public static IDictionary ToSerpentDict(object obj) { PyroException ex = (PyroException)obj; IDictionary dict = new Hashtable(); // {'attributes':{},'__exception__':True,'args':('hello',),'__class__':'PyroError'} dict["__class__"] = "PyroError"; dict["__exception__"] = true; if (ex.Message != null) { dict["args"] = new object[1] { ex.Message } } ; else { dict["args"] = new object[0]; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ex._pyroTraceback)) { ex.Data["_pyroTraceback"] = new string[] { ex._pyroTraceback } } ; // transform single string back into list dict["attributes"] = ex.Data; return(dict); }
public void PyroClassesPickle() { var pickler = new PickleSerializer(); var uri = new PyroURI("PYRO:something@localhost:4444"); byte[] s = pickler.serializeData(uri); object x = pickler.deserializeData(s); Assert.AreEqual(uri, x); var proxy = new PyroProxy(uri); proxy.correlation_id = Guid.NewGuid(); proxy.pyroHandshake = "apples"; proxy.pyroHmacKey = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("secret"); proxy.pyroAttrs = new HashSet<string>(); proxy.pyroAttrs.Add("attr1"); proxy.pyroAttrs.Add("attr2"); s = pickler.serializeData(proxy); x = pickler.deserializeData(s); PyroProxy proxy2 = (PyroProxy) x; Assert.AreEqual(, proxy2.hostname); Assert.AreEqual(uri.objectid, proxy2.objectid); Assert.AreEqual(uri.port, proxy2.port); Assert.IsNull(proxy2.correlation_id, "correlation_id is not serialized on the proxy object"); Assert.AreEqual(proxy.pyroHandshake, proxy2.pyroHandshake); Assert.AreEqual(proxy.pyroHmacKey, proxy2.pyroHmacKey); Assert.AreEqual(2, proxy2.pyroAttrs.Count); Assert.AreEqual(proxy.pyroAttrs, proxy2.pyroAttrs); PyroException ex = new PyroException("error"); s = pickler.serializeData(ex); x = pickler.deserializeData(s); PyroException ex2 = (PyroException) x; Assert.AreEqual(ex.Message, ex2.Message); Assert.IsNull(ex._pyroTraceback); }
public static object FromSerpentDict(IDictionary dict) { object[] args = (object[]) dict["args"]; PyroException ex = new PyroException((string)args[0]); IDictionary attrs = (IDictionary)dict["attributes"]; foreach(DictionaryEntry entry in attrs) { string key = (string)entry.Key; ex.Data[key] = entry.Value; if("_pyroTraceback"==key) { // if the traceback is a list of strings, create one string from it if(entry.Value is ICollection) { StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); ICollection tbcoll=(ICollection)entry.Value; foreach(object line in tbcoll) { sb.Append(line); } ex._pyroTraceback=sb.ToString(); } else { ex._pyroTraceback=(string)entry.Value; } } } return ex; }
public void PyroClasses() { var uri = new PyroURI("PYRO:something@localhost:4444"); byte[] s = this.ser.serializeData(uri); object x = this.ser.deserializeData(s); Assert.AreEqual(uri, x); var proxy = new PyroProxy(uri); s = this.ser.serializeData(proxy); x = this.ser.deserializeData(s); PyroProxy proxy2 = (PyroProxy) x; Assert.AreEqual(, proxy2.hostname); Assert.AreEqual(uri.objectid, proxy2.objectid); Assert.AreEqual(uri.port, proxy2.port); PyroException ex = new PyroException("error"); s = this.ser.serializeData(ex); x = this.ser.deserializeData(s); PyroException ex2 = (PyroException) x; Assert.AreEqual(ex.Message, ex2.Message); Assert.IsNull(ex._pyroTraceback); // try another kind of pyro exception s = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("{'attributes':{'tb': 'traceback', '_pyroTraceback': ['line1', 'line2']},'__exception__':True,'args':('hello',42),'__class__':'CommunicationError'}"); x = this.ser.deserializeData(s); ex2 = (PyroException) x; Assert.AreEqual("hello", ex2.Message); Assert.AreEqual("traceback", ex2.Data["tb"]); Assert.AreEqual("line1line2", ex2._pyroTraceback); }
