        public static string OnModuleExamine(string existingDescription, NWObject examinedObject)
            if (examinedObject.ObjectType != ObjectType.Item)

            NWItem examinedItem = (examinedObject.Object);

            if (examinedItem.GetLocalFloat("DURABILITY_MAX") <= 0f)

            string description = ColorTokenService.Orange("Durability: ");
            float  durability  = GetDurability(examinedItem);

            if (durability <= 0.0f)
                description += ColorTokenService.Red(Convert.ToString(durability));
                description += ColorTokenService.White(FormatDurability(durability));

            description += ColorTokenService.White(" / " + FormatDurability(GetMaxDurability(examinedItem)));

            return(existingDescription + "\n\n" + description);
        public static string OnModuleExamine(string existingDescription, NWPlayer examiner, NWObject examinedObject)
            if (examinedObject.ObjectType != _.OBJECT_TYPE_ITEM)
            NWItem   examinedItem = (examinedObject.Object);
            string   description  = string.Empty;
            ModSlots slot         = GetModSlots(examinedItem);

            for (int red = 1; red <= slot.FilledRedSlots; red++)
                description += ColorTokenService.Red("Red Slot #" + red + ": ") + examinedItem.GetLocalString("MOD_SLOT_RED_DESC_" + red) + "\n";
            for (int blue = 1; blue <= slot.FilledBlueSlots; blue++)
                description += ColorTokenService.Red("Blue Slot #" + blue + ": ") + examinedItem.GetLocalString("MOD_SLOT_BLUE_DESC_" + blue) + "\n";
            for (int green = 1; green <= slot.FilledGreenSlots; green++)
                description += ColorTokenService.Red("Green Slot #" + green + ": ") + examinedItem.GetLocalString("MOD_SLOT_GREEN_DESC_" + green) + "\n";
            for (int yellow = 1; yellow <= slot.FilledYellowSlots; yellow++)
                description += ColorTokenService.Red("Yellow Slot #" + yellow + ": ") + examinedItem.GetLocalString("MOD_SLOT_YELLOW_DESC_" + yellow) + "\n";
            for (int prismatic = 1; prismatic <= slot.FilledPrismaticSlots; prismatic++)
                description += PrismaticString() + " Slot #" + prismatic + ": " + examinedItem.GetLocalString("MOD_SLOT_PRISMATIC_DESC_" + prismatic) + "\n";

            return(existingDescription + "\n" + description);
        public static void RunItemDecay(NWPlayer player, NWItem item, float reduceAmount)
            if (reduceAmount <= 0)
            if (player.IsPlot ||
                item.IsPlot ||
                item.GetLocalInt("UNBREAKABLE") == 1 ||
                !item.IsValid ||
                item.BaseItemType == BaseItem.CreatureItem ||            // Creature skin
                item.BaseItemType == BaseItem.CreatureBludgeWeapon ||    // Creature bludgeoning weapon
                item.BaseItemType == BaseItem.CreaturePierceWeapon ||    // Creature piercing weapon
                item.BaseItemType == BaseItem.CreatureSlashWeapon ||     // Creature slashing weapon
                item.BaseItemType == BaseItem.CreatureSlashPierceWeapon) // Creature slashing/piercing weapon

            float  durability = GetDurability(item);
            string sItemName  = item.Name;
            int    apr        = NWNXCreature.GetAttacksPerRound(player, true);

            // Reduce by 0.001 each time it's run. Player only receives notifications when it drops a full point.
            // I.E: Dropping from 29.001 to 29.
            // Note that players only see two decimal places in-game on purpose.
            durability -= reduceAmount / apr;
            bool displayMessage = Math.Abs(durability % 1) < 0.05f;

            if (displayMessage)
                player.SendMessage(ColorTokenService.Red("Your " + sItemName + " has been damaged. (" + FormatDurability(durability) + " / " + GetMaxDurability(item)));

            if (durability <= 0.00f)
                player.SendMessage(ColorTokenService.Red("Your " + sItemName + " has broken!"));
                SetDurability(item, durability);
        public static bool IsPVPAttackAllowed(NWPlayer attacker, NWPlayer target)
            // Check for sanctuary if this attack is PC versus PC
            if (target.IsPlayer && attacker.IsPlayer)
                // Either the attacker or target has sanctuary - prevent combat from happening
                if (PlayerHasPVPSanctuary(attacker))
                    attacker.FloatingText(ColorTokenService.Red("You are under the effects of PVP sanctuary and cannot engage in PVP. To disable this feature permanently refer to the 'Disable PVP Sanctuary' option in your rest menu."));
                    attacker.DelayAssignCommand(() => attacker.ClearAllActions(), 0.0f);

