        public static void CreateDecalPrefab(string materialPath, Material decalMaterial, float size)
#if HDRP
            string     assetPath    = materialPath.Substring(0, materialPath.IndexOf("/Materials/"));
            string     materialName = Path.GetFileName(materialPath);
            string     prefabName   = materialName.Replace(".mat", "");
            string     prefabPath   = MegascansUtilities.ValidateFolderCreate(assetPath, "Prefabs");
            GameObject g            = new GameObject();
            g.AddComponent <UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline.DecalProjectorComponent>();
            g.name = prefabName;
            UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline.DecalProjectorComponent decalProjector = g.GetComponent <UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline.DecalProjectorComponent>();
            decalProjector.material = decalMaterial;
#if UNITY_2018_3 || UNITY_2019
            decalProjector.size = new Vector3(size, size, size);
            string             finalName = prefabPath + "/" + prefabName + "_Decal" + ".prefab";
            UnityEngine.Object pf        = null;
            try {
                pf = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(finalName, typeof(UnityEngine.Object));
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Debug.Log("Error verifying prefab.");
            if (!pf)
                PrefabUtility.CreatePrefab(finalName, g);
                PrefabUtility.ReplacePrefab(g, pf, ReplacePrefabOptions.ReplaceNameBased);
        public static Material CreateMaterial(string mPath, string name, string shaderName)
            string path = MegascansUtilities.FixPath(mPath);

            /// Unity doesn't allow you to create objects in directories which don't exist.
            /// So in this function, we create any and all necessary subdirectories that are required.
            /// We return the final subdirectory, which is used later in the asset creation too.

            //first, create the user specified path from the importer settings.
            string[] pathParts = MegascansUtilities.FixSlashes(path).Split('/');
            string   defPath   = "Assets";

            if (pathParts.Length > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < pathParts.Length; ++i)
                    defPath = MegascansUtilities.ValidateFolderCreate(defPath, pathParts[i]);
            defPath = defPath + "/" + name + ".mat";
            Material terrainMaterial = new Material(Shader.Find(shaderName));

            AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(terrainMaterial, defPath);
        void ProcessTextures(JObject objectList)
            texPath = MegascansUtilities.ValidateFolderCreate(path, "Textures");
            matPath = Path.Combine(MegascansUtilities.ValidateFolderCreate(path, "Materials"), folderNamingConvention);

            if (!(plant && hasBillboardLODOnly))
                MegascansUtilities.UpdateProgressBar(1.0f, "Processing Asset " + assetName, "Creating material...");
                finalMat = MegascansMaterialUtils.CreateMaterial(shaderType, matPath, isAlembic, dispType, texPack);
                ImportAllTextures(finalMat, (JArray)objectList["components"]);
                ImportAllTextures(finalMat, (JArray)objectList["packedTextures"]);

            if (plant && hasBillboardLOD)
                texPath  = MegascansUtilities.ValidateFolderCreate(texPath, "Billboard");
                matPath += "_Billboard";
                MegascansUtilities.UpdateProgressBar(1.0f, "Processing Asset " + assetName, "Creating material...");
                billboardMat = MegascansMaterialUtils.CreateMaterial(shaderType, matPath, isAlembic, dispType, texPack);
                ImportAllTextures(billboardMat, (JArray)objectList["components-billboard"]);
                ImportAllTextures(billboardMat, (JArray)objectList["packed-billboard"]);
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the final directory for our asset, creating subfolders where necessary in the 'Assets' directory.
        /// </summary>
        string ConstructPath(JObject objectList)
            /// Make sure path is "Assets/...." not "D:/Unity Projects/My Project/Assets/...." otherwise the AssetDatabase cannot write files to it.
            /// Lastly I also match the path with the Application DataPath in order to make sure this is the right path selected from the Bridge.


            string defPath         = "";
            bool   addNextPathPart = false;

            if ((string)objectList["exportPath"] != "")
                path = (string)objectList["exportPath"];
                defPath         = "Assets";
                addNextPathPart = true;

            string[] pathParts = MegascansUtilities.FixSlashes(path).Split('/');

            List <string> finalPathParts = new List <string> ();

            foreach (string part in pathParts)
                if (part == "Assets" && !addNextPathPart)
                    addNextPathPart = true;

                if (addNextPathPart)

            if (!addNextPathPart)

            //First, create the user specified path from the importer settings.

            if (finalPathParts.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < finalPathParts.Count; i++)
                    defPath = MegascansUtilities.ValidateFolderCreate(defPath, finalPathParts[i]); //FixSlashes(Path.Combine(defPath, finalPathParts[i]));//ValidateFolderCreate(defPath, finalPathParts[i]);

            if (!AssetDatabase.IsValidFolder(defPath))

            //then create check to see if the asset type subfolder exists, create it if it doesn't.
            defPath = MegascansUtilities.ValidateFolderCreate(defPath, MegascansUtilities.GetAssetType((string)objectList["path"]));
            defPath = MegascansUtilities.ValidateFolderCreate(defPath, folderNamingConvention);
        void ImportAllTextures(Material mat, JArray texturesList)
            try {
                List <string> typesOfTexturesAvailable = new List <string>();
                for (int i = 0; i < texturesList.Count; i++)

                string    destTexPath;
                Texture2D tex;

                for (int i = 0; i < texturesList.Count; i++)
                    mapName = (string)texturesList[i]["type"];
                    MegascansUtilities.UpdateProgressBar(1.0f, "Processing Asset " + assetName, "Importing texture: " + mapName);

                    if ((string)texturesList[i]["type"] == "albedo" || ((string)texturesList[i]["type"] == "diffuse" && !typesOfTexturesAvailable.Contains("albedo")))
                        destTexPath = Path.Combine(texPath, (string)texturesList[i]["nameOverride"]);
                        MegascansTextureProcessor texPrcsr = new MegascansTextureProcessor((string)texturesList[i]["path"], destTexPath);
                        tex = texPrcsr.ImportTexture();

                        mat.SetTexture("_MainTex", tex);
                        mat.SetTexture("_BaseColorMap", tex);

