public void PatchWithNoKeyAsync()
            var patchItem = new PatchItemString { Op = "add", Path = "/LastName", Value = "Doe" };

                var result = _orchestrate.PatchAsync(CollectionName, string.Empty, patchItem).Result;
            catch (AggregateException ex)
                var inner = ex.InnerExceptions.First() as ArgumentNullException;
                Assert.IsTrue(inner?.ParamName == "key");

            Assert.Fail("No Exception Thrown");
        public void PatchWithNoKey()
            var patchItem = new PatchItemString { Op = "add", Path = "/LastName", Value = "Doe" };

                _orchestrate.Patch(CollectionName, string.Empty, patchItem);
            catch (ArgumentNullException ex)
                Assert.IsTrue(ex.ParamName == "key");

            Assert.Fail("No Exception Thrown");
        public void PatchAsStringAsync()
            var item = new PatchTestData { Id = 3, FirstName = "John", Phone = "404-555-1212", NickName = "Big John", WorkPhone = "404-555-8989", LogIns = 1 };
            var key = Guid.NewGuid();
            _orchestrate.Put(CollectionName, key.ToString(), item);

            var patchItems = new object[7];

            patchItems[0] = new PatchItemString { Op = "add", Path = "/LastName", Value = "Doe" };
            patchItems[1] = new PatchItemString { Op = "remove", Path = "/Phone" };
            patchItems[2] = new PatchItemString { Op = "replace", Path = "/FirstName", Value = "Jane" };
            patchItems[3] = new PatchItemString { Op = "move", From = "/WorkPhone", Path = "/Phone" };
            patchItems[4] = new PatchItemString { Op = "copy", From = "/NickName", Path = "/LastName" };
            patchItems[5] = new PatchItemInt { Op = "test", Path = "/LogIns", Value = 1 };
            patchItems[6] = new PatchItemInt { Op = "inc", Path = "/LogIns", Value = -10 };

            var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings { NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore };
            var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(item, settings);

            var result = _orchestrate.PatchAsync(CollectionName, key.ToString(), json).Result;

            Assert.IsTrue(result.Path.Ref.Length > 0);
        public void PatchIfMatchWithNoCollectionName()
            var match = _orchestrate.Get(CollectionName, "1");
            var patchItem = new PatchItemString { Op = "add", Path = "/LastName", Value = "Doe" };

                _orchestrate.PatchIfMatch(string.Empty, "2", patchItem, match.Path.Ref);
            catch (ArgumentNullException ex)
                Assert.IsTrue(ex.ParamName == "collectionName");

            Assert.Fail("No Exception Thrown");
        public void PatchIfMatchFailAsync()
            var match = _orchestrate.Get(CollectionName, "1");
            var item = new PatchItemString { Op = "replace", Path = "Valie", Value = "New and improved value!" };

                var result = _orchestrate.PatchIfMatchAsync(CollectionName, "2", item, match.Path.Ref).Result;
            catch (Exception ex)
        public void PatchIfMatchAsyncSuccess()
            var match = _orchestrate.Get(CollectionName, "1");
            var item = new PatchItemString { Op = "replace", Path = "Valie", Value = "New and improved value!" };

            var result = _orchestrate.PatchIfMatchAsync(CollectionName, "1", item, match.Path.Ref).Result;

            Assert.IsTrue(result.Value == null || result.Value.ToString() == string.Empty);