        public void LogError(ExceptionLog error)
            ////if the same error has been logged from the same ip less than 5 minutes ago,
            ////simply update the existing one.

            error.ExceptionDateTime = Helper.GetLocalDate();
            System.DateTime timeFiveMinutesAgo = Helper.GetLocalDate().AddMinutes(-5);
            var ex = context.Query <ExceptionLog>("Select * From ExceptionLog Where UserIPAddress = @UserIPAddress And ExceptionPage = @ExceptionPage And ExceptionType = @ExceptionType And ExceptionDatetime > @timeFiveMinutesAgo; ", new { UserIPAddress = error.UserIPAddress, ExceptionPage = error.ExceptionPage, ExceptionType = error.ExceptionType, timeFiveMinutesAgo = timeFiveMinutesAgo }).FirstOrDefault();

            if (ex == null)
                context.Insert <ExceptionLog>(error, excludeFieldList: new string[] { "ExceptionId" });
                var sql = new StringBuilder();
                error.ExceptionId = ex.ExceptionId;
                sql.AppendLine("UPDATE ExceptionLog SET ExceptionDatetime = @ExceptionDatetime, ExceptionDetails = @ExceptionDetails, ExceptionMessage = @ExceptionMessage, LoggedInUser = @LoggedInUser, ExceptionVersion = @ExceptionVersion ");
                sql.AppendLine("Where ExceptionId = @ExceptionId; ");
                context.Execute(sql.ToString(), error);
        public int EditRole(RoleViewModel roleToEdit)
            var             dbVersion = GetRole(roleToEdit.CurrentRole.RoleId);
            AuditRepository ar        = new AuditRepository(dapperContext);
            var             t         = dapperContext.GetTransaction();

            var sql         = "UPDATE Role SET RoleName = @RoleName, Description = @Description Where RoleId = @RoleId AND CONVERT(bigint,RowVersionNo) = @RowVersionNo2; ";
            var rowAffected = context.Execute(sql, roleToEdit.CurrentRole, transaction: t);

            if (rowAffected > 0)
                var list = context.Query <Guid>("SELECT ModuleID FROM RoleModuleAccess WHERE RoleID = @RoleID; ", new { RoleID = roleToEdit.CurrentRole.RoleId }, transaction: t).ToList();

                sql = "UPDATE RoleModuleAccess SET ViewAccess = @ViewAccess, CreateAccess = @CreateAccess, EditAccess = @EditAccess, DeleteAccess = @DeleteAccess, VerifyAccess = @VerifyAccess, MakeOrCheckAccess = @MakeOrCheckAccess WHERE RoleId = @RoleID AND ModuleID = @ModuleID; ";

                var temp = roleToEdit.ModuleAccessList.Where(m => (m.CreateAccess == true || m.DeleteAccess == true ||
                                                                   m.EditAccess == true || m.ViewAccess == true || m.VerifyAccess == true || m.MakeOrCheckAccess == true) &&
                                                             list.Contains(m.ModuleId)).Select(s => s).ToList();

                foreach (var m in temp)
                    m.RoleId = roleToEdit.CurrentRole.RoleId;
                    context.Execute(sql, m, transaction: t);

                temp = roleToEdit.ModuleAccessList.Where(m => (m.CreateAccess == true || m.DeleteAccess == true ||
                                                               m.EditAccess == true || m.ViewAccess == true || m.VerifyAccess == true || m.MakeOrCheckAccess == true) &&
                                                         !list.Contains(m.ModuleId)).Select(s => s).ToList();
                foreach (var g in temp)
                    g.RoleId = roleToEdit.CurrentRole.RoleId;
                var success = context.InsertMany <RoleModuleAccess>(temp, excludeFieldList: new string[] { "ModuleName" }, transaction: t);

                var tempId = roleToEdit.ModuleAccessList.Where(m => (m.CreateAccess == false && m.DeleteAccess == false &&
                                                                     m.EditAccess == false && m.ViewAccess == false && m.VerifyAccess == false && m.MakeOrCheckAccess == false) &&
                                                               list.Contains(m.ModuleId)).Select(s => s.ModuleId).ToList();
                if (tempId.Count > 0)
                    context.Execute("DELETE FROM RoleModuleAccess WHERE ModuleID IN @ModuleIDList AND RoleID = @RoleID; ", new { RoleID = roleToEdit.CurrentRole.RoleId, ModuleIDList = tempId }, transaction: t);

                //List<string> moduleNames = new List<string>();
                //foreach (var item in roleToEdit.ModuleAccessList)
                //    moduleNames.Add(item.ModuleName);
                ar.CreateAuditChange(dbVersion, roleToEdit, t, roleToEdit.CurrentRole.RoleName);// ,moduleNames.ToArray());
