public double MinimizeOneStep(Matrix parameters)
            // initial value of the function; callee knows the size of the returned vector
            var errorVector = function(parameters);
            var error = errorVector.Dot(errorVector);

            // Jacobian; callee knows the size of the returned matrix
            var J = jacobianFunction(parameters);

            // J'*J
            var JtJ = new Matrix(parameters.Size, parameters.Size);
            //JtJ.MultATA(J, J); // this is the big calculation that could be parallelized
            JtJ.MultATAParallel(J, J);
            //Console.WriteLine("JtJ: J size {0}x{1} {2}ms", J.Rows, J.Cols, stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

            // J'*error
            var JtError = new Matrix(parameters.Size, 1);
            JtError.MultATA(J, errorVector); // error vector must be a column vector
            //Console.WriteLine("JtError: errorVector size {0}x{1} {2}ms", errorVector.Rows, errorVector.Cols, stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

            // allocate some space
            var JtJaugmented = new Matrix(parameters.Size, parameters.Size);
            var JtJinv = new Matrix(parameters.Size, parameters.Size);
            var delta = new Matrix(parameters.Size, 1);
            var newParameters = new Matrix(parameters.Size, 1);

            // find a value of lambda that reduces error
            double lambda = initialLambda;
            while (true)
                // augment J'*J: J'*J += lambda*(diag(J))
                for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Size; i++)
                    JtJaugmented[i, i] = (1.0 + lambda) * JtJ[i, i];

                //WriteMatrixToFile(errorVector, "errorVector");
                //WriteMatrixToFile(J, "J");
                //WriteMatrixToFile(JtJaugmented, "JtJaugmented");
                //WriteMatrixToFile(JtError, "JtError");

                // solve for delta: (J'*J + lambda*(diag(J)))*delta = J'*error
                delta.Mult(JtJinv, JtError);

                // new parameters = parameters - delta [why not add?]
                newParameters.Sub(parameters, delta);

                // evaluate function, compute error
                var newErrorVector = function(newParameters);
                double newError = newErrorVector.Dot(newErrorVector);

                // if error is reduced, divide lambda by 10
                bool improvement;
                if (newError < error)
                    lambda /= lambdaIncrement;
                    improvement = true;
                else // if not, multiply lambda by 10
                    lambda *= lambdaIncrement;
                    improvement = false;

                // termination criteria:
                // reduction in error is too small
                var diff = new Matrix(errorVector.Size, 1);
                diff.Sub(errorVector, newErrorVector);
                double diffSq = diff.Dot(diff);
                double errorDelta = Math.Sqrt(diffSq / error);

                if (errorDelta < minimumReduction)
                    state = States.ReductionStepTooSmall;

                // lambda is too big
                if (lambda > maximumLambda)
                    state = States.LambdaTooLarge;

                // change in parameters is too small [not implemented]

                // if we made an improvement, accept the new parameters
                if (improvement)
                    error = newError;

                // if we meet termination criteria, break
                if (state != States.Running)

            rmsError = Math.Sqrt(error / errorVector.Size);
            return rmsError;
        // Use DLT to obtain estimate of calibration rig pose; in our case this is the pose of the Kinect camera.
        // This pose estimate will provide a good initial estimate for subsequent projector calibration.
        // Note for a full PnP solution we should probably refine with Levenberg-Marquardt.
        // DLT is described in Hartley and Zisserman p. 178
        public static void DLT(Matrix cameraMatrix, Matrix distCoeffs, List<Matrix> worldPoints, List<System.Drawing.PointF> imagePoints, out Matrix R, out Matrix t)
            int n = worldPoints.Count;

            var A = Matrix.Zero(2 * n, 12);

            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
                var X = worldPoints[j];
                var imagePoint = imagePoints[j];

                double x, y;
                Undistort(cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, imagePoint.X, imagePoint.Y, out x, out y);

                int ii = 2 * j;
                A[ii, 4] = -X[0];
                A[ii, 5] = -X[1];
                A[ii, 6] = -X[2];
                A[ii, 7] = -1;

