 private void CB_Multi_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     PB_Sprite.Image = (Image)Properties.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(Main.SAV.ORAS || Main.SAV.ORASDEMO ? "tr_" + Util.getIndex(CB_MultiplayerSprite).ToString("00") : "tr_00");
        public SAV_Trainer()
            if (!Main.unicode)
                try { TB_OTName.Font = PKX.getPKXFont(11); }
                catch (Exception e) { Util.Alert("Font loading failed...", e.ToString()); }

            Util.TranslateInterface(this, Main.curlanguage);
            B_MaxCash.Click += (sender, e) => MT_Money.Text = "9,999,999";

            CB_Gender.Items.AddRange(Main.gendersymbols.Take(2).ToArray()); // m/f depending on unicode selection

            MaisonRecords = new[]
                TB_MCSN, TB_MCSS, TB_MBSN, TB_MBSS,
                TB_MCDN, TB_MCDS, TB_MBDN, TB_MBDS,
                TB_MCTN, TB_MCTS, TB_MBTN, TB_MBTS,
                TB_MCRN, TB_MCRS, TB_MBRN, TB_MBRS,
                TB_MCMN, TB_MCMS, TB_MBMN, TB_MBMS,
            cba = new[] { CHK_Badge1, CHK_Badge2, CHK_Badge3, CHK_Badge4, CHK_Badge5, CHK_Badge6, CHK_Badge7, CHK_Badge8, };
            pba = new [] { PB_Badge1, PB_Badge2, PB_Badge3, PB_Badge4, PB_Badge5, PB_Badge6, PB_Badge7, PB_Badge8, };

            L_MultiplayerSprite.Enabled = CB_MultiplayerSprite.Enabled = Main.SAV.ORAS;
            L_Style.Visible             = TB_Style.Visible = SAV.XY;
            if (!SAV.XY)
            if (SAV.ORASDEMO)
            if (SAV.MaisonStats < 0)

            editing = true;

