}         // RocketCommanderXnaGame()

        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize textures and models for the game.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Initialize()

            // Load all available levels
            levels = Level.LoadAllLevels();

            // Initialize asteroidManager and use last avialable level.
            asteroidManager = new GameAsteroidManager(levels[levels.Length - 1]);
            rocketModel     = new Model("Rocket");

            // Load menu textures
            mainMenuTexture    = new Texture("MainMenu.png");
            helperTexture      = new Texture("ExtraButtons.png");
            helpScreenTexture  = new Texture("HelpScreen.png");
            mouseCursorTexture = new Texture("MouseCursor.dds");

            hudTexture    = new Texture("Hud.png");
            inGameTexture = new Texture("InGame.png");

            lightEffectTexture = new Texture("LightEffect.dds");

            explosionTexture = new AnimatedTexture("Explosion");

            // Create main menu screen
            gameScreens.Push(new MainMenu());

            //gameScreens.Push(new Mission(levels[0], asteroidManager));
            //inGame = gameScreens.Peek().GetType() == typeof(Mission);
            //camera.InGame = inGame;
        }         // Initialize()
        }         // ResetParameters()


        #region Get parameters
        /// <summary>
        /// Reload
        /// </summary>
        protected void GetParameters()
            // Can't get parameters if loading failed!
            if (effect == null)

            windowSize = effect.Parameters["windowSize"];
            sceneMap   = effect.Parameters["sceneMap"];

            // We need both windowSize and sceneMap.
            if (windowSize == null ||
                sceneMap == null)
                throw new NotSupportedException("windowSize and sceneMap must be " +
                                                "valid in PostScreenShader=" + Filename);

            // Init additional stuff
            downsampleMap  = effect.Parameters["downsampleMap"];
            blurMap1       = effect.Parameters["blurMap1"];
            blurMap2       = effect.Parameters["blurMap2"];
            radialSceneMap = effect.Parameters["radialSceneMap"];

            // Load screen border texture
            screenBorderFadeoutMap        = effect.Parameters["screenBorderFadeoutMap"];
            screenBorderFadeoutMapTexture =
                new Texture("ScreenBorderFadeout.dds");
            // Set texture

            // Glow shader lookup texture must exists (used for ps2.0)
            if (File.Exists(Directories.ContentDirectory + "\\GlowShaderLookup.xnb"))
                radialBlurScaleFactor =

                // Load GlowShader helper texture, only used for ps_2_0
                EffectParameter glowShaderLookup =
                if (glowShaderLookup != null)
                        new Texture("GlowShaderLookup.dds").XnaTexture);
                } // if (normalizeCubeTexture)
            }     // if (Glow shader lookup texture must exists)
        }         // GetParameters()
        /// <summary>
        /// Create asteroid manager
        /// </summary>
        public GameAsteroidManager(Level setLevel)
            : base(setLevel)
            // Load all items
            for (int num = 0; num < Level.NumOfItemTypes; num++)
                // All items are animated, load with help of AnimatedModel.
                itemModels[num] = new AnimatedModel(ItemModelFilenames[num]);
            }             // for (num)

            // Load hit direction texture
            hitDirectionTexture = new Texture("HitDirection.dds");

            // Load goal model
            goalModel = new Model("Goal");
        }         // AsteroidManager()
		} // IsVisible(point)

		#region Occlusion testing (not supported in XNA)
		/// <summary>
		/// Occlusion intensity
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="tex">Tex</param>
		/// <param name="pos">Position</param>
		/// <param name="size">Size</param>
		/// <returns>Float</returns>
		public static float OcclusionIntensity(Texture tex, Point pos, int size)
			return 0.0f;
		} // OcclusionIntensity(tex, pos, size)
        /// <summary>
        /// Run game screen. Called each frame.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="game">Form for access to asteroid manager and co</param>
        public void Run(RocketCommanderGame game)
            // Make sure the textures are linked correctly
            hudTexture = game.hudTexture;
            inGameTexture = game.inGameTexture;
            levelTexture = game.asteroidManager.CurrentLevel.Texture;

            // Enable alpha blending for all controls

            // Zoom into rocket for countdown time
            ZoomIntoRocket(RocketCommanderGame.camera, game.rocketModel);

            // Show target in z direction, it is very far away.

