        /// <summary>
        ///   Save the zip archive to the specified stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>
        ///   The <c>ZipFile</c> instance is written to storage - typically a zip file
        ///   in a filesystem, but using this overload, the storage can be anything
        ///   accessible via a writable stream - only when the caller calls <c>Save</c>.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        ///   Use this method to save the zip content to a stream directly.  A common
        ///   scenario is an ASP.NET application that dynamically generates a zip file
        ///   and allows the browser to download it. The application can call
        ///   <c>Save(Response.OutputStream)</c> to write a zipfile directly to the
        ///   output stream, without creating a zip file on the disk on the ASP.NET
        ///   server.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        ///   Be careful when saving a file to a non-seekable stream, including
        ///   <c>Response.OutputStream</c>. When DotNetZip writes to a non-seekable
        ///   stream, the zip archive is formatted in such a way that may not be
        ///   compatible with all zip tools on all platforms.  It's a perfectly legal
        ///   and compliant zip file, but some people have reported problems opening
        ///   files produced this way using the Mac OS archive utility.
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <example>
        ///   This example saves the zipfile content into a MemoryStream, and
        ///   then gets the array of bytes from that MemoryStream.
        /// <code lang="C#">
        /// using (var zip = new PMDCP.Compression.Zip.ZipFile())
        /// {
        ///     zip.CompressionLevel= PMDCP.Compression.Zlib.CompressionLevel.BestCompression;
        ///     zip.Password = "******";
        ///     zip.Encryption = EncryptionAlgorithm.WinZipAes128;
        ///     zip.AddFile(sourceFileName);
        ///     MemoryStream output = new MemoryStream();
        ///     zip.Save(output);
        ///     byte[] zipbytes = output.ToArray();
        /// }
        /// </code>
        /// </example>
        /// <param name="outputStream">
        ///   The <c>System.IO.Stream</c> to write to. It must be writable.
        /// </param>
        public void Save(Stream outputStream)
            if (!outputStream.CanWrite)
                throw new ArgumentException("The outputStream must be a writable stream.");

            // if we had a filename to save to, we are now obliterating it.
            _name = null;

            _writestream = new CountingStream(outputStream);

            _contentsChanged   = true;
            _fileAlreadyExists = false;
        internal void FinishOutputStream(Stream s,
                                         CountingStream entryCounter,
                                         Stream encryptor,
                                         Stream deflater,
                                         PMDCP.Compression.Zlib.CrcCalculatorStream output)
            if (output == null) return;


            // by calling Close() on the deflate stream, we write the footer bytes, as necessary.
            if ((deflater as PMDCP.Compression.Zlib.DeflateStream) != null)
            #if !NETCF
            else if ((deflater as PMDCP.Compression.Zlib.ParallelDeflateOutputStream) != null)


            _LengthOfTrailer = 0;

            _UncompressedSize = output.TotalBytesSlurped;

            #if AESCRYPTO
            WinZipAesCipherStream wzacs = encryptor as WinZipAesCipherStream;
            if (wzacs != null && _UncompressedSize > 0)
                s.Write(wzacs.FinalAuthentication, 0, 10);
                _LengthOfTrailer += 10;
            _CompressedFileDataSize = entryCounter.BytesWritten;
            _CompressedSize = _CompressedFileDataSize;   // may be adjusted
            _Crc32 = output.Crc;

