hair.Hue = Utility.RandomNondyedHue();
			hair.Layer = Layer.Hair;
			hair.Movable = false;
			AddItem( hair );

			PackItem( new Organics( Utility.RandomMinMax( 250, 400 ) ) );

			if ( Utility.Random( 100 ) < 35 )
				switch ( Utility.Random( 2 ))
					case 0: PackItem( new EmptyDNAVial() ); break;
					case 1: PackItem( new EmptyDNAVialSet() ); break;

			if ( Utility.Random( 500 ) < 3 )
				DNAItem dna = new DNAItem();

				switch ( Utility.Random( 4 ) )
					case 0:
					dna.DNAName = "a dark father";
					dna.DNAType = DNAType.Prowess;
					dna.DNAQuality = DNAQuality.VeryHigh;
					dna.DNAStr = 500;
					dna.DNAHits = 30000;
					dna.DNADamageMin = 17;
					dna.DNADamageMax = 21;
					dna.DNAArmor = 64;
					dna.DNAPhysicalResist = 30; 
					dna.DNATactics = 100;
					dna.DNAWrestling = 100;
					PackItem( dna );

					case 1:
					dna.DNAName = "a fox guardian";
					dna.DNAType = DNAType.Environment;
					dna.DNAQuality = DNAQuality.VeryHigh;
					dna.DNADex = 275;
					dna.DNAStam = 300;
					dna.DNAColdResist = 30; 
					dna.DNAFireResist = 60; 
					dna.DNAPoisoning = 100;
					PackItem( dna );

					case 2:
					dna.DNAName = "Mondain The Wizard";
					dna.DNAType = DNAType.Mental;
					dna.DNAQuality = DNAQuality.VeryHigh;
					dna.DNAInt = 415;
					dna.DNAMana = 1000;
					dna.DNAEnergyResist = 70; 
					dna.DNAPoisonResist = 70;
					dna.DNAMagery = 100;
					dna.DNAEvalInt = 100;
					PackItem( dna );

					case 3:
					dna.DNAName = "a hell chicken";
					dna.DNAType = DNAType.Mimic;
					dna.DNABodyValue = 208;
					dna.DNASoundID = 110;
					dna.DNAHealAttack = true;
					dna.DNATrialByFire = true;
					PackItem( dna );