            // Show on screen effects like explosion or item screen border colors.

            // Always show hit direction effect if it is active (similar to screen
            // effects always on top).

            // Show all hud controls
            // Don't display them in low resolution, we can't display any useful
            // information anyway.
            //obs, always display, is streched now: if (BaseGame.Width >= 640)

            // Handle game stuff

            // Show on screen helper messages

            // End game if escape was pressed or game is over and space or mouse
            // button was pressed.
            if (Input.KeyboardEscapeJustPressed ||
                Input.GamePadBackJustPressed ||
                (Player.GameOver &&
                (Input.Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space) ||
                Input.GamePadAPressed ||
                Input.GamePadBPressed ||
                Input.GamePadXPressed ||
                Input.GamePadXPressed ||
                // Upload new highscore (as we currently are in game,
                // no bonus or anything will be added, this score is low!)

                // Stop rocket sound if it still playing

                // Reset camera to origin and notify we are not longer in game mode
                RocketCommanderGame.camera.InGame = false;

                // Quit to the main menu
                quit = true;
            } // if
        /// <summary>
        /// Render, most performance critical method of the game.
        /// Renders all asteroids and handles all physics, updating, etc.
        /// We use instancing to speed up asteroid rendering!
        /// </summary>
        public void Render(Texture inGameTexture, Texture lightEffectTexture)
            #region Initialize
            // Use alpha blending for blending out asteroids

            // Get camera position, no need to call the property 1 mio times.
            Vector3 cameraPos = BaseGame.CameraPos;

            // Empty display distance list

            #region Show target behind asteroids
            // Show target icon behind all asteroids and items (only in game)
            if (inGameTexture != null)
                // First find out where the target is.
                Point screenPos = BaseGame.Convert3DPointTo2D(TargetPosition);
                bool isVisible = BaseGame.IsInFrontOfCamera(TargetPosition);

                if (isVisible &&
                    screenPos.X >= 0 && screenPos.X < BaseGame.Width &&
                    screenPos.Y >= 0 && screenPos.Y < BaseGame.Height)
                    // From Mission.cs:70.
                    Rectangle TargetIconRect = new Rectangle(106, 49, 61, 61);

                    // Render target icon centered at screenPos
                    // Note: This will be blurred because we render it before
                    // the glow/bloom/motion blur shader is applied, but if we
                    // render after that we can't render behind the asteroids.
                    // See Mission.RenderTarget!
                    inGameTexture.RenderOnScreen(new Rectangle(
                        screenPos.X - TargetIconRect.Width / 2,
                        screenPos.Y - TargetIconRect.Height / 2,
                        TargetIconRect.Width, TargetIconRect.Height),
                        TargetIconRect, Color.White, SpriteBlendMode.Additive);
                } // if (isVisible)
            } // if (inGameTexture)

            #region Show glow behind items
            // Show glow behind all items
            for (int num = 0; num < Level.NumOfItemTypes; num++)
                // Go through all items of this type
                foreach (Vector3 pos in items[num])
                    // Get distance to viewer
                    float distance = (pos - cameraPos).Length();

                    // Skip if out of visible range * 6
                    if (distance > MaxViewDepth * 6 ||
                        BaseGame.IsInFrontOfCamera(pos) == false)

                    // Convert to screen coordinates
                    Point screenPos = BaseGame.Convert3DPointTo2D(pos);
                    int glowSize = 36 * BaseGame.Width / 1024;

                    // If not visible, skip!
                    if (screenPos.X < -glowSize ||
                        screenPos.Y < -glowSize ||
                        screenPos.X > BaseGame.Width + glowSize ||
                        screenPos.Y > BaseGame.Height + glowSize)