            // Set _RelativeOffsetOfLocalHeader now, to allow for re-streaming
        /// <summary>
        ///   Save the zip archive to the specified stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>
        ///   The <c>ZipFile</c> instance is written to storage - typically a zip file
        ///   in a filesystem, but using this overload, the storage can be anything
        ///   accessible via a writable stream - only when the caller calls <c>Save</c>.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        ///   Use this method to save the zip content to a stream directly.  A common
        ///   scenario is an ASP.NET application that dynamically generates a zip file
        ///   and allows the browser to download it. The application can call
        ///   <c>Save(Response.OutputStream)</c> to write a zipfile directly to the
        ///   output stream, without creating a zip file on the disk on the ASP.NET
        ///   server.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        ///   Be careful when saving a file to a non-seekable stream, including
        ///   <c>Response.OutputStream</c>. When DotNetZip writes to a non-seekable
        ///   stream, the zip archive is formatted in such a way that may not be
        ///   compatible with all zip tools on all platforms.  It's a perfectly legal
        ///   and compliant zip file, but some people have reported problems opening
        ///   files produced this way using the Mac OS archive utility.
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <example>
        ///   This example saves the zipfile content into a MemoryStream, and
        ///   then gets the array of bytes from that MemoryStream.
        /// <code lang="C#">
        /// using (var zip = new PMDCP.Compression.Zip.ZipFile())
        /// {
        ///     zip.CompressionLevel= PMDCP.Compression.Zlib.CompressionLevel.BestCompression;
        ///     zip.Password = "******";
        ///     zip.Encryption = EncryptionAlgorithm.WinZipAes128;
        ///     zip.AddFile(sourceFileName);
        ///     MemoryStream output = new MemoryStream();
        ///     zip.Save(output);
        ///     byte[] zipbytes = output.ToArray();
        /// }
        /// </code>
        /// </example>
        /// <param name="outputStream">
        ///   The <c>System.IO.Stream</c> to write to. It must be writable.
        /// </param>
        public void Save(Stream outputStream)
            if (!outputStream.CanWrite)
                throw new ArgumentException("The outputStream must be a writable stream.");

            // if we had a filename to save to, we are now obliterating it.
            _name = null;

            _writestream = new CountingStream(outputStream);

            _contentsChanged = true;
            _fileAlreadyExists = false;
        internal void PrepOutputStream(Stream s,
                                       long streamLength,
                                       out CountingStream outputCounter,
                                       out Stream encryptor,
                                       out Stream deflater,
                                       out PMDCP.Compression.Zlib.CrcCalculatorStream output)
            TraceWriteLine("PrepOutputStream: e({0}) comp({1}) crypto({2}) zf({3})", FileName, CompressionLevel, Encryption, (_container).Name);

            // Wrap a counting stream around the raw output stream:
            // This is the last thing that happens before the bits go to the
            // application-provided stream.
            outputCounter = new CountingStream(s);

            // Sometimes the incoming "raw" output stream is already a CountingStream.
            // Doesn't matter. Wrap it with a counter anyway. We need to count at both levels.

            if (streamLength != 0L)
                // Maybe wrap an encrypting stream around that:
                // This will happen BEFORE output counting, and AFTER deflation, if encryption
                // is used.
                encryptor = MaybeApplyEncryption(outputCounter);

                // Maybe wrap a DeflateStream around that.
                // This will happen BEFORE encryption (if any) as we write data out.
                deflater = MaybeApplyDeflation(encryptor, streamLength);
                encryptor = deflater = outputCounter;
            // Wrap a CrcCalculatorStream around that.
            // This will happen BEFORE deflation (if any) as we write data out.
            output = new PMDCP.Compression.Zlib.CrcCalculatorStream(deflater, true);
        private void CopyThroughWithRecompute(Stream outstream)
            int n;
            byte[] bytes = new byte[BufferSize];
            var input = new CountingStream(this.ArchiveStream);

            long origRelativeOffsetOfHeader = _RelativeOffsetOfLocalHeader;

            // The header length may change due to rename of file, add a comment, etc.
            // We need to retain the original.
            int origLengthOfHeader = LengthOfHeader; // including crypto bytes!

            // WriteHeader() has the side effect of changing _RelativeOffsetOfLocalHeader
            // and setting _LengthOfHeader.  While ReadHeader() reads the crypto header if
            // present, WriteHeader() does not write the crypto header.
            WriteHeader(outstream, 0);

            if (!this.FileName.EndsWith("/"))
                // Not a directory; there is file data.
                // Seek to the beginning of the entry data in the input stream.

                long pos = origRelativeOffsetOfHeader + origLengthOfHeader;
                int len = GetLengthOfCryptoHeaderBytes(_Encryption_FromZipFile);
                pos -= len; // want to keep the crypto header
                _LengthOfHeader += len;

                input.Seek(pos, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                // copy through everything after the header to the output stream
                long remaining = this._CompressedSize;

                while (remaining > 0)
                    len = (remaining > bytes.Length) ? bytes.Length : (int)remaining;