                        if (shaderType == 1)
                            mat.SetTexture("_BaseMap", tex);
                            mat.SetColor("_BaseColor", Color.white);

                        if (MegascansUtilities.AlbedoHasOpacity((JObject)texturesList[i]["channelsData"]))
                            float alphaCutoff = 0.33f;

                            if (shaderType > 0)
                                mat.SetFloat("_AlphaClip", 1);
                                mat.SetFloat("_Cutoff", 0.1f);
                                mat.SetFloat("_Mode", 1);
                                mat.SetFloat("_Cull", 0);
                                mat.SetInt("_AlphaCutoffEnable", 1);
                                mat.SetFloat("_AlphaCutoff", alphaCutoff);
                                mat.SetInt("_DoubleSidedEnable", 1);

                                mat.SetOverrideTag("RenderType", "TransparentCutout");
                                mat.SetInt("_ZTestGBuffer", (int)UnityEngine.Rendering.CompareFunction.Equal);
                                mat.SetInt("_CullMode", (int)UnityEngine.Rendering.CullMode.Off);
                                mat.SetInt("_CullModeForward", (int)UnityEngine.Rendering.CullMode.Back);
                                mat.SetInt("_SrcBlend", (int)UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.One);
                                mat.SetInt("_DstBlend", (int)UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode.Zero);
                                mat.SetInt("_ZWrite", 1);
                                mat.renderQueue = 2450;
                                mat.SetInt("_ZTestGBuffer", (int)UnityEngine.Rendering.CompareFunction.Equal);

                    else if ((string)texturesList[i]["type"] == "specular")
                        if (texPack > 0)
                            destTexPath = Path.Combine(texPath, (string)texturesList[i]["nameOverride"]);
                            MegascansTextureProcessor texPrcsr = new MegascansTextureProcessor((string)texturesList[i]["path"], destTexPath);
                            tex = texPrcsr.ImportTexture();

                            mat.SetTexture("_SpecGlossMap", tex);
                            mat.SetTexture("_SpecularColorMap", tex);
                            mat.SetColor("_SpecColor", new UnityEngine.Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
                            mat.SetColor("_SpecularColor", new UnityEngine.Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
                            mat.SetFloat("_WorkflowMode", 0);
                            mat.SetFloat("_MaterialID", 4);
                    else if ((string)texturesList[i]["type"] == "masks")
                        if (texPack < 1 || shaderType < 1)
                            destTexPath = Path.Combine(texPath, (string)texturesList[i]["nameOverride"]);
                            MegascansTextureProcessor texPrcsr = new MegascansTextureProcessor((string)texturesList[i]["path"], destTexPath, false, false);
                            tex = texPrcsr.ImportTexture();

                            mat.SetTexture("_MaskMap", tex);
                            mat.SetTexture("_MetallicGlossMap", tex);
                            mat.SetFloat("_MaterialID", 1);

                            bool hasMetalness;
                            bool hasAO;
                            bool hasGloss;

                            MegascansUtilities.MaskMapComponents((JObject)texturesList[i]["channelsData"], out hasMetalness, out hasAO, out hasGloss);

                            if (!hasMetalness)
                                mat.SetFloat("_Metallic", 1.0f);

                            if (hasAO)
                                mat.SetTexture("_OcclusionMap", tex);
                    else if ((string)texturesList[i]["type"] == "normal")
                        string normalMapPath = (string)texturesList[i]["path"];
                        if (activeLOD == "high" && !normalMapPath.Contains("NormalBump"))
                            for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++)
                                string n = normalMapPath.Replace("_LOD" + x.ToString(), "Bump");
                                if (File.Exists(n))
                                    normalMapPath = n;
                            if (normalMapPath.Contains("NormalBump"))

                        destTexPath = Path.Combine(texPath, (string)texturesList[i]["nameOverride"]);
                        MegascansTextureProcessor texPrcsr = new MegascansTextureProcessor(normalMapPath, destTexPath, true, false);
                        tex = texPrcsr.ImportTexture();
                        mat.SetTexture("_BumpMap", tex);
                        mat.SetTexture("_NormalMap", tex);
                    else if ((string)texturesList[i]["type"] == "ao" && texPack > 0)
                        destTexPath = Path.Combine(texPath, (string)texturesList[i]["nameOverride"]);
                        MegascansTextureProcessor texPrcsr = new MegascansTextureProcessor((string)texturesList[i]["path"], destTexPath, false, false);
                        tex = texPrcsr.ImportTexture();
                        mat.SetTexture("_OcclusionMap", tex);
                    else if ((string)texturesList[i]["type"] == "displacement")
                        if (dispType > 0)
                            destTexPath = Path.Combine(texPath, (string)texturesList[i]["nameOverride"]);
                            MegascansTextureProcessor texPrcsr = new MegascansTextureProcessor((string)texturesList[i]["path"], destTexPath, false, false);
                            tex = texPrcsr.ImportTexture();
                            mat.SetTexture("_HeightMap", tex);
                            mat.SetTexture("_ParallaxMap", tex);
                            if (shaderType == 0)
                            if (dispType == 1)
                            else if (dispType == 2)
                    else if ((string)texturesList[i]["type"] == "translucency")
                        destTexPath = Path.Combine(texPath, (string)texturesList[i]["nameOverride"]);
                        MegascansTextureProcessor texPrcsr = new MegascansTextureProcessor((string)texturesList[i]["path"], destTexPath);
                        tex = texPrcsr.ImportTexture();

                        mat.SetTexture("_SubsurfaceMaskMap", tex);
                        mat.SetInt("_DiffusionProfile", 1);
                        mat.SetFloat("_EnableSubsurfaceScattering", 1);
                        if (!typesOfTexturesAvailable.Contains("transmission"))
                            mat.SetTexture("_ThicknessMap", tex);
                        if (plant)
                            mat.SetInt("_DiffusionProfile", 2);
                            mat.SetFloat("_CoatMask", 0.0f);
                            mat.SetInt("_EnableWind", 1);
                        MegascansMaterialUtils.AddSSSSettings(mat, shaderType);
                    else if ((string)texturesList[i]["type"] == "transmission")
                        destTexPath = Path.Combine(texPath, (string)texturesList[i]["nameOverride"]);
                        MegascansTextureProcessor texPrcsr = new MegascansTextureProcessor((string)texturesList[i]["path"], destTexPath, false, false);
                        tex = texPrcsr.ImportTexture();