                    // Calculate alpha
                    float alpha = 1.0f;
                    if (distance > MaxViewDepth * 4)
                        alpha = 1.0f -
                            ((distance - MaxViewDepth * 4) / (MaxViewDepth * (6 - 4)));

                    // Show glow with help of light effect
                    if (lightEffectTexture != null)
                            new Rectangle(screenPos.X - glowSize, screenPos.Y - glowSize,
                            glowSize * 2, glowSize * 2),
                            ColorHelper.ApplyAlphaToColor(ItemColors[num], alpha * 0.5f),

                    // And display distance to item below it (not here, see below).
                    float textAlpha = alpha * 1.5f *
                        (1.0f - (distance / (MaxViewDepth * 6)));
                    AddDistanceToBeDisplayed(screenPos, distance,
                        textAlpha < 1.0f ? textAlpha : 1.0f);
                } // foreach (pos)
            } // for (num)

            // Flush all glow sprites on the screen (before rendering asteroids!)

            #region Render 3d models, especially the asteroids
            // Draw goal at target position
            goalModel.Render(Matrix.CreateScale(100) *
                Matrix.CreateRotationX(-(float)Math.PI / 2.0f) *

            // Call base render method, target and item glow is behind of the
            // asteroids.
        /// <summary>
        /// Create asteroid manager
        /// </summary>
        public GameAsteroidManager(Level setLevel)
            : base(setLevel)
            // Load all items
            for (int num = 0; num < Level.NumOfItemTypes; num++)
                // All items are animated, load with help of AnimatedModel.
                itemModels[num] = new AnimatedModel(ItemModelFilenames[num]);
            } // for (num)

            // Load hit direction texture
            hitDirectionTexture = new Texture("HitDirection.dds");

            // Load goal model
            goalModel = new Model("Goal");
        /// <summary>
        /// Load level, only allowed internally (by LoadAllLevels)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fullFilename">Full path to level file</param>
        private Level(string fullFilename)
            // Set level name, also used to upload highscore.
            name = StringHelper.ExtractFilename(fullFilename, true);

            // Load level
            //old: Bitmap levelBmp = new Bitmap(fullFilename);
            FileStream file = File.OpenRead("Content\\" +
                StringHelper.ExtractFilename(fullFilename, true) + ".level");
            BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(file);
            width = reader.ReadInt32();
            int height = reader.ReadInt32();
            Color[,] levelColors = new Color[width, height];
            for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                    byte r = reader.ReadByte();
                    byte g = reader.ReadByte();
                    byte b = reader.ReadByte();
                    levelColors[x, y] = new Color(r, g, b);
                } // for for

            // Load texture
            texture = new Texture(//"..\\Levels\\" +
                StringHelper.ExtractFilename(fullFilename, true));

            // Copy over level height as length, but always use 20 as the levelWidth.
            // We will use all pixels at 0-39 and scale them down to 0-19.
            width = DefaultLevelWidth;
            length = height;// levelBmp.Height;

            // Initialize density array, used to generate sectors
            density = new float[width, length];

            // Also load sun colors
            sunColor = new Color[length];

            // Remember last density value in case we hit a item color,
            // this way we can set both the density and put the item into its list.
            float lastDensityValue = 0.0f;

            // Load everything in as 0-1 density values
            for (int y = 0; y < length; y++)
                // Use inverted y position for the level, we start at the bottom.
                int yPos = length - (y + 1);

                // Load level data
                for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                    // Note: This is slow by using GetPixel, unsafe pointer handling
                    // is much faster, but I didn't want to force you using unsafe.
                    // In any other project I would use unsafe pointer code.
                    // Profiler: This takes around 1 second for 4 levels to load,
                    // with unsafe pointers we could optimize that up to 4 times faster.
                    //Note: Invert x because our rendering is different from the
                    // original RC code, righthanded messes everything up.
                    Color loadedColor = levelColors[(width * 2 -1)-(x * 2), y];
                    Color loadedColor2 = levelColors[(width * 2 -1)-(x * 2 + 1), y];

                    float densityValue = lastDensityValue;