                A[ii, 8] = y * X[0];
                A[ii, 9] = y * X[1];
                A[ii, 10] = y * X[2];
                A[ii, 11] = y;

                ii++; // next row
                A[ii, 0] = X[0];
                A[ii, 1] = X[1];
                A[ii, 2] = X[2];
                A[ii, 3] = 1;

                A[ii, 8] = -x * X[0];
                A[ii, 9] = -x * X[1];
                A[ii, 10] = -x * X[2];
                A[ii, 11] = -x;

            // Pcolumn is the eigenvector of ATA with the smallest eignvalue
            var Pcolumn = new Matrix(12, 1);
                var ATA = new Matrix(12, 12);
                ATA.MultATA(A, A);

                var V = new Matrix(12, 12);
                var ww = new Matrix(12, 1);
                ATA.Eig(V, ww);

                Pcolumn.CopyCol(V, 0);

            // reshape into 3x4 projection matrix
            var P = new Matrix(3, 4);

            R = new Matrix(3, 3);
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    R[i, j] = P[i, j];

            if (R.Det3x3() < 0)

            // orthogonalize R
                var U = new Matrix(3, 3);
                var V = new Matrix(3, 3);
                var ww = new Matrix(3, 1);
                R.SVD(U, ww, V);
                R.MultAAT(U, V);

            // determine scale factor
            var RP = new Matrix(3, 3);
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    RP[i, j] = P[i, j];
            double s = RP.Norm() / R.Norm();

            t = new Matrix(3, 1);
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                t[i] = P[i, 3];
            t.Scale(1.0 / s);
        public static Matrix Homography(List<Matrix> worldPoints, List<System.Drawing.PointF> imagePoints)
            int n = worldPoints.Count;

            // normalize image coordinates
            var mu = new Matrix(2, 1);
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                mu[0] += imagePoints[i].X;
                mu[1] += imagePoints[i].Y;
            mu.Scale(1.0 / n);
            var muAbs = new Matrix(2, 1);
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                muAbs[0] += Math.Abs(imagePoints[i].X - mu[0]);
                muAbs[1] += Math.Abs(imagePoints[i].Y - mu[1]);
            muAbs.Scale(1.0 / n);

            var Hnorm = Matrix.Identity(3, 3);
            Hnorm[0, 0] = 1 / muAbs[0];
            Hnorm[1, 1] = 1 / muAbs[1];
            Hnorm[0, 2] = -mu[0] / muAbs[0];
            Hnorm[1, 2] = -mu[1] / muAbs[1];

            var invHnorm = Matrix.Identity(3, 3);
            invHnorm[0, 0] = muAbs[0];
            invHnorm[1, 1] = muAbs[1];
            invHnorm[0, 2] = mu[0];
            invHnorm[1, 2] = mu[1];

            var A = Matrix.Zero(2 * n, 9);
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                var X = worldPoints[i];
                var imagePoint = imagePoints[i];

                var x = new Matrix(3, 1);
                x[0] = imagePoint.X;
                x[1] = imagePoint.Y;
                x[2] = 1;

                var xn = new Matrix(3, 1);
                xn.Mult(Hnorm, x);
                // Zhang's formulation; Hartley's is similar
                int ii = 2 * i;
                A[ii, 0] = X[0];
                A[ii, 1] = X[1];
                A[ii, 2] = 1;

                A[ii, 6] = -xn[0] * X[0];
                A[ii, 7] = -xn[0] * X[1];
                A[ii, 8] = -xn[0];

                ii++; // next row
                A[ii, 3] = X[0];
                A[ii, 4] = X[1];
                A[ii, 5] = 1;

                A[ii, 6] = -xn[1] * X[0];
                A[ii, 7] = -xn[1] * X[1];
                A[ii, 8] = -xn[1];

