        /** Opens the save dialogue and takes in a list of type PointD and saves
         * the list of points to the specified XML file.
         * Points: List of user-drawn points on the drawing area
         * Note: The file paths have only been tested on Windows
        public static void openSaveDialogue(List <PointD> points)
            //Initial setup of the save dialog
            FileChooserDialog fileChooser = new FileChooserDialog("Save", null, FileChooserAction.Save);

            fileChooser.AddButton(Stock.Cancel, ResponseType.Cancel);
            fileChooser.AddButton(Stock.Ok, ResponseType.Ok);

            string tmp    = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
            string newTmp = tmp + "/../../Gestures/";


            fileChooser.SelectMultiple = false;

            ResponseType retVal = (ResponseType)fileChooser.Run();

            //String manipluation to get the correct file name being saved
            if (retVal == ResponseType.Ok)
                string   saveFileName     = "";
                string[] strippedFileName = { "", "" };

                string newFile = fileChooser.Filename.Trim();
                if (!newFile.EndsWith(".xml", true, null))
                    int nameLength = newFile.Length - newFile.LastIndexOf("\\");
                    saveFileName     = newFile.Substring(newFile.LastIndexOf("\\"), nameLength);
                    strippedFileName = saveFileName.Split('\\');
                    newFile += ".xml";
                if (File.Exists(newFile))
                FileStream fs = File.Create(newFile);
                XMLParser.WriteGesture(points, strippedFileName[1], newFile);

                GestureTemplate.template newTemplate = new GestureTemplate.template(strippedFileName[1], points);


        /** Opens the save dialogue and takes in a list of type PointD and saves
         * the list of points to the specified XML file.
         * Points: List of user-drawn points on the drawing area
         * Note: The file paths have only been tested on Windows
        public static void openSaveDialogue(List<PointD> points)
            //Initial setup of the save dialog
            FileChooserDialog fileChooser = new FileChooserDialog ("Save", null, FileChooserAction.Save);
            fileChooser.AddButton (Stock.Cancel, ResponseType.Cancel);
            fileChooser.AddButton (Stock.Ok, ResponseType.Ok);

            string tmp = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
            string newTmp = tmp + "/../../Gestures/";
            fileChooser.SetCurrentFolder (newTmp);

            fileChooser.SelectMultiple = false;

            ResponseType retVal = (ResponseType)fileChooser.Run ();

            //String manipluation to get the correct file name being saved
            if (retVal == ResponseType.Ok) {
                string saveFileName = "";
                string[] strippedFileName = { "", "" };

                string newFile = fileChooser.Filename.Trim ();
                if (!newFile.EndsWith(".xml", true, null))
                    int nameLength = newFile.Length - newFile.LastIndexOf ("\\");
                    saveFileName = newFile.Substring(newFile.LastIndexOf("\\"), nameLength);
                    strippedFileName = saveFileName.Split('\\');
                    Console.WriteLine (strippedFileName[1]);
                    newFile += ".xml";
                if (File.Exists (newFile)) {
                    File.Delete (newFile);
                FileStream fs = File.Create (newFile);
                fs.Close ();
                XMLParser.WriteGesture (points, strippedFileName[1], newFile);

                GestureTemplate.template newTemplate = new GestureTemplate.template (strippedFileName[1], points);

                Recognizer.templateList.Add (newTemplate);

            fileChooser.Destroy ();