        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new section, to be owned by the given book. Since the StTexts are empty,
        /// this version of the function is generic (i.e. the new section may be made either
        /// an intro section or a scripture text section by the calling code).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="book">The book where the new section will be created</param>
        /// <param name="iSection">The zero-based index of the new section</param>
        /// <returns>The newly created <see cref="ScrSection"/></returns>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public static IScrSection CreateEmptySection(IScrBook book, int iSection)
            Debug.Assert(book != null);

            FdoCache cache = book.Cache;

            Debug.Assert(iSection >= 0 && iSection <= book.SectionsOS.Count);

            ScrSection prevSection = null;

            if (iSection > 0)
                prevSection = new ScrSection(cache,
                                             book.SectionsOS.HvoArray[iSection - 1]);

            // Now insert the section in the book at the specified location.
            IScrSection section = (IScrSection)book.SectionsOS.InsertAt(new ScrSection(), iSection);

            // Insert StTexts for section heading and section content.
            section.HeadingOA = new StText();
            section.ContentOA = new StText();

        public void MoveNext_ImplicitChapter1AndVerse1()

            IScrSection      sectionCur = ScrSection.CreateSectionWithEmptyParas(m_genesis, 0, false);
            TsStringAccessor heading    = ((StTxtPara)sectionCur.HeadingOA.ParagraphsOS[0]).Contents;
            ITsStrBldr       strBldr    = heading.UnderlyingTsString.GetBldr();

            strBldr.Replace(0, strBldr.Length, "My aching head!", null);
            heading.UnderlyingTsString = strBldr.GetString();

            TsStringAccessor content = ((StTxtPara)sectionCur.ContentOA.ParagraphsOS[0]).Contents;

            strBldr = content.UnderlyingTsString.GetBldr();
            strBldr.Replace(0, strBldr.Length, "Verse One. ", null);
            content.UnderlyingTsString = strBldr.GetString();


            ScrTxtPara  stPara   = new ScrTxtPara(Cache, sectionCur.ContentOA.ParagraphsOS.HvoArray[0]);
            ScrVerseSet verseSet = new ScrVerseSet(stPara);

            // Iterate through the verses in the paragraph
            ScrVerse verse;

            verse = (ScrVerse)verseSet.Current;
            Assert.AreEqual("Verse One. ", verse.Text.Text);
            Assert.AreEqual(01001001, verse.StartRef);
            Assert.AreEqual(01001001, verse.EndRef);

        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a section with optional heading/content paragraphs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="book">The book where the new section will be created</param>
        /// <param name="iSection">The zero-based index of the new section</param>
        /// <param name="isIntro">True to create an intro section, false to create a
        /// normal scripture section</param>
        /// <param name="createHeadingPara">if true, heading paragraph will be created</param>
        /// <param name="createContentPara">if true, content paragraph will be created</param>
        /// <returns>The newly created <see cref="ScrSection"/></returns>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private static ScrSection CreateSection(IScrBook book, int iSection, bool isIntro,
                                                bool createHeadingPara, bool createContentPara)
            Debug.Assert(book != null);

            // Create an empty section. The end reference needs to be set to indicate to
            // AdjustReferences if the section is an intro section
            ScrSection section = (ScrSection)CreateEmptySection(book, iSection);

            section.VerseRefEnd = new ScrReference(book.CanonicalNum, 1, isIntro ? 0 : 1,

            // Add an empty paragraph to the section head.
            if (createHeadingPara)
                string paraStyle =
                    isIntro ? ScrStyleNames.IntroSectionHead : ScrStyleNames.SectionHead;
                StTxtParaBldr.CreateEmptyPara(book.Cache, section.HeadingOAHvo, paraStyle,

            // Add an empty paragraph to the section content.
            if (createContentPara)
                string paraStyle =
                    isIntro ? ScrStyleNames.IntroParagraph : ScrStyleNames.NormalParagraph;
                StTxtParaBldr.CreateEmptyPara(book.Cache, section.ContentOAHvo, paraStyle,

        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs ParaNode map using the paragraph.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="para">The given paragraph.</param>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private void ConstructFromPara(StTxtPara para)
            // Get the iPara first
            m_location[kParaIndex] = para.IndexInOwner;

            // Prepare to get the others
            StText text       = new StText(para.Cache, para.OwnerHVO);
            int    hvoOwner   = para.Cache.GetOwnerOfObject(text.Hvo);
            int    ownerClass = para.Cache.GetClassOfObject(hvoOwner);

            // If the ownerClass is a book, we know that sections are not relevant
            // to this paragraph and can process accordingly
            if (ownerClass == ScrBook.kClassId)
                // If we've got a title, we can set the rest in short order
                // (we know that there are no sections)
                Debug.Assert(text.OwningFlid == (int)ScrBook.ScrBookTags.kflidTitle);
                m_location[kSectionFlidIndex] = 0;
                m_location[kSectionIndex]     = 0;
                m_location[kBookFlidIndex]    = kTitle;

                ScrBook book = new ScrBook(para.Cache, text.OwnerHVO);
                m_location[kBookIndex] = book.IndexInOwner;
            // Otherwise, we'll need to use the section data
            else if (ownerClass == ScrSection.kClassId)
                // Since we have sections, get the flid and set others based upon it
                int sectionFlid = text.OwningFlid;
                if (sectionFlid == (int)ScrSection.ScrSectionTags.kflidHeading)
                    m_location[kSectionFlidIndex] = kHeading;
                else if (sectionFlid == (int)ScrSection.ScrSectionTags.kflidContent)
                    m_location[kSectionFlidIndex] = kContent;
                // If it was not one of these types, something is wrong, it's an invalid
                // flid

                ScrSection section = new ScrSection(para.Cache, text.OwnerHVO);
                m_location[kSectionIndex]  = section.IndexInOwner;
                m_location[kBookFlidIndex] = kSections;

                m_location[kBookIndex] = section.OwningBook.IndexInOwner;

            // default char offset
            m_location[kCharIndex] = 0;
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Merges the heading and content of this section into the previous section content.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cache">the fdocache</param>
        /// <param name="book">the current book</param>
        /// <param name="iSection">index of the section to be moved</param>
        /// <returns>number of paragraphs in previous section before merge (use as index
        /// of first moved paragraph)</returns>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public static int MergeIntoPreviousSectionContent(FdoCache cache, ScrBook book, int iSection)
            ScrSection prevSection    = (ScrSection)book.SectionsOS[iSection - 1];
            ScrSection origSection    = (ScrSection)book.SectionsOS[iSection];
            int        cInitParaCount = prevSection.ContentOA.ParagraphsOS.Count;

            StText.MoveTextContents(origSection.HeadingOA, prevSection.ContentOA, true);
            StText.MoveTextContents(origSection.ContentOA, prevSection.ContentOA, true);


            // Number of paragraphs originally in the target section
        public void MoveNext_NonNumericChapter()

            IScrSection      sectionCur = ScrSection.CreateSectionWithEmptyParas(m_genesis, 0, false);
            TsStringAccessor heading    = ((StTxtPara)sectionCur.HeadingOA.ParagraphsOS[0]).Contents;
            ITsStrBldr       strBldr    = heading.UnderlyingTsString.GetBldr();

            strBldr.Replace(0, strBldr.Length, "My aching head!", null);
            heading.UnderlyingTsString = strBldr.GetString();

            TsStringAccessor content = ((StTxtPara)sectionCur.ContentOA.ParagraphsOS[0]).Contents;

            strBldr = content.UnderlyingTsString.GetBldr();
            strBldr.Replace(0, strBldr.Length, "A",
                            StyleUtils.CharStyleTextProps(ScrStyleNames.ChapterNumber, Cache.DefaultVernWs));
            strBldr.Replace(strBldr.Length, strBldr.Length, "Verse One. ",
                            StyleUtils.CharStyleTextProps(null, Cache.DefaultVernWs));
            strBldr.Replace(strBldr.Length, strBldr.Length, "2",
                            StyleUtils.CharStyleTextProps(ScrStyleNames.VerseNumber, Cache.DefaultVernWs));
            strBldr.Replace(strBldr.Length, strBldr.Length, " Verse Two. ",
                            StyleUtils.CharStyleTextProps(null, Cache.DefaultVernWs));
            content.UnderlyingTsString = strBldr.GetString();


            ScrTxtPara stPara = new ScrTxtPara(Cache, sectionCur.ContentOA.ParagraphsOS.HvoArray[0]);

            ScrVerseSet verseSet = new ScrVerseSet(stPara);

            // Iterate through the verses in the paragraph
            ScrVerse verse;

            verse = (ScrVerse)verseSet.Current;
            Assert.AreEqual("AVerse One. ", verse.Text.Text);
            Assert.AreEqual(01001001, verse.StartRef);
            Assert.AreEqual(01001001, verse.EndRef);

            verse = (ScrVerse)verseSet.Current;
            Assert.AreEqual("2 Verse Two. ", verse.Text.Text);
            Assert.AreEqual(01001002, verse.StartRef);
            Assert.AreEqual(01001002, verse.EndRef);

        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new section using the contents of the given paragraph as it's heading
        /// and the remaining paragraphs of this section as it's content.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="iPara">Index of paragraph to be changed to section head.</param>
        /// <param name="cParagraphs">Number of paragraphs changed.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public IScrSection ChangeParagraphToSectionHead(int iPara, int cParagraphs)
            ScrBook book     = OwningBook;
            int     iSection = 0;

            while (book.SectionsOS.HvoArray[iSection] != Hvo)
                Debug.Assert(iSection < book.SectionsOS.Count,
                             "Couldn't find index of section " + Hvo);
            //Set up parameters depending on the type of change
            iSection++;              //New section follows original one.

            ScrSection newSection = (ScrSection)ScrSection.CreateEmptySection(book, iSection);

            // move paragraphs following the changed paragraphs, if any
            if (iPara + cParagraphs < ContentOA.ParagraphsOS.Count)
                StText.MoveTextParagraphs(ContentOA, newSection.ContentOA, iPara + cParagraphs, false);
                // if the paragraph was at the end of a section then we need to create a
                // blank content paragraph in the new section.
                string styleName =
                    IsIntro ? ScrStyleNames.IntroParagraph : ScrStyleNames.NormalParagraph;

                StTxtParaBldr.CreateEmptyPara(book.Cache, newSection.ContentOAHvo, styleName,

            // move paragraphs to section head
            StText.MoveTextParagraphs(ContentOA, newSection.HeadingOA, iPara, false);

            // Make sure the references are correct for both the sections.