                else if (PlayerHasPVPSanctuary(target))
                    attacker.FloatingText(ColorTokenService.Red("Your target is under the effects of PVP sanctuary and cannot engage in PVP combat."));
                    attacker.DelayAssignCommand(() => attacker.ClearAllActions(), 0.0f);

        private static void ProcessChatCommand(IChatCommand command, NWPlayer sender, NWObject target, NWLocation targetLocation, string args)
            if (target == null)
                target = _.OBJECT_INVALID;

            if (targetLocation == null)
                targetLocation = sender.Location;

            CommandDetailsAttribute attribute = command.GetType().GetCustomAttribute <CommandDetailsAttribute>();
            var authorization = AuthorizationService.GetDMAuthorizationType(sender);

            if (attribute != null &&
                (attribute.Permissions.HasFlag(CommandPermissionType.Player) && authorization == DMAuthorizationType.None ||
                 attribute.Permissions.HasFlag(CommandPermissionType.DM) && authorization == DMAuthorizationType.DM ||
                 attribute.Permissions.HasFlag(CommandPermissionType.Admin) && authorization == DMAuthorizationType.Admin))
                string[] argsArr = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(args) ? new string[0] : args.Split(' ').ToArray();
                string   error   = command.ValidateArguments(sender, argsArr);

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(error))
                    command.DoAction(sender, target, targetLocation, argsArr);
                sender.SendMessage(ColorTokenService.Red("Invalid chat command. Use '/help' to get a list of available commands."));
        private static void OnModuleEquipItem()
            NWPlayer oPC = (GetPCItemLastEquippedBy());

            // Don't run heavy code when customizing equipment.
            if (GetLocalBool(oPC, "IS_CUSTOMIZING_ITEM"))

            NWItem oItem      = (GetPCItemLastEquipped());
            float  durability = GetDurability(oItem);

            if (durability <= 0 && durability != -1 && oItem.IsValid)
                oPC.AssignCommand(() =>

                oPC.FloatingText(ColorTokenService.Red("That item is broken and must be repaired before you can use it."));
        private static void ProcessChatCommand(IChatCommand command, NWPlayer sender, NWObject target, NWLocation targetLocation, string args)
            if (target == null)
                target = new NWGameObject();

            if (targetLocation == null)
                targetLocation = new Location();

            CommandDetailsAttribute attribute = command.GetType().GetCustomAttribute <CommandDetailsAttribute>();
            bool isDM = sender.IsDM || AuthorizationService.IsPCRegisteredAsDM(sender);

            if (attribute != null &&
                (attribute.Permissions.HasFlag(CommandPermissionType.Player) && sender.IsPlayer ||
                 attribute.Permissions.HasFlag(CommandPermissionType.DM) && isDM))
                string[] argsArr = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(args) ? new string[0] : args.Split(' ').ToArray();
                string   error   = command.ValidateArguments(sender, argsArr);

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(error))
                    command.DoAction(sender, target, targetLocation, argsArr);
                sender.SendMessage(ColorTokenService.Red("Invalid chat command. Use '/help' to get a list of available commands."));
        public static string BuildBlueprintHeader(NWPlayer player, bool showAddedComponentList)
            var model              = GetPlayerCraftingData(player);
            var bp                 = model.Blueprint;
            int playerEL           = CalculatePCEffectiveLevel(player, model.PlayerSkillRank, (SkillType)bp.SkillID);
            var baseStructure      = bp.BaseStructureID == null ? null : DataService.BaseStructure.GetByID(Convert.ToInt32(bp.BaseStructureID));
            var mainComponent      = DataService.ComponentType.GetByID(bp.MainComponentTypeID);
            var secondaryComponent = DataService.ComponentType.GetByID(bp.SecondaryComponentTypeID);
            var tertiaryComponent  = DataService.ComponentType.GetByID(bp.TertiaryComponentTypeID);

            string header = ColorTokenService.Green("Blueprint: ") + bp.Quantity + "x " + bp.ItemName + "\n";

            header += ColorTokenService.Green("Level: ") + (model.AdjustedLevel < 0 ? 0 : model.AdjustedLevel) + " (Base: " + (bp.BaseLevel < 0 ? 0 : bp.BaseLevel) + ")\n";
            header += ColorTokenService.Green("Difficulty: ") + CalculateDifficultyDescription(playerEL, model.AdjustedLevel) + "\n";