            // h is the eigenvector of ATA with the smallest eignvalue
            var h = new Matrix(9, 1);
                var ATA = new Matrix(9, 9);
                ATA.MultATA(A, A);

                var V = new Matrix(9, 9);
                var ww = new Matrix(9, 1);
                ATA.Eig(V, ww);

                h.CopyCol(V, 0);

            var Hn = new Matrix(3, 3);

            var H = new Matrix(3, 3);
            H.Mult(invHnorm, Hn);

            return H;
        // Use DLT to obtain estimate of calibration rig pose; in our case this is the pose of the Kinect camera.
        // This pose estimate will provide a good initial estimate for subsequent projector calibration.
        // Note for a full PnP solution we should probably refine with Levenberg-Marquardt.
        // DLT is described in Hartley and Zisserman p. 178
        public static void DLT(Matrix cameraMatrix, Matrix distCoeffs, List <Matrix> worldPoints, List <System.Drawing.PointF> imagePoints, out Matrix R, out Matrix t)
            int n = worldPoints.Count;

            var A = Matrix.Zero(2 * n, 12);

            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
                var X          = worldPoints[j];
                var imagePoint = imagePoints[j];

                double x, y;
                Undistort(cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, imagePoint.X, imagePoint.Y, out x, out y);

                int ii = 2 * j;
                A[ii, 4] = -X[0];
                A[ii, 5] = -X[1];
                A[ii, 6] = -X[2];
                A[ii, 7] = -1;

                A[ii, 8]  = y * X[0];
                A[ii, 9]  = y * X[1];
                A[ii, 10] = y * X[2];
                A[ii, 11] = y;

                ii++; // next row
                A[ii, 0] = X[0];
                A[ii, 1] = X[1];
                A[ii, 2] = X[2];
                A[ii, 3] = 1;

                A[ii, 8]  = -x * X[0];
                A[ii, 9]  = -x * X[1];
                A[ii, 10] = -x * X[2];
                A[ii, 11] = -x;

            // Pcolumn is the eigenvector of ATA with the smallest eignvalue
            var Pcolumn = new Matrix(12, 1);
                var ATA = new Matrix(12, 12);
                ATA.MultATA(A, A);

                var V  = new Matrix(12, 12);
                var ww = new Matrix(12, 1);
                ATA.Eig(V, ww);

                Pcolumn.CopyCol(V, 0);

            // reshape into 3x4 projection matrix
            var P = new Matrix(3, 4);


            R = new Matrix(3, 3);
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    R[i, j] = P[i, j];

            if (R.Det3x3() < 0)

            // orthogonalize R
                var U  = new Matrix(3, 3);
                var V  = new Matrix(3, 3);
                var ww = new Matrix(3, 1);
                R.SVD(U, ww, V);
                R.MultAAT(U, V);

            // determine scale factor
            var RP = new Matrix(3, 3);

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    RP[i, j] = P[i, j];
            double s = RP.Norm() / R.Norm();

            t = new Matrix(3, 1);
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                t[i] = P[i, 3];
            t.Scale(1.0 / s);
        public static Matrix Homography(List <Matrix> worldPoints, List <System.Drawing.PointF> imagePoints)
            int n = worldPoints.Count;

            // normalize image coordinates
            var mu = new Matrix(2, 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                mu[0] += imagePoints[i].X;
                mu[1] += imagePoints[i].Y;
            mu.Scale(1.0 / n);
            var muAbs = new Matrix(2, 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                muAbs[0] += Math.Abs(imagePoints[i].X - mu[0]);
                muAbs[1] += Math.Abs(imagePoints[i].Y - mu[1]);
            muAbs.Scale(1.0 / n);

            var Hnorm = Matrix.Identity(3, 3);

            Hnorm[0, 0] = 1 / muAbs[0];
            Hnorm[1, 1] = 1 / muAbs[1];
            Hnorm[0, 2] = -mu[0] / muAbs[0];
            Hnorm[1, 2] = -mu[1] / muAbs[1];

            var invHnorm = Matrix.Identity(3, 3);

            invHnorm[0, 0] = muAbs[0];
            invHnorm[1, 1] = muAbs[1];
            invHnorm[0, 2] = mu[0];
            invHnorm[1, 2] = mu[1];

            var A = Matrix.Zero(2 * n, 9);

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                var X          = worldPoints[i];
                var imagePoint = imagePoints[i];

                var x = new Matrix(3, 1);
                x[0] = imagePoint.X;
                x[1] = imagePoint.Y;
                x[2] = 1;

                var xn = new Matrix(3, 1);
                xn.Mult(Hnorm, x);