            // notify views that new section exists
            m_cache.PropChanged(null, PropChangeType.kpctNotifyAll, book.Hvo,
                                (int)ScrBook.ScrBookTags.kflidSections, iSection, 1, 0);

            return(newSection as IScrSection);
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new section using the contents of the given section heading as it's content
        /// and the remaining paragraphs above the selection will become the heading of the new
        /// section
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="iPara">index of paragraph to be changed to section content</param>
        /// <param name="cParagraphs">number of paragraphs to move</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public IScrSection ChangeParagraphToSectionContent(int iPara, int cParagraphs)
            ScrBook book     = OwningBook;
            int     iSection = 0;

            while (book.SectionsOS.HvoArray[iSection] != Hvo)
                Debug.Assert(iSection < book.SectionsOS.Count,
                             "Couldn't find index of section " + Hvo);
            ScrSection newSection = (ScrSection)ScrSection.CreateEmptySection(book, iSection);

            // move paragraphs preceding the changed paragraphs, if any
            if (iPara > 0)
                StText.MoveTextParagraphs(HeadingOA, newSection.HeadingOA, iPara - 1, true);
                // if the paragraph was at the beginning of a section then we need to create a
                // blank heading paragraph in the new section.
                string styleName =
                    IsIntro ? ScrStyleNames.IntroSectionHead : ScrStyleNames.SectionHead;

                StTxtParaBldr.CreateEmptyPara(book.Cache, newSection.HeadingOAHvo, styleName,

            // move paragraphs to section head
            StText.MoveTextParagraphs(HeadingOA, newSection.ContentOA, cParagraphs - 1, true);

            // Make sure the sections have correct references

            // notify views that new section exists
            m_cache.PropChanged(null, PropChangeType.kpctNotifyAll, book.Hvo,
                                (int)ScrBook.ScrBookTags.kflidSections, iSection, 1, 0);

            return(newSection as IScrSection);
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Create a new section, to be owned by the given book. Since the StTexts are empty,
		/// this version of the function is generic (i.e. the new section may be made either
		/// an intro section or a scripture text section by the calling code).
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="book">The book where the new section will be created</param>
		/// <param name="iSection">The zero-based index of the new section</param>
		/// <returns>The newly created <see cref="ScrSection"/></returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public static IScrSection CreateEmptySection(IScrBook book, int iSection)
			Debug.Assert(book != null);

			FdoCache cache = book.Cache;
			Debug.Assert(iSection >= 0 && iSection <= book.SectionsOS.Count);

			ScrSection prevSection = null;
			if (iSection > 0)
				prevSection = new ScrSection(cache,
					book.SectionsOS.HvoArray[iSection - 1]);

			// Now insert the section in the book at the specified location.
			IScrSection section = (IScrSection)book.SectionsOS.InsertAt(new ScrSection(), iSection);

			// Insert StTexts for section heading and section content.
			section.HeadingOA = new StText();
			section.ContentOA = new StText();

			return section;
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the section index and paragraph index for the specified object, when this
        /// method assumes is an StTxtPara.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">An ICmObject associated with an annotation (i.e. the annotation's
        /// BeginObjectRA) which is assumed to be an StTxtPara.</param>
        /// <param name="iNewNoteSection">The index of the section, or -1 if the index cannot
        /// be determined.</param>
        /// <param name="iNewNotePara">The index of paragraph, or int.MaxValue if the index
        /// cannot be determined.</param>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private void GetLocationInfoForObj(ICmObject obj, out int iNewNoteSection, out int iNewNotePara)
            iNewNoteSection = -1;
            iNewNotePara    = int.MaxValue;

            if (obj is StTxtPara)
                StTxtPara para = (StTxtPara)obj;
                iNewNotePara = para.IndexInOwner;
                ScrSection section = ScrSection.GetSectionFromParagraph(para);
                if (section != null)
                    iNewNoteSection = section.IndexInBook;
            else if (obj is CmTranslation)
                CmTranslation trans = (CmTranslation)obj;
                Debug.Assert(trans.Owner is StTxtPara);
                GetLocationInfoForObj(trans.Owner, out iNewNoteSection, out iNewNotePara);
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Divides the current section into two sections with section index iSection and
        /// iSection + 1. Moves the selected paragraphs from the heading of
        /// the current section into the content of the current section.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="iSection">index of the current section</param>
        /// <param name="iParaStart">index of the first heading paragraph to be moved into
        /// content</param>
        /// <param name="iParaEnd">index of the last heading paragraph to be moved into
        /// content</param>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public void SplitSectionHeading(int iSection, int iParaStart, int iParaEnd)
            // Create empty section after the current section
            ScrSection newSection = (ScrSection)ScrSection.CreateEmptySection(OwningBook, iSection + 1);

            // Move Heading and Content to new section:
            // the heading paras after selection,
            StText.MoveTextParagraphs(this.HeadingOA, newSection.HeadingOA,
                                      iParaEnd + 1, false);
            // all content paras
            StText.MoveTextParagraphs(this.ContentOA, newSection.ContentOA, 0, false);

            // Move current selection in heading to content
            // note: because we already moved the "heading paras after selection"
            // we will now move all paras from start of selection

            // Adjust references for the two sections
            Cache.PropChanged(OwnerHVO, (int)ScrBook.ScrBookTags.kflidSections, iSection + 1, 1, 0);
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Notifies a section that needs to have the highlighting refreshed.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="hvoSection"></param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private void NotifySection(int hvoSection)
			if (m_cache.IsRealObject(hvoSection, ScrSection.kClassId))
				ScrSection section = new ScrSection(m_cache, hvoSection);
				m_cache.PropChanged(null, PropChangeType.kpctNotifyAll, section.OwnerHVO,
					(int)ScrBook.ScrBookTags.kflidSections, section.IndexInBook, 1, 1);
        public void MoveNext_SpacesInVerses()

            ScrSection sectionCur = new ScrSection();

            // Create a section head for this section
            sectionCur.HeadingOA = new StText();
            StTxtParaBldr paraBldr = new StTxtParaBldr(Cache);

            paraBldr.ParaProps = StyleUtils.ParaStyleTextProps(ScrStyleNames.SectionHead);
            paraBldr.AppendRun("My aching head!",
                               StyleUtils.CharStyleTextProps(null, Cache.DefaultVernWs));
            sectionCur.ContentOA = new StText();

            paraBldr           = new StTxtParaBldr(Cache);
            paraBldr.ParaProps = StyleUtils.ParaStyleTextProps(ScrStyleNames.NormalParagraph);
            paraBldr.AppendRun("1", StyleUtils.CharStyleTextProps(ScrStyleNames.ChapterNumber,
            paraBldr.AppendRun("Verse One. ",
                               StyleUtils.CharStyleTextProps(null, Cache.DefaultVernWs));
            paraBldr.AppendRun("2", StyleUtils.CharStyleTextProps(ScrStyleNames.VerseNumber,
            paraBldr.AppendRun(" Verse Two. ",
                               StyleUtils.CharStyleTextProps(null, Cache.DefaultVernWs));
            paraBldr.AppendRun("3", StyleUtils.CharStyleTextProps(ScrStyleNames.VerseNumber,
            paraBldr.AppendRun("Verse Three.",
                               StyleUtils.CharStyleTextProps(null, Cache.DefaultVernWs));
            paraBldr.AppendRun("4", StyleUtils.CharStyleTextProps(ScrStyleNames.VerseNumber,
            paraBldr.AppendRun("     ",
                               StyleUtils.CharStyleTextProps(null, Cache.DefaultVernWs));
            StTxtPara para = paraBldr.CreateParagraph(sectionCur.ContentOA.Hvo);


            ScrTxtPara  stPara   = new ScrTxtPara(Cache, para.Hvo);
            ScrVerseSet verseSet = new ScrVerseSet(stPara);

            // Iterate through the verses in the paragraph
            ScrVerse verse;

            verse = (ScrVerse)verseSet.Current;
            Assert.AreEqual("1", verse.Text.Text);
            Assert.AreEqual(01001001, verse.StartRef);
            Assert.AreEqual(01001001, verse.EndRef);

            verse = (ScrVerse)verseSet.Current;
            Assert.AreEqual("Verse One. ", verse.Text.Text);
            Assert.AreEqual(01001001, verse.StartRef);
            Assert.AreEqual(01001001, verse.EndRef);

            verse = (ScrVerse)verseSet.Current;
            Assert.AreEqual("2 Verse Two. ", verse.Text.Text);
            Assert.AreEqual(01001002, verse.StartRef);
            Assert.AreEqual(01001002, verse.EndRef);

            verse = (ScrVerse)verseSet.Current;
            Assert.AreEqual("3Verse Three.", verse.Text.Text);
            Assert.AreEqual(01001003, verse.StartRef);
            Assert.AreEqual(01001003, verse.EndRef);

            verse = (ScrVerse)verseSet.Current;
            Assert.AreEqual("4     ", verse.Text.Text);
            Assert.AreEqual(01001004, verse.StartRef);
            Assert.AreEqual(01001004, verse.EndRef);

		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Selections at end of section.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="helper">The helper.</param>
		/// <param name="bottomInfo">The bottom info.</param>
		/// <param name="clev">The clev.</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private bool IsSelectionAtEndOfSection(SelectionHelper helper, SelLevInfo[] bottomInfo,
			int clev)
			bool atEndOfSection = false;
			// Is the bottom of the selection in the last para of the section?
			ScrSection bottomSection = new ScrSection(m_cache,
				helper, SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Bottom));

			IStText bottomContent = bottomSection.ContentOA;
			int levelPara = helper.GetLevelForTag((int)StText.StTextTags.kflidParagraphs);
			if (bottomInfo[levelPara].ihvo == bottomContent.ParagraphsOS.Count - 1)
				StTxtPara lastPara = new StTxtPara(m_cache, bottomInfo[levelPara].hvo);
				ITsString lastParaContents = lastPara.Contents.UnderlyingTsString;
				int ichBottom = helper.GetIch(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Bottom);
				atEndOfSection = ichBottom == lastParaContents.Length;
			return atEndOfSection;
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Remove any duplicate verse numbers following the new verse number in the following
		/// text in the current as well as the following section, if any.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="hvoObj">The id of the para or translation being modified</param>
		/// <param name="propTag">The flid (Contents or Translation)</param>
		/// <param name="tss">The structured string or the para or trans with the new verse
		/// number</param>
		/// <param name="wsAlt">The writing system, if a back trans multiString alt</param>
		/// <param name="chapterToRemove">A string representation of the duplicate chapter number
		/// to remove.</param>
		/// <param name="verseRangeToRemove">A string representation of the duplicate verse number to
		/// remove. This may also be a verse bridge, in which case we will remove all verse
		/// numbers up to the end value of the bridge</param>
		/// <param name="ich">The character offset after which we start looking for dups</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private void RemoveDuplicateVerseNumbers(int hvoObj, int propTag, ITsString tss, int wsAlt,
			string chapterToRemove, string verseRangeToRemove, int ich)
			// Determine the verse number we will remove up to
			int removeUpToVerse = ScrReference.VerseToIntEnd(verseRangeToRemove);

			bool inBackTrans = (m_cache.GetClassOfObject(hvoObj) == CmTranslation.kClassId);

			// Get my current StText, ScrSection and ScrBook
			int hvoCurrPara = inBackTrans ? (new CmTranslation(m_cache, hvoObj)).OwnerHVO : hvoObj;
			ScrTxtPara currentPara = new ScrTxtPara(m_cache, hvoCurrPara);

			// Determine the last chapter reference to remove.
			int removeChapter = (chapterToRemove != null && chapterToRemove.Length > 0) ?
				ScrReference.ChapterToInt(chapterToRemove) : 0;

			// First look in the paragraph where the verse was inserted.
			if (RemoveDuplicateVerseNumbersInPara(hvoObj, propTag, tss, wsAlt, removeChapter,
				removeUpToVerse, ich))