            if (baseStructure != null)
                header += ColorTokenService.Green("Raises Atmosphere: ");
                if (baseStructure.HasAtmosphere)
                    header += ColorTokenService.Green("Yes");
                    header += ColorTokenService.Red("No");

                header += "\n";

            header += ColorTokenService.Green("Required Components (Required/Maximum): ") + "\n\n";

            string mainCounts = " (" + (model.MainMinimum > 0 ? Convert.ToString(model.MainMinimum) : "Optional") + "/" + model.MainMaximum + ")";

            header += ColorTokenService.Green("Main: ") + mainComponent.Name + mainCounts + "\n";

            if (bp.SecondaryMinimum > 0 && bp.SecondaryComponentTypeID > 0)
                string secondaryCounts = " (" + (model.SecondaryMinimum > 0 ? Convert.ToString(model.SecondaryMinimum) : "Optional") + "/" + model.SecondaryMaximum + ")";
                header += ColorTokenService.Green("Secondary: ") + secondaryComponent.Name + secondaryCounts + "\n";
            if (bp.TertiaryMinimum > 0 && bp.TertiaryComponentTypeID > 0)
                string tertiaryCounts = " (" + (model.TertiaryMinimum > 0 ? Convert.ToString(model.TertiaryMinimum) : "Optional") + "/" + model.TertiaryMaximum + ")";
                header += ColorTokenService.Green("Tertiary: ") + tertiaryComponent.Name + tertiaryCounts + "\n";
            if (bp.EnhancementSlots > 0)
                int nSlots = bp.EnhancementSlots;
                if (model.IsInitialized)
                    // We have the player's stats, so tell them how many they can actually add.
                    if (model.PlayerPerkLevel / 2 < nSlots)
                        nSlots = model.PlayerPerkLevel / 2;

                string enhancementSlots = " (0/" + Convert.ToString(nSlots) + ")";
                header += ColorTokenService.Green("Enhancement slots: ") + enhancementSlots + "\n";

            if (showAddedComponentList)
                header += "\n" + ColorTokenService.Green("Your components:") + "\n\n";
                if (!model.HasPlayerComponents)
                    header += "No components selected yet!";
                    foreach (var item in model.MainComponents)
                        header += item.Name + "\n";
                    foreach (var item in model.SecondaryComponents)
                        header += item.Name + "\n";
                    foreach (var item in model.TertiaryComponents)
                        header += item.Name + "\n";
                    foreach (var item in model.EnhancementComponents)
                        header += item.Name + "\n";

 public static string PrismaticString()
     return(ColorTokenService.Red("p") + ColorTokenService.Orange("r") + ColorTokenService.Yellow("i") + ColorTokenService.Green("s") + ColorTokenService.Blue("m") +
            ColorTokenService.LightPurple("a") + ColorTokenService.Purple("t") + ColorTokenService.White("i") + ColorTokenService.Black("c"));
        private static void OnModuleNWNXChat()
            NWPlayer sender          = Object.OBJECT_SELF;
            string   originalMessage = NWNXChat.GetMessage().Trim();

            if (!CanHandleChat(sender, originalMessage))

            var split = originalMessage.Split(' ').ToList();

            // Commands with no arguments won't be split, so if we didn't split anything then add the command to the split list manually.
            if (split.Count <= 0)

            split[0] = split[0].ToLower();
            string command = split[0].Substring(1, split[0].Length - 1);



            if (!IsChatCommandRegistered(command))
                sender.SendMessage(ColorTokenService.Red("Invalid chat command. Use '/help' to get a list of available commands."));

            IChatCommand chatCommand = GetChatCommandHandler(command);
            string       args        = string.Join(" ", split);

            if (!chatCommand.RequiresTarget)
                ProcessChatCommand(chatCommand, sender, null, null, args);
                string error = chatCommand.ValidateArguments(sender, split.ToArray());
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(error))

                sender.SetLocalString("CHAT_COMMAND", command);
                sender.SetLocalString("CHAT_COMMAND_ARGS", args);
                sender.SendMessage("Please use your 'Chat Command Targeter' feat to select the target of this chat command.");

                if (_.GetHasFeat((int)CustomFeatType.ChatCommandTargeter, sender) == FALSE || sender.IsDM)
                    NWNXCreature.AddFeatByLevel(sender, (int)CustomFeatType.ChatCommandTargeter, 1);

                    if (sender.IsDM)
                        var qbs = NWNXPlayer.GetQuickBarSlot(sender, 11);
                        if (qbs.ObjectType == QuickBarSlotType.Empty)
                            NWNXPlayer.SetQuickBarSlot(sender, 11, NWNXPlayerQuickBarSlot.UseFeat((int)CustomFeatType.ChatCommandTargeter));
        public static string OnModuleExamine(string existingDescription, NWObject examinedObject)
            if (examinedObject.ObjectType != OBJECT_TYPE_ITEM)