public static object FromSerpentDict(IDictionary dict) { object[] args = (object[])dict["args"]; PyroException ex = new PyroException((string)args[0]); IDictionary attrs = (IDictionary)dict["attributes"]; foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in attrs) { string key = (string)entry.Key; ex.Data[key] = entry.Value; if ("_pyroTraceback" == key) { // if the traceback is a list of strings, create one string from it if (entry.Value is ICollection) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); ICollection tbcoll = (ICollection)entry.Value; foreach (object line in tbcoll) { sb.Append(line); } ex._pyroTraceback = sb.ToString(); } else { ex._pyroTraceback = (string)entry.Value; } } } return(ex); }
public static object FromSerpentDict(IDictionary dict) { object[] args = (object[])dict["args"]; string pythonExceptionType = (string)dict["__class__"]; PyroException ex; if (args.Length == 0) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pythonExceptionType)) { ex = new PyroException(); } else { ex = new PyroException("[" + pythonExceptionType + "]"); } } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pythonExceptionType)) { ex = new PyroException((string)args[0]); } else { ex = new PyroException(string.Format("[{0}] {1}", pythonExceptionType, args[0])); } } ex.PythonExceptionType = pythonExceptionType; IDictionary attrs = (IDictionary)dict["attributes"]; foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in attrs) { string key = (string)entry.Key; ex.Data[key] = entry.Value; if ("_pyroTraceback" == key) { // if the traceback is a list of strings, create one string from it if (entry.Value is ICollection) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); ICollection tbcoll = (ICollection)entry.Value; foreach (object line in tbcoll) { sb.Append(line); } ex._pyroTraceback = sb.ToString(); } else { ex._pyroTraceback = (string)entry.Value; } } } return(ex); }
public void PyroClassesSerpent() { var ser = new SerpentSerializer(); var uri = new PyroURI("PYRO:something@localhost:4444"); byte[] s = ser.serializeData(uri); object x = ser.deserializeData(s); Assert.AreEqual(uri, x); var proxy = new PyroProxy(uri); proxy.correlation_id = Guid.NewGuid(); proxy.pyroHandshake = "apples"; proxy.pyroHmacKey = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("secret"); proxy.pyroAttrs = new HashSet<string>(); proxy.pyroAttrs.Add("attr1"); proxy.pyroAttrs.Add("attr2"); s = ser.serializeData(proxy); x = ser.deserializeData(s); PyroProxy proxy2 = (PyroProxy) x; Assert.AreEqual(, proxy2.hostname); Assert.AreEqual(uri.objectid, proxy2.objectid); Assert.AreEqual(uri.port, proxy2.port); Assert.IsNull(proxy2.correlation_id, "correlation_id is not serialized on the proxy object"); Assert.AreEqual(proxy.pyroHandshake, proxy2.pyroHandshake); Assert.AreEqual(proxy.pyroHmacKey, proxy2.pyroHmacKey); Assert.AreEqual(2, proxy2.pyroAttrs.Count); Assert.AreEqual(proxy.pyroAttrs, proxy2.pyroAttrs); PyroException ex = new PyroException("error"); s = ser.serializeData(ex); x = ser.deserializeData(s); PyroException ex2 = (PyroException) x; Assert.AreEqual(ex.Message, ex2.Message); Assert.IsNull(ex._pyroTraceback); // try another kind of pyro exception s = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("{'attributes':{'tb': 'traceback', '_pyroTraceback': ['line1', 'line2']},'__exception__':True,'args':('hello',42),'__class__':'CommunicationError'}"); x = ser.deserializeData(s); ex2 = (PyroException) x; Assert.AreEqual("hello", ex2.Message); Assert.AreEqual("traceback", ex2.Data["tb"]); Assert.AreEqual("line1line2", ex2._pyroTraceback); }
public void pickle(object o, Stream outs, Pickler currentPickler) { PyroException error = (PyroException)o; outs.WriteByte(Opcodes.GLOBAL); byte[] output = Encoding.Default.GetBytes("Pyro4.errors\nPyroError\n"); outs.Write(output, 0, output.Length); object[] args = new object[] { error.Message };; outs.WriteByte(Opcodes.REDUCE); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error._pyroTraceback)) { // add _pyroTraceback attribute to the output Hashtable tb = new Hashtable(); tb["_pyroTraceback"] = new string[] { error._pyroTraceback }; // transform single string back into list; outs.WriteByte(Opcodes.BUILD); } }