                        mat.SetTexture("_ThicknessMap", tex);
                        mat.SetInt("_DiffusionProfile", 2);
                        MegascansMaterialUtils.AddSSSSettings(mat, shaderType);
                    else if (importAllTextures)
                        mapName = (string)texturesList[i]["type"];
                        string mapPath        = (string)texturesList[i]["path"];
                        string otherTexFolder = MegascansUtilities.ValidateFolderCreate(texPath, "Others");
                        destTexPath = Path.Combine(otherTexFolder, (string)texturesList[i]["nameOverride"]);
                        MegascansTextureProcessor texPrcsr = new MegascansTextureProcessor(mapPath, destTexPath);
                        tex = texPrcsr.ImportTexture();
            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.Log("Exception::MegascansImporter::ImportAllTextures:: " + ex.ToString());
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the final directory for our asset, creating subfolders where necessary in the 'Assets' directory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="jsonPath"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        string ConstructPath(JObject objectList)
            /// Unity doesn't allow you to create objects in directories which don't exist.
            /// So in this function, we create any and all necessary subdirectories that are required.
            /// We return the final subdirectory, which is used later in the asset creation too.
            /// A ton of project path validation
            /// Make sure path is "Assets/...." not "D:/Unity Projects/My Project/Assets/...." otherwise the AssetDatabase cannot write files to it.
            /// Lastly I also match the path with the Application DataPath in order to make sure this is the right path selected from the Bridge.


            string defPath         = "";
            bool   addNextPathPart = false;

            if ((string)objectList["exportPath"] != "")
                path = (string)objectList["exportPath"];
                defPath         = "Assets";
                addNextPathPart = true;

            string[] pathParts = MegascansUtilities.FixSlashes(path).Split('/');

            List <string> finalPathParts = new List <string> ();

            foreach (string part in pathParts)
                if (part == "Assets" && !addNextPathPart)
                    addNextPathPart = true;

                if (addNextPathPart)

            if (!addNextPathPart)

            //First, create the user specified path from the importer settings.

            if (finalPathParts.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < finalPathParts.Count; i++)
                    defPath = MegascansUtilities.ValidateFolderCreate(defPath, finalPathParts[i]); //FixSlashes(Path.Combine(defPath, finalPathParts[i]));//ValidateFolderCreate(defPath, finalPathParts[i]);

            if (!AssetDatabase.IsValidFolder(defPath))

            //then create check to see if the asset type subfolder exists, create it if it doesn't.
            defPath = MegascansUtilities.ValidateFolderCreate(defPath, MegascansUtilities.GetAssetType((string)objectList["path"]));

            string finalFolderName = finalName.Replace("$mapName", "").Replace("$resolution", "").Replace("$lod", "").Replace("$variation", "");

            defPath = MegascansUtilities.ValidateFolderCreate(defPath, finalFolderName);
        /// <summary>
        /// Process textures from Megascans asset import.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="textureComponents"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        void ProcessTextures(JArray textureComponents)
            //create a subdirectory for textures.
            texPath  = MegascansUtilities.ValidateFolderCreate(path, "Textures");
            texPath += "/" + finalName.Replace(" ", "_").Replace("$lod", "").Replace("$variation", "").Replace("$resolution", assetResolution);

            matPath  = MegascansUtilities.ValidateFolderCreate(path, "Materials");
            matPath += "/" + finalName.Replace(" ", "_").Replace("$mapName", "").Replace("$resolution", "").Replace("$lod", "").Replace("$variation", "");

            //Attempt to store all the paths we might need to get our textures.
            //It's quicker to do this, than create an array and loop through it continually using a lot of if-statements later on.
            string albedo       = null;
            string opacity      = null;
            string normals      = null;
            string metallic     = null;
            string specular     = null;
            string AO           = null;
            string gloss        = null;
            string displacement = null;
            string roughness    = null;
            string translucency = null;

            //Search the JSON array for each texture type, leave it null if it doesn't exist. This is important as we use the null check later.
            for (int i = 0; i < textureComponents.Count; ++i)
                albedo       = (string)textureComponents[i]["type"] == "albedo" ? (string)textureComponents[i]["path"] : albedo;
                albedo       = (albedo == null && (string)textureComponents[i]["type"] == "diffuse") ? (string)textureComponents[i]["path"] : albedo;
                opacity      = (string)textureComponents[i]["type"] == "opacity" ? (string)textureComponents[i]["path"] : opacity;
                normals      = (string)textureComponents[i]["type"] == "normal" ? (string)textureComponents[i]["path"] : normals;
                metallic     = (string)textureComponents[i]["type"] == "metalness" ? (string)textureComponents[i]["path"] : metallic;
                specular     = (string)textureComponents[i]["type"] == "specular" ? (string)textureComponents[i]["path"] : specular;
                AO           = (string)textureComponents[i]["type"] == "ao" ? (string)textureComponents[i]["path"] : AO;
                gloss        = (string)textureComponents[i]["type"] == "gloss" ? (string)textureComponents[i]["path"] : gloss;
                displacement = (string)textureComponents[i]["type"] == "displacement" ? (string)textureComponents[i]["path"] : displacement;
                roughness    = (string)textureComponents[i]["type"] == "roughness" ? (string)textureComponents[i]["path"] : roughness;
                translucency = (string)textureComponents[i]["type"] == "translucency" ? (string)textureComponents[i]["path"] : translucency;

