			/// <summary>Creates a new static background, using the default 0.8s fade-in time</summary>
			/// <param name="Texture">The texture to apply</param>
			/// <param name="Repetition">The number of times the texture should be repeated around the viewing frustrum</param>
			/// <param name="KeepAspectRatio">Whether the aspect ratio of the texture should be preseved</param>
			internal StaticBackground(Textures.Texture Texture, double Repetition, bool KeepAspectRatio)
				this.Texture = Texture;
				this.Repetition = Repetition;
				this.KeepAspectRatio = KeepAspectRatio;
				this.TransitionTime = 0.8;
				this.Time = -1;
			/// <summary>Creates a new static background</summary>
			/// <param name="Texture">The texture to apply</param>
			/// <param name="Repetition">The number of times the texture should be repeated around the viewing frustrum</param>
			/// <param name="KeepAspectRatio">Whether the aspect ratio of the texture should be preseved</param>
			/// <param name="transitionTime">The time taken in seconds for the fade-in transition to occur</param>
			/// <param name="Mode">The transition mode</param>
			internal StaticBackground(Textures.Texture Texture, double Repetition, bool KeepAspectRatio, double transitionTime, BackgroundTransitionMode Mode)
				this.Texture = Texture;
				this.Repetition = Repetition;
				this.KeepAspectRatio = KeepAspectRatio;
				this.TransitionTime = transitionTime;
				this.Time = -1;
				this.Mode = Mode;
		// parse panel config
		internal static void ParsePanelConfig(string TrainPath, System.Text.Encoding Encoding, TrainManager.Train Train) {
			// read lines
			System.Globalization.CultureInfo Culture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
			string FileName = OpenBveApi.Path.CombineFile(TrainPath, "panel.cfg");
			string[] Lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(FileName, Encoding);
			for (int i = 0; i < Lines.Length; i++) {
				Lines[i] = Lines[i].Trim();
				int j = Lines[i].IndexOf(';');
				if (j >= 0) {
					Lines[i] = Lines[i].Substring(0, j).TrimEnd();
			// initialize
			double FullWidth = 480, FullHeight = 440, SemiHeight = 240;
			double AspectRatio = FullWidth / FullHeight;
			double WorldWidth, WorldHeight;
			if (Screen.Width >= Screen.Height) {
				WorldWidth = 2.0 * Math.Tan(0.5 * World.HorizontalViewingAngle) * EyeDistance;
				WorldHeight = WorldWidth / AspectRatio;
			} else {
				WorldHeight = 2.0 * Math.Tan(0.5 * World.VerticalViewingAngle) * EyeDistance;
				WorldWidth = WorldHeight * AspectRatio;
			World.CameraRestrictionBottomLeft = new Vector3(-0.5 * WorldWidth, -0.5 * WorldHeight, EyeDistance);
			World.CameraRestrictionTopRight = new Vector3(0.5 * WorldWidth, 0.5 * WorldHeight, EyeDistance);
			double WorldLeft = Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverX - 0.5 * WorldWidth;
			double WorldTop = Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverY + 0.5 * WorldHeight;
			double WorldZ = Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverZ;
			const double UpDownAngleConstant = -0.191986217719376;
			double PanelYaw = 0.0;
			double PanelPitch = UpDownAngleConstant;
			string PanelBackground = OpenBveApi.Path.CombineFile(TrainPath, "panel.bmp");
			// parse lines for panel and view
			for (int i = 0; i < Lines.Length; i++) {
				if (Lines[i].Length > 0) {
					if (Lines[i].StartsWith("[", StringComparison.Ordinal) & Lines[i].EndsWith("]", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
						string Section = Lines[i].Substring(1, Lines[i].Length - 2).Trim();
						switch (Section.ToLowerInvariant()) {
								// panel
							case "panel":
								i++; while (i < Lines.Length && !(Lines[i].StartsWith("[", StringComparison.Ordinal) & Lines[i].EndsWith("]", StringComparison.Ordinal))) {
									int j = Lines[i].IndexOf('=');
									if (j >= 0) {
										string Key = Lines[i].Substring(0, j).TrimEnd();
										string Value = Lines[i].Substring(j + 1).TrimStart();
										switch (Key.ToLowerInvariant()) {
											case "background":
												if (Interface.ContainsInvalidPathChars(Value)) {
													Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "FileName contains illegal characters in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
												} else {
													if (!System.IO.Path.HasExtension(Value)) Value += ".bmp";
													PanelBackground = OpenBveApi.Path.CombineFile(TrainPath, Value);
													if (!System.IO.File.Exists(PanelBackground)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, true, "FileName " + PanelBackground + "could not be found in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
									} i++;
								} i--; break;
								// view
							case "view":
								i++; while (i < Lines.Length && !(Lines[i].StartsWith("[", StringComparison.Ordinal) & Lines[i].EndsWith("]", StringComparison.Ordinal))) {
									int j = Lines[i].IndexOf('=');
									if (j >= 0) {
										string Key = Lines[i].Substring(0, j).TrimEnd();
										string Value = Lines[i].Substring(j + 1).TrimStart();
										switch (Key.ToLowerInvariant()) {
											case "yaw":
													double yaw = 0.0;
													if (Value.Length > 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Value, out yaw)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "ValueInDegrees is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														yaw = 0.0;
													PanelYaw = Math.Atan(yaw);
												} break;
											case "pitch":
													double pitch = 0.0;
													if (Value.Length > 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Value, out pitch)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "ValueInDegrees is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														pitch = 0.0;
													PanelPitch = Math.Atan(pitch) + UpDownAngleConstant;
												} break;
									} i++;
								} i--; break;
			Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverYaw = PanelYaw;
			Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverPitch = PanelPitch;
			// panel
				if (!System.IO.File.Exists(PanelBackground)) {
					Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, true, "The panel image could not be found in " + FileName);
				} else {
					Textures.Texture t;
					Textures.RegisterTexture(PanelBackground, new OpenBveApi.Textures.TextureParameters(null, Color24.Blue), out t);
				    OpenBVEGame.RunInRenderThread(() =>
				        Textures.LoadTexture(t, Textures.OpenGlTextureWrapMode.ClampClamp); 
					double w = (double)t.Width;
					double h = (double)t.Height;
					SemiHeight = FullHeight - h;
					CreateElement(Train, 0, SemiHeight, w, h, FullWidth, FullHeight, WorldLeft, WorldTop, WorldWidth, WorldHeight, WorldZ + EyeDistance, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverX, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverY, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverZ, t, new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255), false);
			// parse lines for rest
			double invfac = Lines.Length == 0 ? Loading.TrainProgressCurrentWeight : Loading.TrainProgressCurrentWeight / (double)Lines.Length;
			for (int i = 0; i < Lines.Length; i++) {
				Loading.TrainProgress = Loading.TrainProgressCurrentSum + invfac * (double)i;
				if ((i & 7) == 0) {
					if (Loading.Cancel) return;
				if (Lines[i].Length != 0) {
					if (Lines[i].StartsWith("[", StringComparison.Ordinal) & Lines[i].EndsWith("]", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
						string Section = Lines[i].Substring(1, Lines[i].Length - 2).Trim();
						switch (Section.ToLowerInvariant()) {
								// pressuregauge
							case "pressuregauge":
							case "pressuremeter":
							case "pressureindicator":
							case "圧力計":
									int Type = 0;
									Color32[] NeedleColor = new Color32[] { new Color32(0, 0, 0, 255), new Color32(0, 0, 0, 255) };
									int[] NeedleType = new int[] { 0, 0 };
									double CenterX = 0.0, CenterY = 0.0, Radius = 16.0;
									string Background = null, Cover = null;
									double Angle = 0.785398163397449, Minimum = 0.0, Maximum = 1000.0;
									double UnitFactor = 1000.0;
									i++; while (i < Lines.Length && !(Lines[i].StartsWith("[", StringComparison.Ordinal) & Lines[i].EndsWith("]", StringComparison.Ordinal))) {
										int j = Lines[i].IndexOf('='); if (j >= 0) {
											string Key = Lines[i].Substring(0, j).TrimEnd();
											string Value = Lines[i].Substring(j + 1).TrimStart();
											string[] Arguments = GetArguments(Value);
											switch (Key.ToLowerInvariant()) {
												case "type":
												case "形態":
													if (Arguments.Length >= 1 && Arguments[0].Length > 0 && !Interface.TryParseIntVb6(Arguments[0], out Type)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Type is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														Type = 0;
													} else if (Type != 0 & Type != 1) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Type must be either 0 or 1 in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														Type = 0;
													} break;
												case "lowerneedle":
												case "lowerhand":
												case "下針":
												case "upperneedle":
												case "upperhand":
												case "上針":
													int k = Key.ToLowerInvariant() == "lowerneedle" | Key.ToLowerInvariant() == "lowerhand" | Key == "下針" ? 0 : 1;
													if (Arguments.Length >= 1 && Arguments[0].Length > 0) {
														switch (Arguments[0].ToLowerInvariant()) {
															case "bc":
															case "ブレーキシリンダ":
																NeedleType[k] = 1; break;
															case "sap":
															case "直通管":
																NeedleType[k] = 2; break;
															case "bp":
															case "ブレーキ管":
															case "制動管":
																NeedleType[k] = 3; break;
															case "er":
															case "釣り合い空気溜め":
															case "釣り合い空気ダメ":
															case "つりあい空気溜め":
															case "ツリアイ空気ダメ":
																NeedleType[k] = 4; break;
															case "mr":
															case "元空気溜め":
															case "元空気ダメ":
																NeedleType[k] = 5; break;
																	int a; if (!Interface.TryParseIntVb6(Arguments[0], out a)) {
																		Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Subject is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
																		a = 0;
																	NeedleType[k] = a;
																} break;
													int r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;
													if (Arguments.Length >= 2 && Arguments[1].Length > 0 && !Interface.TryParseIntVb6(Arguments[1], out r)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "RedValue is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														r = 0;
													} else if (r < 0 | r > 255) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "RedValue is required to be within the range from 0 to 255 in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														r = r < 0 ? 0 : 255;
													if (Arguments.Length >= 3 && Arguments[2].Length > 0 && !Interface.TryParseIntVb6(Arguments[2], out g)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "GreenValue is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + Key + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														g = 0;
													} else if (g < 0 | g > 255) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "GreenValue is required to be within the range from 0 to 255 in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														g = g < 0 ? 0 : 255;
													if (Arguments.Length >= 4 && Arguments[3].Length > 0 && !Interface.TryParseIntVb6(Arguments[3], out b)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "BlueValue is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + Key + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														b = 0;
													} else if (b < 0 | b > 255) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "BlueValue is required to be within the range from 0 to 255 in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														b = b < 0 ? 0 : 255;
													NeedleColor[k] = new Color32((byte)r, (byte)g, (byte)b, 255);
												case "center":
												case "中心":
													if (Arguments.Length >= 1 && Arguments[0].Length > 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Arguments[0], out CenterX)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "X is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														CenterX = 0.0;
													} else if (Arguments.Length >= 2 && Arguments[1].Length > 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Arguments[1], out CenterY)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Y is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														CenterY = 0.0;
													} break;
												case "radius":
												case "半径":
													if (Arguments.Length >= 1 && Arguments[0].Length > 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Arguments[0], out Radius)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "ValueInPixels is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														Radius = 1.0;
													} break;
												case "background":
												case "背景":
													if (!System.IO.Path.HasExtension(Value)) Value += ".bmp";
													if (Interface.ContainsInvalidPathChars(Value)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "FileName contains illegal characters in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} else {
														Background = OpenBveApi.Path.CombineFile(TrainPath, Value);
														if (!System.IO.File.Exists(Background)) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, true, "FileName " + Background + " could not be found in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
															Background = null;
												case "cover":
												case "ふた":
													if (!System.IO.Path.HasExtension(Value)) Value += ".bmp";
													if (Interface.ContainsInvalidPathChars(Value)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "FileName contains illegal characters in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} else {
														Cover = OpenBveApi.Path.CombineFile(TrainPath, Value);
														if (!System.IO.File.Exists(Cover)) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, true, "FileName " + Cover + "could not be found in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
															Cover = null;
												case "unit":
												case "単位":
													if (Arguments.Length >= 1 && Arguments[0].Length > 0) {
														string a = Arguments[0].ToLowerInvariant();
														int Unit = 0;
														if (a == "kpa") {
															Unit = 0;
														} else if (a == "kgf/cm2" | a == "kgf/cm^2" | a == "kg/cm2" | a == "kg/cm^2") {
															Unit = 1;
														} else if (!Interface.TryParseIntVb6(Arguments[0], out Unit)) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Value is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
															Unit = 0;
														} else if (Unit != 0 & Unit != 1) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Value must be either 0 or 1 in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
															Unit = 0;
														if (Unit == 1) {
															UnitFactor = 98066.5;
														} else {
															UnitFactor = 1000.0;
													} break;
												case "maximum":
												case "最大":
													if (Arguments.Length >= 1 && Arguments[0].Length > 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Arguments[0], out Maximum)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "PressureValue is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														Maximum = 1000.0;
													} break;
												case "minimum":
												case "最小":
													if (Arguments.Length >= 1 && Arguments[0].Length > 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Arguments[0], out Minimum)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "PressureValue is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														Minimum = 0.0;
													} break;
												case "angle":
												case "角度":
													if (Arguments.Length >= 1 && Arguments[0].Length > 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Arguments[0], out Angle)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "ValueInDegrees is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														Angle = 0.785398163397449;
													} else {
														Angle *= 0.0174532925199433;
													} break;
										} i++;
									} i--;
									// units
									Minimum *= UnitFactor;
									Maximum *= UnitFactor;
									// background
									if (Background != null) {
										Textures.Texture t;
										Textures.RegisterTexture(Background, new OpenBveApi.Textures.TextureParameters(null, Color24.Blue), out t);
									    OpenBVEGame.RunInRenderThread(() =>
									        Textures.LoadTexture(t, Textures.OpenGlTextureWrapMode.ClampClamp);
										double w = (double)t.Width;
										double h = (double)t.Height;
										CreateElement(Train, CenterX - 0.5 * w, CenterY + SemiHeight - 0.5 * h, w, h, FullWidth, FullHeight, WorldLeft, WorldTop, WorldWidth, WorldHeight, WorldZ + EyeDistance - 3.0 * StackDistance, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverX, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverY, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverZ, t, new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255), false);
									// cover
									if (Cover != null) {
										Textures.Texture t;
										Textures.RegisterTexture(Cover, new OpenBveApi.Textures.TextureParameters(null, Color24.Blue), out t);
									    OpenBVEGame.RunInRenderThread(() =>
									        Textures.LoadTexture(t, Textures.OpenGlTextureWrapMode.ClampClamp);
										double w = (double)t.Width;
										double h = (double)t.Height;