            statdata = new[] {
                "0x000", "0x000",        // Steps taken?
                "0x004", "0x004",        // Minutes Played / Pokemon Encountered?
                "0x008", "0x008",
                "0x00C", "0x00C",
                "0x010", "0x010",
                "0x014", "0x014",
                "0x018", "0x018",
                "0x01C", "Pokémon Captured",
                "0x020", "0x020",
                "0x024", "Eggs Hatched",
                "0x028", "Pokémon Evolved",
                "0x02C", "0x02C",
                "0x030", "~People Passed",        // I think the following ones are Passerby actions...
                "0x034", "0x034",
                "0x038", "0x038",
                "0x03C", "0x03C",
                "0x040", "Link Trades",
                "0x044", "Link Battles",
                "0x048", "Link Battle Wins",
                "0x04C", "0x04C",
                "0x050", "0x050",
                "0x054", "0x054",
                "0x058", "0x058",
                "0x05C", "0x05C",
                "0x060", "0x060",
                "0x064", "0x064",
                "0x068", "0x068",
                "0x06C", "0x06C",
                "0x070", "0x070",
                "0x074", "0x074",
                "0x078", "0x078",
                "0x07C", "0x07C",
                "0x080", "0x080",
                "0x084", "0x084",
                "0x088", "BP Earned",
                "0x08C", "0x08C",
                "0x090", "0x090",
                "0x094", "0x094",
                "0x098", "0x098",
                "0x09C", "0x09C",
                "0x0A0", "0x0A0",
                "0x0A4", "0x0A4",
                "0x0A8", "0x0A8",
                "0x0AC", "0x0AC",
                "0x0B0", "0x0B0",
                "0x0B4", "0x0B4",
                "0x0B8", "0x0B8",
                "0x0BC", "0x0BC",
                "0x0C0", "0x0C0",
                "0x0C4", "0x0C4",
                "0x0C8", "0x0C8",
                "0x0CC", "0x0CC",
                "0x0D0", "0x0D0",
                "0x0D4", "0x0D4",
                "0x0D8", "0x0D8",
                "0x0DC", "0x0DC",
                "0x0E0", "0x0E0",
                "0x0E4", "0x0E4",
                "0x0E8", "0x0E8",
                "0x0EC", "Nice! Received",
                "0x0F0", "Birthday Wishes",
                "0x0F4", "Total People Met Online",
                "0x0F8", "0x0F8",
                //"0x0FC",	"Current Pokemiles",
                "0x100", "Obtained Pokemiles",
                "0x104", "0x104",
                "0x108", "0x108",
                "0x10C", "Super Training Clears",
                "0x110", "Judge Evaluations",
                "0x114", "0x114",
                "0x118", "0x118",        // Link Trades?
                "0x11C", "Link Battle",  // Wins", // ?
                "0x120", "0x120",        // Link Battle Losses?
                "0x124", "0x124",
                "0x128", "0x128",
                "0x12C", "0x12C",
                "0x130", "0x130",
                "0x134", "0x134",
                "0x138", "0x138",
                "0x13C", "0x13C",
                "0x140", "Flags Captured",
                "0x144", "0x144",
                "0x148", "0x148",
                "0x14C", "0x14C",
                "0x150", "0x150",
                "0x154", "0x154",
                "0x158", "0x158",
                "0x15C", "0x15C",
                "0x160", "0x160",
                "0x164", "0x164",
                "0x168", "0x168",
                "0x16C", "0x16C",
                "0x170", "0x170",
                "0x174", "0x174",
                "0x178", "0x178",
                "0x17C", "0x17C",
                "0x180", "0x180",
                "0x184", "0x184",
                "0x188", "0x188",
                "0x18C", "0x18C",
                "0x190", "0x190",
                "0x194", "0x194",
                "0x198", "0x198",
                "0x19C", "0x19C",
                "0x1A0", "0x1A0",
                "0x1A4", "0x1A4",
                "0x1A8", "0x1A8",
                "0x1AC", "0x1AC",
                "0x1B0", "0x1B0",
                "0x1B4", "0x1B4",
                "0x1B8", "0x1B8",
                "0x1BC", "Battle Tests",
                "0x1C0", "0x1C0",
                "0x1C4", "0x1C4",
                "0x1C8", "0x1C8",
                "0x1CC", "0x1CC",
                "0x1D0", "0x1D0",
                "0x1D4", "0x1D4",
                "0x1D8", "0x1D8",
                "0x1DC", "0x1DC",
                "0x1E0", "0x1E0",
                "0x1E4", "0x1E4",
                "0x1E8", "0x1E8",
                "0x1EC", "0x1EC",
                "0x1F0", "0x1F0",
                "0x1F4", "0x1F4",
                "0x1F8", "0x1F8",
                "0x1FC", "0x1FC",
                "0x200", "0x200",
                "0x204", "0x204",
                "0x208", "0x208",
                "0x20C", "0x20C",
                "0x210", "0x210",
                "0x214", "0x214",
                "0x218", "0x218",
                "0x21C", "0x21C",
                "0x220", "0x220",
                "0x224", "0x224",
                "0x228", "0x228",
                "0x22C", "0x22C",
                "0x230", "0x230",
                "0x234", "0x234",
                "0x238", "0x238",
                "0x23C", "0x23C",
                "0x240", "0x240",
                "0x244", "0x244",
                "0x248", "0x248",
                "0x24C", "0x24C",
                "0x250", "0x250",
                "0x254", "0x254",
                "0x258", "0x258",
            }; // Offset, Title. Horrible implementation, but works.

            for (int i = 0; i < statdata.Length / 2; i++)
                CB_Stats.Items.Add(statdata[2 * i + 1]);
            CB_Stats.SelectedIndex = 0;
        private void save()
            SAV.Game   = (byte)(CB_Game.SelectedIndex + 0x18);
            SAV.Gender = (byte)CB_Gender.SelectedIndex;

            SAV.TID           = (ushort)Util.ToUInt32(MT_TID.Text);
            SAV.SID           = (ushort)Util.ToUInt32(MT_SID.Text);
            SAV.Money         = Util.ToUInt32(MT_Money.Text);
            SAV.SubRegion     = Util.getIndex(CB_Region);
            SAV.Country       = Util.getIndex(CB_Country);
            SAV.ConsoleRegion = Util.getIndex(CB_3DSReg);
            SAV.Language      = Util.getIndex(CB_Language);

            SAV.OT = TB_OTName.Text;

            SAV.Saying1 = TB_Saying1.Text;
            SAV.Saying2 = TB_Saying2.Text;
            SAV.Saying3 = TB_Saying3.Text;
            SAV.Saying4 = TB_Saying4.Text;
            SAV.Saying5 = TB_Saying5.Text;

            // Copy Maison Data in
            if (SAV.MaisonStats > -1)
                for (int i = 0; i < MaisonRecords.Length; i++)
                    SAV.setMaisonStat(i, ushort.Parse(MaisonRecords[i].Text));

