public void NullConditions()
			MultiTextBase text = new MultiTextBase();
			Assert.AreSame(string.Empty, text["foo"], "never before heard of alternative should give back an empty string");
			Assert.AreSame(string.Empty, text["foo"], "second time");
			Assert.AreSame(string.Empty, text.GetBestAlternative("fox"));
			text.SetAlternative("zox", "");
			Assert.AreSame(string.Empty, text["zox"]);
			text.SetAlternative("zox", null);
			Assert.AreSame(string.Empty, text["zox"], "should still be empty string after setting to null");
			text.SetAlternative("zox", "something");
			text.SetAlternative("zox", null);
			Assert.AreSame(string.Empty, text["zox"], "should still be empty string after setting something and then back to null");
 public void UpdateGenericLanguageString(string key, string value, bool isCollectionValue)
     var text = new MultiTextBase();
     text.SetAlternative("*", value);
     TextVariables.Add(key, new NamedMutliLingualValue(text, isCollectionValue));
		protected static void CopyForms(Dictionary<string, string> forms, MultiTextBase m)
			if (forms != null && forms.Keys != null)
				foreach (string key in forms.Keys)
					LanguageForm f = m.Find(key);
					if (f != null)
						f.Form = forms[key];
						m.SetAlternative(key, forms[key]);
 protected static void CopyForms(Dictionary <string, string> forms, MultiTextBase m)
     if (forms != null && forms.Keys != null)
         foreach (string key in forms.Keys)
             LanguageForm f = m.Find(key);
             if (f != null)
                 f.Form = forms[key];
                 m.SetAlternative(key, forms[key]);
 public MultiTextBase GetBookSetting(string key)
     var result = new MultiTextBase();
     foreach(XmlElement e in RawDom.SafeSelectNodes("//div[@id='bloomDataDiv']/div[@data-book='" + key + "']"))
         var lang = e.GetAttribute("lang");
         result.SetAlternative(lang ?? "", e.InnerXml);
     return result;
		public void CompareTo_IdenticalMultiText_ReturnsEqual()
			MultiTextBase multiTextBase = new MultiTextBase();
			multiTextBase.SetAlternative("de", "Word 1");
			MultiTextBase multiTextBaseToCompare = new MultiTextBase();
			multiTextBaseToCompare.SetAlternative("de", "Word 1");
			Assert.AreEqual(0, multiTextBase.CompareTo(multiTextBaseToCompare));
		public void CompareTo_MultiTextWithNonIdenticalFormsAndFirstNonidenticalformIsAlphabeticallyLater_ReturnsLess()
			MultiTextBase multiTextBase = new MultiTextBase();
			multiTextBase.SetAlternative("de", "Word 1");
			MultiTextBase multiTextBaseToCompare = new MultiTextBase();
			multiTextBaseToCompare.SetAlternative("de", "Word 2");
			Assert.AreEqual(-1, multiTextBase.CompareTo(multiTextBaseToCompare));
		public void CompareTo_MultiTextWithNonIdenticalWritingSystemsAndFirstNonidenticalWritingSystemIsAlphabeticallyEarlier_ReturnsGreater()
			MultiTextBase multiTextBase = new MultiTextBase();
			multiTextBase.SetAlternative("en", "Word 1");
			MultiTextBase multiTextBaseToCompare = new MultiTextBase();
			multiTextBaseToCompare.SetAlternative("de", "Word 1");
			Assert.AreEqual(1, multiTextBase.CompareTo(multiTextBaseToCompare));
		public void CompareTo_MultiTextWithMoreForms_ReturnsLess()
			MultiTextBase multiTextBase = new MultiTextBase();
			MultiTextBase multiTextBaseToCompare = new MultiTextBase();
			multiTextBaseToCompare.SetAlternative("de", "Word 1");
			Assert.AreEqual(-1, multiTextBase.CompareTo(multiTextBaseToCompare));
		public void CompareTo_MultiTextWithFewerForms_ReturnsGreater()
			MultiTextBase multiTextBase = new MultiTextBase();
			multiTextBase.SetAlternative("de", "Word 1");
			MultiTextBase multiTextBaseToCompare = new MultiTextBase();
			Assert.AreEqual(1, multiTextBase.CompareTo(multiTextBaseToCompare));
		public void SetAlternative_ThreeDifferentLanguages_LanguageFormsAreSortedbyWritingSystem()