                // Zhang's formulation; Hartley's is similar
                int ii = 2 * i;
                A[ii, 0] = X[0];
                A[ii, 1] = X[1];
                A[ii, 2] = 1;

                A[ii, 6] = -xn[0] * X[0];
                A[ii, 7] = -xn[0] * X[1];
                A[ii, 8] = -xn[0];

                ii++; // next row
                A[ii, 3] = X[0];
                A[ii, 4] = X[1];
                A[ii, 5] = 1;

                A[ii, 6] = -xn[1] * X[0];
                A[ii, 7] = -xn[1] * X[1];
                A[ii, 8] = -xn[1];

            // h is the eigenvector of ATA with the smallest eignvalue
            var h = new Matrix(9, 1);
                var ATA = new Matrix(9, 9);
                ATA.MultATA(A, A);

                var V  = new Matrix(9, 9);
                var ww = new Matrix(9, 1);
                ATA.Eig(V, ww);

                h.CopyCol(V, 0);

            var Hn = new Matrix(3, 3);


            var H = new Matrix(3, 3);

            H.Mult(invHnorm, Hn);

        public double MinimizeOneStep(Matrix parameters)
            // initial value of the function; callee knows the size of the returned vector
            var errorVector = function(parameters);
            var error       = errorVector.Dot(errorVector);

            // Jacobian; callee knows the size of the returned matrix
            var J = jacobianFunction(parameters);

            // J'*J
            var JtJ = new Matrix(parameters.Size, parameters.Size);

            //JtJ.MultATA(J, J); // this is the big calculation that could be parallelized
            JtJ.MultATAParallel(J, J);
            //Console.WriteLine("JtJ: J size {0}x{1} {2}ms", J.Rows, J.Cols, stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

            // J'*error
            var JtError = new Matrix(parameters.Size, 1);

            JtError.MultATA(J, errorVector); // error vector must be a column vector
            //Console.WriteLine("JtError: errorVector size {0}x{1} {2}ms", errorVector.Rows, errorVector.Cols, stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

            // allocate some space
            var JtJaugmented  = new Matrix(parameters.Size, parameters.Size);
            var JtJinv        = new Matrix(parameters.Size, parameters.Size);
            var delta         = new Matrix(parameters.Size, 1);
            var newParameters = new Matrix(parameters.Size, 1);

            // find a value of lambda that reduces error
            double lambda = initialLambda;

            while (true)
                // augment J'*J: J'*J += lambda*(diag(J))
                for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Size; i++)
                    JtJaugmented[i, i] = (1.0 + lambda) * JtJ[i, i];

                //WriteMatrixToFile(errorVector, "errorVector");
                //WriteMatrixToFile(J, "J");
                //WriteMatrixToFile(JtJaugmented, "JtJaugmented");
                //WriteMatrixToFile(JtError, "JtError");

                // solve for delta: (J'*J + lambda*(diag(J)))*delta = J'*error
                delta.Mult(JtJinv, JtError);

                // new parameters = parameters - delta [why not add?]
                newParameters.Sub(parameters, delta);

                // evaluate function, compute error
                var    newErrorVector = function(newParameters);
                double newError       = newErrorVector.Dot(newErrorVector);

                // if error is reduced, divide lambda by 10
                bool improvement;
                if (newError < error)
                    lambda     /= lambdaIncrement;
                    improvement = true;
                else // if not, multiply lambda by 10
                    lambda     *= lambdaIncrement;
                    improvement = false;

                // termination criteria:
                // reduction in error is too small
                var diff = new Matrix(errorVector.Size, 1);
                diff.Sub(errorVector, newErrorVector);
                double diffSq     = diff.Dot(diff);
                double errorDelta = Math.Sqrt(diffSq / error);

                if (errorDelta < minimumReduction)
                    state = States.ReductionStepTooSmall;

                // lambda is too big
                if (lambda > maximumLambda)
                    state = States.LambdaTooLarge;

                // change in parameters is too small [not implemented]

                // if we made an improvement, accept the new parameters
                if (improvement)
                    error = newError;

                // if we meet termination criteria, break
                if (state != States.Running)

            rmsError = Math.Sqrt(error / errorVector.Size);