										CreateElement(Train, CenterX - 0.5 * w, CenterY + SemiHeight - 0.5 * h, w, h, FullWidth, FullHeight, WorldLeft, WorldTop, WorldWidth, WorldHeight, WorldZ + EyeDistance - 6.0 * StackDistance, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverX, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverY, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverZ, t, new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255), false);
									if (Type == 0) {
										// needles
										for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
											if (NeedleType[k] != 0) {
												string Folder = Program.FileSystem.GetDataFolder("Compatibility");
												string File = OpenBveApi.Path.CombineFile(Folder, k == 0 ? "needle_pressuregauge_lower.png" : "needle_pressuregauge_upper.png");
												Textures.Texture t;
												Textures.RegisterTexture(File, out t);
											    OpenBVEGame.RunInRenderThread(() =>
											        Textures.LoadTexture(t, Textures.OpenGlTextureWrapMode.ClampClamp);
												double w = (double)t.Width;
												double h = (double)t.Height;
												int j = CreateElement(Train, CenterX - Radius * w / h, CenterY + SemiHeight - Radius, 2.0 * Radius * w / h, 2.0 * Radius, FullWidth, FullHeight, WorldLeft, WorldTop, WorldWidth, WorldHeight, WorldZ + EyeDistance - (double)(4 + k) * StackDistance, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverX, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverY, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverZ, t, NeedleColor[k], false);
												Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].RotateZDirection = new Vector3(0.0, 0.0, -1.0);
												Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].RotateXDirection = new Vector3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
												Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].RotateYDirection = Vector3.Cross(Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].RotateZDirection, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].RotateXDirection);
												double c0 = (Angle * (Maximum - Minimum) - 2.0 * Minimum * Math.PI) / (Maximum - Minimum) + Math.PI;
												double c1 = 2.0 * (Math.PI - Angle) / (Maximum - Minimum);
												string Variable = "0";
												switch (NeedleType[k]) {
														case 1: Variable = "brakecylinder"; break;
														case 2: Variable = "straightairpipe"; break;
														case 3: Variable = "brakepipe"; break;
														case 4: Variable = "equalizingreservoir"; break;
														case 5: Variable = "mainreservoir"; break;
												Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].RotateZFunction = FunctionScripts.GetFunctionScriptFromPostfixNotation(Variable + " " + c1.ToString(Culture) + " " + c0.ToString(Culture) + " fma");
									} else if (Type == 1) {
										// leds
										if (NeedleType[1] != 0) {
											int j = CreateElement(Train, CenterX - Radius, CenterY + SemiHeight - Radius, 2.0 * Radius, 2.0 * Radius, FullWidth, FullHeight, WorldLeft, WorldTop, WorldWidth, WorldHeight, WorldZ + EyeDistance - 5.0 * StackDistance, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverX, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverY, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverZ, null, NeedleColor[1], false);
											double x0 = Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].States[0].Object.Mesh.Vertices[0].Coordinates.X;
											double y0 = Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].States[0].Object.Mesh.Vertices[0].Coordinates.Y;
											double z0 = Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].States[0].Object.Mesh.Vertices[0].Coordinates.Z;
											double x1 = Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].States[0].Object.Mesh.Vertices[1].Coordinates.X;
											double y1 = Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].States[0].Object.Mesh.Vertices[1].Coordinates.Y;
											double z1 = Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].States[0].Object.Mesh.Vertices[1].Coordinates.Z;
											double x2 = Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].States[0].Object.Mesh.Vertices[2].Coordinates.X;
											double y2 = Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].States[0].Object.Mesh.Vertices[2].Coordinates.Y;
											double z2 = Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].States[0].Object.Mesh.Vertices[2].Coordinates.Z;
											double x3 = Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].States[0].Object.Mesh.Vertices[3].Coordinates.X;
											double y3 = Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].States[0].Object.Mesh.Vertices[3].Coordinates.Y;
											double z3 = Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].States[0].Object.Mesh.Vertices[3].Coordinates.Z;
											double cx = 0.25 * (x0 + x1 + x2 + x3);
											double cy = 0.25 * (y0 + y1 + y2 + y3);
											double cz = 0.25 * (z0 + z1 + z2 + z3);
											World.Vertex[] vertices = new World.Vertex[11];
											int[][] faces = new int[][] {
												new int[] { 0, 1, 2 },
												new int[] { 0, 3, 4 },
												new int[] { 0, 5, 6 },
												new int[] { 0, 7, 8 },
												new int[] { 0, 9, 10 }
											Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].States[0].Object.Mesh = new World.Mesh(vertices, faces, NeedleColor[1]);
											Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].LEDClockwiseWinding = true;
											Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].LEDInitialAngle = Angle - 2.0 * Math.PI;
											Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].LEDLastAngle = 2.0 * Math.PI - Angle;
											Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].LEDVectors = new Vector3[] {
												new Vector3(x0, y0, z0),
												new Vector3(x1, y1, z1),
												new Vector3(x2, y2, z2),
												new Vector3(x3, y3, z3),
												new Vector3(cx, cy, cz)
											double c0 = (Angle * (Maximum - Minimum) - 2.0 * Minimum * Math.PI) / (Maximum - Minimum);
											double c1 = 2.0 * (Math.PI - Angle) / (Maximum - Minimum);
											string Variable;
											switch (NeedleType[1]) {
													case 1: Variable = "brakecylinder"; break;
													case 2: Variable = "straightairpipe"; break;
													case 3: Variable = "brakepipe"; break;
													case 4: Variable = "equalizingreservoir"; break;
													case 5: Variable = "mainreservoir"; break;
													default: Variable = "0"; break;
											Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].LEDFunction = FunctionScripts.GetFunctionScriptFromPostfixNotation(Variable + " " + c1.ToString(Culture) + " " + c0.ToString(Culture) + " fma");
								} break;
								// speedometer
							case "speedometer":
							case "speedindicator":
							case "速度計":
									int Type = 0;
									Color32 Needle = new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255);
									bool NeedleOverridden = false;
									double CenterX = 0.0, CenterY = 0.0, Radius = 16.0;
									string Background = null, Cover = null, Atc = null;
									double Angle = 1.0471975511966, Maximum = 33.3333333333333, AtcRadius = 0.0;
									i++; while (i < Lines.Length && !(Lines[i].StartsWith("[", StringComparison.Ordinal) & Lines[i].EndsWith("]", StringComparison.Ordinal))) {
										int j = Lines[i].IndexOf('='); if (j >= 0) {
											string Key = Lines[i].Substring(0, j).TrimEnd();
											string Value = Lines[i].Substring(j + 1).TrimStart();
											string[] Arguments = GetArguments(Value);
											switch (Key.ToLowerInvariant()) {
												case "type":
												case "形態":
													if (Arguments.Length >= 1 && Arguments[0].Length > 0 && !Interface.TryParseIntVb6(Arguments[0], out Type)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Value is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														Type = 0;
													} else if (Type != 0 & Type != 1) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Value must be either 0 or 1 in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														Type = 0;
													} break;
												case "background":
												case "背景":
													if (!System.IO.Path.HasExtension(Value)) Value += ".bmp";
													if (Interface.ContainsInvalidPathChars(Value)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "FileName contains illegal characters in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} else {
														Background = OpenBveApi.Path.CombineFile(TrainPath, Value);
														if (!System.IO.File.Exists(Background)) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, true, "FileName " + Background + " could not be found in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
															Background = null;
												case "needle":
												case "hand":
												case "針":
														int r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;
														if (Arguments.Length >= 1 && Arguments[0].Length > 0 && !Interface.TryParseIntVb6(Arguments[0], out r)) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "RedValue is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
															r = 255;
														} else if (r < 0 | r > 255) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "RedValue is required to be within the range from 0 to 255 in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
															r = r < 0 ? 0 : 255;
														if (Arguments.Length >= 2 && Arguments[1].Length > 0 && !Interface.TryParseIntVb6(Arguments[1], out g)) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "GreenValue is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
															g = 255;
														} else if (g < 0 | g > 255) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "GreenValue is required to be within the range from 0 to 255 in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
															g = g < 0 ? 0 : 255;
														if (Arguments.Length >= 3 && Arguments[2].Length > 0 && !Interface.TryParseIntVb6(Arguments[2], out b)) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "BlueValue is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
															b = 255;
														} else if (b < 0 | b > 255) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "BlueValue is required to be within the range from 0 to 255 in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
															b = b < 0 ? 0 : 255;
														Needle = new Color32((byte)r, (byte)g, (byte)b, 255);
														NeedleOverridden = true;
													} break;
												case "cover":
												case "ふた":
													if (!System.IO.Path.HasExtension(Value)) Value += ".bmp";
													Cover = OpenBveApi.Path.CombineFile(TrainPath, Value);
													if (!System.IO.File.Exists(Cover)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, true, "FileName" + Cover + " could not be found in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														Cover = null;
													} break;
												case "atc":
													if (!System.IO.Path.HasExtension(Value)) Value += ".bmp";
													Atc = OpenBveApi.Path.CombineFile(TrainPath, Value);
													if (!System.IO.File.Exists(Atc)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, true, "FileName" + Atc + " could not be found in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														Atc = null;
													} break;
												case "atcradius":
												case "atc半径":
													if (Arguments.Length >= 1 && Arguments[0].Length > 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Arguments[0], out AtcRadius)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "ValueInPixels is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														AtcRadius = 0.0;
													} break;
												case "center":
												case "中心":
													if (Arguments.Length >= 1 && Arguments[0].Length > 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Arguments[0], out CenterX)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "X is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														CenterX = 0.0;
													} else if (Arguments.Length >= 2 && Arguments[1].Length > 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Arguments[1], out CenterY)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Y is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														CenterY = 0.0;
													} break;
												case "radius":
												case "半径":
													if (Arguments.Length >= 1 && Arguments[0].Length > 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Arguments[0], out Radius)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "ValueInPixels is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														Radius = 0.0;
													} break;
												case "angle":
												case "角度":
													if (Arguments.Length >= 1 && Arguments[0].Length > 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Arguments[0], out Angle)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "ValueInDegrees is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														Angle = 1.0471975511966;
													} else {
														Angle *= 0.0174532925199433;
													} break;
												case "maximum":
												case "最大":
													if (Arguments.Length >= 1 && Arguments[0].Length > 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Arguments[0], out Maximum)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "SpeedValue is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														Maximum = 33.3333333333333;
													} else {
														Maximum *= 0.277777777777778;
													} break;
										} i++;
									} i--;
									if (Background != null) {
										// background/led
										Textures.Texture t;
										Textures.RegisterTexture(Background, new OpenBveApi.Textures.TextureParameters(null, Color24.Blue), out t);
									    OpenBVEGame.RunInRenderThread(() =>
									        Textures.LoadTexture(t, Textures.OpenGlTextureWrapMode.ClampClamp);
										double w = (double)t.Width;
										double h = (double)t.Height;
										CreateElement(Train, CenterX - 0.5 * w, CenterY + SemiHeight - 0.5 * h, w, h, FullWidth, FullHeight, WorldLeft, WorldTop, WorldWidth, WorldHeight, WorldZ + EyeDistance - 3.0 * StackDistance, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverX, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverY, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverZ, t, new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255), false);
									if (Cover != null) {
										// cover
										Textures.Texture t;
										Textures.RegisterTexture(Cover, new OpenBveApi.Textures.TextureParameters(null, Color24.Blue), out t);
									    OpenBVEGame.RunInRenderThread(() =>
									        Textures.LoadTexture(t, Textures.OpenGlTextureWrapMode.ClampClamp);
										double w = (double)t.Width;
										double h = (double)t.Height;
										CreateElement(Train, CenterX - 0.5 * w, CenterY + SemiHeight - 0.5 * h, w, h, FullWidth, FullHeight, WorldLeft, WorldTop, WorldWidth, WorldHeight, WorldZ + EyeDistance - 6.0 * StackDistance, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverX, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverY, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverZ, t, new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255), false);
									if (Atc != null) {
										// atc
										int w, h;
										Program.CurrentHost.QueryTextureDimensions(Atc, out w, out h);
										if (w > 0 & h > 0) {
											int n = w / h;
											int k = -1;
											for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
												double s; switch (j) {
														case 1: s = 0.0; break;
														case 2: s = 15.0; break;
														case 3: s = 25.0; break;
														case 4: s = 45.0; break;
														case 5: s = 55.0; break;
														case 6: s = 65.0; break;
														case 7: s = 75.0; break;
														case 8: s = 90.0; break;
														case 9: s = 100.0; break;
														case 10: s = 110.0; break;
														case 11: s = 120.0; break;
														default: s = -1.0; break;
												} s *= 0.277777777777778;
												double a; if (s >= 0.0) {
													a = 2.0 * s * (Math.PI - Angle) / Maximum + Angle + Math.PI;
												} else {
													a = Math.PI;
												double x = CenterX - 0.5 * h + Math.Sin(a) * AtcRadius;
												double y = CenterY - 0.5 * h - Math.Cos(a) * AtcRadius + SemiHeight;
												Textures.Texture t;
												Textures.RegisterTexture(Atc, new OpenBveApi.Textures.TextureParameters(new OpenBveApi.Textures.TextureClipRegion(j * h, 0, h, h), Color24.Blue), out t);
											    OpenBVEGame.RunInRenderThread(() =>
											        Textures.LoadTexture(t, Textures.OpenGlTextureWrapMode.ClampClamp);
												if (j == 0) {
													k = CreateElement(Train, x, y, (double)h, (double)h, FullWidth, FullHeight, WorldLeft, WorldTop, WorldWidth, WorldHeight, WorldZ + EyeDistance - 4.0 * StackDistance, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverX, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverY, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverZ, t, new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255), false);
												} else {
													CreateElement(Train, x, y, (double)h, (double)h, FullWidth, FullHeight, WorldLeft, WorldTop, WorldWidth, WorldHeight, WorldZ + EyeDistance - 4.0 * StackDistance, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverX, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverY, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverZ, t, new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255), true);
											Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[k].StateFunction = FunctionScripts.GetFunctionScriptFromPostfixNotation("271 pluginstate");
									if (Type == 0) {
										// needle
										string Folder = Program.FileSystem.GetDataFolder("Compatibility");