			MultiTextBase multiTextBaseToPopulate = new MultiTextBase();
			multiTextBaseToPopulate.SetAlternative("fr", "fr Word3");
			multiTextBaseToPopulate.SetAlternative("de", "de Word1");
			multiTextBaseToPopulate.SetAlternative("en", "en Word2");
			Assert.AreEqual(3, multiTextBaseToPopulate.Forms.Length);
			Assert.AreEqual("de", multiTextBaseToPopulate.Forms[0].WritingSystemId);
			Assert.AreEqual("en", multiTextBaseToPopulate.Forms[1].WritingSystemId);
			Assert.AreEqual("fr", multiTextBaseToPopulate.Forms[2].WritingSystemId);
        // records key, lang pairs for which we found an empty element in the source.
        /// <summary>
        /// walk through the sourceDom, collecting up values from elements that have data-book or data-collection or data-book-attributes attributes.
        /// </summary>
        private void GatherDataItemsFromXElement(DataSet data,
			XmlNode sourceElement, // can be the whole sourceDom or just a page
			HashSet<Tuple<string, string>> itemsToDelete = null)
            string elementName = "*";
                string query = String.Format(".//{0}[(@data-book or @data-library or @data-collection or @data-book-attributes) and not(contains(@class,'bloom-writeOnly'))]", elementName);

                XmlNodeList nodesOfInterest = sourceElement.SafeSelectNodes(query);

                foreach (XmlElement node in nodesOfInterest)
                    bool isCollectionValue = false;

                    string key = node.GetAttribute("data-book").Trim();
                    if (key == String.Empty)
                        key = node.GetAttribute("data-book-attributes").Trim();
                        if (key != String.Empty)
                            GatherAttributes(data, node, key);
                        key = node.GetAttribute("data-collection").Trim();
                        if (key == String.Empty)
                            key = node.GetAttribute("data-library").Trim(); //the old (pre-version 1) name of collections was 'library'
                        isCollectionValue = true;

                    string value;
                    if (HtmlDom.IsImgOrSomethingWithBackgroundImage(node))
                        value = HtmlDom.GetImageElementUrl(new ElementProxy(node)).UrlEncoded;
                        var node1 = node.CloneNode(true); // so we can remove labels without modifying node
                        // Datadiv content should be node content without labels. The labels are not really part
                        // of the content we want to replicate, they are just information for the user, and
                        // specific to one context. Also, including them causes them to get repeated in each location;
                        // SetInnerXmlPreservingLabel() assumes data set content does not include label elements.
                        var labels = node1.SafeSelectNodes(".//label").Cast<XmlElement>().ToList();
                        foreach (var label in labels)
                        value = node1.InnerXml.Trim(); //may contain formatting
                            value = UrlPathString.CreateFromHtmlXmlEncodedString(value).UrlEncoded;

                    string lang = node.GetOptionalStringAttribute("lang", "*");
                    if (lang == "") //the above doesn't stop a "" from getting through
                        lang = "*";
                    if (lang == "{V}")
                        lang = _collectionSettings.Language1Iso639Code;
                    if(lang == "{N1}")
                        lang = _collectionSettings.Language2Iso639Code;
                    if(lang == "{N2}")
                        lang = _collectionSettings.Language3Iso639Code;

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                        // This is a value we may want to delete
                        if (itemsToDelete != null)
                            itemsToDelete.Add(Tuple.Create(key, lang));
                    else if (!value.StartsWith("{"))
                        //ignore placeholder stuff like "{Book Title}"; that's not a value we want to collect
                        if ((elementName.ToLowerInvariant() == "textarea" || elementName.ToLowerInvariant() == "input" ||
                             node.GetOptionalStringAttribute("contenteditable", "false") == "true") &&
                            (lang == "V" || lang == "N1" || lang == "N2"))
                            throw new ApplicationException(
                                "Editable element (e.g. TextArea) should not have placeholder @lang attributes (V,N1,N2)\r\n\r\n" +

                        //if we don't have a value for this variable and this language, add it
                        if (!data.TextVariables.ContainsKey(key))
                            var t = new MultiTextBase();
                            t.SetAlternative(lang, value);
                            data.TextVariables.Add(key, new NamedMutliLingualValue(t, isCollectionValue));
                        else if (!data.TextVariables[key].TextAlternatives.ContainsAlternative(lang))
                            MultiTextBase t = data.TextVariables[key].TextAlternatives;
                            t.SetAlternative(lang, value);

                    if (KeysOfVariablesThatAreUrlEncoded.Contains(key))
                        Debug.Assert(!value.Contains("&amp;"), "In memory, all image urls should be encoded such that & is just &.");

            catch (Exception error)
                throw new ApplicationException(
                    "Error in GatherDataItemsFromDom(," + elementName + "). RawDom was:\r\n" + sourceElement.OuterXml,