            //make sure we never try to import the high poly normalmap...
            if (normals != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
                    string ld = "_LOD" + i.ToString();
                    string n  = normals.Replace("Bump", ld);
                    if (File.Exists(n))
                        normals = n;

            if (!(assetType > 1 && plant && hasBillboardLODOnly))
                finalMat = ReadWriteAllTextures(albedo, opacity, normals, metallic, specular, AO, gloss, displacement, roughness, translucency);

            if (assetType > 1 && plant && hasBillboardLOD)
                string[] pathParts = albedo.Split('\\');
                string[] pathParts = albedo.Split('/');
                string[] nameParts = pathParts[pathParts.Length - 1].Split('_');
                albedo       = albedo == null ? null : albedo.Replace("Atlas", "Billboard").Replace(nameParts[0], "Billboard");
                opacity      = opacity == null ? null : opacity.Replace("Atlas", "Billboard").Replace(nameParts[0], "Billboard");
                normals      = normals == null ? null : normals.Replace("Atlas", "Billboard").Replace(nameParts[0], "Billboard");
                metallic     = metallic == null ? null : metallic.Replace("Atlas", "Billboard").Replace(nameParts[0], "Billboard");
                specular     = specular == null ? null : specular.Replace("Atlas", "Billboard").Replace(nameParts[0], "Billboard");
                AO           = AO == null ? null : AO.Replace("Atlas", "Billboard").Replace(nameParts[0], "Billboard");
                gloss        = gloss == null ? null : gloss.Replace("Atlas", "Billboard").Replace(nameParts[0], "Billboard");
                displacement = displacement == null ? null : displacement.Replace("Atlas", "Billboard").Replace(nameParts[0], "Billboard");
                roughness    = roughness == null ? null : roughness.Replace("Atlas", "Billboard").Replace(nameParts[0], "Billboard");
                translucency = translucency == null ? null : translucency.Replace("Atlas", "Billboard").Replace(nameParts[0], "Billboard");
                texPath      = MegascansUtilities.FixSpaces(new string[] { texPath, "Billboard" });
                matPath      = MegascansUtilities.FixSpaces(new string[] { matPath, "Billboard" });
                billboardMat = ReadWriteAllTextures(albedo, opacity, normals, metallic, specular, AO, gloss, displacement, roughness, translucency);
        /// <summary>
        /// Process textures from Megascans asset import.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="textureComponents"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        void ProcessTextures(JArray textureComponents, JArray texBBData)
            //create a subdirectory for textures.
            string tempTexName = finalName.Replace(" ", "_").Replace("$lod", "").Replace("$variation", "").Replace("$resolution", assetResolution);

            texPath = Path.Combine(MegascansUtilities.ValidateFolderCreate(path, "Textures"), tempTexName);

            string tempMatName = finalName.Replace(" ", "_").Replace("$mapName", "").Replace("$resolution", "").Replace("$lod", "").Replace("$variation", "");

            matPath = Path.Combine(MegascansUtilities.ValidateFolderCreate(path, "Materials"), tempMatName);

            //Attempt to store all the paths we might need to get our textures.
            //It's quicker to do this, than create an array and loop through it continually using a lot of if-statements later on.
            string albedo       = null;
            string opacity      = null;
            string normals      = null;
            string metallic     = null;
            string specular     = null;
            string AO           = null;
            string gloss        = null;
            string displacement = null;
            string roughness    = null;
            string translucency = null;
            string transmission = null;

            //Search the JSON array for each texture type, leave it null if it doesn't exist. This is important as we use the null check later.
            for (int i = 0; i < textureComponents.Count; ++i)
                albedo       = (string)textureComponents[i]["type"] == "albedo" ? (string)textureComponents[i]["path"] : albedo;
                albedo       = (albedo == null && (string)textureComponents[i]["type"] == "diffuse") ? (string)textureComponents[i]["path"] : albedo;
                opacity      = (string)textureComponents[i]["type"] == "opacity" ? (string)textureComponents[i]["path"] : opacity;
                normals      = (string)textureComponents[i]["type"] == "normal" ? (string)textureComponents[i]["path"] : normals;
                metallic     = (string)textureComponents[i]["type"] == "metalness" ? (string)textureComponents[i]["path"] : metallic;
                specular     = (string)textureComponents[i]["type"] == "specular" ? (string)textureComponents[i]["path"] : specular;
                AO           = (string)textureComponents[i]["type"] == "ao" ? (string)textureComponents[i]["path"] : AO;
                gloss        = (string)textureComponents[i]["type"] == "gloss" ? (string)textureComponents[i]["path"] : gloss;
                displacement = (string)textureComponents[i]["type"] == "displacement" ? (string)textureComponents[i]["path"] : displacement;
                roughness    = (string)textureComponents[i]["type"] == "roughness" ? (string)textureComponents[i]["path"] : roughness;
                translucency = (string)textureComponents[i]["type"] == "translucency" ? (string)textureComponents[i]["path"] : translucency;
                transmission = (string)textureComponents[i]["type"] == "transmission" ? (string)textureComponents[i]["path"] : transmission;

            //make sure we never try to import the high poly normalmap...
            if (normals != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
                    string ld = "_LOD" + i.ToString();
                    string n  = normals.Replace("Bump", ld);
                    if (File.Exists(n))
                        normals = n;

            if (!(assetType > 1 && plant && hasBillboardLODOnly))
                finalMat = ReadWriteAllTextures(albedo, opacity, normals, metallic, specular, AO, gloss, displacement, roughness, translucency, transmission);

            if (importAllTextures)
                for (int i = 0; i < textureComponents.Count; ++i)
                    string type = (string)textureComponents[i]["type"];
                    if (!importedTextures.Contains(type))
                        ImportTexture(type, (string)textureComponents[i]["path"]);