            NWItem examinedItem = (examinedObject.Object);
            string description  = "";

            if (examinedItem.RecommendedLevel > 0)
                description += ColorTokenService.Orange("Recommended Level: ") + examinedItem.RecommendedLevel + "\n";
            if (examinedItem.LevelIncrease > 0)
                description += ColorTokenService.Orange("Level Increase: ") + examinedItem.LevelIncrease + "\n";
            if (examinedItem.AssociatedSkillType > 0)
                Skill skill = DataService.Skill.GetByID((int)examinedItem.AssociatedSkillType);
                description += ColorTokenService.Orange("Associated Skill: ") + skill.Name + "\n";
            if (examinedItem.CustomAC > 0)
                if (ShieldBaseItemTypes.Contains(examinedItem.BaseItemType))
                    description += ColorTokenService.Orange("Damage Immunity: ") + (10 + examinedItem.CustomAC / 3) + "\n";
                else if (ArmorBaseItemTypes.Contains(examinedItem.BaseItemType))
                    description += ColorTokenService.Orange("AC: ") + examinedItem.CustomAC + "\n";
                    description += ColorTokenService.Red("AC (ignored due to item type): ") + examinedItem.CustomAC + "\n";
            if (examinedItem.HPBonus > 0)
                description += ColorTokenService.Orange("HP Bonus: ") + examinedItem.HPBonus + "\n";
            if (examinedItem.FPBonus > 0)
                description += ColorTokenService.Orange("FP Bonus: ") + examinedItem.FPBonus + "\n";
            if (examinedItem.StructureBonus > 0)
                description += ColorTokenService.Orange("Structure Bonus: ") + examinedItem.StructureBonus + "\n";
            if (examinedItem.StrengthBonus > 0)
                description += ColorTokenService.Orange("Strength Bonus: ") + examinedItem.StrengthBonus + "\n";
            if (examinedItem.DexterityBonus > 0)
                description += ColorTokenService.Orange("Dexterity Bonus: ") + examinedItem.DexterityBonus + "\n";
            if (examinedItem.ConstitutionBonus > 0)
                description += ColorTokenService.Orange("Constitution Bonus: ") + examinedItem.ConstitutionBonus + "\n";
            if (examinedItem.WisdomBonus > 0)
                description += ColorTokenService.Orange("Wisdom Bonus: ") + examinedItem.WisdomBonus + "\n";
            if (examinedItem.IntelligenceBonus > 0)
                description += ColorTokenService.Orange("Intelligence Bonus: ") + examinedItem.IntelligenceBonus + "\n";
            if (examinedItem.CharismaBonus > 0)
                description += ColorTokenService.Orange("Charisma Bonus: ") + examinedItem.CharismaBonus + "\n";
            if (examinedItem.CooldownRecovery > 0)
                description += ColorTokenService.Orange("Cooldown Recovery: +") + examinedItem.CooldownRecovery + "%\n";
            else if (examinedItem.CooldownRecovery < 0)
                description += ColorTokenService.Orange("Cooldown Recovery: -") + examinedItem.CooldownRecovery + "%\n";
            if (examinedItem.HarvestingBonus > 0)
                description += ColorTokenService.Orange("Harvesting Bonus: ") + examinedItem.HarvestingBonus + "\n";
            if (examinedItem.CraftBonusArmorsmith > 0)
                description += ColorTokenService.Orange("Armorsmith Bonus: ") + examinedItem.CraftBonusArmorsmith + "\n";
            if (examinedItem.CraftBonusEngineering > 0)
                description += ColorTokenService.Orange("Engineering Bonus: ") + examinedItem.CraftBonusEngineering + "\n";