            // Copy Position
            if (GB_Map.Enabled)
                SAV.M = (int)NUD_M.Value;
                SAV.X = (float)NUD_X.Value;
                SAV.Z = (float)NUD_Z.Value;
                SAV.Y = (float)NUD_Y.Value;

            SAV.BP = ushort.Parse(TB_BP.Text);
            // Set Current PokéMiles
            SAV.setPSSStat(0xFC / 4, Util.ToUInt32(TB_PM.Text));
            // Set Max Obtained Pokémiles
            SAV.setPSSStat(0x100 / 4, Util.ToUInt32(TB_PM.Text));
            SAV.Style = byte.Parse(TB_Style.Text);

            // Copy Badges
            int badgeval = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                badgeval |= (cba[i].Checked ? 1 : 0) << i;
            SAV.Badges = badgeval;

            // Save PlayTime
            SAV.PlayedHours   = ushort.Parse(MT_Hours.Text);
            SAV.PlayedMinutes = ushort.Parse(MT_Minutes.Text) % 60;
            SAV.PlayedSeconds = ushort.Parse(MT_Seconds.Text) % 60;

            // Sprite
            SAV.Sprite = Convert.ToByte(CB_MultiplayerSprite.SelectedValue);

            // Appearance
            if (SAV.XY)
                SAV.Data[SAV.TrainerCard + 0x30] = byte.Parse(MT_14030.Text);
                SAV.Data[SAV.TrainerCard + 0x31] = (byte)(byte.Parse(MT_HairColor.Text) | (byte.Parse(MT_Hat.Text) << 3));
                SAV.Data[SAV.TrainerCard + 0x32] = byte.Parse(MT_14032.Text);
                SAV.Data[SAV.TrainerCard + 0x33] = byte.Parse(MT_14033.Text);
                SAV.Data[SAV.TrainerCard + 0x34] = byte.Parse(MT_14034.Text);
                SAV.Data[SAV.TrainerCard + 0x35] = byte.Parse(MT_14035.Text);
                SAV.Data[SAV.TrainerCard + 0x36] = byte.Parse(MT_14036.Text);
                SAV.Data[SAV.TrainerCard + 0x37] = byte.Parse(MT_14037.Text);
                SAV.Data[SAV.TrainerCard + 0x38] = byte.Parse(MT_14038.Text);
                SAV.Data[SAV.TrainerCard + 0x39] = byte.Parse(MT_14039.Text);
                SAV.Data[SAV.TrainerCard + 0x3A] = byte.Parse(MT_1403A.Text);
                SAV.Data[SAV.TrainerCard + 0x3B] = byte.Parse(MT_1403B.Text);
                SAV.Data[SAV.TrainerCard + 0x3C] = byte.Parse(MT_1403C.Text);
                SAV.Data[SAV.TrainerCard + 0x3D] = byte.Parse(MT_1403D.Text);
                SAV.Data[SAV.TrainerCard + 0x3E] = byte.Parse(MT_1403E.Text);
                SAV.Data[SAV.TrainerCard + 0x3F] = byte.Parse(MT_1403F.Text);

            // Vivillon
            SAV.Vivillon = CB_Vivillon.SelectedIndex;

            int seconds = (int)(CAL_AdventureStartDate.Value - new DateTime(2000, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds;

            seconds           -= seconds % 86400;
            seconds           += (int)(CAL_AdventureStartTime.Value - new DateTime(2000, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds;
            SAV.SecondsToStart = seconds;

            int fame = (int)(CAL_HoFDate.Value - new DateTime(2000, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds;

            fame -= fame % 86400;
            fame += (int)(CAL_HoFTime.Value - new DateTime(2000, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds;
            SAV.SecondsToFame = fame;

            SAV.LastSavedYear   = CAL_LastSavedDate.Value.Year;
            SAV.LastSavedMonth  = CAL_LastSavedDate.Value.Month;
            SAV.LastSavedDay    = CAL_LastSavedDate.Value.Day;
            SAV.LastSavedHour   = CAL_LastSavedTime.Value.Hour;
            SAV.LastSavedMinute = CAL_LastSavedTime.Value.Minute;
        private void save()
            string OT_Name = TB_OTName.Text;