            if (assetType > 1 && plant && hasBillboardLOD)
                //Search the JSON array for each texture type, leave it null if it doesn't exist. This is important as we use the null check later.
                for (int i = 0; i < texBBData.Count; ++i)
                    albedo       = (string)texBBData[i]["type"] == "albedo" ? (string)texBBData[i]["path"] : albedo;
                    albedo       = (albedo == null && (string)texBBData[i]["type"] == "diffuse") ? (string)texBBData[i]["path"] : albedo;
                    opacity      = (string)texBBData[i]["type"] == "opacity" ? (string)texBBData[i]["path"] : opacity;
                    normals      = (string)texBBData[i]["type"] == "normal" ? (string)texBBData[i]["path"] : normals;
                    metallic     = (string)texBBData[i]["type"] == "metalness" ? (string)texBBData[i]["path"] : metallic;
                    specular     = (string)texBBData[i]["type"] == "specular" ? (string)texBBData[i]["path"] : specular;
                    AO           = (string)texBBData[i]["type"] == "ao" ? (string)texBBData[i]["path"] : AO;
                    gloss        = (string)texBBData[i]["type"] == "gloss" ? (string)texBBData[i]["path"] : gloss;
                    displacement = (string)texBBData[i]["type"] == "displacement" ? (string)texBBData[i]["path"] : displacement;
                    roughness    = (string)texBBData[i]["type"] == "roughness" ? (string)texBBData[i]["path"] : roughness;
                    translucency = (string)texBBData[i]["type"] == "translucency" ? (string)texBBData[i]["path"] : translucency;
                    transmission = (string)texBBData[i]["type"] == "transmission" ? (string)texBBData[i]["path"] : transmission;
                texPath      = MegascansUtilities.FixSpaces(new string[] { texPath, "Billboard" });
                matPath      = MegascansUtilities.FixSpaces(new string[] { matPath, "Billboard" });
                billboardMat = ReadWriteAllTextures(albedo, opacity, normals, metallic, specular, AO, gloss, displacement, roughness, translucency, transmission);

                if (importAllTextures)
                    for (int i = 0; i < texBBData.Count; ++i)
                        string type = (string)texBBData[i]["type"];
                        if (!importedTextures.Contains(type))
                            ImportTexture(type, (string)texBBData[i]["path"]);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates prefabs for the 3D Scatter assets.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hasBillboard"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static void CreatePrefabsScatter(PrefabData prefabData)
                string            prefabPath         = MegascansUtilities.ValidateFolderCreate(prefabData.assetPath, "Prefabs");
                int               numberOfVariations = MegascansUtilities.GetMeshChildrenCount(prefabData.importedGeometryPaths3D);
                List <GameObject> prefabObjects      = new List <GameObject>();

                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfVariations; i++)
                    string prefabName = prefabData.finalAssetName.Replace("$mapName", "").Replace("$resolution", "").Replace("$lod", "").Replace("$variation", "");
                    string varName    = "Var" + (i + 1).ToString();
                    prefabName = prefabName.Contains("$variation") ? prefabName.Replace("$variation", "Var" + varName) : prefabName + varName;

                    //Setting up prefab gameobject
                    GameObject prefabGameObject = new GameObject();
                    prefabGameObject.name     = prefabName;
                    prefabGameObject.isStatic = true;
                    if (prefabData.setupLODs)
                        prefabGameObject.AddComponent <LODGroup>();
                        prefabGameObject.GetComponent <LODGroup>().fadeMode           = (LODFadeMode)prefabData.lodFadeMode; //Casting lod fade mode to enum.
                        prefabGameObject.GetComponent <LODGroup>().animateCrossFading = true;

                    List <LOD> lodsForPrefab = new List <LOD>();
                    int        numberOfFiles = prefabData.importedGeometryPaths3D.Count;

                    List <float> lodHeights = MegascansUtilities.getLODHeightList(numberOfFiles);
                    //Instantiate all the meshes in the scene, add them to the material/collider to them.
                    for (int x = 0; (x < numberOfFiles && x < 8); x++)
                        UnityEngine.Object loadedGeometry = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <UnityEngine.Object>(prefabData.importedGeometryPaths3D[x]);
                        //Highpoly mesh check.
                        if (loadedGeometry.name.ToLower().Contains("highpoly") && !prefabData.highpoly)
                        GameObject geometryObject = Instantiate(loadedGeometry) as GameObject;
                        Renderer[] r;
                        if (prefabData.isAlembic) //if the instantiated mesh is an alembic asset.
                            //Get all variations in a LOD
                            List <Transform> varsInLOD = new List <Transform>();
                            foreach (Transform var in geometryObject.transform)
                            //Delete all the other variations in the LOD object
                            for (int y = 0; y < varsInLOD.Count; y++)
                                //If variation does not match one currently being processed.
                                if (y != i)
                            //Parent the child gameobject (geometry) to the prefab game object.
                            geometryObject.transform.parent        = prefabGameObject.transform;
                            geometryObject.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
                            geometryObject.name = geometryObject.name.Replace("(Clone)", "");
                            r = geometryObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>();
                        else//if the instantiated mesh is a scatter type asset.
                            //Get all variations in a LOD
                            List <Transform> varsInLOD = new List <Transform>();
                            foreach (Transform var in geometryObject.transform)
                            //Delete all the other variations in the LOD object
                            for (int y = 0; y < varsInLOD.Count; y++)
                                //If variation does not match one currently being processed.
                                if (y != i)
                            //Parent the child gameobject (geometry) to the prefab game object.
                            geometryObject.transform.parent        = prefabGameObject.transform;
                            geometryObject.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
                            geometryObject.name = geometryObject.name.Replace("(Clone)", "");
                            r = geometryObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>();

                        foreach (Renderer ren in r)
                            ren.material = prefabData.finalMat;
                            //Apply highpoly material if the mesh was highpoly and highpoly filter is enabled.
                            if (loadedGeometry.name.ToLower().Contains("highpoly") && prefabData.highpoly)
                                ren.material = prefabData.highpolyMat;
                                ren.material = prefabData.finalMat;
                            //Apply collision
                            if (prefabData.setupCollision)
                                ren.gameObject.AddComponent <MeshCollider>().sharedMesh = ren.gameObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh;