            if (examinedItem.CraftBonusFabrication > 0)
                description += ColorTokenService.Orange("Fabrication Bonus: ") + examinedItem.CraftBonusFabrication + "\n";
            if (examinedItem.CraftBonusWeaponsmith > 0)
                description += ColorTokenService.Orange("Weaponsmith Bonus: ") + examinedItem.CraftBonusWeaponsmith + "\n";
            if (examinedItem.CraftBonusCooking > 0)
                description += ColorTokenService.Orange("Cooking Bonus: ") + examinedItem.CraftBonusCooking + "\n";
            if (examinedItem.CraftTierLevel > 0)
                description += ColorTokenService.Orange("Tool Level: ") + examinedItem.CraftTierLevel + "\n";
            if (examinedItem.EnmityRate != 0)
                description += ColorTokenService.Orange("Enmity: ") + examinedItem.EnmityRate + "%\n";
            if (examinedItem.LuckBonus > 0)
                description += ColorTokenService.Orange("Luck Bonus: ") + examinedItem.LuckBonus + "\n";
            if (examinedItem.MeditateBonus > 0)
                description += ColorTokenService.Orange("Meditate Bonus: ") + examinedItem.MeditateBonus + "\n";
            if (examinedItem.RestBonus > 0)
                description += ColorTokenService.Orange("Rest Bonus: ") + examinedItem.RestBonus + "\n";
            if (examinedItem.ScanningBonus > 0)
                description += ColorTokenService.Orange("Scanning Bonus: ") + examinedItem.ScanningBonus + "\n";
            if (examinedItem.ScavengingBonus > 0)
                description += ColorTokenService.Orange("Scavenging Bonus: ") + examinedItem.ScavengingBonus + "\n";
            if (examinedItem.MedicineBonus > 0)
                description += ColorTokenService.Orange("Medicine Bonus: ") + examinedItem.MedicineBonus + "\n";
            if (examinedItem.HPRegenBonus > 0)
                description += ColorTokenService.Orange("HP Regen Bonus: ") + examinedItem.HPRegenBonus + "\n";
            if (examinedItem.FPRegenBonus > 0)
                description += ColorTokenService.Orange("FP Regen Bonus: ") + examinedItem.FPRegenBonus + "\n";
            if (examinedItem.PilotingBonus > 0)
                description += ColorTokenService.Orange("Piloting Bonus: ") + examinedItem.PilotingBonus + "\n";
            if (examinedItem.BaseAttackBonus > 0)
                if (WeaponBaseItemTypes.Contains(examinedItem.BaseItemType))
                    description += ColorTokenService.Orange("Base Attack Bonus: ") + examinedItem.BaseAttackBonus + "\n";
                    description += ColorTokenService.Red("Base Attack Bonus (ignored due to item type): ") + examinedItem.BaseAttackBonus + "\n";
            if (examinedItem.SneakAttackBonus > 0)
                description += ColorTokenService.Orange("Sneak Attack Bonus: ") + examinedItem.SneakAttackBonus + "\n";
            if (examinedItem.DamageBonus > 0)
                if (WeaponBaseItemTypes.Contains(examinedItem.BaseItemType))
                    description += ColorTokenService.Orange("Damage Bonus: ") + examinedItem.DamageBonus + "\n";
                    description += ColorTokenService.Red("Damage Bonus (ignored due to item type): ") + examinedItem.DamageBonus + "\n";
            if (examinedItem.CustomItemType != CustomItemType.None)
                string itemTypeProper = string.Concat(examinedItem.CustomItemType.ToString().Select(x => char.IsUpper(x) ? " " + x : x.ToString())).TrimStart(' ');
                description += ColorTokenService.Orange("Item Type: ") + itemTypeProper + "\n";