                    // read
                    n = input.Read(bytes, 0, len);

                    // write
                    outstream.Write(bytes, 0, n);
                    remaining -= n;
                    OnWriteBlock(input.BytesRead, this._CompressedSize);
                    if (_ioOperationCanceled)

                // bit 3 descriptor
                if ((this._BitField & 0x0008) == 0x0008)
                    int size = 16;
                    if (_InputUsesZip64) size += 8;
                    byte[] Descriptor = new byte[size];
                    input.Read(Descriptor, 0, size);

                    if (_InputUsesZip64 && _container.UseZip64WhenSaving == Zip64Option.Never)
                        // original descriptor was 24 bytes, now we need 16.
                        // Must check for underflow here.
                        // signature + CRC.
                        outstream.Write(Descriptor, 0, 8);

                        // Compressed
                        if (_CompressedSize > 0xFFFFFFFF)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("ZIP64 is required");
                        outstream.Write(Descriptor, 8, 4);

                        // UnCompressed
                        if (_UncompressedSize > 0xFFFFFFFF)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("ZIP64 is required");
                        outstream.Write(Descriptor, 16, 4);
                        _LengthOfTrailer -= 8;
                    else if (!_InputUsesZip64 && _container.UseZip64WhenSaving == Zip64Option.Always)
                        // original descriptor was 16 bytes, now we need 24
                        // signature + CRC
                        byte[] pad = new byte[4];
                        outstream.Write(Descriptor, 0, 8);
                        // Compressed
                        outstream.Write(Descriptor, 8, 4);
                        outstream.Write(pad, 0, 4);
                        // UnCompressed
                        outstream.Write(Descriptor, 12, 4);
                        outstream.Write(pad, 0, 4);
                        _LengthOfTrailer += 8;
                        // same descriptor on input and output. Copy it through.
                        outstream.Write(Descriptor, 0, size);
                        //_LengthOfTrailer += size;

            _TotalEntrySize = _LengthOfHeader + _CompressedFileDataSize + _LengthOfTrailer;
        private void CopyThroughWithNoChange(Stream outstream)
            int n;
            byte[] bytes = new byte[BufferSize];
            var input = new CountingStream(this.ArchiveStream);

            // seek to the beginning of the entry data in the input stream
            input.Seek(this._RelativeOffsetOfLocalHeader, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            if (this._TotalEntrySize == 0)
                // We've never set the length of the entry.
                // Set it here.
                this._TotalEntrySize = this._LengthOfHeader + this._CompressedFileDataSize + _LengthOfTrailer;

                // The CompressedSize includes all the leading metadata associated
                // to encryption, if any, as well as the compressed data, or
                // compressed-then-encrypted data, and the trailer in case of AES.

                // The CompressedFileData size is the same, less the encryption
                // framing data (12 bytes header for PKZip; 10/18 bytes header and
                // 10 byte trailer for AES).

                // The _LengthOfHeader includes all the zip entry header plus the
                // crypto header, if any.  The _LengthOfTrailer includes the
                // 10-byte MAC for AES, where appropriate, and the bit-3
                // Descriptor, where applicable.

            // workitem 5616
            // remember the offset, within the output stream, of this particular entry header.
            // This may have changed if any of the other entries changed (eg, if a different
            // entry was removed or added.)
            var counter = outstream as CountingStream;
            _RelativeOffsetOfLocalHeader = (counter != null)
                ? counter.ComputedPosition
                : outstream.Position;  // BytesWritten

            // copy through the header, filedata, trailer, everything...
            long remaining = this._TotalEntrySize;
            while (remaining > 0)
                int len = (remaining > bytes.Length) ? bytes.Length : (int)remaining;

                // read
                n = input.Read(bytes, 0, len);

                // write
                outstream.Write(bytes, 0, n);
                remaining -= n;
                OnWriteBlock(input.BytesRead, this._TotalEntrySize);
                if (_ioOperationCanceled)