            //string RIV_Name = TB_Rival.Text;

            sav[TrainerCard + 0x04 + savshift] = (byte)(CB_Game.SelectedIndex + 0x18);
            sav[TrainerCard + 0x05 + savshift] = (byte)CB_Gender.SelectedIndex;

            uint TID   = Util.ToUInt32(MT_TID.Text);
            uint SID   = Util.ToUInt32(MT_SID.Text);
            uint money = Util.ToUInt32(MT_Money.Text);

            string saying1 = TB_Saying1.Text;
            string saying2 = TB_Saying2.Text;
            string saying3 = TB_Saying3.Text;
            string saying4 = TB_Saying4.Text;
            string saying5 = TB_Saying5.Text;

            uint _region   = Util.ToUInt32(CB_Region.SelectedValue.ToString());
            uint _country  = Util.ToUInt32(CB_Country.SelectedValue.ToString());
            uint _3dsreg   = Util.ToUInt32(CB_3DSReg.SelectedValue.ToString());
            uint _language = Util.ToUInt32(CB_Language.SelectedValue.ToString());

            Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(TID), 0, sav, TrainerCard + 0x0 + savshift, 2);
            Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(SID), 0, sav, TrainerCard + 0x2 + savshift, 2);
            Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(money), 0, sav, Trainer2 + 0x8 + savshift, 4);
            Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(_region), 0, sav, TrainerCard + 0x26 + savshift, 1);
            Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(_country), 0, sav, TrainerCard + 0x27 + savshift, 1);
            Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(_3dsreg), 0, sav, TrainerCard + 0x2C + savshift, 1);
            Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(_language), 0, sav, TrainerCard + 0x2D + savshift, 1);

            byte[] OT = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(OT_Name);
            Array.Resize(ref OT, 0x1A);
            Array.Copy(OT, 0, sav, TrainerCard + 0x48 + savshift, 0x1A);
            //byte[] Rival = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(RIV_Name);
            //Array.Resize(ref Rival, 0x1A);
            //Array.Copy(Rival, 0, sav, 0x9610 + savshift, 0x1A);

            byte[] s1 = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(saying1);
            Array.Resize(ref s1, 0x22);
            Array.Copy(s1, 0, sav, TrainerCard + 0x7C + savshift, 0x22);
            byte[] s2 = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(saying2);
            Array.Resize(ref s2, 0x22);
            Array.Copy(s2, 0, sav, TrainerCard + 0x9E + savshift, 0x22);
            byte[] s3 = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(saying3);
            Array.Resize(ref s3, 0x22);
            Array.Copy(s3, 0, sav, TrainerCard + 0xC0 + savshift, 0x22);
            byte[] s4 = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(saying4);
            Array.Resize(ref s4, 0x22);
            Array.Copy(s4, 0, sav, TrainerCard + 0xE2 + savshift, 0x22);
            byte[] s5 = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(saying5);
            Array.Resize(ref s5, 0x22);
            Array.Copy(s5, 0, sav, TrainerCard + 0x104 + savshift, 0x22);

            // New stuff.
            // Copy Maison Data in
            MaskedTextBox[] tba = new MaskedTextBox[] {
                TB_MCSN, TB_MCSS, TB_MBSN, TB_MBSS,
                TB_MCDN, TB_MCDS, TB_MBDN, TB_MBDS,
                TB_MCTN, TB_MCTS, TB_MBTN, TB_MBTS,
                TB_MCRN, TB_MCRS, TB_MBRN, TB_MBRS,
                TB_MCMN, TB_MCMS, TB_MBMN, TB_MBMS,

            for (int i = 0; i < tba.Length; i++)
                byte[] streak = BitConverter.GetBytes(Util.ToUInt32(tba[i].Text));
                Array.Resize(ref streak, 2);
                Array.Copy(streak, 0, sav, Maison + 2 * i + savshift, 2);

            // Copy Position
            byte[] m = BitConverter.GetBytes(Int16.Parse(TB_CoordM.Text)); Array.Resize(ref m, 2); Array.Copy(m, 0, sav, savshift + Trainer1 + 0x02, 2);
            byte[] x = BitConverter.GetBytes(Single.Parse(TB_CoordX.Text)); Array.Resize(ref x, 4); Array.Copy(x, 0, sav, savshift + Trainer1 + 0x10, 4);
            byte[] z = BitConverter.GetBytes(Single.Parse(TB_CoordZ.Text)); Array.Resize(ref z, 4); Array.Copy(z, 0, sav, savshift + Trainer1 + 0x14, 4);
            byte[] y = BitConverter.GetBytes(Single.Parse(TB_CoordY.Text)); Array.Resize(ref y, 4); Array.Copy(y, 0, sav, savshift + Trainer1 + 0x18, 4);

            byte[] bp = BitConverter.GetBytes(Util.ToUInt32(TB_BP.Text)); Array.Resize(ref bp, 2); Array.Copy(bp, 0, sav, savshift + 0x963C - 0xC * Convert.ToInt16(m_parent.savegame_oras), 2);
            byte[] pm = BitConverter.GetBytes(Util.ToUInt32(TB_PM.Text)); Array.Resize(ref pm, 4); Array.Copy(pm, 0, sav, savshift + psssatoffset + 0xFC, 4); Array.Copy(pm, 0, sav, savshift + psssatoffset + 0x100, 4);
            sav[0x694D + savshift] = Byte.Parse(TB_Style.Text);