            // Check for properties that can only be applied to limited things, and flag them here.
            // Attack bonus, damage, base attack bonus: weapons only
            // AC - armor items only.
            ItemProperty ip = _.GetFirstItemProperty(examinedItem);

            while (_.GetIsItemPropertyValid(ip) == TRUE)
                if (_.GetItemPropertyType(ip) == (int)CustomItemPropertyType.ComponentBonus)
                    switch (_.GetItemPropertySubType(ip))
                    case (int)ComponentBonusType.ACUp:
                        description += ColorTokenService.Cyan("AC can only be applied to Shields, Armor and Helmets.  On other items, it will be ignored.\n");

                    case (int)ComponentBonusType.DamageUp:
                    case (int)ComponentBonusType.AttackBonusUp:
                    case (int)ComponentBonusType.BaseAttackBonusUp:
                        description += ColorTokenService.Cyan("Damage Up, Attack Bonus Up and Base Attack Bonus Up can only be applied to weapons (including gloves).  On other items, it will be ignored.\n");

                ip = _.GetNextItemProperty(examinedItem);

            return(existingDescription + "\n" + description);
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates ability resistance for an ability.
        /// The attacker and defender's skills, ability modifiers, and balance affinity will be
        /// used to make this determination.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="attacker">The creature using the ability.</param>
        /// <param name="defender">The creature being targeted by the ability.</param>
        /// <param name="skill">The skill used for this ability.</param>
        /// <param name="balanceType">The force balance type to use for this ability.</param>
        /// <param name="sendRollMessage">If true, the roll message will be sent. Otherwise it won't be.</param>
        /// <returns>Data regarding the ability resistance roll</returns>
        public static AbilityResistanceResult CalculateAbilityResistance(NWCreature attacker, NWCreature defender, SkillType skill, ForceBalanceType balanceType, bool sendRollMessage = true)
            int abilityScoreType;

            switch (skill)
            case SkillType.ForceAlter:
                abilityScoreType = ABILITY_INTELLIGENCE;

            case SkillType.ForceControl:
                abilityScoreType = ABILITY_WISDOM;

            case SkillType.ForceSense:
                abilityScoreType = ABILITY_CHARISMA;

                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid skill type called for " + nameof(CalculateAbilityResistance) + ", value '" + skill + "' not supported.");

            AbilityResistanceResult result = new AbilityResistanceResult();

            int attackerSkill   = SkillService.GetPCSkillRank(attacker.Object, skill);
            int attackerAbility = _.GetAbilityModifier(abilityScoreType, attacker);

            int defenderSkill   = SkillService.GetPCSkillRank(defender.Object, skill);
            int defenderAbility = _.GetAbilityModifier(abilityScoreType, defender);

            // If the defender is equipped with a lightsaber, we check their lightsaber skill
            if (defender.RightHand.CustomItemType == CustomItemType.Lightsaber ||
                defender.LeftHand.CustomItemType == CustomItemType.Lightsaber)
                int lightsaberSkill = SkillService.GetPCSkillRank(defender.Object, SkillType.Lightsaber);
                if (lightsaberSkill > defenderSkill)
                    defenderSkill = lightsaberSkill;

            // If the defender's martial arts skill is greater than the current skill they're using, we'll use that instead.
            int defenderMASkill = SkillService.GetPCSkillRank(defender.Object, SkillType.MartialArts);

            if (defenderMASkill > defenderSkill)
                defenderSkill = defenderMASkill;

            int attackerAffinity = 0;
            int defenderAffinity = 0;

            // Only check affinity if ability has a force balance type.
            if (balanceType == ForceBalanceType.Dark || balanceType == ForceBalanceType.Light)
                attackerAffinity = GetBalanceAffinity(attacker.Object, balanceType);
                defenderAffinity = GetBalanceAffinity(defender.Object, balanceType);

            float attackerCR = attacker.IsPlayer ? 0f : attacker.ChallengeRating * 5f;
            float defenderCR = defender.IsPlayer ? 0f : defender.ChallengeRating * 5f;

            float attackerTotal = attackerSkill + attackerAbility + attackerAffinity + attackerCR;
            float defenderTotal = defenderSkill + defenderAbility + defenderAffinity + defenderCR;
            float divisor       = attackerTotal + defenderTotal + 1; // +1 to prevent division by zero.

            //Console.WriteLine("attackerCR = " + attackerCR);
            //Console.WriteLine("defenderCR = " + defenderCR);
            //Console.WriteLine("attackerSkill = " + attackerSkill);
            //Console.WriteLine("attackerAbility = " + attackerAbility);
            //Console.WriteLine("attackerAffinity = " + attackerAffinity);
            //Console.WriteLine("defenderSkill = " + defenderSkill);
            //Console.WriteLine("defenderAbility = " + defenderAbility);
            //Console.WriteLine("defenderAffinity = " + defenderAffinity);
            //Console.WriteLine("attackerTotal = " + attackerTotal);
            //Console.WriteLine("defenderTotal = " + defenderTotal);
            //Console.WriteLine("divisor = " + divisor);

            result.DC   = (int)(attackerTotal / divisor * 100);
            result.Roll = RandomService.D100(1);

            if (sendRollMessage)
                string resisted = result.IsResisted ? ColorTokenService.Red(" [RESISTED " + Math.Abs(result.Delta) + "%]") : string.Empty;
                string message  = ColorTokenService.SavingThrow("Roll: " + result.Roll + " VS " + result.DC + " DC") + resisted;