			// Search through current and subsequent section (if any) for duplicate verse numbers.
			StText text = new StText(m_cache, currentPara.OwnerHVO);
			ScrSection currentSection = new ScrSection(m_cache, text.OwnerHVO);
			IScrBook currentBook = currentSection.OwningBook;

			// First look through successive paragraphs for duplicate verse numbers, and then
			// try the next section if necessary.
			if (!RemoveDuplicateVerseNumbersInText(text, currentPara.IndexInOwner + 1, inBackTrans,
				propTag, wsAlt, removeChapter, removeUpToVerse))
				ScrSection nextSection = currentSection.NextSection;
				if (nextSection != null)
					RemoveDuplicateVerseNumbersInText(nextSection.ContentOA, 0,
						inBackTrans, propTag, wsAlt, removeChapter, removeUpToVerse);
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Goes to the verse reference in the back translation paragraph or the closest
		/// location to where it would occur
		/// </summary>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		protected virtual void GotoVerseBT(ScrReference targetRef, int bookIndex,
			ScrSection section, int paraIndex, ScrTxtPara para)
			ScrVerseSet verseSet = new ScrVerseSetBT(para, ViewConstructorWS);

			// Look for an exact match of the target verse number in the BT para
			foreach (ScrVerse verse in verseSet)
				if (!verse.VerseNumberRun)

				if (verse.StartRef <= targetRef && targetRef <= verse.EndRef)
					// set the IP here now
					SetInsertionPoint(bookIndex, section.IndexInBook, paraIndex,
						verse.TextStartIndex, false);

			// An exact match was not found, so look for a best guess spot for it
			foreach (ScrVerse verse in verseSet)
				if (!verse.VerseNumberRun)

				if (verse.StartRef >= targetRef)
					// set the IP here now
					SetInsertionPoint(bookIndex, section.IndexInBook, paraIndex, verse.VerseStartIndex, false);

			// A best guess spot was not found so put the selection at the end of the paragraph
			SetIpAtEndOfPara(bookIndex, section.IndexInBook, paraIndex, para);
		public void DetermineOverwritability_DataLoss_OneVerseAddedToStart()
			DummyScrBook genesis = new DummyScrBook(Cache,
				m_scrInMemoryCache.AddBookToMockedScripture(1, "Genesis").Hvo);
			ScrSection section1cur = new ScrSection();
			section1cur.VerseRefStart = section1cur.VerseRefMin = new BCVRef(1, 1, 1).BBCCCVVV;
			section1cur.VerseRefEnd = section1cur.VerseRefMax = new BCVRef(1, 1, 12).BBCCCVVV;

			DummyScrBook savedGenesis = new DummyScrBook(Cache,
				m_scrInMemoryCache.AddArchiveBookToMockedScripture(1, "Genesis").Hvo);
			ScrSection section1saved = new ScrSection();
			section1saved.VerseRefStart = section1saved.VerseRefMin = new BCVRef(1, 1, 2).BBCCCVVV;
			section1saved.VerseRefEnd = section1saved.VerseRefMax = new BCVRef(1, 1, 12).BBCCCVVV;
			string sDetails;
			List<IScrSection> sectionsToRemove;
			List<int> missingBtWs;
				genesis.DetermineOverwritability(savedGenesis, out sDetails, out sectionsToRemove,
					out missingBtWs),
				"Cannot overwrite without data loss when a section in a saved book is missing the first verse");
			Assert.AreEqual("   GEN 1:1", sDetails);
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Given a Scripture section, this method returns the index of the paragraph containing
		/// the requested verse and the position of the character immediately following the
		/// verse number in that paragraph. If an exact match isn't found, the closest
		/// approximate place is found.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="section">The section whose paragraphs will be searched</param>
		/// <param name="targetRef">The reference being sought</param>
		/// <param name="iPara">The index of the paragraph where the verse was found</param>
		/// <param name="ichPosition">The index of the character immediately following the
		/// verse number in that paragraph</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		protected void FindVerseNumber(ScrSection section, ScrReference targetRef, out int iPara,
			out int ichPosition)
			iPara = 0;
			ichPosition = 0;

			bool fChapterFound = (BCVRef.GetChapterFromBcv(section.VerseRefMin) == targetRef.Chapter);
			foreach (StTxtPara para in section.ContentOA.ParagraphsOS)
				TsStringAccessor contents = para.Contents;
				if (para.Contents.Text == null)
				TsRunInfo tsi;
				ITsTextProps ttpRun;
				int ich = 0;
				while (ich < contents.UnderlyingTsString.Length)
					// Get props of current run.
					ttpRun = contents.UnderlyingTsString.FetchRunInfoAt(ich, out tsi);
					// See if it is our verse number style.
					if (fChapterFound)
						if (StStyle.IsStyle(ttpRun, ScrStyleNames.VerseNumber))
							// The whole run is the verse number. Extract it.
							string sVerseNum = contents.Text.Substring(tsi.ichMin,
								tsi.ichLim - tsi.ichMin);
							int startVerse, endVerse;
							ScrReference.VerseToInt(sVerseNum, out startVerse, out endVerse);
							if ((targetRef.Verse >= startVerse && targetRef.Verse <= endVerse)
								|| targetRef.Verse < startVerse)
								ichPosition = tsi.ichLim;
					// See if it is our chapter number style.
					else if (StStyle.IsStyle(ttpRun, ScrStyleNames.ChapterNumber))
							// Assume the whole run is the chapter number. Extract it.
							string sChapterNum = contents.Text.Substring(tsi.ichMin,
								tsi.ichLim - tsi.ichMin);
							fChapterFound = (ScrReference.ChapterToInt(sChapterNum) == targetRef.Chapter);
						catch (ArgumentException)
							// ignore runs with invalid Chapter numbers
					ich = tsi.ichLim;
			iPara = 0; // Couldn't find it.
		/// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// If user presses Enter and a new style is applied to the following paragraph, we
		/// need to mark that style as being in use. If in a section Head, we might need to fix
		/// the structure.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="fCalledFromKeyDown">True if this method gets called from OnKeyDown</param>
		/// <param name="stuInput">input string</param>
		/// <param name="cchBackspace">number of backspace characters in stuInput</param>
		/// <param name="cchDelForward">number of delete characters in stuInput</param>
		/// <param name="ss">Status of Shift/Control/Alt key</param>
		/// <param name="graphics">graphics for processing input</param>
		/// <param name="modifiers">key modifiers - shift status, etc.</param>
		/// <remarks>I (EberhardB) added the parameter <paramref name="fCalledFromKeyDown"/>
		/// to be able to distinguish between Ctrl-Delete and Ctrl-Backspace.</remarks>
		/// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		protected void HandleEnterKey(bool fCalledFromKeyDown, string stuInput,
			int cchBackspace, int cchDelForward, VwShiftStatus ss,
			IVwGraphics graphics, Keys modifiers)
			if (IsPictureSelected) // Enter should do nothing if a picture or caption is selected.

			SelLevInfo[] levInfo;
			// If we are at the end of a heading paragraph, we need to check the "next" style to
			// see if it is a body type. If it is not, then allow processing to proceed as normal.
			// If it is a body type, then don't create a new paragraph, just move down to the start
			// of the first body paragraph in the section.
			if (InSectionHead)
				// if the selection is a range selection then try to delete the selected text first.
				if (CurrentSelection.Selection.IsRange)
					ITsStrFactory factory = TsStrFactoryClass.Create();
						factory.MakeString("", m_cache.DefaultVernWs));
					// If selection is still a range selection, the deletion failed and we don't
					// need to do anything else.
					if (CurrentSelection.Selection.IsRange || !InSectionHead)

				// If the heading style has a following style that is a body style and we are at the
				// end of the paragraph then move the IP to the beginning of the body paragraph.
				levInfo = CurrentSelection.GetLevelInfo(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Anchor);
				// This is the paragraph that was originally selected
				ScrTxtPara headPara = new ScrTxtPara(m_cache, levInfo[0].hvo);
				IStStyle headParaStyle = m_scr.FindStyle(headPara.StyleName);
				IStStyle followStyle = headParaStyle != null ? headParaStyle.NextRA : null;

				if (followStyle != null && followStyle.Structure == StructureValues.Body &&
					// if there is another section head paragraph, then the section needs to be split
					ScrSection section = new ScrSection(m_cache,
					if (CurrentSelection.LevelInfo[0].ihvo < section.HeadingOA.ParagraphsOS.Count - 1)
						// Setting the style rules destroys the selection, so we have to remember
						// the current location before we change the style rules.
						int iBook = BookIndex;
						int iSection = SectionIndex;

						// break the section
						// create a new empty paragraph in the first section
						// set the IP to the start of the new paragraph
						CreateSection(BCVRef.GetVerseFromBcv(section.VerseRefMin) == 0);
						Debug.Assert(CurrentSelection != null && CurrentSelection.IsValid,
							"Creating the section didn't set a selection");
						StTxtPara contentPara = new StTxtPara(m_cache, CurrentSelection.LevelInfo[0].hvo);
						contentPara.StyleRules = StyleUtils.ParaStyleTextProps(followStyle.Name);
						SetInsertionPoint(iBook, iSection, 0, 0, false);
						SetInsertionPoint(BookIndex, SectionIndex, 0, 0, false);
						// If the first paragraph is not empty, then insert a new paragraph with the
						// follow-on style of the section head.
						StTxtPara contentPara = new StTxtPara(m_cache, CurrentSelection.LevelInfo[0].hvo);
						if (contentPara.Contents.Length > 0)
							StTxtParaBldr bldr = new StTxtParaBldr(m_cache);
							bldr.ParaProps = StyleUtils.ParaStyleTextProps(followStyle.Name);
							bldr.AppendRun(String.Empty, StyleUtils.CharStyleTextProps(null,
							bldr.CreateParagraph(contentPara.OwnerHVO, 0);
							SetInsertionPoint(BookIndex, SectionIndex, 0, 0, false);

			// Call the base to handle the key
			base.OnCharAux('\r', fCalledFromKeyDown, stuInput, cchBackspace, cchDelForward, ss,
				graphics, modifiers);

				levInfo = CurrentSelection.GetLevelInfo(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Anchor);
				ScrTxtPara para = new ScrTxtPara(m_cache, levInfo[0].hvo);
				IStStyle style = m_scr.FindStyle(para.StyleName);
				if (style != null)
					style.InUse = true;
				// Oh, well. We tried.
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Bring the paragraph difference into view in the diff view.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="hvoPara">hvo of paragraph containing the difference</param>
		/// <param name="ichMin">starting character position of the difference</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public void ScrollToParaDiff(int hvoPara, int ichMin)