										string File = OpenBveApi.Path.CombineFile(Folder, "needle_speedometer.png");
										Textures.Texture t;
										Textures.RegisterTexture(File, out t);
									    OpenBVEGame.RunInRenderThread(() =>
									        Textures.LoadTexture(t, Textures.OpenGlTextureWrapMode.ClampClamp);
										double w = (double)t.Width;
										double h = (double)t.Height;
										int j = CreateElement(Train, CenterX - Radius * w / h, CenterY + SemiHeight - Radius, 2.0 * Radius * w / h, 2.0 * Radius, FullWidth, FullHeight, WorldLeft, WorldTop, WorldWidth, WorldHeight, WorldZ + EyeDistance - 5.0 * StackDistance, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverX, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverY, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverZ, t, Needle, false);
										Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].RotateZDirection = new Vector3(0.0, 0.0, -1.0);
										Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].RotateXDirection = new Vector3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
										Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].RotateYDirection = Vector3.Cross(Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].RotateZDirection, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].RotateXDirection);
										double c0 = Angle + Math.PI;
										double c1 = 2.0 * (Math.PI - Angle) / Maximum;
										Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].RotateZFunction = FunctionScripts.GetFunctionScriptFromPostfixNotation("speedometer abs " + c1.ToString(Culture) + " " + c0.ToString(Culture) + " fma");
									} else if (Type == 1) {
										// led
										if (!NeedleOverridden) Needle = new Color32(0, 0, 0, 255);
										int j = CreateElement(Train, CenterX - Radius, CenterY + SemiHeight - Radius, 2.0 * Radius, 2.0 * Radius, FullWidth, FullHeight, WorldLeft, WorldTop, WorldWidth, WorldHeight, WorldZ + EyeDistance - 5.0 * StackDistance, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverX, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverY, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverZ, null, Needle, false);
										double x0 = Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].States[0].Object.Mesh.Vertices[0].Coordinates.X;
										double y0 = Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].States[0].Object.Mesh.Vertices[0].Coordinates.Y;
										double z0 = Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].States[0].Object.Mesh.Vertices[0].Coordinates.Z;
										double x1 = Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].States[0].Object.Mesh.Vertices[1].Coordinates.X;
										double y1 = Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].States[0].Object.Mesh.Vertices[1].Coordinates.Y;
										double z1 = Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].States[0].Object.Mesh.Vertices[1].Coordinates.Z;
										double x2 = Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].States[0].Object.Mesh.Vertices[2].Coordinates.X;
										double y2 = Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].States[0].Object.Mesh.Vertices[2].Coordinates.Y;
										double z2 = Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].States[0].Object.Mesh.Vertices[2].Coordinates.Z;
										double x3 = Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].States[0].Object.Mesh.Vertices[3].Coordinates.X;
										double y3 = Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].States[0].Object.Mesh.Vertices[3].Coordinates.Y;
										double z3 = Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].States[0].Object.Mesh.Vertices[3].Coordinates.Z;
										double cx = 0.25 * (x0 + x1 + x2 + x3);
										double cy = 0.25 * (y0 + y1 + y2 + y3);
										double cz = 0.25 * (z0 + z1 + z2 + z3);
										World.Vertex[] vertices = new World.Vertex[11];
										int[][] faces = new int[][] {
											new int[] { 0, 1, 2 },
											new int[] { 0, 3, 4 },
											new int[] { 0, 5, 6 },
											new int[] { 0, 7, 8 },
											new int[] { 0, 9, 10 }
										Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].States[0].Object.Mesh = new World.Mesh(vertices, faces, Needle);
										Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].LEDClockwiseWinding = true;
										Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].LEDInitialAngle = Angle - 2.0 * Math.PI;
										Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].LEDLastAngle = 2.0 * Math.PI - Angle;
										Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].LEDVectors = new Vector3[] {
											new Vector3(x0, y0, z0),
											new Vector3(x1, y1, z1),
											new Vector3(x2, y2, z2),
											new Vector3(x3, y3, z3),
											new Vector3(cx, cy, cz)
										double c0 = Angle;
										double c1 = 2.0 * (Math.PI - Angle) / Maximum;
										Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].LEDFunction = FunctionScripts.GetFunctionScriptFromPostfixNotation("speedometer abs " + c1.ToString(Culture) + " " + c0.ToString(Culture) + " fma");
								} break;
								// digitalindicator
							case "digitalindicator":
									string Number = null;
									double CornerX = 0.0, CornerY = 0.0;
									int Width = 0, Height = 0;
									double UnitFactor = 3.6;
									i++; while (i < Lines.Length && !(Lines[i].StartsWith("[", StringComparison.Ordinal) & Lines[i].EndsWith("]", StringComparison.Ordinal))) {
										int j = Lines[i].IndexOf('='); if (j >= 0) {
											string Key = Lines[i].Substring(0, j).TrimEnd();
											string Value = Lines[i].Substring(j + 1).TrimStart();
											string[] Arguments = GetArguments(Value);
											switch (Key.ToLowerInvariant()) {
												case "number":
													if (!System.IO.Path.HasExtension(Value)) Value += ".bmp";
													if (Interface.ContainsInvalidPathChars(Value)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "FileName contains illegal characters in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} else {
														Number = OpenBveApi.Path.CombineFile(TrainPath, Value);
														if (!System.IO.File.Exists(Number)) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, true, "FileName " + Number + " could not be found in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
															Number = null;
												case "corner":
													if (Arguments.Length >= 1 && Arguments[0].Length > 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Arguments[0], out CornerX)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Left is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														CornerX = 0.0;
													} else if (Arguments.Length >= 2 && Arguments[1].Length > 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Arguments[1], out CornerY)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Top is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														CornerY = 0.0;
													} break;
												case "size":
													if (Arguments.Length >= 1 && Arguments[0].Length > 0 && !Interface.TryParseIntVb6(Arguments[0], out Width)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Width is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														Width = 0;
													} else if (Arguments.Length >= 2 && Arguments[1].Length > 0 && !Interface.TryParseIntVb6(Arguments[1], out Height)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Height is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														Height = 0;
													} break;
												case "unit":
													if (Arguments.Length >= 1 && Arguments[0].Length > 0) {
														string a = Arguments[0].ToLowerInvariant();
														int Unit = 0;
														if (a == "km/h") {
															Unit = 0;
														} else if (a == "mph") {
															Unit = 1;
														} else if (a == "m/s") {
															Unit = 2;
														} else if (!Interface.TryParseIntVb6(Arguments[0], out Unit)) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Value is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
															Unit = 0;
														} else if (Unit < 0 | Unit > 2) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Value must be between 0 and 2 in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
															Unit = 0;
														if (Unit == 1) {
															UnitFactor = 2.2369362920544;
														} else if (Unit == 2) {
															UnitFactor = 1.0;
														} else {
															UnitFactor = 3.6;
													} break;
										} i++;
									} i--;
									if (Number == null) {
										Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Number is required to be specified in " + Section + " in " + FileName);
									if (Width <= 0) {
										Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Width is required to be specified in " + Section + " in " + FileName);
									if (Height <= 0) {
										Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Height is required to be specified in " + Section + " in " + FileName);
									if (Number != null & Width > 0 & Height > 0) {
										int w, h;
										Program.CurrentHost.QueryTextureDimensions(Number, out w, out h);
										if (w > 0 & h > 0) {
											//Generate an error message rather than crashing if the clip region is invalid
											if (Width > w)
												Width = w;
												Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Warning, false, "Clip region width was greater than the texture width " + Section + " in " + FileName);
											if (Height > h)
												Height = h;
												Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Warning, false, "Clip region height was greater than the texture height " + Section + " in " + FileName);
											int n = h / Height;
											Textures.Texture[] t = new Textures.Texture[n];
											for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
												Textures.RegisterTexture(Number, new OpenBveApi.Textures.TextureParameters(new OpenBveApi.Textures.TextureClipRegion(w - Width, j * Height, Width, Height), Color24.Blue), out t[j]);
												//TextureManager.UseTexture(t[j], TextureManager.UseMode.Normal);
											{ // hundreds
												int k = -1;
												for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
													if (j == 0) {
														k = CreateElement(Train, CornerX, CornerY + SemiHeight, (double)Width, (double)Height, FullWidth, FullHeight, WorldLeft, WorldTop, WorldWidth, WorldHeight, WorldZ + EyeDistance - 7.0 * StackDistance, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverX, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverY, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverZ, t[j], new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255), false);
													} else {
														CreateElement(Train, CornerX, CornerY + SemiHeight, (double)Width, (double)Height, FullWidth, FullHeight, WorldLeft, WorldTop, WorldWidth, WorldHeight, WorldZ + EyeDistance - 7.0 * StackDistance, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverX, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverY, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverZ, t[j], new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255), true);
												Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[k].StateFunction = FunctionScripts.GetFunctionScriptFromPostfixNotation("speedometer abs " + UnitFactor.ToString(Culture) + " * ~ 100 >= <> 100 quotient 10 mod 10 ?");
											{ // tens
												int k = -1;
												for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
													if (j == 0) {
														k = CreateElement(Train, CornerX + (double)Width, CornerY + SemiHeight, (double)Width, (double)Height, FullWidth, FullHeight, WorldLeft, WorldTop, WorldWidth, WorldHeight, WorldZ + EyeDistance - 7.0 * StackDistance, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverX, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverY, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverZ, t[j], new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255), false);
													} else {
														CreateElement(Train, CornerX + (double)Width, CornerY + SemiHeight, (double)Width, (double)Height, FullWidth, FullHeight, WorldLeft, WorldTop, WorldWidth, WorldHeight, WorldZ + EyeDistance - 7.0 * StackDistance, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverX, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverY, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverZ, t[j], new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255), true);
												Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[k].StateFunction = FunctionScripts.GetFunctionScriptFromPostfixNotation("speedometer abs " + UnitFactor.ToString(Culture) + " * ~ 10 >= <> 10 quotient 10 mod 10 ?");
											{ // ones
												int k = -1;
												for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
													if (j == 0) {
														k = CreateElement(Train, CornerX + 2.0 * (double)Width, CornerY + SemiHeight, (double)Width, (double)Height, FullWidth, FullHeight, WorldLeft, WorldTop, WorldWidth, WorldHeight, WorldZ + EyeDistance - 7.0 * StackDistance, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverX, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverY, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverZ, t[j], new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255), false);
													} else {
														CreateElement(Train, CornerX + 2.0 * (double)Width, CornerY + SemiHeight, (double)Width, (double)Height, FullWidth, FullHeight, WorldLeft, WorldTop, WorldWidth, WorldHeight, WorldZ + EyeDistance - 7.0 * StackDistance, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverX, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverY, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverZ, t[j], new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255), true);
												Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[k].StateFunction = FunctionScripts.GetFunctionScriptFromPostfixNotation("speedometer abs " + UnitFactor.ToString(Culture) + " * floor 10 mod");
								} break;
								// pilotlamp
							case "pilotlamp":
							case "知らせ灯":
									double CornerX = 0.0, CornerY = 0.0;
									string TurnOn = null, TurnOff = null;
									i++; while (i < Lines.Length && !(Lines[i].StartsWith("[", StringComparison.Ordinal) & Lines[i].EndsWith("]", StringComparison.Ordinal))) {
										int j = Lines[i].IndexOf('='); if (j >= 0) {
											string Key = Lines[i].Substring(0, j).TrimEnd();
											string Value = Lines[i].Substring(j + 1).TrimStart();
											string[] Arguments = GetArguments(Value);
											switch (Key.ToLowerInvariant()) {
												case "turnon":
												case "点灯":
													if (!System.IO.Path.HasExtension(Value)) Value += ".bmp";
													if (Interface.ContainsInvalidPathChars(Value)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "FileName contains illegal characters in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} else {
														TurnOn = OpenBveApi.Path.CombineFile(TrainPath, Value);
														if (!System.IO.File.Exists(TurnOn)) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, true, "FileName" + TurnOn + " could not be found in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
															TurnOn = null;
												case "turnoff":
												case "消灯":
													if (!System.IO.Path.HasExtension(Value)) Value += ".bmp";
													if (Interface.ContainsInvalidPathChars(Value)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "FileName contains illegal characters in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} else {
														TurnOff = OpenBveApi.Path.CombineFile(TrainPath, Value);
														if (!System.IO.File.Exists(TurnOff)) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, true, "FileName" + TurnOff + " could not be found in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
															TurnOff = null;
												case "corner":
												case "左上":
													if (Arguments.Length >= 1 && Arguments[0].Length > 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Arguments[0], out CornerX)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Left is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														CornerX = 0.0;
													} else if (Arguments.Length >= 2 && Arguments[1].Length > 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Arguments[1], out CornerY)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Top is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														CornerY = 0.0;
													} break;
										} i++;
									} i--;
									if (TurnOn != null & TurnOff != null) {
										Textures.Texture t0, t1;
										Textures.RegisterTexture(TurnOn, new OpenBveApi.Textures.TextureParameters(null, Color24.Blue), out t0);
										Textures.RegisterTexture(TurnOff, new OpenBveApi.Textures.TextureParameters(null, Color24.Blue), out t1);
									    OpenBVEGame.RunInRenderThread(() =>
									        Textures.LoadTexture(t0, Textures.OpenGlTextureWrapMode.ClampClamp);
									        Textures.LoadTexture(t1, Textures.OpenGlTextureWrapMode.ClampClamp);
										double w = (double)t0.Width;
										double h = (double)t0.Height;
										int j = CreateElement(Train, CornerX, CornerY + SemiHeight, w, h, FullWidth, FullHeight, WorldLeft, WorldTop, WorldWidth, WorldHeight, WorldZ + EyeDistance - 2.0 * StackDistance, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverX, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverY, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverZ, t0, new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255), false);
										w = (double)t1.Width;
										h = (double)t1.Height;