            // Copy Badges
            badgeval = 0;
            CheckBox[] cba = { cb1, cb2, cb3, cb4, cb5, cb6, cb7, cb8, };
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                badgeval |= (byte)(Convert.ToByte(cba[i].Checked) << i);
            sav[0x960C + savshift] = badgeval;

            // Save PlayTime
            byte[] h = BitConverter.GetBytes(UInt16.Parse(MT_Hours.Text)); Array.Resize(ref h, 2); Array.Copy(h, 0, sav, savshift + 0x6C00, 2);
            sav[0x6C02 + savshift] = (byte)(UInt16.Parse(MT_Minutes.Text) % 60);
            sav[0x6C03 + savshift] = (byte)(UInt16.Parse(MT_Seconds.Text) % 60);

            // Sprite
            sav[TrainerCard + 0x07] = Convert.ToByte(CB_Multi.SelectedValue);

            sav[TrainerCard + 0x31] = (byte)(Byte.Parse(MT_HairColor.Text) + (Byte.Parse(MT_Hat.Text) << 3));

            sav[TrainerCard + 0x30 + savshift] = Byte.Parse(MT_14030.Text);
            //sav[TrainerCard + 0x31 + savshift] = Byte.Parse(MT_14031.Text);
            sav[TrainerCard + 0x32 + savshift] = Byte.Parse(MT_14032.Text);
            sav[TrainerCard + 0x33 + savshift] = Byte.Parse(MT_14033.Text);
            sav[TrainerCard + 0x34 + savshift] = Byte.Parse(MT_14034.Text);
            sav[TrainerCard + 0x35 + savshift] = Byte.Parse(MT_14035.Text);
            sav[TrainerCard + 0x36 + savshift] = Byte.Parse(MT_14036.Text);
            sav[TrainerCard + 0x37 + savshift] = Byte.Parse(MT_14037.Text);
            sav[TrainerCard + 0x38 + savshift] = Byte.Parse(MT_14038.Text);
            sav[TrainerCard + 0x39 + savshift] = Byte.Parse(MT_14039.Text);
            sav[TrainerCard + 0x3A + savshift] = Byte.Parse(MT_1403A.Text);
            sav[TrainerCard + 0x3B + savshift] = Byte.Parse(MT_1403B.Text);
            sav[TrainerCard + 0x3C + savshift] = Byte.Parse(MT_1403C.Text);
            sav[TrainerCard + 0x3D + savshift] = Byte.Parse(MT_1403D.Text);
            sav[TrainerCard + 0x3E + savshift] = Byte.Parse(MT_1403E.Text);
            sav[TrainerCard + 0x3F + savshift] = Byte.Parse(MT_1403F.Text);

            // Vivillon
            sav[VivillonForm + savshift] = (byte)Util.ToUInt32(CB_Vivillon.SelectedValue.ToString());
 private void CB_Multi_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     PB_Sprite.Image = (Image)Properties.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject((m_parent.savegame_oras) ? "tr_" + Util.getIndex(CB_Multi).ToString("00") : "tr_00");
        public SAV_Trainer(Form1 frm1)

            try { TB_OTName.Font = PKX.getPKXFont(11); }
            catch (Exception e) { Util.Alert("Font loading failed...", e.ToString()); }

            Util.TranslateInterface(this, Form1.curlanguage);
            m_parent = frm1;
            Array.Copy(m_parent.savefile, sav, 0x100000);
            savindex = m_parent.savindex;
            savshift = savindex * 0x7F000;
            if (m_parent.savegame_oras)
                psssatoffset                = 0x24800; Maison += 0xA00; VivillonForm = 0x9644;
                this.Width                  = (int)((float)Width * (float)428 / (float)590);
                CB_Multi.Enabled            = true;
                L_MultiplayerSprite.Enabled = true; // Multiplayer Sprite Label