        public static void DoPerkUpgrade(NWPlayer oPC, int perkID, bool freeUpgrade = false)
            var perk       = DataService.Single <Data.Entity.Perk>(x => x.ID == perkID);
            var perkLevels = DataService.Where <PerkLevel>(x => x.PerkID == perkID);
            var pcPerk     = DataService.SingleOrDefault <PCPerk>(x => x.PlayerID == oPC.GlobalID && x.PerkID == perkID);
            var player     = DataService.Single <Player>(x => x.ID == oPC.GlobalID);

            if (freeUpgrade || CanPerkBeUpgraded(oPC, perkID))
                DatabaseActionType action = DatabaseActionType.Update;
                if (pcPerk == null)
                    pcPerk = new PCPerk();
                    DateTime dt = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    pcPerk.AcquiredDate = dt;
                    pcPerk.PerkID       = perk.ID;
                    pcPerk.PlayerID     = oPC.GlobalID;
                    pcPerk.PerkLevel    = 0;

                    action = DatabaseActionType.Insert;

                PerkLevel nextPerkLevel = FindPerkLevel(perkLevels, pcPerk.PerkLevel + 1);
                if (nextPerkLevel == null)

                DataService.SubmitDataChange(pcPerk, action);

                if (!freeUpgrade)
                    player.UnallocatedSP -= nextPerkLevel.Price;
                    DataService.SubmitDataChange(player, DatabaseActionType.Update);

                // Look for any perk levels to grant.
                var perkFeatsToGrant = DataService.Where <PerkFeat>(x => x.PerkID == perkID && x.PerkLevelUnlocked == pcPerk.PerkLevel);

                // If at least one feat ID is assigned, add the feat(s) to the player if it doesn't exist yet.
                if (perkFeatsToGrant.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var perkFeat in perkFeatsToGrant)
                        if (_.GetHasFeat(perkFeat.FeatID, oPC.Object) == TRUE)

                        NWNXCreature.AddFeatByLevel(oPC, perkFeat.FeatID, 1);

                        var qbs = NWNXPlayerQuickBarSlot.UseFeat(perkFeat.FeatID);

                        // Try to add the new feat to the player's hotbar.
                        if (NWNXPlayer.GetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 0).ObjectType == QuickBarSlotType.Empty)
                            NWNXPlayer.SetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 0, qbs);
                        else if (NWNXPlayer.GetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 1).ObjectType == QuickBarSlotType.Empty)
                            NWNXPlayer.SetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 1, qbs);
                        else if (NWNXPlayer.GetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 2).ObjectType == QuickBarSlotType.Empty)
                            NWNXPlayer.SetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 2, qbs);
                        else if (NWNXPlayer.GetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 3).ObjectType == QuickBarSlotType.Empty)
                            NWNXPlayer.SetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 3, qbs);
                        else if (NWNXPlayer.GetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 4).ObjectType == QuickBarSlotType.Empty)
                            NWNXPlayer.SetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 4, qbs);
                        else if (NWNXPlayer.GetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 5).ObjectType == QuickBarSlotType.Empty)
                            NWNXPlayer.SetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 5, qbs);
                        else if (NWNXPlayer.GetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 6).ObjectType == QuickBarSlotType.Empty)
                            NWNXPlayer.SetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 6, qbs);
                        else if (NWNXPlayer.GetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 7).ObjectType == QuickBarSlotType.Empty)
                            NWNXPlayer.SetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 7, qbs);
                        else if (NWNXPlayer.GetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 8).ObjectType == QuickBarSlotType.Empty)
                            NWNXPlayer.SetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 8, qbs);
                        else if (NWNXPlayer.GetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 9).ObjectType == QuickBarSlotType.Empty)
                            NWNXPlayer.SetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 9, qbs);
                        else if (NWNXPlayer.GetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 10).ObjectType == QuickBarSlotType.Empty)
                            NWNXPlayer.SetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 10, qbs);

                oPC.SendMessage(ColorTokenService.Green("Perk Purchased: " + perk.Name + " (Lvl. " + pcPerk.PerkLevel + ")"));