public void PyroClasses() { var uri = new PyroURI("PYRO:object@host:4444"); byte[] s = this.ser.serializeData(uri); object x = this.ser.deserializeData(s); Assert.AreEqual(uri, x); var proxy = new PyroProxy(uri); s = this.ser.serializeData(proxy); x = this.ser.deserializeData(s); PyroProxy proxy2 = (PyroProxy) x; Assert.AreEqual(, proxy2.hostname); Assert.AreEqual(uri.objectid, proxy2.objectid); Assert.AreEqual(uri.port, proxy2.port); var ex = new PyroException("error"); ex._pyroTraceback = "traceback"; s = this.ser.serializeData(ex); x = this.ser.deserializeData(s); PyroException ex2 = (PyroException) x; Assert.AreEqual(ex.Message, ex2.Message); Assert.AreEqual("traceback", ex2._pyroTraceback); }
/// <summary> /// Internal call method to actually perform the Pyro method call and process the result. /// </summary> private object internal_call(string method, string actual_objectId, ushort flags, bool checkMethodName, params object[] parameters) { actual_objectId = actual_objectId ?? this.objectid; lock(this) { connect(); unchecked { sequenceNr++; // unchecked so this ushort wraps around 0-65535 instead of raising an OverflowException } } if(pyroAttrs.Contains(method)) { throw new PyroException("cannot call an attribute"); } if(pyroOneway.Contains(method)) { flags |= Message.FLAGS_ONEWAY; } if(checkMethodName && Config.METADATA && !pyroMethods.Contains(method)) { throw new PyroException(string.Format("remote object '{0}' has no exposed attribute or method '{1}'", actual_objectId, method)); } if (parameters == null) parameters = new object[] {}; PyroSerializer ser = PyroSerializer.GetFor(Config.SERIALIZER); byte[] pickle = ser.serializeCall(actual_objectId, method, parameters, new Dictionary<string,object>(0)); var msg = new Message(Message.MSG_INVOKE, pickle, ser.serializer_id, flags, sequenceNr, this.annotations(), pyroHmacKey); Message resultmsg; lock (this.sock) { IOUtil.send(sock_stream, msg.to_bytes()); if(Config.MSG_TRACE_DIR!=null) { Message.TraceMessageSend(sequenceNr, msg.get_header_bytes(), msg.get_annotations_bytes(),; } pickle = null; if ((flags & Message.FLAGS_ONEWAY) != 0) return null; resultmsg = Message.recv(sock_stream, new ushort[]{Message.MSG_RESULT}, pyroHmacKey); } if (resultmsg.seq != sequenceNr) { throw new PyroException("result msg out of sync"); } responseAnnotations(resultmsg.annotations, resultmsg.type); if ((resultmsg.flags & Message.FLAGS_COMPRESSED) != 0) { _decompressMessageData(resultmsg); } if ((resultmsg.flags & Message.FLAGS_EXCEPTION) != 0) { Exception rx = (Exception) ser.deserializeData(; if (rx is PyroException) { throw (PyroException) rx; } else { PyroException px = new PyroException("remote exception occurred", rx); PropertyInfo remotetbProperty=rx.GetType().GetProperty("_pyroTraceback"); if(remotetbProperty!=null) { string remotetb=(string)remotetbProperty.GetValue(rx,null); px._pyroTraceback=remotetb; } throw px; } } return ser.deserializeData(; }
/** * Internal call method to actually perform the Pyro method call and process the result. */ private object call(string method, ushort flags, params object[] parameters) { lock (this) { connect(); unchecked { sequenceNr++; // unchecked so this ushort wraps around 0-65535 instead of raising an OverflowException } } if (parameters == null) { parameters = new object[] {} } ; PyroSerializer ser = PyroSerializer.GetFor(Config.SERIALIZER); byte[] pickle = ser.serializeCall(objectid, method, parameters, new Dictionary <string, object>(0)); var msg = new Message(Message.MSG_INVOKE, pickle, ser.serializer_id, flags, sequenceNr, null); Message