                L_Style.Visible   = false;          // Style Label
                TB_Style.Visible  = false;
                GB_Appear.Visible = false;
            editing = true;

            statdata = new string[] {
                "0x000", "0x000",        // Steps taken?
                "0x004", "0x004",        // Minutes Played / Pokemon Encountered?
                "0x008", "0x008",
                "0x00C", "0x00C",
                "0x010", "0x010",
                "0x014", "0x014",
                "0x018", "0x018",
                "0x01C", "PKMN Captured",
                "0x020", "0x020",
                "0x024", "Eggs Hatched",
                "0x028", "PKMN Evolved",
                "0x02C", "0x02C",
                "0x030", "~People Passed",
                "0x034", "0x034",
                "0x038", "0x038",
                "0x03C", "0x03C",
                "0x040", "0x040",
                "0x044", "0x044",
                "0x048", "0x048",
                "0x04C", "0x04C",
                "0x050", "0x050",
                "0x054", "0x054",
                "0x058", "0x058",
                "0x05C", "0x05C",
                "0x060", "0x060",
                "0x064", "0x064",
                "0x068", "0x068",
                "0x06C", "0x06C",
                "0x070", "0x070",
                "0x074", "0x074",
                "0x078", "0x078",
                "0x07C", "0x07C",
                "0x080", "0x080",
                "0x084", "0x084",
                "0x088", "0x088",
                "0x08C", "0x08C",
                "0x090", "0x090",
                "0x094", "0x094",
                "0x098", "0x098",
                "0x09C", "0x09C",
                "0x0A0", "0x0A0",
                "0x0A4", "0x0A4",
                "0x0A8", "0x0A8",
                "0x0AC", "0x0AC",
                "0x0B0", "0x0B0",
                "0x0B4", "0x0B4",
                "0x0B8", "0x0B8",
                "0x0BC", "0x0BC",
                "0x0C0", "0x0C0",
                "0x0C4", "0x0C4",
                "0x0C8", "0x0C8",
                "0x0CC", "0x0CC",
                "0x0D0", "0x0D0",
                "0x0D4", "0x0D4",
                "0x0D8", "0x0D8",
                "0x0DC", "0x0DC",
                "0x0E0", "0x0E0",
                "0x0E4", "0x0E4",
                "0x0E8", "0x0E8",
                "0x0EC", "Nice! Received",
                "0x0F0", "0x0F0",
                "0x0F4", "Total People Met Online",
                "0x0F8", "0x0F8",
                "0x0FC", "Current Pokemiles",
                "0x100", "Obtained Pokemiles",
                "0x104", "0x104",
                "0x108", "0x108",
                "0x10C", "Super Training Clears",
                "0x110", "Times Judged",
                "0x114", "0x114",
                "0x118", "0x118",        // Link Trades?
                "0x11C", "Link Battle",  // Wins", // ?
                "0x120", "0x120",        // Link Battle Losses?
                "0x124", "0x124",
                "0x128", "0x128",
                "0x12C", "0x12C",
                "0x130", "0x130",
                "0x134", "0x134",
                "0x138", "0x138",
                "0x13C", "0x13C",
                "0x140", "Flags Captured",
                "0x144", "0x144",
                "0x148", "0x148",
                "0x14C", "0x14C",
                "0x150", "0x150",
                "0x154", "0x154",
                "0x158", "0x158",
                "0x15C", "0x15C",
                "0x160", "0x160",
                "0x164", "0x164",
                "0x168", "0x168",
                "0x16C", "0x16C",
                "0x170", "0x170",
                "0x174", "0x174",
                "0x178", "0x178",
                "0x17C", "0x17C",
                "0x180", "0x180",
                "0x184", "0x184",
                "0x188", "0x188",
                "0x18C", "0x18C",
                "0x190", "0x190",
                "0x194", "0x194",
                "0x198", "0x198",
                "0x19C", "0x19C",
                "0x1A0", "0x1A0",
                "0x1A4", "0x1A4",
                "0x1A8", "0x1A8",
                "0x1AC", "0x1AC",
                "0x1B0", "0x1B0",
                "0x1B4", "0x1B4",
                "0x1B8", "0x1B8",
                "0x1BC", "Battle Tests",
                "0x1C0", "0x1C0",
                "0x1C4", "0x1C4",
                "0x1C8", "0x1C8",
                "0x1CC", "0x1CC",
                "0x1D0", "0x1D0",
                "0x1D4", "0x1D4",
                "0x1D8", "0x1D8",
                "0x1DC", "0x1DC",
                "0x1E0", "0x1E0",
                "0x1E4", "0x1E4",
                "0x1E8", "0x1E8",
                "0x1EC", "0x1EC",
                "0x1F0", "0x1F0",
                "0x1F4", "0x1F4",
                "0x1F8", "0x1F8",
                "0x1FC", "0x1FC",
                "0x200", "0x200",
                "0x204", "0x204",
                "0x208", "0x208",
                "0x20C", "0x20C",
                "0x210", "0x210",
                "0x214", "0x214",
                "0x218", "0x218",
                "0x21C", "0x21C",
                "0x220", "0x220",
                "0x224", "0x224",
                "0x228", "0x228",
                "0x22C", "0x22C",
                "0x230", "0x230",
                "0x234", "0x234",
                "0x238", "0x238",
                "0x23C", "0x23C",
                "0x240", "0x240",
                "0x244", "0x244",
                "0x248", "0x248",
                "0x24C", "0x24C",
                "0x250", "0x250",
                "0x254", "0x254",
                "0x258", "0x258",
            }; // Offset, Title. Horrible implementation, but works.