										CreateElement(Train, CornerX, CornerY + SemiHeight, w, h, FullWidth, FullHeight, WorldLeft, WorldTop, WorldWidth, WorldHeight, WorldZ + EyeDistance - 2.0 * StackDistance, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverX, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverY, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverZ, t1, new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255), true);
										Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].StateFunction = FunctionScripts.GetFunctionScriptFromPostfixNotation("doors 0 !=");
								} break;
								// watch
							case "watch":
							case "時計":
									Color32 Needle = new Color32(0, 0, 0, 255);
									double CenterX = 0.0, CenterY = 0.0, Radius = 16.0;
									string Background = null;
									i++; while (i < Lines.Length && !(Lines[i].StartsWith("[", StringComparison.Ordinal) & Lines[i].EndsWith("]", StringComparison.Ordinal))) {
										int j = Lines[i].IndexOf('='); if (j >= 0) {
											string Key = Lines[i].Substring(0, j).TrimEnd();
											string Value = Lines[i].Substring(j + 1).TrimStart();
											string[] Arguments = GetArguments(Value);
											switch (Key.ToLowerInvariant()) {
												case "background":
												case "背景":
													if (!System.IO.Path.HasExtension(Value)) Value += ".bmp";
													if (Interface.ContainsInvalidPathChars(Value)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "FileName contains illegal characters in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} else {
														Background = OpenBveApi.Path.CombineFile(TrainPath, Value);
														if (!System.IO.File.Exists(Background)) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, true, "FileName" + Background + " could not be found in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
															Background = null;
												case "needle":
												case "hand":
												case "針":
														int r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;
														if (Arguments.Length >= 1 && Arguments[0].Length > 0 && !Interface.TryParseIntVb6(Arguments[0], out r)) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "RedValue is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
															r = 0;
														} else if (r < 0 | r > 255) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "RedValue is required to be within the range from 0 to 255 in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
															r = r < 0 ? 0 : 255;
														if (Arguments.Length >= 2 && Arguments[1].Length > 0 && !Interface.TryParseIntVb6(Arguments[1], out g)) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "GreenValue is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
															g = 0;
														} else if (g < 0 | g > 255) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "GreenValue is required to be within the range from 0 to 255 in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
															g = g < 0 ? 0 : 255;
														if (Arguments.Length >= 3 && Arguments[2].Length > 0 && !Interface.TryParseIntVb6(Arguments[2], out b)) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "BlueValue is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
															b = 0;
														} else if (b < 0 | b > 255) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "BlueValue is required to be within the range from 0 to 255 in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
															b = b < 0 ? 0 : 255;
														Needle = new Color32((byte)r, (byte)g, (byte)b, 255);
													} break;
												case "center":
												case "中心":
													if (Arguments.Length >= 1 && Arguments[0].Length > 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Arguments[0], out CenterX)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "X is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														CenterX = 0.0;
													} else if (Arguments.Length >= 2 && Arguments[1].Length > 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Arguments[1], out CenterY)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Y is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														CenterY = 0.0;
													} break;
												case "radius":
												case "半径":
													if (Arguments.Length >= 1 && Arguments[0].Length > 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Arguments[0], out Radius)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Value is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														Radius = 16.0;
													} break;
										} i++;
									} i--;
									if (Background != null) {
										Textures.Texture t;
										Textures.RegisterTexture(Background, new OpenBveApi.Textures.TextureParameters(null, Color24.Blue), out t);
									    OpenBVEGame.RunInRenderThread(() =>
									        Textures.LoadTexture(t, Textures.OpenGlTextureWrapMode.ClampClamp);
										double w = (double)t.Width;
										double h = (double)t.Height;
										CreateElement(Train, CenterX - 0.5 * w, CenterY + SemiHeight - 0.5 * h, w, h, FullWidth, FullHeight, WorldLeft, WorldTop, WorldWidth, WorldHeight, WorldZ + EyeDistance - 3.0 * StackDistance, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverX, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverY, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverZ, t, new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255), false);
									string Folder = Program.FileSystem.GetDataFolder("Compatibility");
									{ // hour
										string File = OpenBveApi.Path.CombineFile(Folder, "needle_hour.png");
										Textures.Texture t;
										Textures.RegisterTexture(File, out t);
									    OpenBVEGame.RunInRenderThread(() =>
									        Textures.LoadTexture(t, Textures.OpenGlTextureWrapMode.ClampClamp);
										double w = (double)t.Width;
										double h = (double)t.Height;
										int j = CreateElement(Train, CenterX - Radius * w / h, CenterY + SemiHeight - Radius, 2.0 * Radius * w / h, 2.0 * Radius, FullWidth, FullHeight, WorldLeft, WorldTop, WorldWidth, WorldHeight, WorldZ + EyeDistance - 4.0 * StackDistance, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverX, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverY, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverZ, t, Needle, false);
										Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].RotateZDirection = new Vector3(0.0, 0.0, -1.0);
										Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].RotateXDirection = new Vector3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
										Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].RotateYDirection = Vector3.Cross(Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].RotateZDirection, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].RotateXDirection);
										Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].RotateZFunction = FunctionScripts.GetFunctionScriptFromPostfixNotation("time 0.000277777777777778 * floor 0.523598775598298 *");
										Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].RotateZDamping = new ObjectManager.Damping(20.0, 0.4);
									{ // minute
										string File = OpenBveApi.Path.CombineFile(Folder, "needle_minute.png");
										Textures.Texture t;
										Textures.RegisterTexture(File, out t);
									    OpenBVEGame.RunInRenderThread(() =>
									        Textures.LoadTexture(t, Textures.OpenGlTextureWrapMode.ClampClamp);
										double w = (double)t.Width;
										double h = (double)t.Height;
										int j = CreateElement(Train, CenterX - Radius * w / h, CenterY + SemiHeight - Radius, 2.0 * Radius * w / h, 2.0 * Radius, FullWidth, FullHeight, WorldLeft, WorldTop, WorldWidth, WorldHeight, WorldZ + EyeDistance - 5.0 * StackDistance, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverX, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverY, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverZ, t, Needle, false);
										Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].RotateZDirection = new Vector3(0.0, 0.0, -1.0);
										Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].RotateXDirection = new Vector3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
										Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].RotateYDirection = Vector3.Cross(Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].RotateZDirection, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].RotateXDirection);
										Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].RotateZFunction = FunctionScripts.GetFunctionScriptFromPostfixNotation("time 0.0166666666666667 * floor 0.10471975511966 *");
										Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].RotateZDamping = new ObjectManager.Damping(20.0, 0.4);
									{ // second
										string File = OpenBveApi.Path.CombineFile(Folder, "needle_second.png");
										Textures.Texture t;
										Textures.RegisterTexture(File, out t);
									    OpenBVEGame.RunInRenderThread(() =>
									        Textures.LoadTexture(t, Textures.OpenGlTextureWrapMode.ClampClamp);
										double w = (double)t.Width;
										double h = (double)t.Height;
										int j = CreateElement(Train, CenterX - Radius * w / h, CenterY + SemiHeight - Radius, 2.0 * Radius * w / h, 2.0 * Radius, FullWidth, FullHeight, WorldLeft, WorldTop, WorldWidth, WorldHeight, WorldZ + EyeDistance - 6.0 * StackDistance, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverX, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverY, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverZ, t, Needle, false);
										Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].RotateZDirection = new Vector3(0.0, 0.0, -1.0);
										Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].RotateXDirection = new Vector3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
										Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].RotateYDirection = Vector3.Cross(Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].RotateZDirection, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].RotateXDirection);
										Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].RotateZFunction = FunctionScripts.GetFunctionScriptFromPostfixNotation("time floor 0.10471975511966 *");
										Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].RotateZDamping = new ObjectManager.Damping(20.0, 0.4);
								} break;
								// brakeindicator
							case "brakeindicator":
									double CornerX = 0.0, CornerY = 0.0;
									string Image = null;
									int Width = 0;
									i++; while (i < Lines.Length && !(Lines[i].StartsWith("[", StringComparison.Ordinal) & Lines[i].EndsWith("]", StringComparison.Ordinal))) {
										int j = Lines[i].IndexOf('='); if (j >= 0) {
											string Key = Lines[i].Substring(0, j).TrimEnd();
											string Value = Lines[i].Substring(j + 1).TrimStart();
											string[] Arguments = GetArguments(Value);
											switch (Key.ToLowerInvariant()) {
												case "image":
													if (!System.IO.Path.HasExtension(Value)) Value += ".bmp";
													if (Interface.ContainsInvalidPathChars(Value)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "FileName contains illegal characters in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} else {
														Image = OpenBveApi.Path.CombineFile(TrainPath, Value);
														if (!System.IO.File.Exists(Image)) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, true, "FileName " + Image + " could not be found in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
															Image = null;
												case "corner":
													if (Arguments.Length >= 1 && Arguments[0].Length > 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Arguments[0], out CornerX)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Left is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														CornerX = 0.0;
													} else if (Arguments.Length >= 2 && Arguments[1].Length > 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Arguments[1], out CornerY)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Top is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														CornerY = 0.0;
													} break;
												case "width":
													if (Arguments.Length >= 1 && Arguments[0].Length > 0 && !Interface.TryParseIntVb6(Arguments[0], out Width)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Width is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														Width = 1;
													} else if (Width <= 0) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Width is expected to be positive in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														Width = 1;
													} break;
										} i++;
									} i--;
									if (Image == null) {
										Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Image is required to be specified in " + Section + " in " + FileName);
									if (Width <= 0) {
										Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Width is required to be specified in " + Section + " in " + FileName);
									if (Image != null & Width > 0) {
										int w, h;
										Program.CurrentHost.QueryTextureDimensions(Image, out w, out h);
										if (w > 0 & h > 0) {
											int n = w / Width;
											int k = -1;
											for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
												Textures.Texture t;
												OpenBveApi.Textures.TextureClipRegion clip = new OpenBveApi.Textures.TextureClipRegion(j * Width, 0, Width, h);
												Textures.RegisterTexture(Image, new OpenBveApi.Textures.TextureParameters(clip, Color24.Blue), out t);
												//TextureManager.UseTexture(t, TextureManager.UseMode.Normal);
												if (j == 0) {
													k = CreateElement(Train, CornerX, CornerY + SemiHeight, (double)Width, (double)h, FullWidth, FullHeight, WorldLeft, WorldTop, WorldWidth, WorldHeight, WorldZ + EyeDistance - StackDistance, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverX, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverY, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverZ, t, new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255), false);
												} else {
													CreateElement(Train, CornerX, CornerY + SemiHeight, (double)Width, (double)h, FullWidth, FullHeight, WorldLeft, WorldTop, WorldWidth, WorldHeight, WorldZ + EyeDistance - StackDistance, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverX, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverY, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverZ, t, new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255), true);
											if (Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].Specs.BrakeType == TrainManager.CarBrakeType.AutomaticAirBrake) {
												int maxpow = Train.Specs.MaximumPowerNotch;
												int em = maxpow + 3;
												Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[k].StateFunction = FunctionScripts.GetFunctionScriptFromPostfixNotation("emergencyBrake " + em.ToString(Culture) + " brakeNotch 0 > " + maxpow.ToString(Culture) + " BrakeNotch + " + maxpow.ToString(Culture) + " powerNotch - ? ?");
											} else {
												if (Train.Specs.HasHoldBrake) {
													int em = Train.Specs.MaximumPowerNotch + 2 + Train.Specs.MaximumBrakeNotch;
													int maxpow = Train.Specs.MaximumPowerNotch;
													int maxpowp1 = maxpow + 1;
													Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[k].StateFunction = FunctionScripts.GetFunctionScriptFromPostfixNotation("emergencyBrake " + em.ToString(Culture) + " holdBrake " + maxpowp1.ToString(Culture) + " brakeNotch 0 > brakeNotch " + maxpowp1.ToString(Culture) + " + " + maxpow.ToString(Culture) + " powerNotch - ? ? ?");
												} else {
													int em = Train.Specs.MaximumPowerNotch + 1 + Train.Specs.MaximumBrakeNotch;
													int maxpow = Train.Specs.MaximumPowerNotch;
													Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[k].StateFunction = FunctionScripts.GetFunctionScriptFromPostfixNotation("emergencyBrake " + em.ToString(Culture) + " brakeNotch 0 > brakeNotch " + maxpow.ToString(Culture) + " + " + maxpow.ToString(Culture) + " powerNotch - ? ?");
								} break;
			// --- constructors ---
			/// <summary>Creates a new table of characters.</summary>
			/// <param name="font">The font.</param>
			/// <param name="offset">The offset from codepoint U+0000.</param>
			internal OpenGlFontTable(Font font, int offset) {
				 * Measure characters.
				 * */
				Size[] physicalSizes = new Size[256];
				Size[] typographicSizes = new Size[256];
				Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(1, 1, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
				Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);
				graphics.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit;
				for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
					SizeF physicalSize = graphics.MeasureString(char.ConvertFromUtf32(offset + i), font, int.MaxValue, StringFormat.GenericDefault);
					SizeF typographicSize = graphics.MeasureString(char.ConvertFromUtf32(offset + i), font, int.MaxValue, StringFormat.GenericTypographic);
					physicalSizes[i] = new Size((int)Math.Ceiling(physicalSize.Width), (int)Math.Ceiling(physicalSize.Height));
					typographicSizes[i] = new Size((int)Math.Ceiling(typographicSize.Width == 0.0f ? physicalSize.Width : typographicSize.Width), (int)Math.Ceiling(typographicSize.Height == 0.0f ? physicalSize.Height : typographicSize.Height));
				 * Find suitable bitmap dimensions.
				 * */
				const int width = 256;
				const int border = 1;
				int x = border;
				int y = border;
				int lineHeight = 0;
				for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
					if (x + physicalSizes[i].Width + border > width) {
						x = border;
						y += lineHeight;
						lineHeight = 0;
					} else {
						x += physicalSizes[i].Width + 2 * border;
					if (physicalSizes[i].Height + border > lineHeight) {
						lineHeight = physicalSizes[i].Height + 2 * border;
				y += lineHeight;
				int height = (int)RoundToPowerOfTwo((uint)y);
				 * Draw character to bitmap.