                        if (prefabData.setupLODs)
                            lodsForPrefab.Add(new LOD(lodHeights[0], r));
                    //Set LODs in the LOD group
                    if (prefabData.setupLODs)
                        prefabGameObject.GetComponent <LODGroup>().SetLODs(lodsForPrefab.ToArray());
                        prefabGameObject.GetComponent <LODGroup>().RecalculateBounds();
                    //Prefab saving
                    string prefLocation = prefabPath + "/" + prefabName + ".prefab";
                    prefLocation = prefLocation.Replace("(Clone)", "");
                    GameObject prefabObject = SavePrefab(prefabGameObject, prefLocation, prefabData.addAssetToScene);
                    if (prefabObject)

                //Setting up variation holder gameobject
                GameObject scatterParent = new GameObject(prefabData.assetName);
                scatterParent.isStatic = true;
                foreach (GameObject variation in prefabObjects)
                    variation.transform.parent = scatterParent.transform;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.Log("Exception::MegascansMeshUtils::3D Asset Prefab:: " + ex.ToString());
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates prefabs from the newer assets on bridge, has an option for billboard materials on plants.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hasBillboard"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static void CreatePrefab3DPlant(PrefabData prefabData)
                string            prefabPath     = MegascansUtilities.ValidateFolderCreate(prefabData.assetPath, "Prefabs");
                string            tempPrefabName = prefabData.finalAssetName.Replace("$mapName", "").Replace("$resolution", "").Replace("$lod", "");
                List <GameObject> prefabObjects  = new List <GameObject>();

                for (int i = 0; i < prefabData.importedGeometryPaths3DPlant.Count; i++)
                    string variation  = "Var" + (i + 1).ToString();
                    string prefabName = tempPrefabName.Contains("$variation") ? tempPrefabName.Replace("$variation", variation) : tempPrefabName + "_" + variation; //Prefab saving
                                                                                                                                                                    //Setting up prefab gameobject
                    GameObject prefabGameObject = new GameObject();
                    prefabGameObject.name     = prefabName;
                    prefabGameObject.isStatic = true;

                    if (prefabData.setupLODs)
                        prefabGameObject.AddComponent <LODGroup>();
                        prefabGameObject.GetComponent <LODGroup>().fadeMode           = (LODFadeMode)prefabData.lodFadeMode; //Casting lod fade mode to enum.
                        prefabGameObject.GetComponent <LODGroup>().animateCrossFading = true;

                    List <LOD> lodsForPrefab = new List <LOD>();
                    int        numberOfFiles = prefabData.importedGeometryPaths3DPlant[i].Count;

                    List <float> lodHeights = MegascansUtilities.getLODHeightList(numberOfFiles);
                    //Instantiate all the meshes in the scene, add them to the material/collider to them.
                    for (int x = 0; (x < numberOfFiles && x < 8); x++)
                        UnityEngine.Object loadedGeometry = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <UnityEngine.Object>(prefabData.importedGeometryPaths3DPlant[i][x]);
                        //Highpoly mesh check.
                        if (loadedGeometry.name.ToLower().Contains("highpoly") && !prefabData.highpoly)
                        GameObject geometryObject = Instantiate(loadedGeometry) as GameObject;
                        Renderer[] r;
                        //Parent all the objects to the prefab game object.
                        if (geometryObject.transform.childCount > 0 && !prefabData.isAlembic)
                            r = new Renderer[geometryObject.transform.childCount];
                            for (int j = 0; j < geometryObject.transform.childCount; ++j)
                                //Parent the child gameobject (geometry) to the prefab game object.
                                GameObject geometryChildObject = geometryObject.transform.GetChild(j).gameObject; //Cache a reference to the child gameobject of the geometry.
                                geometryChildObject.transform.parent        = prefabGameObject.transform;
                                geometryChildObject.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
                                geometryChildObject.name = geometryChildObject.name.Replace("(Clone)", "");
                                r[j] = geometryChildObject.GetComponent <Renderer>();
                            //Destroy the empty parent container which was holding the meshes.
                        else if (prefabData.isAlembic) //if the instantiated mesh is an alembic asset.
                            //Parent the child gameobject (geometry) to the prefab game object.
                            geometryObject.transform.parent        = prefabGameObject.transform;
                            geometryObject.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
                            geometryObject.name = geometryObject.name.Replace("(Clone)", "");
                            r = geometryObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>();
                        else //if the instantiated mesh does not have any children
                            r = new Renderer[1];
                            //Parent the child gameobject (geometry) to the prefab game object.
                            geometryObject.transform.parent        = prefabGameObject.transform;
                            geometryObject.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
                            geometryObject.name = geometryObject.name.Replace("(Clone)", "");
                            r[0] = geometryObject.GetComponent <Renderer>();

                        foreach (Renderer ren in r)
                            ren.material = prefabData.finalMat;
                            //Apply highpoly material if the mesh was highpoly and highpoly filter is enabled.
                            if (loadedGeometry.name.ToLower().Contains("highpoly") && prefabData.highpoly)
                                ren.material = prefabData.highpolyMat;
                                ren.material = prefabData.finalMat;
                            //Billboard material application
                            if (prefabData.hasBillboardLOD && x == (numberOfFiles - 1))
                                ren.material = prefabData.billboardMat;

                            //Apply collision
                            if (prefabData.setupCollision)
                                ren.gameObject.AddComponent <MeshCollider>().sharedMesh = ren.gameObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh;

                        if (prefabData.setupLODs)
                            lodsForPrefab.Add(new LOD(lodHeights[0], r));
                    //Set LODs in the LOD group
                    if (prefabData.setupLODs)
                        prefabGameObject.GetComponent <LODGroup>().SetLODs(lodsForPrefab.ToArray());
                        prefabGameObject.GetComponent <LODGroup>().RecalculateBounds();
                    //Prefab saving
                    string prefLocation = prefabPath + "/" + prefabName + ".prefab";
                    prefLocation = prefLocation.Replace("(Clone)", "");
                    GameObject prefabObject = SavePrefab(prefabGameObject, prefLocation, prefabData.addAssetToScene);
                    if (prefabObject)

                //Setting up variation holder gameobject
                GameObject plantsParent = new GameObject(prefabData.assetName);
                plantsParent.isStatic = true;
                foreach (GameObject variation in prefabObjects)
                    variation.transform.parent = plantsParent.transform;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.Log("Exception::MegascansMeshUtils::3D Plant Prefab:: " + ex.ToString());
        /// <summary>
        /// Import meshes, start from highest LOD and import the chain.
        /// </summary>
        public static void ProcessMeshes(JObject assetJson, string assetFolderPath, bool highpoly, bool hasVariations, PrefabData prefabData)
                bool createPrefabs = EditorPrefs.GetBool("QuixelDefaultSetupPrefabs", true);
                bool importLODs    = EditorPrefs.GetBool("QuixelDefaultImportLODs", true);
                bool setupLODs     = EditorPrefs.GetBool("QuixelDefaultSetupLOD", true);
                prefabData.setupLODs = (importLODs && setupLODs); //Only do LOD setup if lower lods were imported and LOD grouping is enabled.