resultmsg; lock (this.sock) { IOUtil.send(sock_stream, msg.to_bytes()); if (Config.MSG_TRACE_DIR != null) { Message.TraceMessageSend(sequenceNr, msg.get_header_bytes(), msg.get_annotations_bytes(),; } pickle = null; if ((flags & Message.FLAGS_ONEWAY) != 0) { return(null); } resultmsg = Message.recv(sock_stream, new ushort[] { Message.MSG_RESULT }); } if (resultmsg.seq != sequenceNr) { throw new PyroException("result msg out of sync"); } if ((resultmsg.flags & Message.FLAGS_COMPRESSED) != 0) { // we need to skip the first 2 bytes in the buffer due to a tiny mismatch between zlib-written // data and the deflate data bytes that .net expects. // See using (MemoryStream compressed = new MemoryStream(, 2, - 2, false)) { using (DeflateStream decompresser = new DeflateStream(compressed, CompressionMode.Decompress)) { MemoryStream bos = new MemoryStream(; byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; int numRead; while ((numRead = decompresser.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) != 0) { bos.Write(buffer, 0, numRead); } = bos.ToArray(); } } } if ((resultmsg.flags & Message.FLAGS_EXCEPTION) != 0) { Exception rx = (Exception)ser.deserializeData(; if (rx is PyroException) { throw (PyroException)rx; } else { PyroException px = new PyroException("remote exception occurred", rx); PropertyInfo remotetbProperty = rx.GetType().GetProperty("_pyroTraceback"); if (remotetbProperty != null) { string remotetb = (string)remotetbProperty.GetValue(rx, null); px._pyroTraceback = remotetb; } throw px; } } return(ser.deserializeData(; }
/// <summary> /// Internal call method to actually perform the Pyro method call and process the result. /// </summary> private object internal_call(string method, string actual_objectId, ushort flags, bool checkMethodName, params object[] parameters) { actual_objectId = actual_objectId ?? this.objectid; lock (this) { connect(); unchecked { sequenceNr++; // unchecked so this ushort wraps around 0-65535 instead of raising an OverflowException } } if (pyroAttrs.Contains(method)) { throw new PyroException("cannot call an attribute"); } if (pyroOneway.Contains(method)) { flags |= Message.FLAGS_ONEWAY; } if (checkMethodName && Config.METADATA && !pyroMethods.Contains(method)) { throw new PyroException(string.Format("remote object '{0}' has no exposed attribute or method '{1}'", actual_objectId, method)); } if (parameters == null) { parameters = new object[] {} } ; PyroSerializer ser = PyroSerializer.GetFor(Config.SERIALIZER); byte[] pickle = ser.serializeCall(actual_objectId, method, parameters, new Dictionary <string, object>(0)); var msg = new Message(Message.MSG_INVOKE, pickle, ser.serializer_id, flags, sequenceNr, this.annotations(), pyroHmacKey); Message resultmsg; lock (this.sock) { IOUtil.send(sock_stream, msg.to_bytes()); if (Config.MSG_TRACE_DIR != null) { Message.TraceMessageSend(sequenceNr, msg.get_header_bytes(), msg.get_annotations_bytes(),; } // ReSharper disable once RedundantAssignment pickle = null; if ((flags & Message.FLAGS_ONEWAY) != 0) { return(null); } resultmsg = Message.recv(sock_stream, new [] { Message.MSG_RESULT }, pyroHmacKey); } if (resultmsg.seq != sequenceNr) { throw new PyroException("result msg out of sync"); } responseAnnotations(resultmsg.annotations, resultmsg.type); if ((resultmsg.flags & Message.FLAGS_COMPRESSED) != 0) { _decompressMessageData(resultmsg); } if ((resultmsg.flags & Message.FLAGS_ITEMSTREAMRESULT) != 0) { byte[] streamId; if (!resultmsg.annotations.TryGetValue("STRM", out streamId)) { throw new PyroException("result of call is an iterator, but the server is not configured to allow streaming"); } return(new StreamResultIterator(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(streamId), this)); } if ((resultmsg.flags & Message.FLAGS_EXCEPTION) != 