			StTxtPara para = new StTxtPara(m_fdoCache, hvoPara);
			int iPara = para.IndexInOwner;
			StText text = new StText(m_fdoCache, para.OwnerHVO);
			if (m_fdoCache.GetClassOfObject(text.OwnerHVO) == ScrSection.kClassId)
				int tag = text.OwningFlid == (int)ScrSection.ScrSectionTags.kflidHeading ?
					(int)ScrSection.ScrSectionTags.kflidHeading :
				ScrSection section = new ScrSection(m_fdoCache, text.OwnerHVO);
				SetInsertionPoint(tag, 0, section.IndexInBook, iPara, ichMin, false);
				SetInsertionPoint((int)ScrBook.ScrBookTags.kflidTitle, 0, 0, iPara, ichMin,
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Find a paragraph in a section that matches the given HVO
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="section"></param>
		/// <param name="hvoPara"></param>
		/// <param name="iPara"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private bool FindPara(ScrSection section, int hvoPara, out int iPara)
			iPara = 0;
			foreach (StPara para in section.ContentOA.ParagraphsOS)
				if (para.Hvo == hvoPara)
					return true;
			return false;
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Append a new section to the given book, having the specified text as the section
		/// head. The new section will have an empty content text created also.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="styleName">Style name for section</param>
		/// <param name="book">The book to which the section is to be appended</param>
		/// <param name="sSectionHead">The text of the new section head</param>
		/// <returns>The newly created section</returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private IScrSection CreateSection(string styleName, IScrBook book,
			params string[] sSectionHead)
			// Create a section
			IScrSection section = new ScrSection();

			// Create a section head for this section
			section.HeadingOA = new StText();
			StTxtParaBldr paraBldr = new StTxtParaBldr(Cache);
			for (int i = 0; i < sSectionHead.Length; i++)
				paraBldr.ParaProps = StyleUtils.ParaStyleTextProps(styleName);
					StyleUtils.CharStyleTextProps(null, Cache.DefaultVernWs));

			int verse = (styleName == ScrStyleNames.SectionHead) ? 1 : 0;
			section.ContentOA = new StText();
			section.VerseRefEnd = section.VerseRefStart =
				new ScrReference(book.CanonicalNum, 1, verse, m_scr.Versification);
			return section;
		public void DetermineOverwritability_DataLoss_NastyMismatchedHoles()
			DummyScrBook genesis = new DummyScrBook(Cache,
				m_scrInMemoryCache.AddBookToMockedScripture(1, "Genesis").Hvo);
			ScrSection sectionCur = new ScrSection();
			sectionCur.VerseRefStart = sectionCur.VerseRefMin = new BCVRef(1, 1, 1).BBCCCVVV;
			sectionCur.VerseRefEnd = sectionCur.VerseRefMax = new BCVRef(1, 1, 15).BBCCCVVV;
			sectionCur = new ScrSection();
			sectionCur.VerseRefStart = sectionCur.VerseRefMin = new BCVRef(1, 1, 18).BBCCCVVV;
			sectionCur.VerseRefEnd = sectionCur.VerseRefMax = new BCVRef(1, 1, 29).BBCCCVVV;
			sectionCur = new ScrSection();
			sectionCur.VerseRefStart = sectionCur.VerseRefMin = new BCVRef(1, 2, 1).BBCCCVVV;
			sectionCur.VerseRefEnd = sectionCur.VerseRefMax = new BCVRef(1, 2, 25).BBCCCVVV;
			sectionCur = new ScrSection();
			sectionCur.VerseRefStart = sectionCur.VerseRefMin = new BCVRef(1, 3, 4).BBCCCVVV;
			sectionCur.VerseRefEnd = sectionCur.VerseRefMax = new BCVRef(1, 3, 15).BBCCCVVV;
			sectionCur = new ScrSection();
			sectionCur.VerseRefStart = sectionCur.VerseRefMin = new BCVRef(1, 3, 18).BBCCCVVV;
			sectionCur.VerseRefEnd = sectionCur.VerseRefMax = new BCVRef(1, 3, 24).BBCCCVVV;
			sectionCur = new ScrSection();
			sectionCur.VerseRefStart = sectionCur.VerseRefMin = new BCVRef(1, 4, 1).BBCCCVVV;
			sectionCur.VerseRefEnd = sectionCur.VerseRefMax = new BCVRef(1, 4, 4).BBCCCVVV;
			sectionCur = new ScrSection();
			sectionCur.VerseRefStart = sectionCur.VerseRefMin = new BCVRef(1, 4, 10).BBCCCVVV;
			sectionCur.VerseRefEnd = sectionCur.VerseRefMax = new BCVRef(1, 4, 18).BBCCCVVV;

			DummyScrBook savedGenesis = new DummyScrBook(Cache,
				m_scrInMemoryCache.AddArchiveBookToMockedScripture(1, "Genesis").Hvo);
			ScrSection sectionSaved = new ScrSection();
			sectionSaved.VerseRefStart = sectionSaved.VerseRefMin = new BCVRef(1, 1, 1).BBCCCVVV;
			sectionSaved.VerseRefEnd = sectionSaved.VerseRefMax = new BCVRef(1, 1, 10).BBCCCVVV;
			sectionSaved = new ScrSection();
			sectionSaved.VerseRefStart = sectionSaved.VerseRefMin = new BCVRef(1, 2, 22).BBCCCVVV;
			sectionSaved.VerseRefEnd = sectionSaved.VerseRefMax = new BCVRef(1, 2, 25).BBCCCVVV;
			sectionSaved = new ScrSection();
			sectionSaved.VerseRefStart = sectionSaved.VerseRefMin = new BCVRef(1, 3, 4).BBCCCVVV;
			sectionSaved.VerseRefEnd = sectionSaved.VerseRefMax = new BCVRef(1, 3, 15).BBCCCVVV;
			sectionSaved = new ScrSection();
			sectionSaved.VerseRefStart = sectionSaved.VerseRefMin = new BCVRef(1, 3, 18).BBCCCVVV;
			sectionSaved.VerseRefEnd = sectionSaved.VerseRefMax = new BCVRef(1, 3, 21).BBCCCVVV;
			sectionSaved = new ScrSection();
			sectionSaved.VerseRefStart = sectionSaved.VerseRefMin = new BCVRef(1, 4, 1).BBCCCVVV;
			sectionSaved.VerseRefEnd = sectionSaved.VerseRefMax = new BCVRef(1, 4, 6).BBCCCVVV;
			sectionSaved = new ScrSection();
			sectionSaved.VerseRefStart = sectionSaved.VerseRefMin = new BCVRef(1, 4, 8).BBCCCVVV;
			sectionSaved.VerseRefEnd = sectionSaved.VerseRefMax = new BCVRef(1, 4, 18).BBCCCVVV;
			string sDetails;
			List<IScrSection> sectionsToRemove;
			List<int> missingBtWs;
				genesis.DetermineOverwritability(savedGenesis, out sDetails, out sectionsToRemove,
					out missingBtWs),
				"Cannot overwrite with saved book that contains a hole");
			Assert.AreEqual("   GEN 1:11-15" + Environment.NewLine + "   GEN 1:18-29" +
				Environment.NewLine + "   GEN 2:1-21" + Environment.NewLine + "   GEN 3:22-24", sDetails);
		public void DetermineOverwritability_DataLoss_MultipleHolesBefore()
			DummyScrBook genesis = new DummyScrBook(Cache,
				m_scrInMemoryCache.AddBookToMockedScripture(1, "Genesis").Hvo);
			ScrSection section1cur = new ScrSection();
			section1cur.VerseRefStart = section1cur.VerseRefMin = new BCVRef(1, 1, 1).BBCCCVVV;
			section1cur.VerseRefEnd = section1cur.VerseRefMax = new BCVRef(1, 1, 15).BBCCCVVV;
			ScrSection section2cur = new ScrSection();
			section2cur.VerseRefStart = section2cur.VerseRefMin = new BCVRef(1, 1, 16).BBCCCVVV;
			section2cur.VerseRefEnd = section2cur.VerseRefMax = new BCVRef(1, 1, 19).BBCCCVVV;
			ScrSection section3cur = new ScrSection();
			section3cur.VerseRefStart = section3cur.VerseRefMin = new BCVRef(1, 1, 20).BBCCCVVV;
			section3cur.VerseRefEnd = section3cur.VerseRefMax = new BCVRef(1, 1, 31).BBCCCVVV;
			ScrSection section4cur = new ScrSection();
			section4cur.VerseRefStart = section4cur.VerseRefMin = new BCVRef(1, 2, 1).BBCCCVVV;
			section4cur.VerseRefEnd = section4cur.VerseRefMax = new BCVRef(1, 2, 13).BBCCCVVV;

			DummyScrBook savedGenesis = new DummyScrBook(Cache,
				m_scrInMemoryCache.AddArchiveBookToMockedScripture(1, "Genesis").Hvo);
			ScrSection section1saved = new ScrSection();
			section1saved.VerseRefStart = section1saved.VerseRefMin = new BCVRef(1, 1, 16).BBCCCVVV;
			section1saved.VerseRefEnd = section1saved.VerseRefMax = new BCVRef(1, 1, 19).BBCCCVVV;
			ScrSection section2saved = new ScrSection();
			section2saved.VerseRefStart = section2saved.VerseRefMin = new BCVRef(1, 2, 1).BBCCCVVV;
			section2saved.VerseRefEnd = section2saved.VerseRefMax = new BCVRef(1, 2, 12).BBCCCVVV;
			string sDetails;
			List<IScrSection> sectionsToRemove;
			List<int> missingBtWs;
				genesis.DetermineOverwritability(savedGenesis, out sDetails, out sectionsToRemove,
					out missingBtWs),
				"Cannot overwrite without data loss when a section in a saved book is missing the first verse");
			Assert.AreEqual("   GEN 1:1-15" + Environment.NewLine + "   GEN 1:20-31" +
				Environment.NewLine + "   GEN 2:13", sDetails);
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Finds the previous footnote and returns it. <paramref name="iSection"/>,
		/// <paramref name="iParagraph"/>, <paramref name="ich"/> and <paramref name="tag"/>
		/// reflect the position before the previous footnote marker. If no footnote can be found
		/// <paramref name="iSection"/>, <paramref name="iParagraph"/>, <paramref name="ich"/>
		/// and <paramref name="tag"/> won't change.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="fcCache">FDO cache</param>
		/// <param name="book">Current book</param>
		/// <param name="iSection">Index of section to start search</param>
		/// <param name="iParagraph">Index of paragraph to start search, or -1 to start search
		/// in last paragraph.</param>
		/// <param name="ich">Character index to start search, or -1 to start at the end of
		/// the paragraph.</param>
		/// <param name="tag">Flid to start search</param>
		/// <param name="fSkipFirstRun"><c>true</c> if the current run where ich is in should
		/// be skipped, otherwise <c>false</c>.</param>
		/// <returns>Previous footnote, or <c>null</c> if there isn't a previous footnote in the
		/// current book.</returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public static ScrFootnote FindPreviousFootnote(FdoCache fcCache,
			IScrBook book, ref int iSection, ref int iParagraph, ref int ich, ref int tag,
			bool fSkipFirstRun)
			// Don't bother looking if book has no footnotes.
			if (book.FootnotesOS.Count == 0)
				return null;