                //get mesh components from the current object. Also, meshComps.Count can give us the number of variations ;)
                JArray meshComps = (JArray)assetJson["meshList"];

                JArray lodList   = (JArray)assetJson["lodList"];
                string activeLOD = (string)assetJson["activeLOD"];
                string minLOD    = (string)assetJson["minLOD"];

                string modelsFolderPath = MegascansUtilities.ValidateFolderCreate(assetFolderPath, "Models");

                if (hasVariations)
                    List <List <string> > importedGeometryPaths3DPlant = new List <List <string> >();

                    for (int i = 1; i <= meshComps.Count; i++)
                        List <string> importedGeometryPaths = new List <string>();
                        bool          lodMatched            = false; // This flag helps to import the lower lods once the active lod is found.
                        foreach (JObject mesh in lodList)
                            if ((int)mesh["variation"] == i)
                                string currentLOD = (string)mesh["lod"];
                                if (lodMatched || currentLOD == activeLOD || highpoly)
                                    lodMatched = true;
                                    if ((currentLOD == "high") && !highpoly)
                                    //get the path of the highest LOD to be imported.
                                    string sourcePath = (string)mesh["path"];
                                    string destPath   = Path.Combine(modelsFolderPath, (string)mesh["nameOverride"]);
                                    ImportMesh(sourcePath, destPath);
                                    if (!importLODs)
                    prefabData.importedGeometryPaths3DPlant = importedGeometryPaths3DPlant;
                    if (createPrefabs)
                    List <string> importedGeometryPaths3D = new List <string>();
                    bool          lodMatched = false; // This flag helps to import the lower lods once the active lod is found.
                    foreach (JObject mesh in lodList)
                        string currentLOD = (string)mesh["lod"];
                        if (lodMatched || (currentLOD == activeLOD) || highpoly)
                            lodMatched = true;
                            if ((currentLOD == "high") && !highpoly)
                            //get the path of the highest LOD to be imported.
                            string sourcePath = (string)mesh["path"];
                            string destPath   = Path.Combine(modelsFolderPath, (string)mesh["nameOverride"]);
                            ImportMesh(sourcePath, destPath);
                            if (!importLODs)
                    prefabData.importedGeometryPaths3D = importedGeometryPaths3D;
                    if (createPrefabs)
                        if (MegascansUtilities.isScatterAsset(assetJson, importedGeometryPaths3D))
            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.Log("Exception::MegascansMeshUtils::Processing Meshes:: " + ex.ToString());
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates prefabs from imported meshes.
        /// Used for normal 3D assets
        /// </summary>
        public static void CreatePrefab3D(PrefabData prefabData)
            try {
                string prefabPath = MegascansUtilities.ValidateFolderCreate(prefabData.assetPath, "Prefabs");
                string prefabName = prefabData.modelNamingConvention;

                //Setting up prefab gameobject
                GameObject prefabGameObject = new GameObject();
                prefabGameObject.name     = prefabName;
                prefabGameObject.isStatic = true;
                if (prefabData.setupLODs)
                    prefabGameObject.AddComponent <LODGroup>();
                    prefabGameObject.GetComponent <LODGroup>().fadeMode           = (LODFadeMode)prefabData.lodFadeMode; //Casting lod fade mode to enum.
                    prefabGameObject.GetComponent <LODGroup>().animateCrossFading = true;

                List <LOD> lodsForPrefab = new List <LOD>();
                int        numberOfFiles = prefabData.importedGeometryPaths3D.Count;

                List <float> lodHeights = MegascansUtilities.getLODHeightList(numberOfFiles);
                //Instantiate all the meshes in the scene, add them to the material/collider to them.
                for (int x = 0; (x < numberOfFiles && x < 8); x++)
                    UnityEngine.Object loadedGeometry = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <UnityEngine.Object>(prefabData.importedGeometryPaths3D[x]);
                    //Highpoly mesh check.
                    if (loadedGeometry.name.ToLower().Contains("highpoly") && !prefabData.highpoly)
                    GameObject geometryObject = Instantiate(loadedGeometry) as GameObject;
                    Renderer[] r;
                    //Parent all the objects to the prefab game object.
                    if (geometryObject.transform.childCount > 0 && !prefabData.isAlembic)
                        r = new Renderer[geometryObject.transform.childCount];
                        for (int j = 0; j < geometryObject.transform.childCount; ++j)
                            //Parent the child gameobject (geometry) to the prefab game object.
                            GameObject geometryChildObject = geometryObject.transform.GetChild(j).gameObject; //Cache a reference to the child gameobject of the geometry.
                            geometryChildObject.transform.parent        = prefabGameObject.transform;
                            geometryChildObject.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
                            geometryChildObject.name = geometryChildObject.name.Replace("(Clone)", "");
                            r[j] = geometryChildObject.GetComponentInChildren <Renderer>();
                        //Destroy the empty parent container which was holding the meshes.
                    else if (prefabData.isAlembic) //if the instantiated mesh is an alembic asset.
                        //Parent the child gameobject (geometry) to the prefab game object.
                        geometryObject.transform.parent        = prefabGameObject.transform;
                        geometryObject.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
                        geometryObject.name = geometryObject.name.Replace("(Clone)", "");
                        r = geometryObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>();
                    else //if the instantiated mesh does not have any children
                        //Parent the child gameobject (geometry) to the prefab game object.
                        geometryObject.transform.parent        = prefabGameObject.transform;
                        geometryObject.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
                        geometryObject.name = geometryObject.name.Replace("(Clone)", "");
                        r = geometryObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>();