                    // Check if it is any item color
                    if (ColorHelper.SameColor(loadedColor, FuelItemColor) ||
                        ColorHelper.SameColor(loadedColor2, FuelItemColor))
                        items[FuelItemType].Add(GenerateItemPosition(x, yPos));
                    else if (ColorHelper.SameColor(loadedColor, HealthItemColor) ||
                        ColorHelper.SameColor(loadedColor2, HealthItemColor))
                        items[HealthItemType].Add(GenerateItemPosition(x, yPos));
                    else if (ColorHelper.SameColor(loadedColor, ExtraLifeItemColor) ||
                        ColorHelper.SameColor(loadedColor2, ExtraLifeItemColor))
                        items[ExtraLifeItemType].Add(GenerateItemPosition(x, yPos));
                    else if (ColorHelper.SameColor(loadedColor, SpeedItemColor) ||
                        ColorHelper.SameColor(loadedColor2, SpeedItemColor))
                        items[SpeedItemType].Add(GenerateItemPosition(x, yPos));
                    else if (ColorHelper.SameColor(loadedColor, BombItemColor) ||
                        ColorHelper.SameColor(loadedColor2, BombItemColor))
                        items[BombItemType].Add(GenerateItemPosition(x, yPos));
                        // Just use the red component, should be a gray value anyway.
                        densityValue = (float)loadedColor.R / 255.0f;

                    // Apply density
                    density[x, yPos] = densityValue;
                } // for (int)

                // Load sun color at this level position (just read pixel at x pos 50)
                sunColor[yPos] = levelColors[50, y];
            } // for (int)

            // Finished!
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize textures and models for the game.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Initialize()

            // Load all available levels
            levels = Level.LoadAllLevels();

            // Initialize asteroidManager and use last avialable level.
            asteroidManager = new GameAsteroidManager(levels[levels.Length - 1]);
            rocketModel = new Model("Rocket");

            // Load menu textures
            mainMenuTexture = new Texture("MainMenu.png");
            helperTexture = new Texture("ExtraButtons.png");
            helpScreenTexture = new Texture("HelpScreen.png");
            mouseCursorTexture = new Texture("MouseCursor.dds");

            hudTexture = new Texture("Hud.png");
            inGameTexture = new Texture("InGame.png");

            lightEffectTexture = new Texture("LightEffect.dds");

            explosionTexture = new AnimatedTexture("Explosion");

            // Create main menu screen
            gameScreens.Push(new MainMenu());

            //gameScreens.Push(new Mission(levels[0], asteroidManager));
            //inGame = gameScreens.Peek().GetType() == typeof(Mission);
            //camera.InGame = inGame;
        }                                           // ShowAllItems(useShader)


        #region Render
        /// <summary>
        /// Render, most performance critical method of the game.
        /// Renders all asteroids and handles all physics, updating, etc.
        /// We use instancing to speed up asteroid rendering!
        /// </summary>
        public void Render(Texture inGameTexture, Texture lightEffectTexture)
            #region Initialize
            // Use alpha blending for blending out asteroids

            // Get camera position, no need to call the property 1 mio times.
            Vector3 cameraPos = BaseGame.CameraPos;

            // Empty display distance list

            #region Show target behind asteroids
            // Show target icon behind all asteroids and items (only in game)
            if (inGameTexture != null)
                // First find out where the target is.
                Point screenPos = BaseGame.Convert3DPointTo2D(TargetPosition);
                bool  isVisible = BaseGame.IsInFrontOfCamera(TargetPosition);

                if (isVisible &&
                    screenPos.X >= 0 && screenPos.X < BaseGame.Width &&
                    screenPos.Y >= 0 && screenPos.Y < BaseGame.Height)
                    // From Mission.cs:70.
                    Rectangle TargetIconRect = new Rectangle(106, 49, 61, 61);