			ScrFootnote footnote = null;
			FdoOwningSequence<IScrSection> sections = book.SectionsOS;
			IScrSection section = null;
			if (tag != (int)ScrBook.ScrBookTags.kflidTitle)
				section = new ScrSection(fcCache, sections.HvoArray[iSection]);

			int iSectionTmp = iSection;
			int iParagraphTmp = iParagraph;
			int ichTmp = ich;
			int tagTmp = tag;

			if (tagTmp == (int)ScrSection.ScrSectionTags.kflidContent)
				footnote = FindPreviousFootnoteInText(section.ContentOA, ref iParagraphTmp,
					ref ichTmp, fSkipFirstRun);
				if (footnote == null)
					tagTmp = (int)ScrSection.ScrSectionTags.kflidHeading;
					iParagraphTmp = -1;
					ichTmp = -1;
					fSkipFirstRun = false;

			if (tagTmp == (int)ScrSection.ScrSectionTags.kflidHeading)
				footnote = FindPreviousFootnoteInText(section.HeadingOA, ref iParagraphTmp,
					ref ichTmp, fSkipFirstRun);
				while (footnote == null && iSectionTmp > 0)
					section = new ScrSection(fcCache, sections.HvoArray[iSectionTmp]);
					footnote = FindLastFootnoteInSection(section, out iParagraphTmp, out ichTmp, out tagTmp);

				if (footnote == null)
					iSectionTmp = 0;
					iParagraphTmp = -1;
					ichTmp = -1;
					fSkipFirstRun = false;

			if (footnote == null && book.TitleOA != null)
				tagTmp = (int)ScrBook.ScrBookTags.kflidTitle;
				footnote = FindPreviousFootnoteInText(book.TitleOA, ref iParagraphTmp, ref ichTmp,

			if (footnote != null)
				iSection = iSectionTmp;
				iParagraph = iParagraphTmp;
				ich = ichTmp;
				tag = tagTmp;
			return footnote;
        /// <summary>
        /// Load data needed to display the specified objects using the specified fragment.
        /// This is called before attempting to Display an item that has been listed for lazy
        /// display using AddLazyItems. It may be used to load the necessary data into the
        /// DataAccess object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vwenv"></param>
        /// <param name="rghvo"></param>
        /// <param name="chvo"></param>
        /// <param name="hvoParent"></param>
        /// <param name="tag"></param>
        /// <param name="frag"></param>
        /// <param name="ihvoMin"></param>
        public override void LoadDataFor(IVwEnv vwenv, int[] rghvo, int chvo, int hvoParent, int tag,
			int frag, int ihvoMin)

            // ENHANCE TomB: Implement progress bar
            bool fStartProgressBar = false; // m_stbr && !m_stbr.IsProgressBarActive();

                case ScrFrags.kfrBook:
                    // REVIEW EberhardB: we might want some optimizations on the loading
                    // (see DraftTextVc::LoadDataFor)
                    ScrBook scrBook;

                    foreach (int hvo in rghvo)
                        scrBook = new ScrBook(m_stvc.Cache, hvo);
                        foreach (StTxtPara stPara in scrBook.TitleOA.ParagraphsOS)
                            string text = stPara.Contents.Text;

                case ScrFrags.kfrSection:
                    // REVIEW EberhardB: optimize, especially implement reading +/- 3 paragraphs
                    ScrSection sect;

                    foreach (int hvo in rghvo)
                        sect = new ScrSection(m_stvc.Cache, hvo);

                        foreach (StTxtPara stPara in sect.HeadingOA.ParagraphsOS)
                            string text = stPara.Contents.Text;
                        foreach (StTxtPara stPara in sect.ContentOA.ParagraphsOS)
                            string text = stPara.Contents.Text;


            // If we had to start a progress bar, return things to normal.
            if (fStartProgressBar)
                // TODO m_qstbr->EndProgressBar();
		/// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Get a string that describes the Scripture passage based on the selection.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="tag">The flid of the selected element</param>
		/// <param name="hvoSel">The hvo of the selected element, either a ScrSection (usually)
		/// or ScrBook (if in a title)</param>
		/// <param name="fSimpleFormat">Gets a simple, standardized reference (uses SIL 3-letter
		/// codes and no verse bridges)</param>
		/// <returns>String that describes the Scripture passage or null if the selection
		/// can't be interpreted as a book and/or section reference.</returns>
		/// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public virtual string GetPassageAsString(int tag, int hvoSel, bool fSimpleFormat)

			if (m_cache == null)
				return null;

			string sEditRef = null; // Title/reference/etc of text being edited in the draft pane
			switch (tag)
				case (int)ScrSection.ScrSectionTags.kflidHeading:
				case (int)ScrSection.ScrSectionTags.kflidContent:
					// ENHANCE TomB: might want to use low-level methods to get
					// cached values directly instead of creating the FDO objects
					// and having them reread the info from the DB. Also, may want
					// to cache the hvoSel in a method static variable so that when
					// the selection hasn't really changed to a new section or book,
					// we stop here.
					ScrSection section = new ScrSection(m_cache, hvoSel, false, false);
					BCVRef startRef;
					BCVRef endRef;
					section.GetDisplayRefs(out startRef, out endRef);
					if (fSimpleFormat)
						sEditRef = startRef.AsString;
						sEditRef = ScrReference.MakeReferenceString(section.OwningBook.BestUIName,
							startRef, endRef, m_scr.ChapterVerseSepr, m_scr.Bridge);
				case (int)ScrBook.ScrBookTags.kflidTitle:
					ScrBook book = new ScrBook(m_cache, hvoSel, false, false);
					sEditRef = (fSimpleFormat ? (book.BookId + " 0:0") : book.BestUIName);
					return null;

			// Add the back translation writing system info to the output string, if needed
			if (IsBackTranslation)
				LgWritingSystem ws = new LgWritingSystem(m_cache, ViewConstructorWS);
				sEditRef = string.Format(
					sEditRef, ws.Name.UserDefaultWritingSystem);

			return (sEditRef != null && sEditRef.Length != 0) ? sEditRef : null;
		// This is the start of an alternative implementation of GotoVerseBtSeg, actually searching the text.
		//BCVRef m_startRef;
			//BCVRef m_endRef;
			//para.GetBCVRefAtPosition(0, out m_startRef, out m_endRef);
			//int ktagParaSegments = StTxtPara.SegmentsFlid(Cache);
			//int cseg = Cache.GetVectorSize(para.Hvo, ktagParaSegments);
			//int kflidFT = StTxtPara.SegmentFreeTranslationFlid(Cache);
			//ISilDataAccess sda = Cache.MainCacheAccessor;
			//int btWs = ViewConstructorWS;
			//for (int iseg = 0; iseg < cseg; iseg++)
			//    int hvoSeg = sda.get_VecItem(para.Hvo, ktagParaSegments, iseg);
			//    if (!sda.get_IsPropInCache(hvoSeg, kflidFT, (int)CellarModuleDefns.kcptReferenceAtom, 0))
			//    {
			//        StTxtPara.LoadSegmentFreeTranslations(new int[] {para.Hvo}, Cache, btWs);
			//    }
			//    int hvoFt = sda.get_ObjectProp(hvoSeg, kflidFT);
			//    ITsString tssTrans = sda.get_MultiStringAlt(hvoFt, kflidComment, btWs);
			//    int crun = tssTrans.RunCount;
			//    for (int irun = 0; irun < crun; irun++)
			//    {
			//        ITsTextProps ttpRun = tssTrans.get_Properties(irun);
			//        if (StStyle.IsStyle(ttpRun, ScrStyleNames.VerseNumber))
			//        {
			//            string sVerseNum = tssTrans.get_RunText(irun);
			//            int nVerseStart, nVerseEnd;
			//            ScrReference.VerseToInt(sVerseNum, out nVerseStart, out nVerseEnd);
			//            m_startRef.Verse = nVerseStart;
			//            m_endRef.Verse = nVerseEnd;
			//        }
			//        else if (StStyle.IsStyle(ttpRun, ScrStyleNames.ChapterNumber))
			//        {
			//            string sChapterNum = tssTrans.get_RunText(irun);
			//            int nChapter = ScrReference.ChapterToInt(sChapterNum);
			//            m_startRef.Chapter = m_endRef.Chapter = nChapter;
			//            // Set the verse number to 1, since the first verse number after a
			//            // chapter is optional. If we happen to get a verse number in the
			//            // next run, this '1' will be overridden (though it will probably
			//            // still be a 1).
			//            m_startRef.Verse = m_endRef.Verse = 1;
			//        }
			//    }

					/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Inserts the IP and scrolls it to near the top of the view. Used for going to a
		/// location in the BT or vernacular where a verse starts (or as close as possible).
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="targetRef">ScrReference to find</param>
		/// <param name="bookIndex">index of book to look in</param>
		/// <param name="section">section to search</param>
		/// <param name="paraIndex">paragraph to look in</param>
		/// <param name="ichPosition">starting character index to look at</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		protected virtual void GoToPosition(ScrReference targetRef, int bookIndex,
			ScrSection section, int paraIndex, int ichPosition)
			if (ContentType == StVc.ContentTypes.kctSimpleBT)
				GotoVerseBT(targetRef, bookIndex, section, paraIndex,
					 new ScrTxtPara(m_cache, section[paraIndex].Hvo));
			else if (ContentType == StVc.ContentTypes.kctSegmentBT)
				GotoVerseBtSeg(targetRef, bookIndex, section, paraIndex,
					 new ScrTxtPara(m_cache, section[paraIndex].Hvo), ichPosition);
					bookIndex, section.IndexInBook, paraIndex, ichPosition, false,
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Makes changes in text structure when the context of the new paragraph style does not
		/// match the context of the current paragraph style.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>This method properly adjusts the text structure for newStyle; the style is
		/// not applied here - the caller should do that.</remarks>
		/// <param name="selHelper">the selection to which the new style is being applied</param>
		/// <param name="curStyle">current style at the selection anchor</param>
		/// <param name="newStyle">new style to be applied (has a new style context)</param>
		/// <returns>Returns true if the style change can now be applied.</returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		protected virtual bool AdjustTextStructure(SelectionHelper selHelper,
			IStStyle curStyle, IStStyle newStyle)
			SelLevInfo[] top = selHelper.GetLevelInfo(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Top);
			SelLevInfo[] bottom = selHelper.GetLevelInfo(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Bottom);
			ILocationTracker tracker = ((ITeView)Control).LocationTracker;
			int scrLevelCount = tracker.GetLevelCount((int)ScrSection.ScrSectionTags.kflidContent);

			// Adjustments will only be done in section level selections.

			if (top.Length != scrLevelCount || bottom.Length != scrLevelCount)
				return true;