0) { Exception rx = (Exception)ser.deserializeData(; if (rx is PyroException) { throw (PyroException)rx; } else { PyroException px; // if the source was a PythonException, copy its message and python exception type PythonException pyx = rx as PythonException; if (pyx == null) { px = new PyroException(null, rx); } else { px = new PyroException(rx.Message, rx); px.PythonExceptionType = pyx.PythonExceptionType; } PropertyInfo remotetbProperty = rx.GetType().GetProperty("_pyroTraceback"); if (remotetbProperty != null) { string remotetb = (string)remotetbProperty.GetValue(rx, null); px._pyroTraceback = remotetb; } throw px; } } return(ser.deserializeData(; }
/** * Internal call method to actually perform the Pyro method call and process the result. */ private object call(string method, int flags, params object[] parameters) { lock (this) { connect(); unchecked { sequenceNr++; // unchecked so this ushort wraps around 0-65535 instead of raising an OverflowException } Console.WriteLine("seq=" + sequenceNr); } if (parameters == null) { parameters = new object[] {} } ; object[] invokeparams = new object[] { objectid, method, parameters, // vargs new Hashtable(0) // no kwargs }; Pickler pickler = new Pickler(false); byte[] pickle = pickler.dumps(invokeparams); pickler.close(); byte[] headerdata = MessageFactory.createMsgHeader(MessageFactory.MSG_INVOKE, pickle, flags, sequenceNr); Message resultmsg; lock (this.sock) { IOUtil.send(sock_stream, headerdata); IOUtil.send(sock_stream, pickle); if (Config.MSG_TRACE_DIR != null) { MessageFactory.TraceMessageSend(sequenceNr, headerdata, pickle); } pickle = null; headerdata = null; if ((flags & MessageFactory.FLAGS_ONEWAY) != 0) { return(null); } resultmsg = MessageFactory.getMessage(sock_stream, MessageFactory.MSG_RESULT); } if (resultmsg.sequence != sequenceNr) { throw new PyroException("result msg out of sync"); } if ((resultmsg.flags & MessageFactory.FLAGS_COMPRESSED) != 0) { // we need to skip the first 2 bytes in the buffer due to a tiny mismatch between zlib-written // data and the deflate data bytes that .net expects. // See using (MemoryStream compressed = new MemoryStream(, 2, - 2, false)) { using (DeflateStream decompresser = new DeflateStream(compressed, CompressionMode.Decompress)) { MemoryStream bos = new MemoryStream(; byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; int numRead; while ((numRead = decompresser.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) != 0) { bos.Write(buffer, 0, numRead); } = bos.ToArray(); } } } if ((resultmsg.flags & MessageFactory.FLAGS_EXCEPTION) != 0) { using (Unpickler unpickler = new Unpickler()) { Exception rx = (Exception)unpickler.loads(; if (rx is PyroException) { throw (PyroException)rx; } else { PyroException px = new PyroException("remote exception occurred", rx); PropertyInfo remotetbProperty = rx.GetType().GetProperty("_pyroTraceback"); if (remotetbProperty != null) { string remotetb = (string)remotetbProperty.GetValue(rx, null); px._pyroTraceback = remotetb; } throw px; } } } using (Unpickler unpickler = new Unpickler()) { return(unpickler.loads(; } }
/** * Internal call method to actually perform the Pyro method call and process the result. */ private object call(string method, ushort flags, params object[] parameters) { lock(this) { connect(); unchecked { sequenceNr++; // unchecked so this ushort wraps around 0-65535 instead of raising an OverflowException } } if (parameters == null) parameters = new object[] {}; PyroSerializer ser = PyroSerializer.GetFor(Config.SERIALIZER); byte[] pickle = ser.serializeCall(objectid, method, parameters, new Dictionary<string,object>(0)); var msg = new Message(Message.MSG_INVOKE, pickle, ser.serializer_id, flags, sequenceNr, null); Message resultmsg; lock (this.sock) { IOUtil.send(sock_stream, msg.to_bytes()); if(Config.MSG_TRACE_DIR!