				 * */
				bitmap = new Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
				graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);
				graphics.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit;
				x = border;
				y = border;
				lineHeight = 0;
				this.Characters = new OpenGlFontChar[256];
				for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
					if (x + physicalSizes[i].Width + border > width) {
						x = border;
						y += lineHeight;
						lineHeight = 0;
					graphics.DrawString(char.ConvertFromUtf32(offset + i), font, Brushes.White, new PointF(x, y));
					float x0 = (float)(x - border) / (float)width;
					float x1 = (float)(x + physicalSizes[i].Width + border) / (float)width;
					float y0 = (float)(y - border) / (float)height;
					float y1 = (float)(y + physicalSizes[i].Height + border) / (float)height;
					this.Characters[i] = new OpenGlFontChar(new RectangleF(x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0), new Size(physicalSizes[i].Width + 2 * border, physicalSizes[i].Height + 2 * border), typographicSizes[i]);
					x += physicalSizes[i].Width + 2 * border;
					if (physicalSizes[i].Height + border > lineHeight) {
						lineHeight = physicalSizes[i].Height + 2 * border;
				this.Texture = Textures.RegisterTexture(bitmap);
		/// <summary>Sets the state, intializing any required resource.</summary>
		/// <param name="newState">The new state to set to.</param>
		private void setState(state newState)
			switch (newState)
			case state.map:
				if (mapImage == null)
					mapImage	= new Textures.Texture(Game.RouteInformation.RouteMap);
					mapSize		= Game.RouteInformation.RouteMap.Size;
			case state.gradient:
				if (gradientImage == null)
					gradientImage	= new Textures.Texture(Game.RouteInformation.GradientProfile);
					gradientSize	= Game.RouteInformation.GradientProfile.Size;
			currentState	= newState;
文件: World.cs 项目: sladen/openbve
			internal Background(Textures.Texture Texture, int Repetition, bool KeepAspectRatio) {
				this.Texture = Texture;
				this.Repetition = Repetition;
				this.KeepAspectRatio = KeepAspectRatio;
 // load all textures
 /// <summary>Loads all signal or glow textures.</summary>
 /// <param name="BaseFile">The base file.</param>
 /// <param name="IsGlowTexture">Whether to load glow textures. If false, black is the transparent color. If true, the texture is edited according to the CSV route documentation.</param>
 /// <returns>All textures matching the base file.</returns>
 private static Textures.Texture[] LoadAllTextures(string BaseFile, bool IsGlowTexture)
     string Folder = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(BaseFile);
     if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(Folder)) {
         return new Textures.Texture[] { };
     string Name = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(BaseFile);
     Textures.Texture[] Textures = new Textures.Texture[] { };
     string[] Files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(Folder);
     for (int i = 0; i < Files.Length; i++) {
         string a = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Files[i]);
         if (a.StartsWith(Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
             if (a.Length > Name.Length) {
                 string b = a.Substring(Name.Length).TrimStart();
                 int j; if (int.TryParse(b, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Integer, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out j)) {
                     if (j >= 0) {
                         string c = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(Files[i]);
                         switch (c.ToLowerInvariant()) {
                             case ".bmp":
                             case ".gif":
                             case ".jpg":
                             case ".jpeg":
                             case ".png":
                             case ".tif":
                             case ".tiff":
                                 if (j >= Textures.Length) {
                                     int n = Textures.Length;
                                     Array.Resize<Textures.Texture>(ref Textures, j + 1);
                                     for (int k = n; k < j; k++) {
                                         Textures[k] = null;
                                 if (IsGlowTexture) {
                                     OpenBveApi.Textures.Texture texture;
                                     if (Program.CurrentHost.LoadTexture(Files[i], null, out texture)) {
                                         if (texture.BitsPerPixel == 32) {
                                             byte[] bytes = texture.Bytes;
                                             texture = new OpenBveApi.Textures.Texture(texture.Width, texture.Height, 32, bytes);
                                         Textures[j] = OpenBve.Textures.RegisterTexture(texture);
                                 } else {
                                     OpenBve.Textures.RegisterTexture(Files[i], new OpenBveApi.Textures.TextureParameters(null, Color24.Black), out Textures[j]);
     } return Textures;
		// parse panel config
		internal static void ParsePanel2Config(string TrainPath, System.Text.Encoding Encoding, TrainManager.Train Train)
			// read lines
			System.Globalization.CultureInfo Culture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
			string FileName = OpenBveApi.Path.CombineFile(TrainPath, "panel2.cfg");
			string[] Lines = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(FileName, Encoding);
			for (int i = 0; i < Lines.Length; i++) {
				Lines[i] = Lines[i].Trim();
				int j = Lines[i].IndexOf(';');
				if (j >= 0) {
					Lines[i] = Lines[i].Substring(0, j).TrimEnd();
			// initialize
			double DriverX = Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverX;
			double DriverY = Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverY;
			double DriverZ = Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverZ;
			double PanelResolution = 1024.0;
			double PanelLeft = 0.0, PanelRight = 1024.0;
			double PanelTop = 0.0, PanelBottom = 1024.0;
			double PanelCenterX = 0.0, PanelCenterY = 512.0;
			double PanelOriginX = 0.0, PanelOriginY = 512.0;
			double PanelBitmapWidth = 1024.0, PanelBitmapHeight = 1024.0;
			string PanelDaytimeImage = null;
			string PanelNighttimeImage = null;
			Color24 PanelTransparentColor = new Color24(0, 0, 255);
			// parse lines for panel
			for (int i = 0; i < Lines.Length; i++) {
				if (Lines[i].Length > 0) {
					if (Lines[i].StartsWith("[", StringComparison.Ordinal) & Lines[i].EndsWith("]", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
						string Section = Lines[i].Substring(1, Lines[i].Length - 2).Trim();
						switch (Section.ToLowerInvariant()) {
								// panel
							case "this":
								i++; while (i < Lines.Length && !(Lines[i].StartsWith("[", StringComparison.Ordinal) & Lines[i].EndsWith("]", StringComparison.Ordinal))) {
									int j = Lines[i].IndexOf('='); if (j >= 0) {
										string Key = Lines[i].Substring(0, j).TrimEnd();
										string Value = Lines[i].Substring(j + 1).TrimStart();
										switch (Key.ToLowerInvariant()) {
											case "resolution":
												double pr = 0.0;
												if (Value.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Value, out pr)) {
													Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Value is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
												if (pr > 100)
													PanelResolution = pr;
													//Parsing very low numbers (Probable typos) for the panel resolution causes some very funky graphical bugs
 													//Cap the minimum panel resolution at 100px wide (BVE1 panels are 480px wide, so this is probably a safe minimum)
													Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "A panel resolution of less than 10px was given at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
											case "left":
												if (Value.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Value, out PanelLeft)) {
													Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Value is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line" + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
												} break;
											case "right":
												if (Value.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Value, out PanelRight)) {
													Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Value is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
												} break;
											case "top":
												if (Value.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Value, out PanelTop)) {
													Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Value is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
												} break;
											case "bottom":
												if (Value.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Value, out PanelBottom)) {
													Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Value is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
												} break;
											case "daytimeimage":
												if (!System.IO.Path.HasExtension(Value)) Value += ".bmp";
												if (Interface.ContainsInvalidPathChars(Value)) {
													Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "FileName contains illegal characters in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
												} else {
													PanelDaytimeImage = OpenBveApi.Path.CombineFile(TrainPath, Value);
													if (!System.IO.File.Exists(PanelDaytimeImage)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, true, "FileName " + PanelDaytimeImage + " could not be found in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														PanelDaytimeImage = null;
											case "nighttimeimage":
												if (!System.IO.Path.HasExtension(Value)) Value += ".bmp";
												if (Interface.ContainsInvalidPathChars(Value)) {
													Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "FileName contains illegal characters in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
												} else {
													PanelNighttimeImage = OpenBveApi.Path.CombineFile(TrainPath, Value);
													if (!System.IO.File.Exists(PanelNighttimeImage)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, true, "FileName " + PanelNighttimeImage + " could not be found in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														PanelNighttimeImage = null;
											case "transparentcolor":
												if (Value.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseHexColor(Value, out PanelTransparentColor)) {
													Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "HexColor is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
												} break;
											case "center":
													int k = Value.IndexOf(',');
													if (k >= 0) {
														string a = Value.Substring(0, k).TrimEnd();
														string b = Value.Substring(k + 1).TrimStart();
														if (a.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(a, out PanelCenterX)) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "X is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														if (b.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(b, out PanelCenterY)) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Y is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} else {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Two arguments are expected in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} break;
											case "origin":
													int k = Value.IndexOf(',');
													if (k >= 0) {
														string a = Value.Substring(0, k).TrimEnd();
														string b = Value.Substring(k + 1).TrimStart();
														if (a.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(a, out PanelOriginX)) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "X is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														if (b.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(b, out PanelOriginY)) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Y is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} else {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Two arguments are expected in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} break;
									} i++;
								} i--; break;
			{ // camera restriction
				double WorldWidth, WorldHeight;
				if (Screen.Width >= Screen.Height) {
					WorldWidth = 2.0 * Math.Tan(0.5 * World.HorizontalViewingAngle) * EyeDistance;
					WorldHeight = WorldWidth / World.AspectRatio;
				} else {
					WorldHeight = 2.0 * Math.Tan(0.5 * World.VerticalViewingAngle) * EyeDistance / World.AspectRatio;
					WorldWidth = WorldHeight * World.AspectRatio;
				double x0 = (PanelLeft - PanelCenterX) / PanelResolution;
				double x1 = (PanelRight - PanelCenterX) / PanelResolution;
				double y0 = (PanelCenterY - PanelBottom) / PanelResolution * World.AspectRatio;
				double y1 = (PanelCenterY - PanelTop) / PanelResolution * World.AspectRatio;
				World.CameraRestrictionBottomLeft = new Vector3(x0 * WorldWidth, y0 * WorldHeight, EyeDistance);
				World.CameraRestrictionTopRight = new Vector3(x1 * WorldWidth, y1 * WorldHeight, EyeDistance);
				Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverYaw = Math.Atan((PanelCenterX - PanelOriginX) * WorldWidth / PanelResolution);
				Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].DriverPitch = Math.Atan((PanelOriginY - PanelCenterY) * WorldWidth / PanelResolution);
			// create panel
			if (PanelDaytimeImage != null) {
				if (!System.IO.File.Exists(PanelDaytimeImage)) {
					Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, true, "The daytime panel bitmap could not be found in " + FileName);
					PanelDaytimeImage = null;
				} else {
					Textures.Texture tday;
					Textures.RegisterTexture(PanelDaytimeImage, new OpenBveApi.Textures.TextureParameters(null, new Color24(PanelTransparentColor.R, PanelTransparentColor.G, PanelTransparentColor.B)), out tday);
					Textures.Texture tnight = null;
					if (PanelNighttimeImage != null) {
						if (!System.IO.File.Exists(PanelNighttimeImage)) {
							Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, true, "The nighttime panel bitmap could not be found in " + FileName);
							PanelNighttimeImage = null;
						} else {
							Textures.RegisterTexture(PanelNighttimeImage, new OpenBveApi.Textures.TextureParameters(null, new Color24(PanelTransparentColor.R, PanelTransparentColor.G, PanelTransparentColor.B)), out tnight);
					OpenBVEGame.RunInRenderThread(() =>
						Textures.LoadTexture(tday, Textures.OpenGlTextureWrapMode.ClampClamp);
					PanelBitmapWidth = (double)tday.Width;
					PanelBitmapHeight = (double)tday.Height;
					CreateElement(Train, 0.0, 0.0, PanelBitmapWidth, PanelBitmapHeight, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0, PanelResolution, PanelLeft, PanelRight, PanelTop, PanelBottom, PanelBitmapWidth, PanelBitmapHeight, PanelCenterX, PanelCenterY, PanelOriginX, PanelOriginY, DriverX, DriverY, DriverZ, tday, tnight, new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255), false);
			// parse lines for rest
			double invfac = Lines.Length == 0 ? Loading.TrainProgressCurrentWeight : Loading.TrainProgressCurrentWeight / (double)Lines.Length;
			for (int i = 0; i < Lines.Length; i++) {
				Loading.TrainProgress = Loading.TrainProgressCurrentSum + invfac * (double)i;
				if ((i & 7) == 0) {
					if (Loading.Cancel) return;
				if (Lines[i].Length > 0) {
					if (Lines[i].StartsWith("[", StringComparison.Ordinal) & Lines[i].EndsWith("]", StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
						string Section = Lines[i].Substring(1, Lines[i].Length - 2).Trim();
						switch (Section.ToLowerInvariant()) {
								// pilotlamp
							case "pilotlamp":
									string Subject = "true";
									double LocationX = 0.0, LocationY = 0.0;
									string DaytimeImage = null, NighttimeImage = null;
									Color24 TransparentColor = new Color24(0, 0, 255);
									int Layer = 0;
									i++; while (i < Lines.Length && !(Lines[i].StartsWith("[", StringComparison.Ordinal) & Lines[i].EndsWith("]", StringComparison.Ordinal))) {
										int j = Lines[i].IndexOf('=');
										if (j >= 0) {
											string Key = Lines[i].Substring(0, j).TrimEnd();
											string Value = Lines[i].Substring(j + 1).TrimStart();
											switch (Key.ToLowerInvariant()) {
												case "subject":
													Subject = Value;
												case "location":
													int k = Value.IndexOf(',');
													if (k >= 0) {
														string a = Value.Substring(0, k).TrimEnd();
														string b = Value.Substring(k + 1).TrimStart();
														if (a.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(a, out LocationX)) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Left is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														if (b.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(b, out LocationY)) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Top is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} else {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Two arguments are expected in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} break;
												case "daytimeimage":
													if (!System.IO.Path.HasExtension(Value)) Value += ".bmp";
													if (Interface.ContainsInvalidPathChars(Value)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "FileName contains illegal characters in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} else {
														DaytimeImage = OpenBveApi.Path.CombineFile(TrainPath, Value);
														if (!System.IO.File.Exists(DaytimeImage)) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, true, "FileName " + DaytimeImage + " could not be found in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
															DaytimeImage = null;
												case "nighttimeimage":
													if (!System.IO.Path.HasExtension(Value)) Value += ".bmp";
													if (Interface.ContainsInvalidPathChars(Value)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "FileName contains illegal characters in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} else {
														NighttimeImage = OpenBveApi.Path.CombineFile(TrainPath, Value);
														if (!System.IO.File.Exists(NighttimeImage)) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, true, "FileName " + NighttimeImage + " could not be found in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
															NighttimeImage = null;
												case "transparentcolor":
													if (Value.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseHexColor(Value, out TransparentColor)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "HexColor is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} break;
												case "layer":
													if (Value.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseIntVb6(Value, out Layer)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "LayerIndex is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} break;
										} i++;
									} i--;
									if (DaytimeImage == null) {
										Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "DaytimeImage is required to be specified in " + Section + " in " + FileName);
									// create element
									if (DaytimeImage != null) {
										Textures.Texture tday;
										Textures.RegisterTexture(DaytimeImage, new OpenBveApi.Textures.TextureParameters(null, new Color24(TransparentColor.R, TransparentColor.G, TransparentColor.B)), out tday);
										Textures.Texture tnight = null;
										if (NighttimeImage != null) {
											Textures.RegisterTexture(NighttimeImage, new OpenBveApi.Textures.TextureParameters(null, new Color24(TransparentColor.R, TransparentColor.G, TransparentColor.B)), out tnight);
										OpenBVEGame.RunInRenderThread(() =>
											Textures.LoadTexture(tday, Textures.OpenGlTextureWrapMode.ClampClamp);
										int w = tday.Width;
										int h = tday.Height;
										int j = CreateElement(Train, LocationX, LocationY, w, h, 0.5, 0.5, (double)Layer * StackDistance, PanelResolution, PanelLeft, PanelRight, PanelTop, PanelBottom, PanelBitmapWidth, PanelBitmapHeight, PanelCenterX, PanelCenterY, PanelOriginX, PanelOriginY, DriverX, DriverY, DriverZ, tday, tnight, new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255), false);
										string f = GetStackLanguageFromSubject(Train, Subject, Section + " in " + FileName);
										Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].StateFunction = FunctionScripts.GetFunctionScriptFromPostfixNotation(f + " 1 == --");
								} break;
								// needle
							case "needle":
									string Subject = "true";
									double LocationX = 0.0, LocationY = 0.0;
									string DaytimeImage = null, NighttimeImage = null;
									Color32 Color = new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255);
									Color24 TransparentColor = new Color24(0, 0, 255);
									double OriginX = -1.0, OriginY = -1.0;
									bool OriginDefined = false;
									double Layer = 0.0, Radius = 0.0;
									double InitialAngle = -2.0943951023932, LastAngle = 2.0943951023932;
									double Minimum = 0.0, Maximum = 1000.0;
									double NaturalFrequency = -1.0, DampingRatio = -1.0;
									bool Backstop = false;
									i++; while (i < Lines.Length && !(Lines[i].StartsWith("[", StringComparison.Ordinal) & Lines[i].EndsWith("]", StringComparison.Ordinal))) {
										int j = Lines[i].IndexOf('=');
										if (j >= 0) {
											string Key = Lines[i].Substring(0, j).TrimEnd();
											string Value = Lines[i].Substring(j + 1).TrimStart();
											switch (Key.ToLowerInvariant()) {
												case "subject":
													Subject = Value;
												case "location":
														int k = Value.IndexOf(',');
														if (k >= 0) {
															string a = Value.Substring(0, k).TrimEnd();
															string b = Value.Substring(k + 1).TrimStart();
															if (a.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(a, out LocationX)) {
																Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "CenterX is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
															if (b.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(b, out LocationY)) {
																Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "CenterY is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														} else {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Two arguments are expected in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} break;
												case "radius":
													if (Value.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Value, out Radius)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "ValueInPixels is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} else if (Radius == 0.0) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "ValueInPixels is expected to be non-zero in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														Radius = 16.0;
													} break;
												case "daytimeimage":
													if (!System.IO.Path.HasExtension(Value)) Value += ".bmp";
													if (Interface.ContainsInvalidPathChars(Value)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "FileName contains illegal characters in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} else {
														DaytimeImage = OpenBveApi.Path.CombineFile(TrainPath, Value);
														if (!System.IO.File.Exists(DaytimeImage)) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, true, "FileName " + DaytimeImage + " could not be found in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
															DaytimeImage = null;
												case "nighttimeimage":
													if (!System.IO.Path.HasExtension(Value)) Value += ".bmp";
													if (Interface.ContainsInvalidPathChars(Value)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "FileName contains illegal characters in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} else {
														NighttimeImage = OpenBveApi.Path.CombineFile(TrainPath, Value);
														if (!System.IO.File.Exists(NighttimeImage)) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, true, "FileName " + NighttimeImage + " could not be found in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
															NighttimeImage = null;
												case "color":
													if (Value.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseHexColor(Value, out Color)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "HexColor is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} break;
												case "transparentcolor":
													if (Value.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseHexColor(Value, out TransparentColor)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "HexColor is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} break;
												case "origin":
														int k = Value.IndexOf(',');
														if (k >= 0) {
															string a = Value.Substring(0, k).TrimEnd();
															string b = Value.Substring(k + 1).TrimStart();
															if (a.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(a, out OriginX)) {
																Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "X is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
															if (b.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(b, out OriginY)) {
																Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Y is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
																OriginX = -OriginX;
															OriginDefined = true;
														} else {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Two arguments are expected in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} break;
												case "initialangle":
													if (Value.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Value, out InitialAngle)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "ValueInDegrees is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} break;
												case "lastangle":
													if (Value.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Value, out LastAngle)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "ValueInDegrees is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} break;
												case "minimum":
													if (Value.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Value, out Minimum)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Value is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} break;
												case "maximum":
													if (Value.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Value, out Maximum)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Value is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} break;
												case "naturalfreq":
													if (Value.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Value, out NaturalFrequency)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Value is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} else if (NaturalFrequency < 0.0) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Value is expected to be non-negative in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														NaturalFrequency = -NaturalFrequency;
													} break;
												case "dampingratio":
													if (Value.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Value, out DampingRatio)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Value is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} else if (DampingRatio < 0.0) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Value is expected to be non-negative in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														DampingRatio = -DampingRatio;
													} break;
												case "layer":
													if (Value.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Value, out Layer)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "LayerIndex is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} break;
												case "backstop":
													if (Value.Length != 0 && Value.ToLowerInvariant() == "true" || Value == "1")
														Backstop = true;
										} i++;
									} i--;
									if (DaytimeImage == null) {
										Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "DaytimeImage is required to be specified in " + Section + " in " + FileName);
									// create element
									if (DaytimeImage != null)
										Textures.Texture tday;
											new OpenBveApi.Textures.TextureParameters(null,
												new Color24(TransparentColor.R, TransparentColor.G, TransparentColor.B)), out tday);
										Textures.Texture tnight = null;
										if (NighttimeImage != null)
												new OpenBveApi.Textures.TextureParameters(null,
													new Color24(TransparentColor.R, TransparentColor.G, TransparentColor.B)), out tnight);
										OpenBVEGame.RunInRenderThread(() =>
											Textures.LoadTexture(tday, Textures.OpenGlTextureWrapMode.ClampClamp);
										double w = (double)tday.Width;
										double h = (double)tday.Height;
										if (!OriginDefined) {
											OriginX = 0.5 * w;
											OriginY = 0.5 * h;
										double ox = OriginX / w;
										double oy = OriginY / h;
										double n = Radius == 0.0 | OriginY == 0.0 ? 1.0 : Radius / OriginY;
										double nx = n * w;
										double ny = n * h;
										int j = CreateElement(Train, LocationX - ox * nx, LocationY - oy * ny, nx, ny, ox, oy, (double)Layer * StackDistance, PanelResolution, PanelLeft, PanelRight, PanelTop, PanelBottom, PanelBitmapWidth, PanelBitmapHeight, PanelCenterX, PanelCenterY, PanelOriginX, PanelOriginY, DriverX, DriverY, DriverZ, tday, tnight, Color, false);
										Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].RotateZDirection = new Vector3(0.0, 0.0, -1.0);
										Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].RotateXDirection = new Vector3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
										Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].RotateYDirection = Vector3.Cross(Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].RotateZDirection, Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].RotateXDirection);
										string f;
										switch (Subject.ToLowerInvariant()) {
											case "hour":
												f = "0.000277777777777778 time * floor";
											case "min":
												f = "0.0166666666666667 time * floor";
											case "sec":
												f = "time floor";
												f = GetStackLanguageFromSubject(Train, Subject, Section + " in " + FileName);
										//Convert angles from degrees to radians
										InitialAngle *= 0.0174532925199433;
										LastAngle *= 0.0174532925199433;
										double a0 = (InitialAngle * Maximum - LastAngle * Minimum) / (Maximum - Minimum);
										double a1 = (LastAngle - InitialAngle) / (Maximum - Minimum);
										f += " " + a1.ToString(Culture) + " * " + a0.ToString(Culture) + " +";
										if (NaturalFrequency >= 0.0 & DampingRatio >= 0.0) {
											Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].RotateZDamping = new ObjectManager.Damping(NaturalFrequency, DampingRatio);
										Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].RotateZFunction = FunctionScripts.GetFunctionScriptFromPostfixNotation(f);
										if (Backstop)
											Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].RotateZFunction.Minimum = InitialAngle;
											Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].RotateZFunction.Maximum = LastAngle;
								} break;
							case "lineargauge":
									string Subject = "true";
									int Width = 0;
									Vector2 Direction = new Vector2(1,0);
									double LocationX = 0.0, LocationY = 0.0;
									string DaytimeImage = null, NighttimeImage = null;
									double Minimum = 0.0, Maximum = 0.0;
									Color24 TransparentColor = new Color24(0, 0, 255);
									int Layer = 0;
									i++; while (i < Lines.Length && !(Lines[i].StartsWith("[", StringComparison.Ordinal) & Lines[i].EndsWith("]", StringComparison.Ordinal))) {
										int j = Lines[i].IndexOf('=');
										if (j >= 0) {
											string Key = Lines[i].Substring(0, j).TrimEnd();
											string Value = Lines[i].Substring(j + 1).TrimStart();
											switch (Key.ToLowerInvariant()) {
												case "subject":
													Subject = Value;
												case "location":
													int k = Value.IndexOf(',');
													if (k >= 0) {
														string a = Value.Substring(0, k).TrimEnd();
														string b = Value.Substring(k + 1).TrimStart();
														if (a.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(a, out LocationX)) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Left is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														if (b.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(b, out LocationY)) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Top is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} else {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Two arguments are expected in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} break;
												case "minimum":
													if (Value.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Value, out Minimum))
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Value is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} break;
												case "maximum":
													if (Value.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Value, out Maximum))
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Value is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} break;
												case "width":
													if (Value.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseIntVb6(Value, out Width))
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Value is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
												case "direction":
														string[] s = Value.Split(',');
														if (s.Length == 2)
															double x, y;
															if (!double.TryParse(s[0], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float, Culture, out x))
																Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "X is invalid in LinearGauge Direction at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in file " + FileName);
															else if (!double.TryParse(s[1], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float, Culture, out y))
																Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Y is invalid in  LinearGauge Direction at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in file " + FileName);
																Direction = new Vector2(x, y);
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Exactly 2 arguments are expected in LinearGauge Direction at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in file " + FileName);
												case "daytimeimage":
													if (!System.IO.Path.HasExtension(Value)) Value += ".bmp";
													if (Interface.ContainsInvalidPathChars(Value)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "FileName contains illegal characters in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} else {
														DaytimeImage = OpenBveApi.Path.CombineFile(TrainPath, Value);
														if (!System.IO.File.Exists(DaytimeImage)) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, true, "FileName " + DaytimeImage + " could not be found in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
															DaytimeImage = null;
												case "nighttimeimage":
													if (!System.IO.Path.HasExtension(Value)) Value += ".bmp";
													if (Interface.ContainsInvalidPathChars(Value)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "FileName contains illegal characters in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} else {
														NighttimeImage = OpenBveApi.Path.CombineFile(TrainPath, Value);
														if (!System.IO.File.Exists(NighttimeImage)) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, true, "FileName " + NighttimeImage + " could not be found in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
															NighttimeImage = null;
												case "transparentcolor":
													if (Value.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseHexColor(Value, out TransparentColor)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "HexColor is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} break;
												case "layer":
													if (Value.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseIntVb6(Value, out Layer)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "LayerIndex is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} break;
										} i++;
									} i--;
									if (DaytimeImage == null) {
										Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "DaytimeImage is required to be specified in " + Section + " in " + FileName);
									// create element
									if (DaytimeImage != null) {
										Textures.Texture tday;
										Textures.RegisterTexture(DaytimeImage, new OpenBveApi.Textures.TextureParameters(null, new Color24(TransparentColor.R, TransparentColor.G, TransparentColor.B)), out tday);
										Textures.Texture tnight = null;
										if (NighttimeImage != null) {
											Textures.RegisterTexture(NighttimeImage, new OpenBveApi.Textures.TextureParameters(null, new Color24(TransparentColor.R, TransparentColor.G, TransparentColor.B)), out tnight);
										OpenBVEGame.RunInRenderThread(() =>
											Textures.LoadTexture(tday, Textures.OpenGlTextureWrapMode.ClampClamp);
										int w = tday.Width;
										int h = tday.Height;
										int j = CreateElement(Train, LocationX, LocationY, w, h, 0.5, 0.5, (double)Layer * StackDistance, PanelResolution, PanelLeft, PanelRight, PanelTop, PanelBottom, PanelBitmapWidth, PanelBitmapHeight, PanelCenterX, PanelCenterY, PanelOriginX, PanelOriginY, DriverX, DriverY, DriverZ, tday, tnight, new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255), false);
										if (Maximum < Minimum)
											Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Maximum value must be greater than minimum value " + Section + " in " + FileName);
										string tf = GetInfixFunction(Train, Subject, Minimum, Maximum, Width, tday.Width, Section + " in " + FileName);
										if (tf != String.Empty)
											Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].TextureShiftXDirection = Direction;
											Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].TextureShiftXFunction = FunctionScripts.GetFunctionScriptFromInfixNotation(tf);
								} break;
								// digitalnumber
							case "digitalnumber":
									string Subject = "true";
									double LocationX = 0.0, LocationY = 0.0;
									string DaytimeImage = null, NighttimeImage = null;
									Color24 TransparentColor = new Color24(0, 0, 255);
									double Layer = 0.0; int Interval = 0;
									i++; while (i < Lines.Length && !(Lines[i].StartsWith("[", StringComparison.Ordinal) & Lines[i].EndsWith("]", StringComparison.Ordinal))) {
										int j = Lines[i].IndexOf('=');
										if (j >= 0) {
											string Key = Lines[i].Substring(0, j).TrimEnd();
											string Value = Lines[i].Substring(j + 1).TrimStart();
											switch (Key.ToLowerInvariant()) {
												case "subject":
													Subject = Value;
												case "location":
													int k = Value.IndexOf(',');
													if (k >= 0) {
														string a = Value.Substring(0, k).TrimEnd();
														string b = Value.Substring(k + 1).TrimStart();
														if (a.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(a, out LocationX)) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Left is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														if (b.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(b, out LocationY)) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Top is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} else {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Two arguments are expected in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} break;
												case "daytimeimage":
													if (!System.IO.Path.HasExtension(Value)) Value += ".bmp";
													if (Interface.ContainsInvalidPathChars(Value)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "FileName contains illegal characters in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} else {
														DaytimeImage = OpenBveApi.Path.CombineFile(TrainPath, Value);
														if (!System.IO.File.Exists(DaytimeImage)) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, true, "FileName " + DaytimeImage + " could not be found in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
															DaytimeImage = null;
												case "nighttimeimage":
													if (!System.IO.Path.HasExtension(Value)) Value += ".bmp";