			// CASE 1: Change a section head to a content paragraph
			// If style of paragraphs of the section heading are changed to something
			// that is not a section head style, restructure heading paragraphs
			if (top[1].tag == (int)ScrSection.ScrSectionTags.kflidHeading &&
				newStyle.Structure == StructureValues.Body)
				// these will be adjusted to the new indices after the structure is changed
				int iSection = tracker.GetSectionIndexInBook(selHelper, SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Top);
				int iPara;
				bool firstSectionInContext = (iSection == 0);
				int iBook = tracker.GetBookIndex(selHelper, SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Top);
				ScrBook book = BookFilter.GetBook(iBook);
				ScrSection section = (ScrSection)book.SectionsOS[iSection];
				// for an interior section, need to check context of next section
				if (!firstSectionInContext)
					IScrSection prevSection = book.SectionsOS[iSection - 1];
					firstSectionInContext = !SectionsHaveSameContext(section, prevSection);
				// If all paragraphs of heading are selected, merge selected section
				// with previous section
				if (AreAllParagraphsSelected(top, bottom, section.HeadingOA))
					if (!firstSectionInContext)
						iPara = ScrSection.MergeIntoPreviousSectionContent(m_cache, book, iSection);
						// Just need to move all heading paragraphs to the content. The move
						// method will create a new empty heading paragraph.
						iPara = 0;
				// If selection starts at first paragraph of the heading, move heading paragraphs to
				// content of previous section.
				else if (top[0].ihvo == 0)
					if (!firstSectionInContext)
						iPara = ScrSection.MoveHeadingToPreviousSectionContent(m_cache,
							book, iSection, bottom[0].ihvo);
						// In this case, we want the selected paragraphs to become the content
						// of a new section, and the preceding paragraph(s) to become the
						// heading of the new section.
							bottom[0].ihvo - top[0].ihvo + 1);
						// update insertion point to first paragraph(s) of new section content
						iPara = 0;
					// If selection bottoms at the last paragraph of the heading, move heading
					// paragraphs to content of this section
					if (section.HeadingOA.ParagraphsOS.Count - 1 == bottom[0].ihvo)
						iPara = 0;
						// The selection must be only inner paragraphs in the section head,
						// not including the first or last paragraphs.
						// In this case, we want the selected paragraph(s) to become content for
						// the heading paragraph(s) above it, and the following section head
						// paragraph(s) become the heading of a new section object.
						int iParaStart = top[0].ihvo;
						int iParabottom = bottom[0].ihvo;
						section.SplitSectionHeading(iSection, iParaStart, iParabottom);

						iPara = 0;

				// Select all paragraphs in content that were part of section heading (and have
				// now been moved to iSection, iPara)
				SetInsertionPoint(iBook, iSection, iPara, 0, false);
				// Get bottom point of selection and update it to point to beginning of
				// last paragraph of old heading.  Use offsets of current selection.
				SelectionHelper newHelper = SelectionHelper.Create(Callbacks.EditedRootBox.Site);
				SelLevInfo[] levInfo = newHelper.GetLevelInfo(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.End);
				levInfo[0].ihvo += bottom[0].ihvo - top[0].ihvo;
				newHelper.SetLevelInfo(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.End, levInfo);
				newHelper.IchAnchor = selHelper.GetIch(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Top);
				newHelper.IchEnd = selHelper.GetIch(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Bottom);
			} //bottom of CASE 1 "Change a section head to a scripture paragraph"

				// CASE 2: Change scripture paragraph to a section head
				// - only if the new style has "section head" structure, the selection is in
				// one paragraph, and that paragraph is part of the section content
			else if (top[1].tag == (int)ScrSection.ScrSectionTags.kflidContent &&
				newStyle.Structure == StructureValues.Heading)
				// Check selected paragraphs for chapter or verse numbers - style will not be
				// changed if any are found.
				ScrSection section = new ScrSection(m_cache, tracker.GetSectionHvo(selHelper,
				for (int i = top[0].ihvo; i <= bottom[0].ihvo; i++)
					ScrTxtPara para =
						new ScrTxtPara(m_cache, section.ContentOA.ParagraphsOS.HvoArray[i]);
					if (para.HasChapterOrVerseNumbers())
						// Cancel the request if chapter or verse numbers are present.
						// display message box if not running in a test
						if (!InTestMode)
						return false;

				int iBook = tracker.GetBookIndex(selHelper, SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Top);
				int iSection = tracker.GetSectionIndexInBook(selHelper, SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Top);
				int iPara;
				ScrBook book = section.OwningBook;
				// End of book is end of context type
				bool lastSectionInContext = (iSection == book.SectionsOS.Count - 1);
				// for an interior section, need to check context of next section
				if (!lastSectionInContext)
					IScrSection nextSection = book.SectionsOS[iSection + 1];
					lastSectionInContext = !SectionsHaveSameContext(section, nextSection);

				if (AreAllParagraphsSelected(top, bottom, section.ContentOA))
					if (!lastSectionInContext)
						// Need to combine this section with the following section.
						// Heading of combined section will be section1.Heading +
						// section1.Content + section2.Heading
						iPara = section.HeadingOA.ParagraphsOS.Count;
						IScrSection nextSection = book.SectionsOS[iSection + 1];
						StText.MoveTextContents(section.ContentOA, nextSection.HeadingOA, false);
						StText.MoveTextContents(section.HeadingOA, nextSection.HeadingOA, false);
						// Just need to move all content paragraphs to the heading. The move
						// method will create a new empty content paragraph.
						iPara = section.HeadingOA.ParagraphsOS.Count;
						section.MoveContentParasToHeading(section.ContentOA.ParagraphsOS.Count - 1);
				else if (top[0].ihvo == 0)
					// Move the first content paragraphs to become the last para of the
					// section head

					iPara = section.HeadingOA.ParagraphsOS.Count -
						(bottom[0].ihvo - top[0].ihvo + 1);
				else if (bottom[0].ihvo == section.ContentOA.ParagraphsOS.Count - 1 &&
					// Move the last content paragraphs to become the first para of the next
					// section in the book.
					ScrSection.MoveContentParasToNextSectionHeading(m_cache, book, iSection,
					// update insertion point to first paragraph(s) of next section head
					iPara = 0;
					// In this case, we want the selected paragraph to become the heading
					// of a new section, and the following paragraph(s) to become the
					// content of the new section object.
						bottom[0].ihvo - top[0].ihvo + 1);
					// update insertion point to first paragraph(s) of next section head
					iPara = 0;

				// Select all paragraphs in content that were part of section heading (and have
				// now been moved to iSection, iPara)
				SetInsertionPoint((int)ScrSection.ScrSectionTags.kflidHeading, iBook,
					iSection, iPara);
				// Get bottom point of selection and update it to point to beginning of
				// last paragraph of old heading.  Use offsets of current selection.
				SelectionHelper newHelper =
				SelLevInfo[] levInfo = newHelper.GetLevelInfo(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.End);
				levInfo[0].ihvo += bottom[0].ihvo - top[0].ihvo;
				newHelper.SetLevelInfo(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.End, levInfo);
				newHelper.IchAnchor = selHelper.GetIch(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Top);
				newHelper.IchEnd = selHelper.GetIch(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Bottom);
			return true;
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Navigate to the beginning of the text of the first (implicit or explicit) chapter
		/// in the first paragraph in the specified scripture section. If a chapter isn't
		/// found then the IP is put at the beginning of the content paragraph.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="iBook">0-based index of the book (in this view)</param>
		/// <param name="section">The section (in the given book, as displayed in this view)
		/// </param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private void GoToFirstChapterInSection(int iBook, ScrSection section)
			int ichChapterStart = 0;
			ScrVerseSet verseSet = new ScrVerseSet(new ScrTxtPara(m_cache, section[0].Hvo));
			if (verseSet.MoveNext())
				ScrVerse verse = (ScrVerse)verseSet.Current;
				if (!verse.VerseNumberRun)
					ichChapterStart = verse.TextStartIndex;

			ScrReference scrRef = new ScrReference(section.VerseRefStart, m_scr.Versification);
			GoToPosition(scrRef, iBook, section, 0, ichChapterStart);
		/// <summary>
		/// Go to the indicated verse in the BT. We've already determined the index of the book, the section,
		/// the paragraph, and the character index in the vernacular. We want to figure the corresponding
		/// position in the BT, which should be the non-label segment closest to (hopefully containing) the
		/// vernacular position, and select it.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="targetRef"></param>
		/// <param name="bookIndex"></param>
		/// <param name="section"></param>
		/// <param name="paraIndex"></param>
		/// <param name="para"></param>
		/// <param name="ichMainPosition">The position where this verse occurs in the main paragraph.</param>
		protected virtual void GotoVerseBtSeg(ScrReference targetRef, int bookIndex,
			ScrSection section, int paraIndex, ScrTxtPara para, int ichMainPosition)
			int isegTarget = GetBtSegIndexForVernChar(para, ichMainPosition, ViewConstructorWS);
			// Select the appropriate segment (or if nothing matched, the last place we can edit).
			if (isegTarget < 0)
				return; // pathological.
			SelectRangeOfChars(bookIndex, section.IndexInBook, (int)ScrSection.ScrSectionTags.kflidContent, paraIndex, isegTarget,
							   0, 0, true, true, false, VwScrollSelOpts.kssoDefault);
		public void DetermineOverwritability_DataLoss_SavedSubsetOfCurrent()
			DummyScrBook genesis = new DummyScrBook(Cache,
				m_scrInMemoryCache.AddBookToMockedScripture(1, "Genesis").Hvo);
			ScrSection section1cur = new ScrSection();
			section1cur.VerseRefStart = section1cur.VerseRefMin = new BCVRef(1, 1, 1).BBCCCVVV;
			section1cur.VerseRefEnd = section1cur.VerseRefMax = new BCVRef(1, 1, 20).BBCCCVVV;

			DummyScrBook savedGenesis = new DummyScrBook(Cache,
				m_scrInMemoryCache.AddArchiveBookToMockedScripture(1, "Genesis").Hvo);
			ScrSection section1saved = new ScrSection();
			section1saved.VerseRefStart = section1saved.VerseRefMin = new BCVRef(1, 1, 5).BBCCCVVV;
			section1saved.VerseRefEnd = section1saved.VerseRefMax = new BCVRef(1, 1, 15).BBCCCVVV;
			string sDetails;
			List<IScrSection> sectionsToRemove;
			List<int> missingBtWs;
				genesis.DetermineOverwritability(savedGenesis, out sDetails, out sectionsToRemove,
					out missingBtWs),
				"Cannot overwrite with saved book that starts after and ends before the current");
			Assert.AreEqual("   GEN 1:1-4" + Environment.NewLine + "   GEN 1:16-20", sDetails);
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Set the IP to the end of the section. Check for vernacular or BT.
		/// </summary>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private void SetIpAtEndOfSection(int bookIndex, ScrSection section)
			SetIpAtEndOfPara(bookIndex, section.IndexInBook,
				section.ContentParagraphCount - 1, section.LastContentParagraph);
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Refreshes cache for all footnotes in the StText containing the paragraph.  We only
		/// use this method when verses of a paragraph are changed - this will only happen on
		/// content paragraphs of a ScrSection.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="cache"></param>
		/// <param name="hvoObj"></param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		internal static void RefreshCacheForParagraph(FdoCache cache, int hvoObj)
			int hvoPara = hvoObj;
			if (cache.GetClassOfObject(hvoObj) == CmTranslation.kClassId)
				hvoPara = cache.GetOwnerOfObject(hvoObj);

			int hvoText = cache.GetOwnerOfObject(hvoPara);
			IStText text = new StText(cache, hvoText);
			ScrSection section = new ScrSection(cache, text.OwnerHVO);
			BCVRef verseRef = new BCVRef(section.VerseRefStart);