                    // Render target icon centered at screenPos
                    // Note: This will be blurred because we render it before
                    // the glow/bloom/motion blur shader is applied, but if we
                    // render after that we can't render behind the asteroids.
                    // See Mission.RenderTarget!
                    inGameTexture.RenderOnScreen(new Rectangle(
                                                     screenPos.X - TargetIconRect.Width / 2,
                                                     screenPos.Y - TargetIconRect.Height / 2,
                                                     TargetIconRect.Width, TargetIconRect.Height),
                                                 TargetIconRect, Color.White, SpriteBlendMode.Additive);
                }         // if (isVisible)
            }             // if (inGameTexture)

            #region Show glow behind items
            // Show glow behind all items
            for (int num = 0; num < Level.NumOfItemTypes; num++)
                // Go through all items of this type
                foreach (Vector3 pos in items[num])
                    // Get distance to viewer
                    float distance = (pos - cameraPos).Length();

                    // Skip if out of visible range * 6
                    if (distance > MaxViewDepth * 6 ||
                        BaseGame.IsInFrontOfCamera(pos) == false)

                    // Convert to screen coordinates
                    Point screenPos = BaseGame.Convert3DPointTo2D(pos);
                    int   glowSize  = 36 * BaseGame.Width / 1024;

                    // If not visible, skip!
                    if (screenPos.X < -glowSize ||
                        screenPos.Y < -glowSize ||
                        screenPos.X > BaseGame.Width + glowSize ||
                        screenPos.Y > BaseGame.Height + glowSize)

                    // Calculate alpha
                    float alpha = 1.0f;
                    if (distance > MaxViewDepth * 4)
                        alpha = 1.0f -
                                ((distance - MaxViewDepth * 4) / (MaxViewDepth * (6 - 4)));

                    // Show glow with help of light effect
                    if (lightEffectTexture != null)
                            new Rectangle(screenPos.X - glowSize, screenPos.Y - glowSize,
                                          glowSize * 2, glowSize * 2),
                            ColorHelper.ApplyAlphaToColor(ItemColors[num], alpha * 0.5f),

                    // And display distance to item below it (not here, see below).
                    float textAlpha = alpha * 1.5f *
                                      (1.0f - (distance / (MaxViewDepth * 6)));
                    AddDistanceToBeDisplayed(screenPos, distance,
                                             textAlpha < 1.0f ? textAlpha : 1.0f);
                }         // foreach (pos)
            }             // for (num)

            // Flush all glow sprites on the screen (before rendering asteroids!)

            #region Render 3d models, especially the asteroids
            // Draw goal at target position
            goalModel.Render(Matrix.CreateScale(100) *
                             Matrix.CreateRotationX(-(float)Math.PI / 2.0f) *

            // Call base render method, target and item glow is behind of the
            // asteroids.
        }         // Render()
        /// <summary>
        /// Reload
        /// </summary>
        protected void GetParameters()
            // Can't get parameters if loading failed!
            if (effect == null)

            windowSize = effect.Parameters["windowSize"];
            sceneMap = effect.Parameters["sceneMap"];

            // We need both windowSize and sceneMap.
            if (windowSize == null ||
                sceneMap == null)
                throw new NotSupportedException("windowSize and sceneMap must be " +
                    "valid in PostScreenShader=" + Filename);

            // Init additional stuff
            downsampleMap = effect.Parameters["downsampleMap"];
            blurMap1 = effect.Parameters["blurMap1"];
            blurMap2 = effect.Parameters["blurMap2"];
            radialSceneMap = effect.Parameters["radialSceneMap"];

            // Load screen border texture
            screenBorderFadeoutMap = effect.Parameters["screenBorderFadeoutMap"];
            screenBorderFadeoutMapTexture =
                new Texture("ScreenBorderFadeout.dds");
            // Set texture

            // Glow shader lookup texture must exists (used for ps2.0)
            if (File.Exists(Directories.ContentDirectory + "\\GlowShaderLookup.xnb"))
                radialBlurScaleFactor =

                // Load GlowShader helper texture, only used for ps_2_0
                EffectParameter glowShaderLookup =
                if (glowShaderLookup != null)
                        new Texture("GlowShaderLookup.dds").XnaTexture);
                } // if (normalizeCubeTexture)
            } // if (Glow shader lookup texture must exists)
        }         // GenerateItemPosition(xPos, zPos)