													if (Interface.ContainsInvalidPathChars(Value)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "FileName contains illegal characters in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} else {
														NighttimeImage = OpenBveApi.Path.CombineFile(TrainPath, Value);
														if (!System.IO.File.Exists(NighttimeImage)) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, true, "FileName " + NighttimeImage + " could not be found in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
															NighttimeImage = null;
												case "transparentcolor":
													if (Value.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseHexColor(Value, out TransparentColor)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "HexColor is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} break;
												case "interval":
													if (Value.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseIntVb6(Value, out Interval)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Height is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} else if (Interval <= 0) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Height is expected to be non-negative in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} break;
												case "layer":
													if (Value.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Value, out Layer)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "LayerIndex is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} break;
										} i++;
									} i--;
									if (DaytimeImage == null) {
										Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "DaytimeImage is required to be specified in " + Section + " in " + FileName);
									if (Interval <= 0) {
										Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Interval is required to be specified in " + Section + " in " + FileName);
									// create element
									if (DaytimeImage != null & Interval > 0) {
										int wday, hday;
										Program.CurrentHost.QueryTextureDimensions(DaytimeImage, out wday, out hday);
										if (wday > 0 & hday > 0) {
											int nday = hday / Interval;
											Textures.Texture[] tday = new Textures.Texture[nday];
											Textures.Texture[] tnight;
											for (int k = 0; k < nday; k++) {
												Textures.RegisterTexture(DaytimeImage, new OpenBveApi.Textures.TextureParameters(new OpenBveApi.Textures.TextureClipRegion(0, k * Interval, wday, Interval), new Color24(TransparentColor.R, TransparentColor.G, TransparentColor.B)), out tday[k]);
											if (NighttimeImage != null) {
												int wnight, hnight;
												Program.CurrentHost.QueryTextureDimensions(NighttimeImage, out wnight, out hnight);
												int nnight = hnight / Interval;
												if (nnight > nday) nnight = nday;
												tnight = new Textures.Texture[nday];
												for (int k = 0; k < nnight; k++) {
													Textures.RegisterTexture(NighttimeImage, new OpenBveApi.Textures.TextureParameters(new OpenBveApi.Textures.TextureClipRegion(0, k * Interval, wday, Interval), new Color24(TransparentColor.R, TransparentColor.G, TransparentColor.B)), out tnight[k]);
												for (int k = nnight; k < nday; k++) {
													tnight[k] = null;
											} else {
												tnight = new Textures.Texture[nday];
												for (int k = 0; k < nday; k++) {
													tnight[k] = null;
											int j = -1;
											for (int k = 0; k < tday.Length; k++) {
												int l = CreateElement(Train, LocationX, LocationY, (double)wday, (double)Interval, 0.5, 0.5, (double)Layer * StackDistance, PanelResolution, PanelLeft, PanelRight, PanelTop, PanelBottom, PanelBitmapWidth, PanelBitmapHeight, PanelCenterX, PanelCenterY, PanelOriginX, PanelOriginY, DriverX, DriverY, DriverZ, tday[k], tnight[k], new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255), k != 0);
												if (k == 0) j = l;
											string f = GetStackLanguageFromSubject(Train, Subject, Section + " in " + FileName);
											Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].StateFunction = FunctionScripts.GetFunctionScriptFromPostfixNotation(f);
								} break;
								// digitalgauge
							case "digitalgauge":
									string Subject = "true";
									double LocationX = 0.0, LocationY = 0.0;
									Color32 Color = new Color32(0, 0, 0, 255);
									double Radius = 0.0;
									int Layer = 0;
									double InitialAngle = -2.0943951023932, LastAngle = 2.0943951023932;
									double Minimum = 0.0, Maximum = 1000.0;
									double Step = 0.0;
									i++; while (i < Lines.Length && !(Lines[i].StartsWith("[", StringComparison.Ordinal) & Lines[i].EndsWith("]", StringComparison.Ordinal))) {
										int j = Lines[i].IndexOf('=');
										if (j >= 0) {
											string Key = Lines[i].Substring(0, j).TrimEnd();
											string Value = Lines[i].Substring(j + 1).TrimStart();
											switch (Key.ToLowerInvariant()) {
												case "subject":
													Subject = Value;
												case "location":
													int k = Value.IndexOf(',');
													if (k >= 0) {
														string a = Value.Substring(0, k).TrimEnd();
														string b = Value.Substring(k + 1).TrimStart();
														if (a.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(a, out LocationX)) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "CenterX is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														if (b.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(b, out LocationY)) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "CenterY is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} else {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Two arguments are expected in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} break;
												case "radius":
													if (Value.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Value, out Radius)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "ValueInPixels is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} else if (Radius == 0.0) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "ValueInPixels is expected to be non-zero in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														Radius = 16.0;
													} break;
												case "color":
													if (Value.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseHexColor(Value, out Color)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "HexColor is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} break;
												case "initialangle":
													if (Value.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Value, out InitialAngle)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "ValueInDegrees is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} else {
														InitialAngle *= 0.0174532925199433;
													} break;
												case "lastangle":
													if (Value.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Value, out LastAngle)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "ValueInDegrees is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} else {
														LastAngle *= 0.0174532925199433;
													} break;
												case "minimum":
													if (Value.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Value, out Minimum)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Value is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} break;
												case "maximum":
													if (Value.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Value, out Maximum)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Value is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} break;
												case "step":
													if (Value.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Value, out Step)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Value is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} break;
												case "layer":
													if (Value.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseIntVb6(Value, out Layer)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "LayerIndex is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} break;
										} i++;
									} i--;
									if (Radius == 0.0) {
										Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Radius is required to be non-zero in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
									if (Minimum == Maximum) {
										Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Minimum and Maximum must not be equal in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
										Radius = 0.0;
									if (Math.Abs(InitialAngle - LastAngle) > 6.28318531) {
										Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Warning, false, "The absolute difference between InitialAngle and LastAngle exceeds 360 degrees in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
									if (Radius != 0.0) {
										// create element
										int j = CreateElement(Train, LocationX - Radius, LocationY - Radius, 2.0 * Radius, 2.0 * Radius, 0.5, 0.5, (double)Layer * StackDistance, PanelResolution, PanelLeft, PanelRight, PanelTop, PanelBottom, PanelBitmapWidth, PanelBitmapHeight, PanelCenterX, PanelCenterY, PanelOriginX, PanelOriginY, DriverX, DriverY, DriverZ, null, null, Color, false);
										InitialAngle = InitialAngle + Math.PI;
										LastAngle = LastAngle + Math.PI;
										double x0 = Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].States[0].Object.Mesh.Vertices[0].Coordinates.X;
										double y0 = Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].States[0].Object.Mesh.Vertices[0].Coordinates.Y;
										double z0 = Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].States[0].Object.Mesh.Vertices[0].Coordinates.Z;
										double x1 = Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].States[0].Object.Mesh.Vertices[1].Coordinates.X;
										double y1 = Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].States[0].Object.Mesh.Vertices[1].Coordinates.Y;
										double z1 = Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].States[0].Object.Mesh.Vertices[1].Coordinates.Z;
										double x2 = Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].States[0].Object.Mesh.Vertices[2].Coordinates.X;
										double y2 = Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].States[0].Object.Mesh.Vertices[2].Coordinates.Y;
										double z2 = Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].States[0].Object.Mesh.Vertices[2].Coordinates.Z;
										double x3 = Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].States[0].Object.Mesh.Vertices[3].Coordinates.X;
										double y3 = Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].States[0].Object.Mesh.Vertices[3].Coordinates.Y;
										double z3 = Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].States[0].Object.Mesh.Vertices[3].Coordinates.Z;
										double cx = 0.25 * (x0 + x1 + x2 + x3);
										double cy = 0.25 * (y0 + y1 + y2 + y3);
										double cz = 0.25 * (z0 + z1 + z2 + z3);
										World.Vertex[] vertices = new World.Vertex[11];
										int[][] faces = new int[][] {
											new int[] { 0, 1, 2 },
											new int[] { 0, 3, 4 },
											new int[] { 0, 5, 6 },
											new int[] { 0, 7, 8 },
											new int[] { 0, 9, 10 }
										Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].States[0].Object.Mesh = new World.Mesh(vertices, faces, Color);
										Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].LEDClockwiseWinding = InitialAngle <= LastAngle;
										Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].LEDInitialAngle = InitialAngle;
										Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].LEDLastAngle = LastAngle;
										Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].LEDVectors = new Vector3[] {
											new Vector3(x0, y0, z0),
											new Vector3(x1, y1, z1),
											new Vector3(x2, y2, z2),
											new Vector3(x3, y3, z3),
											new Vector3(cx, cy, cz)
										string f = GetStackLanguageFromSubject(Train, Subject, Section + " in " + FileName);
										double a0 = (InitialAngle * Maximum - LastAngle * Minimum) / (Maximum - Minimum);
										double a1 = (LastAngle - InitialAngle) / (Maximum - Minimum);
										if (Step == 1.0) {
											f += " floor";
										} else if (Step != 0.0) {
											string s = (1.0 / Step).ToString(Culture);
											string t = Step.ToString(Culture);
											f += " " + s + " * floor " + t + " *";
										f += " " + a1.ToString(Culture) + " " + a0.ToString(Culture) + " fma";
										Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].LEDFunction = FunctionScripts.GetFunctionScriptFromPostfixNotation(f);
									} else {
										Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Radius is required to be specified in " + Section + " in " + FileName);
								} break;
								// timetable
							case "timetable":
									double LocationX = 0.0, LocationY = 0.0;
									double Width = 0.0, Height = 0.0;
									//We read the transparent color for the timetable from the config file, but it is never used
									//TODO: Fix or depreciate??
									Color24 TransparentColor = new Color24(0, 0, 255);
									double Layer = 0.0;
									i++; while (i < Lines.Length && !(Lines[i].StartsWith("[", StringComparison.Ordinal) & Lines[i].EndsWith("]", StringComparison.Ordinal))) {
										int j = Lines[i].IndexOf('=');
										if (j >= 0) {
											string Key = Lines[i].Substring(0, j).TrimEnd();
											string Value = Lines[i].Substring(j + 1).TrimStart();
											switch (Key.ToLowerInvariant()) {
												case "location":
													int k = Value.IndexOf(',');
													if (k >= 0) {
														string a = Value.Substring(0, k).TrimEnd();
														string b = Value.Substring(k + 1).TrimStart();
														if (a.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(a, out LocationX)) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "X is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
														if (b.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(b, out LocationY)) {
															Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Y is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} else {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Two arguments are expected in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} break;
												case "width":
													if (Value.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Value, out Width)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "ValueInPixels is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} else if (Width <= 0.0) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "ValueInPixels is required to be positive in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} break;
												case "height":
													if (Value.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Value, out Height)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "ValueInPixels is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} else if (Height <= 0.0) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "ValueInPixels is required to be positive in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} break;
												case "transparentcolor":
													if (Value.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseHexColor(Value, out TransparentColor)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "HexColor is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} break;
												case "layer":
													if (Value.Length != 0 && !Interface.TryParseDoubleVb6(Value, out Layer)) {
														Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "LayerIndex is invalid in " + Key + " in " + Section + " at line " + (i + 1).ToString(Culture) + " in " + FileName);
													} break;
										} i++;
									} i--;
									// create element
									if (Width <= 0.0) {
										Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Width is required to be specified in " + Section + " in " + FileName);
									if (Height <= 0.0) {
										Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Height is required to be specified in " + Section + " in " + FileName);
									if (Width > 0.0 & Height > 0.0) {
										int j = CreateElement(Train, LocationX, LocationY, Width, Height, 0.5, 0.5, (double)Layer * StackDistance, PanelResolution, PanelLeft, PanelRight, PanelTop, PanelBottom, PanelBitmapWidth, PanelBitmapHeight, PanelCenterX, PanelCenterY, PanelOriginX, PanelOriginY, DriverX, DriverY, DriverZ, null, null, new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255), false);
										Train.Cars[Train.DriverCar].CarSections[0].Elements[j].StateFunction = FunctionScripts.GetFunctionScriptFromPostfixNotation("timetable");
								} break;
 private static void RenderCube(Vector3 Position, Vector3 Direction, Vector3 Up, Vector3 Side, double Size, double CameraX, double CameraY, double CameraZ, Textures.Texture TextureIndex)
     Vector3[] v = new Vector3[8];
     v[0] = new Vector3(Size, Size, -Size);
     v[1] = new Vector3(Size, -Size, -Size);
     v[2] = new Vector3(-Size, -Size, -Size);
     v[3] = new Vector3(-Size, Size, -Size);
     v[4] = new Vector3(Size, Size, Size);
     v[5] = new Vector3(Size, -Size, Size);
     v[6] = new Vector3(-Size, -Size, Size);
     v[7] = new Vector3(-Size, Size, Size);
     for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
         World.Rotate(ref v[i].X, ref v[i].Y, ref v[i].Z, Direction.X, Direction.Y, Direction.Z, Up.X, Up.Y, Up.Z, Side.X, Side.Y, Side.Z);
         v[i].X += Position.X - CameraX;
         v[i].Y += Position.Y - CameraY;
         v[i].Z += Position.Z - CameraZ;
     int[][] Faces = new int[6][];
     Faces[0] = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 };
     Faces[1] = new int[] { 0, 4, 5, 1 };
     Faces[2] = new int[] { 0, 3, 7, 4 };
     Faces[3] = new int[] { 6, 5, 4, 7 };
     Faces[4] = new int[] { 6, 7, 3, 2 };
     Faces[5] = new int[] { 6, 2, 1, 5 };
     if (TextureIndex == null || !Textures.LoadTexture(TextureIndex, Textures.OpenGlTextureWrapMode.ClampClamp))
         if (TexturingEnabled)
             TexturingEnabled = false;
         for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
             GL.Color3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
             for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                 GL.Vertex3(v[Faces[i][j]].X, v[Faces[i][j]].Y, v[Faces[i][j]].Z);
         TexturingEnabled = true;
     GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, TextureIndex.OpenGlTextures[(int)Textures.OpenGlTextureWrapMode.ClampClamp].Name);
     Vector2[][] t = new Vector2[6][];
     t[0] = new Vector2[] { new Vector2(1.0, 0.0), new Vector2(1.0, 1.0), new Vector2(0.0, 1.0), new Vector2(0.0, 0.0) };
     t[1] = new Vector2[] { new Vector2(0.0, 0.0), new Vector2(1.0, 0.0), new Vector2(1.0, 1.0), new Vector2(0.0, 1.0) };
     t[2] = new Vector2[] { new Vector2(1.0, 1.0), new Vector2(0.0, 1.0), new Vector2(0.0, 0.0), new Vector2(1.0, 0.0) };
     t[3] = new Vector2[] { new Vector2(1.0, 1.0), new Vector2(0.0, 1.0), new Vector2(0.0, 0.0), new Vector2(1.0, 0.0) };
     t[4] = new Vector2[] { new Vector2(0.0, 1.0), new Vector2(0.0, 0.0), new Vector2(1.0, 0.0), new Vector2(1.0, 1.0) };
     t[5] = new Vector2[] { new Vector2(0.0, 1.0), new Vector2(0.0, 0.0), new Vector2(1.0, 0.0), new Vector2(1.0, 1.0) };
     for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
         GL.Color3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
         for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
             GL.TexCoord2(t[i][j].X, t[i][j].Y);
             GL.Vertex3(v[Faces[i][j]].X, v[Faces[i][j]].Y, v[Faces[i][j]].Z);
 internal MarkerStartEvent(double trackPositionDelta, Textures.Texture texture)
     this.TrackPositionDelta = trackPositionDelta;
     this.DontTriggerAnymore = false;
     this.Texture = texture;
        //Parses an XML background definition
        public static BackgroundManager.BackgroundHandle ReadBackgroundXML(string fileName)
            List <BackgroundManager.StaticBackground> Backgrounds = new List <BackgroundManager.StaticBackground>();
            //The current XML file to load
            XmlDocument currentXML = new XmlDocument();

            //Load the object's XML file
            string Path = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName);

            double[] UnitOfLength = { 1.0 };
            //Check for null
            if (currentXML.DocumentElement != null)