			Dictionary<int, FootnoteHashEntry> dict;
			// Don't bother on empty cache - it will be created when needed. Need to use HVO to get GUID so we
			// don't create the book and potentially cause the refresh routine to be called.
			Guid bookGuid = cache.GetGuidFromId(section.OwnerHVO);
			if (!cache.TryGetHashtable<int, FootnoteHashEntry>(bookGuid, out dict) ||
				dict.Count == 0)

			AddFootnoteRefsInText(text, dict, ref verseRef);
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// For the Insert Section menu, if IP at the end of a section, inserts a new section.
		/// Sets the IP in the new para of the new section.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="insertIntroSection">True to make the created section an intro section,
		/// false otherwise</param>
		/// <returns><c>true</c> if we handle this.</returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public bool CreateSection(bool insertIntroSection)

			if (CurrentSelection == null)
				return false;

			// REVIEW: What should be done if user has a range selection?
			if (CurrentSelection.Selection.IsRange)
					SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Top, true);

			// if someone is updating data don't do the insertion
			if (DataUpdateMonitor.IsUpdateInProgress(m_cache.MainCacheAccessor))
				return true;

			Debug.Assert(EditedRootBox != null);
			if (m_cache == null)
				return false;

			int iSection = SectionIndex;
			int iBook = BookIndex;

			// Verify that IP is in valid location for new section
			if (iSection == -1 && !InBookTitle)
				if (!InTestMode)

				return true;

			IVwRootSite rootSite = EditedRootBox.Site;
			// make sure noone else can update the data
			string undo;
			string redo;
			TeResourceHelper.MakeUndoRedoLabels("kstidInsertSection", out undo, out redo);
			using (UndoTaskHelper undoTaskHelper = new UndoTaskHelper(rootSite, undo, redo, true))
			using (new DataUpdateMonitor(Control, m_cache.MainCacheAccessor, rootSite, "Insert Section"))
			using (new WaitCursor(Control))
					ScrBook book = BookFilter.GetBook(iBook);
					IScrSection section = null;
					if (iSection >= 0)
						section = book[iSection];
					int ichIP = CurrentSelection.IchAnchor;
					int iPara = CurrentSelection.LevelInfo[0].ihvo;
					StTxtPara para = null;

					if (InBookTitle)
						iSection = 0;
						InsertSectionAtIndex(book, iSection, insertIntroSection);
					else if (CurrentSelection.LevelInfo[1].tag ==
						// if IP is in a content paragraph
						para = (StTxtPara)section.ContentOA.ParagraphsOS[iPara];
						if (ichIP > para.Contents.Length)
							ichIP = para.Contents.Length;

						// we insert the new section after the current one, so the current section
						// moves down

						// Now insert the new section
						// if IP is at the end of the last paragraph of the section...
						if (iPara == section.ContentOA.ParagraphsOS.Count - 1 &&
							(para.Contents.Text == null ||
							ichIP == para.Contents.Length))
							InsertSectionAtIndex(book, iSection, insertIntroSection);
							// Need to create a new section and split the section content between
							// the new section and the existing section
							IScrSection newSection =
								ScrSection.CreateSectionWithHeadingPara(book, iSection, insertIntroSection);
								newSection.ContentOA, iPara, ichIP, false);
					else if (CurrentSelection.LevelInfo[1].tag ==
						para = (StTxtPara)section.HeadingOA.ParagraphsOS[iPara];
						if (ichIP > para.Contents.Length)
							ichIP = para.Contents.Length;

						if (iPara == 0 && ichIP == 0)
							// Insert an empty section before the current section
							InsertSectionAtIndex(book, iSection, insertIntroSection);
							// Need to create a new section and split the section heading between
							// the new section and the existing section
							IScrSection newSection =
								ScrSection.CreateSectionWithContentPara(book, iSection, insertIntroSection);
								newSection.HeadingOA, iPara, ichIP, true);

					m_cache.PropChanged(null, PropChangeType.kpctNotifyAll,
						book.Hvo, (int)ScrBook.ScrBookTags.kflidSections,
						iSection, 1, 0);

					// Set the insertion point at the beg of the new section contents
					if (iBook > -1)
						ScrSection newSection = new ScrSection(m_cache, book[iSection].Hvo);
						SelectionHelper selHelperIP = null;
						StTxtPara firstPara = newSection.FirstContentParagraph;

						// if dividing an existing section...
						if (firstPara != null && firstPara.Contents.Length > 0)
							// otherwise, set the IP in the section heading
							selHelperIP = SetInsertionPoint(
								(int)ScrSection.ScrSectionTags.kflidHeading, iBook, iSection);
							// set the IP in the paragraph content
							selHelperIP = SetInsertionPoint(iBook, iSection, 0, 0, false);

						// Don't set the character props if the selection is a range
						// selection. This most likely is the case only if the new
						// selection is in a user prompt. The user prompt consists of
						// 2 runs which makes the below code fail because we only give
						// it enough props to replace 1 run.
						if (selHelperIP != null && selHelperIP.Selection != null &&
							//TODO: Only do this if we're creating a brand new section, not if
							// we're splitting one
							ITsTextProps[] rgttp = new ITsTextProps[] {
										StyleUtils.CharStyleTextProps(null, m_cache.DefaultVernWs) };
							selHelperIP.Selection.SetSelectionProps(1, rgttp);

					return true;
				catch (Exception)
					undoTaskHelper.EndUndoTask = false;
					if (FwApp.App != null) // can be null when testing
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Finds the next footnote and returns it. <paramref name="iSection"/>,
		/// <paramref name="iParagraph"/>, <paramref name="ich"/> and <paramref name="tag"/>
		/// reflect the position after the next footnote marker. If no footnote can be found
		/// <paramref name="iSection"/>, <paramref name="iParagraph"/>, <paramref name="ich"/>
		/// and <paramref name="tag"/> won't change.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="fcCache">FDO cache</param>
		/// <param name="book">Current book</param>
		/// <param name="iSection">Index of section to start search</param>
		/// <param name="iParagraph">Index of paragraph to start search</param>
		/// <param name="ich">Character index to start search</param>
		/// <param name="tag">Flid to start search</param>
		/// <param name="fSkipCurrentPos"><c>true</c> to start search with run after ich,
		/// <c>false</c> to start with current run.</param>
		/// <returns>Next footnote, or <c>null</c> if there isn't a next footnote in the
		/// current book.</returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public static ScrFootnote FindNextFootnote(FdoCache fcCache,
			IScrBook book, ref int iSection, ref int iParagraph, ref int ich, ref int tag,
			bool fSkipCurrentPos)
			// Don't bother looking if book has no footnotes.
			if (book.FootnotesOS.Count == 0)
				return null;

			ScrFootnote footnote = null;

			int iSectionTmp = iSection;
			int iParagraphTmp = iParagraph;
			int ichTmp = ich;
			int tagTmp = tag;

			if (tagTmp == (int)ScrBook.ScrBookTags.kflidTitle)
				footnote = FindNextFootnoteInText(book.TitleOA, ref iParagraphTmp, ref ichTmp,
				if (footnote == null)
					iSectionTmp = 0;
					iParagraphTmp = 0;
					ichTmp = 0;
					tagTmp = (int)ScrSection.ScrSectionTags.kflidHeading;
					fSkipCurrentPos = false;

			FdoSequence<IScrSection> sections = book.SectionsOS;
			IScrSection section = null;
			if (footnote == null)
				section = new ScrSection(fcCache, sections.HvoArray[iSectionTmp]);

			if (tagTmp == (int)ScrSection.ScrSectionTags.kflidHeading)
				footnote = FindNextFootnoteInText(section.HeadingOA, ref iParagraphTmp, ref ichTmp,
				if (footnote == null)
					iParagraphTmp = 0;
					ichTmp = 0;
					tagTmp = (int)ScrSection.ScrSectionTags.kflidContent;
					fSkipCurrentPos = false;

			if (tagTmp == (int)ScrSection.ScrSectionTags.kflidContent)
				footnote = FindNextFootnoteInText(section.ContentOA, ref iParagraphTmp, ref ichTmp,

			while (footnote == null && iSectionTmp < sections.Count - 1)
				section = new ScrSection(fcCache, sections.HvoArray[iSectionTmp]);
				footnote = FindFirstFootnoteInSection(section, out iParagraphTmp, out ichTmp,
					out tagTmp);

			if (footnote != null)
				iSection = iSectionTmp;
				iParagraph = iParagraphTmp;
				ich = ichTmp;
				tag = tagTmp;
			return footnote;
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Handles deletion of empty section heading paragraph on backspace key being pressed
		/// at text boundary.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="helper">The selection helper.</param>
		/// <returns><c>true</c> if we handled the deletion, otherwise <c>false</c></returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private bool HandleBackspaceAfterEmptySectionHeadParagraph(SelectionHelper helper)
			ILocationTracker tracker = ((ITeView)Control).LocationTracker;
			SelLevInfo[] levInfo = helper.GetLevelInfo(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Top);
			ScrBook book = new ScrBook(m_cache, tracker.GetBookHvo(helper,
			ScrSection section = new ScrSection(m_cache, tracker.GetSectionHvo(helper,
			int iSection = tracker.GetSectionIndexInBook(helper, SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Top);
			int cParas = section.HeadingOA != null ? section.HeadingOA.ParagraphsOS.Count : 0;
			if (cParas > 0)
				// If we are the beginning of content before a multi-paragraph heading
				// and the last paragraph is empty, we delete the last paragraph of
				// the heading.
				if (cParas > 1)
					StTxtPara para = (StTxtPara)section.HeadingOA.ParagraphsOS[cParas - 1];
					if (para.Contents.Length == 0)
						section.HeadingOA.ParagraphsOS.RemoveAt(cParas - 1);
						return true;
				// If we are at beginning of content before an empty section head and
				// not in the first section, we should merge sections.
				else if (iSection > 0)
					StTxtPara para = (StTxtPara)section.HeadingOA.ParagraphsOS[cParas - 1];
					if (para.Contents.Length == 0)
						return MergeWithPreviousSectionIfInSameContext(helper, book, section,
							iSection, false);
				return false;	// heading is not empty

			// don't crash if database is corrupt - allow user to merge with
			// previous section (TE-4869)
			if (iSection > 0)
				return MergeWithPreviousSectionIfInSameContext(helper, book,
					section, iSection, false);
			return false;
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the footnote at the specified position.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="cache">FDO cache</param>
		/// <param name="book">The book to search for footnote</param>
		/// <param name="iSection">Index of section.</param>
		/// <param name="iParagraph">Index of paragraph.</param>
		/// <param name="ich">Character position.</param>
		/// <param name="tag">Tag</param>
		/// <returns>Footnote at specified position, or <c>null</c> if specified position is
		/// not in front of a footnote marker run.</returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public static ScrFootnote FindCurrentFootnote(FdoCache cache,
			IScrBook book, int iSection, int iParagraph, int ich, int tag)
			// Don't bother looking if book has no footnotes.
			if (book.FootnotesOS.Count == 0)
				return null;