=null) { Message.TraceMessageSend(sequenceNr, msg.get_header_bytes(), msg.get_annotations_bytes(),; } pickle = null; if ((flags & Message.FLAGS_ONEWAY) != 0) return null; resultmsg = Message.recv(sock_stream, new ushort[]{Message.MSG_RESULT}); } if (resultmsg.seq != sequenceNr) { throw new PyroException("result msg out of sync"); } if ((resultmsg.flags & Message.FLAGS_COMPRESSED) != 0) { // we need to skip the first 2 bytes in the buffer due to a tiny mismatch between zlib-written // data and the deflate data bytes that .net expects. // See using(MemoryStream compressed=new MemoryStream(, 2,, false)) { using(DeflateStream decompresser=new DeflateStream(compressed, CompressionMode.Decompress)) { MemoryStream bos = new MemoryStream(; byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; int numRead; while ((numRead = decompresser.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) != 0) { bos.Write(buffer, 0, numRead); }; } } } if ((resultmsg.flags & Message.FLAGS_EXCEPTION) != 0) { Exception rx = (Exception) ser.deserializeData(; if (rx is PyroException) { throw (PyroException) rx; } else { PyroException px = new PyroException("remote exception occurred", rx); PropertyInfo remotetbProperty=rx.GetType().GetProperty("_pyroTraceback"); if(remotetbProperty!=null) { string remotetb=(string)remotetbProperty.GetValue(rx,null); px._pyroTraceback=remotetb; } throw px; } } return ser.deserializeData(; }
/** * Internal call method to actually perform the Pyro method call and process the result. */ private object call(string method, int flags, params object[] parameters) { lock(this) { connect(); unchecked { sequenceNr++; // unchecked so this ushort wraps around 0-65535 instead of raising an OverflowException } Console.WriteLine("seq="+sequenceNr); } if (parameters == null) parameters = new object[] {}; object[] invokeparams = new object[] { objectid, method, parameters, // vargs new Hashtable(0) // no kwargs }; Pickler pickler=new Pickler(false); byte[] pickle = pickler.dumps(invokeparams); pickler.close(); byte[] headerdata = MessageFactory.createMsgHeader(MessageFactory.MSG_INVOKE, pickle, flags, sequenceNr); Message resultmsg; lock (this.sock) { IOUtil.send(sock_stream, headerdata); IOUtil.send(sock_stream, pickle); if(Config.MSG_TRACE_DIR!=null) { MessageFactory.TraceMessageSend(sequenceNr, headerdata, pickle); } pickle = null; headerdata = null; if ((flags & MessageFactory.FLAGS_ONEWAY) != 0) return null; resultmsg = MessageFactory.getMessage(sock_stream, MessageFactory.MSG_RESULT); } if (resultmsg.sequence != sequenceNr) { throw new PyroException("result msg out of sync"); } if ((resultmsg.flags & MessageFactory.FLAGS_COMPRESSED) != 0) { // we need to skip the first 2 bytes in the buffer due to a tiny mismatch between zlib-written // data and the deflate data bytes that .net expects. // See using(MemoryStream compressed=new MemoryStream(, 2,, false)) { using(DeflateStream decompresser=new DeflateStream(compressed, CompressionMode.Decompress)) { MemoryStream bos = new MemoryStream(; byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; int numRead; while ((numRead = decompresser.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) != 0) { bos.Write(buffer, 0, numRead); }; } } } if ((resultmsg.flags & MessageFactory.FLAGS_EXCEPTION) != 0) { using(Unpickler unpickler=new Unpickler()) { Exception rx = (Exception) unpickler.loads(; if (rx is PyroException) { throw (PyroException) rx; } else { PyroException px = new PyroException("remote exception occurred", rx); PropertyInfo remotetbProperty=rx.GetType().GetProperty("_pyroTraceback"); if(remotetbProperty!=null) { string remotetb=(string)remotetbProperty.GetValue(rx,null); px._pyroTraceback=remotetb; } throw px; } } } using(Unpickler unpickler=new Unpickler()) { return unpickler.loads(; } }