                    foreach (Renderer ren in r)
                        ren.material = prefabData.finalMat;
                        //Apply collision
                        if (prefabData.setupCollision)
                            ren.gameObject.AddComponent <MeshCollider>().sharedMesh = ren.gameObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh;

                    if (prefabData.setupLODs)
                        lodsForPrefab.Add(new LOD(lodHeights[0], r));
                    else   //We only set the prefab with 1 LOD if setup LODs is unchecked.
                //Set LODs in the LOD group
                if (prefabData.setupLODs)
                    prefabGameObject.GetComponent <LODGroup>().SetLODs(lodsForPrefab.ToArray());
                    prefabGameObject.GetComponent <LODGroup>().RecalculateBounds();
                //Prefab saving
                string prefLocation = prefabPath + "/" + prefabName + ".prefab";
                prefLocation = prefLocation.Replace("(Clone)", "");
                SavePrefab(prefabGameObject, prefLocation, prefabData.addAssetToScene);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.Log("Exception::MegascansMeshUtils::3D Asset Prefab:: " + ex.ToString());
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates prefabs from imported meshes.
        /// Used for normal 3D assets
        /// </summary>
        public static void CreatePrefab3D(PrefabData prefabData)
            try {
                string prefabPath = MegascansUtilities.ValidateFolderCreate(prefabData.assetPath, "Prefabs");
                string prefabName = prefabData.finalAssetName.Replace("$mapName", "").Replace("$resolution", "").Replace("$lod", "").Replace("$variation", "");

                //Setting up prefab gameobject
                GameObject prefabGameObject = new GameObject();
                prefabGameObject.name = prefabName;
                prefabGameObject.AddComponent <LODGroup>();
                prefabGameObject.GetComponent <LODGroup>().fadeMode           = (LODFadeMode)prefabData.lodFadeMode; //Casting lod fade mode to enum.
                prefabGameObject.GetComponent <LODGroup>().animateCrossFading = true;
                prefabGameObject.isStatic = true;

                float lodHeight = 1.0f;

                List <LOD> lodsForPrefab = new List <LOD>();
                int        numberOfFiles = prefabData.importedGeometryPaths3D.Count;
                //Instantiate all the meshes in the scene, add them to the material/collider to them.
                for (int x = 0; x < numberOfFiles; x++)
                    UnityEngine.Object loadedGeometry = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <UnityEngine.Object>(prefabData.importedGeometryPaths3D[x]);
                    //Highpoly mesh check.
                    if (loadedGeometry.name.ToLower().Contains("highpoly") && !prefabData.highpoly)
                    GameObject geometryObject = Instantiate(loadedGeometry) as GameObject;
                    Renderer[] r;
                    //Parent all the objects to the prefab game object.
                    if (geometryObject.transform.childCount > 0 && !prefabData.isAlembic)
                        r = new Renderer[geometryObject.transform.childCount];
                        for (int j = 0; j < geometryObject.transform.childCount; ++j)
                            //Parent the child gameobject (geometry) to the prefab game object.
                            GameObject geometryChildObject = geometryObject.transform.GetChild(j).gameObject; //Cache a reference to the child gameobject of the geometry.
                            geometryChildObject.transform.parent        = prefabGameObject.transform;
                            geometryChildObject.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
                            geometryChildObject.name = geometryChildObject.name.Replace("(Clone)", "");
                            //Get reference to the renderer components to apply material later.
                            r[j] = geometryChildObject.GetComponentInChildren <Renderer>();
                        //Destroy the empty parent container which was holding the meshes.
                    else if (prefabData.isAlembic) //if the instantiated mesh is an alembic asset.
                        //Parent the child gameobject (geometry) to the prefab game object.
                        geometryObject.transform.parent        = prefabGameObject.transform;
                        geometryObject.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
                        geometryObject.name = geometryObject.name.Replace("(Clone)", "");
                        //Get reference to the renderer components to apply material later.
                        r = geometryObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>();
                    else //if the instantiated mesh does not have any children
                        //Parent the child gameobject (geometry) to the prefab game object.
                        geometryObject.transform.parent        = prefabGameObject.transform;
                        geometryObject.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
                        geometryObject.name = geometryObject.name.Replace("(Clone)", "");
                        //Get reference to the renderer component to apply material later.
                        r = geometryObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>();

                    foreach (Renderer ren in r)
                        ren.material = prefabData.finalMat;
                        //Apply highpoly material if the mesh was highpoly and highpoly filter is enabled.
                        if (loadedGeometry.name.ToLower().Contains("highpoly") && prefabData.highpoly)
                            ren.material = prefabData.highpolyMat;
                            ren.material = prefabData.finalMat;
                        //Apply collision
                        if (prefabData.setupCollision)
                            ren.gameObject.AddComponent <MeshCollider>().sharedMesh = ren.gameObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh;

                    if (numberOfFiles > 2)
                        lodHeight *= ((x + 1) >= (numberOfFiles / 2)) ? 0.75f : 0.5f;
                        lodHeight *= (x + 1) < 1 ? 0.75f : 0.15f;

                    lodsForPrefab.Add(new LOD(lodHeight, r));
                //Set LODs in the LOD group
                prefabGameObject.GetComponent <LODGroup>().SetLODs(lodsForPrefab.ToArray());
                prefabGameObject.GetComponent <LODGroup>().RecalculateBounds();
                //Prefab saving
                string prefLocation = prefabPath + "/" + prefabName + ".prefab";
                prefLocation = prefLocation.Replace("(Clone)", "");
                SavePrefab(prefabGameObject, prefLocation, prefabData.addAssetToScene);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Debug.Log("Exception::MegascansMeshUtils::3D Asset Prefab:: " + ex.ToString());