			IStTxtPara para = null;
			if (tag == (int)ScrBook.ScrBookTags.kflidTitle)
				para = (IStTxtPara)book.TitleOA.ParagraphsOS[iParagraph];
				IScrSection section = new ScrSection(cache, book.SectionsOS.HvoArray[iSection]);
				if (tag == (int)ScrSection.ScrSectionTags.kflidHeading)
					para = (StTxtPara)section.HeadingOA.ParagraphsOS[iParagraph];
				else if (tag == (int)ScrSection.ScrSectionTags.kflidContent)
					para = (StTxtPara)section.ContentOA.ParagraphsOS[iParagraph];
					Debug.Assert(false, "Unexpected tag");
					return null;

			ITsString tss = para.Contents.UnderlyingTsString;
			Debug.Assert(tss.Length >= ich);
			ITsTextProps tprops = tss.get_PropertiesAt(ich);
			int footnoteHvo = GetFootnoteFromProps(cache, tprops);

			if (footnoteHvo > 0)
				return new ScrFootnote(cache, footnoteHvo);
			return null;
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Common utility for the CurrentRef* properties
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="selection"></param>
		/// <param name="selLimit">The limit of the selection (anchor, end, etc.) to get the
		/// reference of</param>
		/// <returns>the start and end reference of the given selection, as an array of two
		/// ScrReference objects</returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		protected virtual ScrReference[] GetCurrentRefRange(SelectionHelper selection,
			SelectionHelper.SelLimitType selLimit)
			if (m_cache == null || selection == null || BookFilter == null)
				return new ScrReference[] {ScrReference.Empty, ScrReference.Empty};

			ILocationTracker tracker = ((ITeView)Control).LocationTracker;

			// If there is a current book...
			BCVRef start = new BCVRef();
			BCVRef end = new BCVRef();

			int iBook = tracker.GetBookIndex(selection, selLimit);
			if (iBook >= 0 && BookFilter.BookCount > 0)
					ScrBook book = BookFilter.GetBook(iBook);

					// if there is not a current section, then use the book and chapter/verse of 0.
					int hvoSection = tracker.GetSectionHvo(CurrentSelection, selLimit);
					if (hvoSection >= 0)
						// If there is a section...
						ScrSection section = new ScrSection(m_cache, hvoSection);
						int paraHvo = selection.GetLevelInfoForTag(
							(int)StText.StTextTags.kflidParagraphs, selLimit).hvo;
						ScrTxtPara scrPara = new ScrTxtPara(m_cache, paraHvo);
						// Get the ich at either the beginning or the end of the selection,
						// as specified with limit. (NB that this is relative to the property, not the whole paragraph.)
						int ich;
						// Get the TsString, whether in vern or BT
						ITsString tss;
						SelLevInfo segInfo;
						int refWs;
						if (selection.GetLevelInfoForTag(StTxtPara.SegmentsFlid(Cache), selLimit, out segInfo))
							// selection is in a segmented BT segment. Figure the reference based on where the segment is
							// in the underlying paragraph.
							tss = scrPara.Contents.UnderlyingTsString; // for check below on range of ich.
							CmBaseAnnotation seg = new CmBaseAnnotation(Cache, segInfo.hvo);
							ich = seg.BeginOffset;
							Debug.Assert(seg.BeginObjectRAHvo == scrPara.Hvo);
							refWs = -1; // ich is in the paragraph itself, not some CmTranslation
							ich = selection.GetIch(selLimit);
							// Get the TsString, whether in vern or BT
							tss = selection.GetTss(selLimit);
							refWs = GetCurrentBtWs(selLimit); // figures out whether it's in a CmTranslation or the para itself.
						Debug.Assert(tss == null || ich <= tss.Length);
						if (tss != null && ich <= tss.Length)
							scrPara.GetBCVRefAtPosition(refWs, ich, true, out start, out end);

							// If the chapter number is 0, then use the chapter from the section reference
							if (end.Chapter == 0)
								end.Chapter = BCVRef.GetChapterFromBcv(section.VerseRefMin);
							if (start.Chapter == 0)
								start.Chapter = BCVRef.GetChapterFromBcv(section.VerseRefMin);
						// either it didn't find a level or it didn't find an index. Either way,
						// it couldn't find a section.
						start.Book = end.Book = book.CanonicalNum;
					// Bummer man, something went wrong... don't sweat it though, it happens...
					// This can occur if you are in the introduction or other location that lacks
					// relevant information or other necessary stuff.
			return new ScrReference[] {new ScrReference(start, m_scr.Versification),
				new ScrReference(end, m_scr.Versification)}; ;
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Finds the previous footnote and returns it.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="para">Paragraph to start search</param>
		/// <param name="ich">Character index to start search, or -1 to start at the end of
		/// the paragraph.</param>
		/// <returns>Previous footnote, or <c>null</c> if there isn't a previous footnote in the
		/// current book.</returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public static ScrFootnote FindPreviousFootnote(IStTxtPara para, int ich)
			FdoCache cache = para.Cache;
			IScrBook book;
			IStText text = new StText(cache, para.OwnerHVO);
			int iPara = Array.IndexOf(text.ParagraphsOS.HvoArray, para.Hvo);
			int flid = text.OwningFlid;
			if (flid == (int)ScrSection.ScrSectionTags.kflidHeading ||
				flid == (int)ScrSection.ScrSectionTags.kflidContent)
				ScrSection section = new ScrSection(cache, text.OwnerHVO);
				int iSection = section.IndexInBook;
				return ScrFootnote.FindPreviousFootnote(cache, section.OwningBook,
					ref iSection, ref iPara, ref ich, ref flid);
			else if (flid == (int)ScrBook.ScrBookTags.kflidTitle)
				book = new ScrBook(cache, text.OwnerHVO);
				return ScrFootnote.FindPreviousFootnoteInText(text, ref iPara,
					ref ich, false);
				throw new Exception("Can only create footnotes in Scripture Book titles, section heads, and contents");
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Find the difference in both views and bring it into view.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="diff">difference to seek</param>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		internal void ScrollToDiff(Difference diff)

			// Things aren't yet fully initialized, so quit and we'll get back here later.
			if (diff == null ||
				m_diffViewWrapper.CurrentDiffView == null ||
				m_diffViewWrapper.RevisionDiffView == null)

			if (diff.DiffType == DifferenceType.SectionAddedToCurrent ||
				diff.DiffType == DifferenceType.SectionHeadAddedToCurrent)
				// For Section*AddedToCurrent diff, the Current pane will highlight the
				// entire section (or head), the Revision pane will show a paragraph location.
				ScrSection sectionCurr = new ScrSection(m_cache, diff.GetHvoOfFirstSection(false));
				m_diffViewWrapper.RevisionDiffView.ScrollToParaDiff(diff.HvoRev, diff.IchMinRev);
			else if (diff.DiffType == DifferenceType.SectionMissingInCurrent ||
				diff.DiffType == DifferenceType.SectionHeadMissingInCurrent)
				// For Section*MissingInCurrent diff, the Revsion pane will highlight the
				//  entire section.
				ScrSection sectionRev = new ScrSection(m_cache, diff.GetHvoOfFirstSection(true));
				if (diff.DiffType == DifferenceType.SectionMissingInCurrent)
					// Since the para hvo for the current may have been changed by deleting
					//  sections, we will find a new insert index every time, and scroll to that section
				else if (diff.DiffType == DifferenceType.SectionHeadMissingInCurrent)
					// the Current pane will show a paragraph location.
					m_diffViewWrapper.CurrentDiffView.ScrollToParaDiff(diff.HvoCurr, diff.IchMinCurr);
				// Paragraph Diff case.
				// TODO: For ParagraphMissingInCurrent differences: Someday when we can
				// show a paragraph insertion point, we will need to call the book merger to get
				// the correct insertion point because it's possible that the hvoCurr paragraph
				// may have been deleted, e.g. m_bookMerger.GetCurrParaInsertIndex(diff)
				m_diffViewWrapper.CurrentDiffView.ScrollToParaDiff(diff.HvoCurr, diff.IchMinCurr);
				m_diffViewWrapper.RevisionDiffView.ScrollToParaDiff(diff.HvoRev, diff.IchMinRev);
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Adjust the start and end section references to reflect the content of the section.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fIsIntro">if set to <c>true</c> this is an intro section.</param>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public void AdjustReferences(bool fIsIntro)
            // If this is not the first section then get the previous section's end reference
            // as a starting point for this section
            ScrSection   prevSection     = PreviousSection;
            ScrReference currentRefStart = new ScrReference(OwningBook.CanonicalNum, 1, 0,

            if (prevSection != null)
                currentRefStart.BBCCCVVV = prevSection.VerseRefEnd;

            // If this is not an intro section then start the verse at 1 so it will not
            // be an intro section.
            if (currentRefStart.Verse == 0 && !fIsIntro)
                currentRefStart.Verse = 1;

            // Default the starting reference for the case that there is no content.
            int newSectionStart = currentRefStart;

            // Scan the paragraphs of the section to get the min and max references
            ScrReference refMin         = new ScrReference(currentRefStart);
            ScrReference refMax         = new ScrReference(currentRefStart);
            ScrReference currentRefEnd  = new ScrReference(currentRefStart);
            bool         isFirstTextRun = true;

            if (ContentOA != null)
                foreach (StTxtPara para in ContentOA.ParagraphsOS)
                    ITsString  paraContents = para.Contents.UnderlyingTsString;
                    int        iLim         = paraContents.RunCount;
                    RefRunType runType      = RefRunType.None;
                    for (int iRun = 0; iRun < iLim;)
                        // for very first run in StText we want to set VerseRefStart
                        int iLimTmp = (iRun == 0 && isFirstTextRun) ? iRun + 1 : iLim;
                        runType = Scripture.GetNextRef(iRun, iLimTmp, paraContents, true,
                                                       ref currentRefStart, ref currentRefEnd, out iRun);

                        // If a verse or chapter was found, adjust the max and min if the current
                        // verse refs are less than min or greater than max
                        if (runType != RefRunType.None)
                            // If a chapter or verse is found at the start of the section, then use that
                            // reference instead of the one from the previous section as the min and max.
                            if (isFirstTextRun || currentRefStart < refMin)
                                refMin.BBCCCVVV = currentRefStart.BBCCCVVV;
                            if (isFirstTextRun || currentRefEnd > refMax)
                                refMax.BBCCCVVV = currentRefEnd.BBCCCVVV;

                        // after the first run, store the starting reference
                        if (isFirstTextRun)
                            newSectionStart = currentRefStart;
                            isFirstTextRun  = false;
            // Store the min and max as the reference range for the section
            VerseRefStart = newSectionStart;
            VerseRefMin   = refMin;
            VerseRefMax   = refMax;

            // Store the last reference for the section.
            bool verseRefEndHasChanged        = (VerseRefEnd != currentRefEnd.BBCCCVVV);
            bool verseRefEndChapterHasChanged = (BCVRef.GetChapterFromBcv(VerseRefEnd) != currentRefEnd.Chapter);

            VerseRefEnd = currentRefEnd;

            // If the last reference changes then the next section's references have potentially been invalidated
            ScrSection nextSection = NextSection;

            if (nextSection != null)
                if ((verseRefEndChapterHasChanged && !nextSection.StartsWithChapterNumber) ||
                    (verseRefEndHasChanged && !nextSection.StartsWithVerseOrChapterNumber))