        #region Constructor
        /// <summary>
        /// Load level, only allowed internally (by LoadAllLevels)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fullFilename">Full path to level file</param>
        private Level(string fullFilename)
            // Set level name, also used to upload highscore.
            name = StringHelper.ExtractFilename(fullFilename, true);

            // Load level
            //old: Bitmap levelBmp = new Bitmap(fullFilename);
            FileStream file = File.OpenRead("Content\\" +
                                            StringHelper.ExtractFilename(fullFilename, true) + ".level");
            BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(file);

            width = reader.ReadInt32();
            int height = reader.ReadInt32();

            Color[,] levelColors = new Color[width, height];
            for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                    byte r = reader.ReadByte();
                    byte g = reader.ReadByte();
                    byte b = reader.ReadByte();
                    levelColors[x, y] = new Color(r, g, b);
                }                 // for for

            // Load texture
            texture = new Texture(            //"..\\Levels\\" +
                StringHelper.ExtractFilename(fullFilename, true));

            // Copy over level height as length, but always use 20 as the levelWidth.
            // We will use all pixels at 0-39 and scale them down to 0-19.
            width  = DefaultLevelWidth;
            length = height;            // levelBmp.Height;

            // Initialize density array, used to generate sectors
            density = new float[width, length];

            // Also load sun colors
            sunColor = new Color[length];

            // Remember last density value in case we hit a item color,
            // this way we can set both the density and put the item into its list.
            float lastDensityValue = 0.0f;

            // Load everything in as 0-1 density values
            for (int y = 0; y < length; y++)
                // Use inverted y position for the level, we start at the bottom.
                int yPos = length - (y + 1);

                // Load level data
                for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                    // Note: This is slow by using GetPixel, unsafe pointer handling
                    // is much faster, but I didn't want to force you using unsafe.
                    // In any other project I would use unsafe pointer code.
                    // Profiler: This takes around 1 second for 4 levels to load,
                    // with unsafe pointers we could optimize that up to 4 times faster.
                    //Note: Invert x because our rendering is different from the
                    // original RC code, righthanded messes everything up.
                    Color loadedColor  = levelColors[(width * 2 - 1) - (x * 2), y];
                    Color loadedColor2 = levelColors[(width * 2 - 1) - (x * 2 + 1), y];

                    float densityValue = lastDensityValue;

                    // Check if it is any item color
                    if (ColorHelper.SameColor(loadedColor, FuelItemColor) ||
                        ColorHelper.SameColor(loadedColor2, FuelItemColor))
                        items[FuelItemType].Add(GenerateItemPosition(x, yPos));
                    else if (ColorHelper.SameColor(loadedColor, HealthItemColor) ||
                             ColorHelper.SameColor(loadedColor2, HealthItemColor))
                        items[HealthItemType].Add(GenerateItemPosition(x, yPos));
                    else if (ColorHelper.SameColor(loadedColor, ExtraLifeItemColor) ||
                             ColorHelper.SameColor(loadedColor2, ExtraLifeItemColor))
                        items[ExtraLifeItemType].Add(GenerateItemPosition(x, yPos));
                    else if (ColorHelper.SameColor(loadedColor, SpeedItemColor) ||
                             ColorHelper.SameColor(loadedColor2, SpeedItemColor))
                        items[SpeedItemType].Add(GenerateItemPosition(x, yPos));
                    else if (ColorHelper.SameColor(loadedColor, BombItemColor) ||
                             ColorHelper.SameColor(loadedColor2, BombItemColor))
                        items[BombItemType].Add(GenerateItemPosition(x, yPos));
                        // Just use the red component, should be a gray value anyway.
                        densityValue = (float)loadedColor.R / 255.0f;

                    // Apply density
                    density[x, yPos] = densityValue;
                }                 // for (int)

                // Load sun color at this level position (just read pixel at x pos 50)
                sunColor[yPos] = levelColors[50, y];
            }             // for (int)

            // Finished!
        }         // Level(fullFilename)