                var handler = GetPerkHandler(perkID);
                handler.OnPurchased(oPC, pcPerk.PerkLevel);
                MessageHub.Instance.Publish(new PerkUpgradedMessage(oPC, perkID));
                oPC.FloatingText(ColorTokenService.Red("You cannot purchase the perk at this time."));
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs a perk purchase for a player. This handles deducting SP, inserting perk records,
        /// and adjusting hotbar slots as necessary.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oPC">The player receiving the perk upgrade.</param>
        /// <param name="perkID">The ID number of the perk.</param>
        /// <param name="freeUpgrade">If true, no SP will be deducted. Otherwise, SP will be deducted from player.</param>
        public static void DoPerkUpgrade(NWPlayer oPC, int perkID, bool freeUpgrade = false)
            var perk       = DataService.Perk.GetByID(perkID);
            var perkLevels = DataService.PerkLevel.GetAllByPerkID(perkID);
            var pcPerk     = DataService.PCPerk.GetByPlayerAndPerkIDOrDefault(oPC.GlobalID, perkID);
            var player     = DataService.Player.GetByID(oPC.GlobalID);

            if (freeUpgrade || CanPerkBeUpgraded(oPC, perkID))
                DatabaseActionType action = DatabaseActionType.Update;
                if (pcPerk == null)
                    pcPerk = new PCPerk();
                    DateTime dt = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    pcPerk.AcquiredDate = dt;
                    pcPerk.PerkID       = perk.ID;
                    pcPerk.PlayerID     = oPC.GlobalID;
                    pcPerk.PerkLevel    = 0;

                    action = DatabaseActionType.Insert;

                PerkLevel nextPerkLevel = FindPerkLevel(perkLevels, pcPerk.PerkLevel + 1);

                if (nextPerkLevel == null)
                DataService.SubmitDataChange(pcPerk, action);

                if (!freeUpgrade)
                    player.UnallocatedSP -= nextPerkLevel.Price;
                    DataService.SubmitDataChange(player, DatabaseActionType.Update);

                // Look for a perk feat to grant.
                var perkFeatToGrant = DataService.PerkFeat.GetByPerkIDAndLevelUnlockedOrDefault(perkID, pcPerk.PerkLevel);

                // Add the feat(s) to the player if it doesn't exist yet.
                if (perkFeatToGrant != null && _.GetHasFeat((Feat)perkFeatToGrant.FeatID, oPC.Object) == false)
                    NWNXCreature.AddFeatByLevel(oPC, (Feat)perkFeatToGrant.FeatID, 1);

                    var qbs = NWNXPlayerQuickBarSlot.UseFeat((Feat)perkFeatToGrant.FeatID);

                    // Try to add the new feat to the player's hotbar.
                    if (NWNXPlayer.GetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 0).ObjectType == QuickBarSlotType.Empty)
                        NWNXPlayer.SetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 0, qbs);
                    else if (NWNXPlayer.GetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 1).ObjectType == QuickBarSlotType.Empty)
                        NWNXPlayer.SetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 1, qbs);
                    else if (NWNXPlayer.GetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 2).ObjectType == QuickBarSlotType.Empty)
                        NWNXPlayer.SetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 2, qbs);
                    else if (NWNXPlayer.GetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 3).ObjectType == QuickBarSlotType.Empty)
                        NWNXPlayer.SetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 3, qbs);
                    else if (NWNXPlayer.GetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 4).ObjectType == QuickBarSlotType.Empty)
                        NWNXPlayer.SetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 4, qbs);
                    else if (NWNXPlayer.GetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 5).ObjectType == QuickBarSlotType.Empty)
                        NWNXPlayer.SetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 5, qbs);
                    else if (NWNXPlayer.GetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 6).ObjectType == QuickBarSlotType.Empty)
                        NWNXPlayer.SetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 6, qbs);
                    else if (NWNXPlayer.GetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 7).ObjectType == QuickBarSlotType.Empty)
                        NWNXPlayer.SetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 7, qbs);
                    else if (NWNXPlayer.GetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 8).ObjectType == QuickBarSlotType.Empty)
                        NWNXPlayer.SetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 8, qbs);
                    else if (NWNXPlayer.GetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 9).ObjectType == QuickBarSlotType.Empty)
                        NWNXPlayer.SetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 9, qbs);
                    else if (NWNXPlayer.GetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 10).ObjectType == QuickBarSlotType.Empty)
                        NWNXPlayer.SetQuickBarSlot(oPC, 10, qbs);

                oPC.SendMessage(ColorTokenService.Green("Perk Purchased: " + perk.Name + " (Lvl. " + pcPerk.PerkLevel + ")"));

                MessageHub.Instance.Publish(new OnPerkUpgraded(oPC, perkID));

                var handler = GetPerkHandler(perkID);
                handler.OnPurchased(oPC, pcPerk.PerkLevel);
                oPC.FloatingText(ColorTokenService.Red("You cannot purchase the perk at this time."));