            for (int i = 0; i < statdata.Length / 2; i++)
                CB_Stats.Items.Add(statdata[2 * i + 1]);
            CB_Stats.SelectedIndex = 0;
 private void tabMain_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
     string[] files = (string[])e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop);
     loadSAV((Util.Prompt(MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, "FlagDiff Researcher:", "Yes: Old Save" + Environment.NewLine + "No: New Save") == DialogResult.Yes) ? B_LoadOld : B_LoadNew, files[0]);
        private PKM preparePK2()
            PK2 pk2 = pkm as PK2;
            if (pk2 == null)
                return null;

            pk2.Species = Util.getIndex(CB_Species);
            pk2.TID = Util.ToInt32(TB_TID.Text);
            pk2.EXP = Util.ToUInt32(TB_EXP.Text);
            pk2.HeldItem = Util.getIndex(CB_HeldItem);
            pk2.IsEgg = CHK_IsEgg.Checked;
            pk2.CurrentFriendship = Util.ToInt32(TB_Friendship.Text);
            pk2.Met_Level = Util.ToInt32(TB_MetLevel.Text);
            pk2.Met_Location = Util.getIndex(CB_MetLocation);
            pk2.Met_TimeOfDay = CB_MetTimeOfDay.SelectedIndex;

            pk2.EV_HP = Util.ToInt32(TB_HPEV.Text);
            pk2.EV_ATK = Util.ToInt32(TB_ATKEV.Text);
            pk2.EV_DEF = Util.ToInt32(TB_DEFEV.Text);
            pk2.EV_SPE = Util.ToInt32(TB_SPEEV.Text);
            pk2.EV_SPC = Util.ToInt32(TB_SPAEV.Text);

            if (CHK_Nicknamed.Checked)
                pk2.Nickname = TB_Nickname.Text;
            pk2.Move1 = Util.getIndex(CB_Move1);
            pk2.Move2 = Util.getIndex(CB_Move2);
            pk2.Move3 = Util.getIndex(CB_Move3);
            pk2.Move4 = Util.getIndex(CB_Move4);
            pk2.Move1_PP = Util.getIndex(CB_Move1) > 0 ? Util.ToInt32(TB_PP1.Text) : 0;
            pk2.Move2_PP = Util.getIndex(CB_Move2) > 0 ? Util.ToInt32(TB_PP2.Text) : 0;
            pk2.Move3_PP = Util.getIndex(CB_Move3) > 0 ? Util.ToInt32(TB_PP3.Text) : 0;
            pk2.Move4_PP = Util.getIndex(CB_Move4) > 0 ? Util.ToInt32(TB_PP4.Text) : 0;
            pk2.Move1_PPUps = Util.getIndex(CB_Move1) > 0 ? CB_PPu1.SelectedIndex : 0;
            pk2.Move2_PPUps = Util.getIndex(CB_Move2) > 0 ? CB_PPu2.SelectedIndex : 0;
            pk2.Move3_PPUps = Util.getIndex(CB_Move3) > 0 ? CB_PPu3.SelectedIndex : 0;
            pk2.Move4_PPUps = Util.getIndex(CB_Move4) > 0 ? CB_PPu4.SelectedIndex : 0;

            pk2.IV_HP = Util.ToInt32(TB_HPIV.Text);
            pk2.IV_ATK = Util.ToInt32(TB_ATKIV.Text);
            pk2.IV_DEF = Util.ToInt32(TB_DEFIV.Text);
            pk2.IV_SPE = Util.ToInt32(TB_SPEIV.Text);
            pk2.IV_SPA = Util.ToInt32(TB_SPAIV.Text);

            pk2.OT_Name = TB_OT.Text;

            // Toss in Party Stats
            Array.Resize(ref pk2.Data, pk2.SIZE_PARTY);
            pk2.Stat_Level = Util.ToInt32(TB_Level.Text);
            pk2.Stat_HPCurrent = Util.ToInt32(Stat_HP.Text);
            pk2.Stat_HPMax = Util.ToInt32(Stat_HP.Text);
            pk2.Stat_ATK = Util.ToInt32(Stat_ATK.Text);
            pk2.Stat_DEF = Util.ToInt32(Stat_DEF.Text);
            pk2.Stat_SPE = Util.ToInt32(Stat_SPE.Text);
            pk2.Stat_SPA = Util.ToInt32(Stat_SPA.Text);
            pk2.Stat_SPD = Util.ToInt32(Stat_SPD.Text);

            if (HaX)
                pk2.Stat_Level = (byte)Math.Min(Convert.ToInt32(MT_Level.Text), byte.MaxValue);

            // Fix Moves if a slot is empty 

            return pk2;
        private void loadchks()
            // Load Bools for the data
            int pk;

                pk = Util.getIndex(CB_Species);
            catch { pk = LB_Species.SelectedIndex + 1; }

            CheckBox[] CP =
                CHK_P1, CHK_P2, CHK_P3, CHK_P4, CHK_P5, CHK_P6, CHK_P7, CHK_P8, CHK_P9, CHK_P10,
            CheckBox[] CL =
                CHK_L1, CHK_L2, CHK_L3, CHK_L4, CHK_L5, CHK_L6, CHK_L7,
            // Load Partitions
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                CP[i].Checked = specbools[i, pk - 1];
            for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                CL[i].Checked = langbools[i, pk - 1];

            if (pk < 650)
                CHK_F1.Enabled = true; CHK_F1.Checked = foreignbools[pk - 1];
                CHK_F1.Enabled = CHK_F1.Checked = false;

            if (pk > 721)
                //CHK_P1.Checked = CHK_P1.Enabled = false;
                //CHK_P10.Checked = CHK_P10.Enabled = false;
                //CHK_P6.Enabled = CHK_P7.Enabled = CHK_P8.Enabled = CHK_P9.Enabled = false;

                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    CP[i].Enabled = true;

                for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                    CL[i].Checked = CL[i].Enabled = false;
                CHK_P1.Enabled  = true;
                CHK_P10.Enabled = true;

                int index = LB_Species.SelectedIndex + 1;
                PKX.PersonalParser.Personal MonData = PKX.PersonalGetter.GetPersonal(index);
                int gt = MonData.GenderRatio;

                CHK_P2.Enabled = CHK_P4.Enabled = CHK_P6.Enabled = CHK_P8.Enabled = (gt != 254);              // Not Female-Only
                CHK_P3.Enabled = CHK_P5.Enabled = CHK_P7.Enabled = CHK_P9.Enabled = (gt != 0) && (gt != 255); // Not Male-Only and Not Genderless

                for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                    CL[i].Enabled = true;
        private void saveChanges()
            // Save back the Species Bools
            // Return to Byte Array
            for (int p = 0; p < 10; p++)
                byte[] sdata = new byte[0x60];

                for (int i = 0; i < 0x60 * 8; i++)
                    if (specbools[p, i])
                        sdata[i / 8] |= (byte)(1 << i % 8);

                Array.Copy(sdata, 0, sav, Main.SaveGame.PokeDex + 8 + 0x60 * p, 0x60);

            // Build new bool array for the Languages
                bool[] languagedata = new bool[0x280 * 8];
                for (int i = 0; i < 731; i++)
                    for (int l = 0; l < 7; l++)
                        languagedata[i * 7 + l] = langbools[l, i];

                // Return to Byte Array
                byte[] ldata = new byte[languagedata.Length / 8];

                for (int i = 0; i < languagedata.Length; i++)
                    if (languagedata[i])
                        ldata[i / 8] |= (byte)(1 << i % 8);

                Array.Copy(ldata, 0, sav, Main.SaveGame.PokeDexLanguageFlags, 0x280);

            // Return Foreign Array
                byte[] foreigndata = new byte[0x52];
                for (int i = 0; i < 0x52 * 8; i++)
                    if (foreignbools[i])
                        foreigndata[i / 8] |= (byte)(1 << i % 8);
                Array.Copy(foreigndata, 0, sav, Main.SaveGame.PokeDex + 0x64C, 0x52);

            // Store Spinda Spot
            uint PID = Util.getHEXval(TB_Spinda);

            Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(PID), 0, sav, Main.SaveGame.Spinda, 4);