                XmlNodeList DocumentNodes = currentXML.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("/openBVE/Background");
                //Check this file actually contains OpenBVE light definition nodes
                if (DocumentNodes != null)
                    foreach (XmlNode n in DocumentNodes)
                        if (n.HasChildNodes)
                            double DisplayTime = -1;
                            //The time to transition between backgrounds in seconds
                            double TransitionTime = 0.8;
                            //The texture to use (if static)
                            Textures.Texture t = null;
                            //The object to use (if object based)
                            ObjectManager.StaticObject o = null;
                            //The transition mode between backgrounds
                            BackgroundManager.BackgroundTransitionMode mode = BackgroundManager.BackgroundTransitionMode.FadeIn;
                            //The number of times the texture is repeated around the viewing frustrum (if appropriate)
                            double repetitions = 6;
                            foreach (XmlNode c in n.ChildNodes)
                                string[] Arguments = c.InnerText.Split(',');
                                switch (c.Name.ToLowerInvariant())
                                case "mode":
                                    switch (c.InnerText.ToLowerInvariant())
                                    case "fadein":
                                        mode = BackgroundManager.BackgroundTransitionMode.FadeIn;

                                    case "fadeout":
                                        mode = BackgroundManager.BackgroundTransitionMode.FadeOut;

                                    case "none":
                                        mode = BackgroundManager.BackgroundTransitionMode.None;

                                        Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, true, c.InnerText + "is not a valid background fade mode in file " + fileName);

                                case "object":
                                    string f = OpenBveApi.Path.CombineFile(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName), c.InnerText);
                                    if (!System.IO.File.Exists(f))
                                        Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, true, "FileName " + f + " not found in file " + fileName);
                                        ObjectManager.UnifiedObject b = ObjectManager.LoadObject(f, System.Text.Encoding.Default, ObjectManager.ObjectLoadMode.Normal, false, false, false);
                                        o = (ObjectManager.StaticObject)b;

                                case "repetitions":
                                    if (!NumberFormats.TryParseDoubleVb6(Arguments[0], UnitOfLength, out repetitions))
                                        Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, c.InnerText + " does not parse to a valid number of repetitions in " + fileName);

                                case "texture":
                                    var file = OpenBveApi.Path.CombineFile(Path, c.InnerText);
                                    if (!System.IO.File.Exists(file))
                                        Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "The background texture file " + c.InnerText + " does not exist in " + fileName);
                                        Textures.RegisterTexture(file, out t);

                                case "time":
                                    if (!Interface.TryParseTime(Arguments[0].Trim(), out DisplayTime))
                                        Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, c.InnerText + " does not parse to a valid time in file " + fileName);

                                case "transitiontime":
                                    if (!NumberFormats.TryParseDoubleVb6(Arguments[0], UnitOfLength, out TransitionTime))
                                        Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, c.InnerText + " is not a valid background transition time in " + fileName);
                            //Create background if texture is not null
                            if (t != null && o == null)
                                Backgrounds.Add(new BackgroundManager.StaticBackground(t, repetitions, false, TransitionTime, mode, DisplayTime));
                            if (t == null && o != null)
                                //All other parameters are ignored if an object has been defined
                                //TODO: Error message stating they have been ignored
                                return(new BackgroundManager.BackgroundObject(o));
                    if (Backgrounds.Count == 1)
                    if (Backgrounds.Count > 1)
                        //Sort list- Not worried about when they start or end, so use simple LINQ
                        Backgrounds = Backgrounds.OrderBy(o => o.Time).ToList();
                        //If more than 2 backgrounds, convert to array and return a new dynamic background
                        return(new BackgroundManager.DynamicBackground(Backgrounds.ToArray()));
            //We couldn't find any valid XML, so return false
            throw new InvalidDataException();
        /// <summary>Loads all BVE4 signal or glow textures (Non animated file)</summary>
        /// <param name="BaseFile">The base file.</param>
        /// <param name="IsGlowTexture">Whether to load glow textures. If false, black is the transparent color. If true, the texture is edited according to the CSV route documentation.</param>
        /// <returns>All textures matching the base file.</returns>
        private static Textures.Texture[] LoadAllTextures(string BaseFile, bool IsGlowTexture)
            string Folder = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(BaseFile);

            if (Folder != null && !System.IO.Directory.Exists(Folder))
                return(new Textures.Texture[] { });
            string Name = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(BaseFile);

            Textures.Texture[] Textures = new Textures.Texture[] { };
            if (Folder == null)
            string[] Files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(Folder);
            for (int i = 0; i < Files.Length; i++)
                string a = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Files[i]);
                if (a == null)
                if (a.StartsWith(Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    if (a.Length > Name.Length)
                        string b = a.Substring(Name.Length).TrimStart();
                        int    j; if (int.TryParse(b, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Integer, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out j))
                            if (j >= 0)
                                string c = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(Files[i]);
                                if (c == null)
                                switch (c.ToLowerInvariant())
                                case ".bmp":
                                case ".gif":
                                case ".jpg":
                                case ".jpeg":
                                case ".png":
                                case ".tif":
                                case ".tiff":
                                    if (j >= Textures.Length)
                                        int n = Textures.Length;
                                        Array.Resize <Textures.Texture>(ref Textures, j + 1);
                                        for (int k = n; k < j; k++)
                                            Textures[k] = null;
                                    if (IsGlowTexture)
                                        OpenBveApi.Textures.Texture texture;
                                        if (Program.CurrentHost.LoadTexture(Files[i], null, out texture))
                                            if (texture.BitsPerPixel == 32)
                                                byte[] bytes = texture.Bytes;
                                                texture = new OpenBveApi.Textures.Texture(texture.Width, texture.Height, 32, bytes);
                                            Textures[j] = OpenBve.Textures.RegisterTexture(texture);
                                        OpenBve.Textures.RegisterTexture(Files[i], new OpenBveApi.Textures.TextureParameters(null, Color24.Black), out Textures[j]);
        // render data
        private static void RenderData(ref Table Table)
            // prepare timetable
            int   w = 384, h = 192;
            int   offsetx           = 0;
            int   actualheight      = h;
            float descriptionwidth  = 256;
            float descriptionheight = 16;
            float stationnamewidth  = 16;

            for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++)
                Bitmap   b = new Bitmap(w, h);
                Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(b);
                g.SmoothingMode     = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
                g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit;
                g.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, new RectangleF(offsetx, 0, w, actualheight));
                Font f   = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 13.0f, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
                Font fs  = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 11.0f, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
                Font fss = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 9.0f, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
                // draw timetable
                string t; SizeF s;
                // description
                float x0 = offsetx + 8;
                float y0 = 8;
                if (k == 1)
                    t = DefaultTimetableDescription;
                    g.DrawString(t, f, Brushes.Black, new RectangleF(x0, 6, descriptionwidth, descriptionheight + 8));
                    y0 += descriptionheight + 2;
                // highest speed
                t = Interface.GetInterfaceString("timetable_highestspeed");
                s = g.MeasureString(t, fs);
                g.DrawString(t, fs, Brushes.Black, x0, y0);
                float y0a = y0 + s.Height + 2;
                float x1  = x0 + s.Width + 4;
                for (int i = 0; i < Table.Tracks.Length; i++)
                    float y = y0a + 18 * i;
                    t = Table.Tracks[i].Speed;
                    g.DrawString(t, f, Brushes.Black, x0, y);
                    s = g.MeasureString(t, f);
                    float x = x0 + s.Width + 4;
                    if (x > x1)
                        x1 = x;
                g.DrawLine(Pens.LightGray, new PointF(x1 - 2, 4 + descriptionheight), new PointF(x1 - 2, y0a + 18 * Table.Tracks.Length - 1));
                // driving time
                t = Interface.GetInterfaceString("timetable_drivingtime");
                s = g.MeasureString(t, fs);
                g.DrawString(t, fs, Brushes.Black, x1, y0);
                float x2 = x1 + s.Width + 4;
                for (int i = 0; i < Table.Tracks.Length; i++)
                    float y = y0a + 18 * i;
                    if (Table.Tracks[i].Time.Hour.Length != 0)
                        t = Table.Tracks[i].Time.Hour;
                        g.DrawString(t, fss, Brushes.Black, x1, y + 2);
                        t = "0";
                    s = g.MeasureString(t, fss, 9999, StringFormat.GenericTypographic);
                    float x = x1 + s.Width - 1;
                    if (Table.Tracks[i].Time.Minute.Length != 0)
                        t = Table.Tracks[i].Time.Minute;
                        g.DrawString(t, fs, Brushes.Black, x, y + 2);
                        t = "00:";
                    s  = g.MeasureString(t, fs, 9999, StringFormat.GenericTypographic);
                    x += s.Width + 1;
                    t  = Table.Tracks[i].Time.Second;
                    g.DrawString(t, fss, Brushes.Black, x, y + 2);
                    s  = g.MeasureString(t, fss, 9999, StringFormat.GenericTypographic);
                    x += s.Width + 8;
                    if (x > x2)
                        x2 = x;
                for (int i = 0; i < Table.Tracks.Length; i++)
                    float y = y0a + 18 * i;
                    g.DrawLine(Pens.LightGray, new PointF(offsetx + 4, y - 1), new PointF(x2 - 2, y - 1));
                g.DrawLine(Pens.LightGray, new PointF(x2 - 2, 4 + descriptionheight), new PointF(x2 - 2, y0a + 18 * Table.Tracks.Length - 1));
                // station name
                float y2 = y0;
                t = Interface.GetInterfaceString("timetable_stationname");
                s = g.MeasureString(t, f);
                g.DrawString(t, f, Brushes.Black, x2, y2);
                float x3 = x2 + s.Width + 4;
                for (int i = 0; i < Table.Stations.Length; i++)
                    float y = y0 + 18 * (i + 1) + 2;
                    g.DrawLine(Pens.LightGray, new PointF(x2 - 2, y - 1), new PointF(w - 4, y - 1));
                    t = Table.Stations[i].Name;
                    if (Table.Stations[i].NameJapanese & Table.Stations[i].Name.Length > 1)
                        float[] sizes     = new float[t.Length];
                        float   totalsize = 0.0f;
                        for (int j = 0; j < t.Length; j++)
                            sizes[j]   = g.MeasureString(new string(t[j], 1), f, 9999, StringFormat.GenericTypographic).Width;
                            totalsize += sizes[j];
                        float space = (stationnamewidth - totalsize) / (float)(t.Length - 1);
                        float x     = 0.0f;
                        for (int j = 0; j < t.Length; j++)
                            g.DrawString(new string(t[j], 1), f, Brushes.Black, x2 + x, y);
                            x += sizes[j] + space;
                        g.DrawString(t, f, Brushes.Black, x2, y);
                    s = g.MeasureString(t, f);
                        float x = x2 + s.Width + 4;
                        if (x > x3)
                            x3 = x;
                g.DrawLine(Pens.LightGray, new PointF(x3 - 2, 4 + descriptionheight), new PointF(x3 - 2, y0 + 18 * (Table.Stations.Length + 1)));
                if (k == 0)
                    stationnamewidth = x3 - x2 - 6;
                // arrival time
                t = Interface.GetInterfaceString("timetable_arrivaltime");
                s = g.MeasureString(t, f);
                g.DrawString(t, f, Brushes.Black, x3, y2);
                float x4 = x3 + s.Width + 4;
                for (int i = 0; i < Table.Stations.Length; i++)
                    float y = y0 + 18 * (i + 1) + 2;
                    if (Table.Stations[i].Pass)
                        t = "00";
                        s = g.MeasureString(t, fs);
                        float x = x3 + s.Width;
                        t = "   ↓";
                        g.DrawString(t, f, Brushes.Black, x, y);
                        s  = g.MeasureString(t, f);
                        x += +s.Width + 4;
                        if (x > x4)
                            x4 = x;
                        if (Table.Stations[i].Arrival.Hour.Length != 0)
                            t = Table.Stations[i].Arrival.Hour;
                            g.DrawString(t, fs, Brushes.Black, x3, y);
                            t = "00";
                        s = g.MeasureString(t, fs);
                        float x = x3 + s.Width;
                        if (Table.Stations[i].Arrival.Minute.Length != 0 & Table.Stations[i].Arrival.Second.Length != 0)
                            t = Table.Stations[i].Arrival.Minute + ":" + Table.Stations[i].Arrival.Second;
                            t = "";
                        g.DrawString(t, f, Brushes.Black, x, y);
                        s  = g.MeasureString(t, f);
                        x += s.Width + 4;
                        if (x > x4)
                            x4 = x;
                g.DrawLine(Pens.LightGray, new PointF(x4 - 2, 4 + descriptionheight), new PointF(x4 - 2, y0 + 18 * (Table.Stations.Length + 1)));
                // departure time
                t = Interface.GetInterfaceString("timetable_departuretime");
                s = g.MeasureString(t, f);
                g.DrawString(t, f, Brushes.Black, x4, y2);
                float x5 = x4 + s.Width + 4;
                for (int i = 0; i < Table.Stations.Length; i++)
                    float y = y0 + 18 * (i + 1) + 2;
                    if (Table.Stations[i].Terminal)
                        t = "00";
                        s = g.MeasureString(t, fs);
                        float       x  = x4 + s.Width;
                        const float c0 = 4;
                        const float c1 = 32;
                        g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, new PointF(x + c0, y + 6), new PointF(x + c1, y + 6));
                        g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, new PointF(x + c0, y + 10), new PointF(x + c1, y + 10));
                        x += c1 + 4;
                        if (x > x5)
                            x5 = x;
                        if (Table.Stations[i].Departure.Hour.Length != 0)
                            t = Table.Stations[i].Departure.Hour;
                            g.DrawString(t, fs, Brushes.Black, x4, y);
                            t = "00";
                        s = g.MeasureString(t, fs);
                        float x = x4 + s.Width;
                        if (Table.Stations[i].Departure.Minute.Length != 0 & Table.Stations[i].Departure.Second.Length != 0)
                            t = Table.Stations[i].Departure.Minute + ":" + Table.Stations[i].Departure.Second;
                            t = "";
                        g.DrawString(t, f, Brushes.Black, x, y);
                        s  = g.MeasureString(t, f);
                        x += s.Width + 4;
                        if (x > x5)
                            x5 = x;
                for (int i = 0; i < Table.Stations.Length; i++)
                    float y = y0 + 18 * (i + 1) + 2;
                    g.DrawLine(Pens.LightGray, new PointF(x2 - 2, y - 1), new PointF(w - 4, y - 1));
                // border
                if (k == 1)
                    g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, new PointF(offsetx + 4, 4), new PointF(offsetx + 4, y0a + 18 * Table.Tracks.Length - 1));
                    g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, new PointF(offsetx + 4, y0a + 18 * Table.Tracks.Length - 1), new PointF(x2 - 2, y0a + 18 * Table.Tracks.Length - 1));
                    g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, new PointF(offsetx + 4, 4), new PointF(w - 4, 4));
                    g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, new PointF(offsetx + 4, 4 + descriptionheight), new PointF(w - 4, 4 + descriptionheight));
                    g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, new PointF(x2 - 2, y0 + 18 * (Table.Stations.Length + 1)), new PointF(w - 4, y0 + 18 * (Table.Stations.Length + 1)));
                    g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, new PointF(w - 4, 4), new PointF(w - 4, y0 + 18 * (Table.Stations.Length + 1)));
                    g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, new PointF(x2 - 2, y0a + 18 * Table.Tracks.Length - 1), new PointF(x2 - 2, y0 + 18 * (Table.Stations.Length + 1)));
                // measure
                w = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)(x5 + 1));
                h = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)(y0 + 18 * (Table.Stations.Length + 1) + 4));
                // description
                if (k == 0)
                    t = DefaultTimetableDescription;
                    s = g.MeasureString(t, f, w - 16);
                    descriptionwidth  = s.Width;
                    descriptionheight = s.Height + 2;
                    h += (int)Math.Ceiling((double)s.Height) + 4;
                // finish
                if (k == 0)
                    // measures
                    int nw = Textures.RoundUpToPowerOfTwo(w);
                    offsetx      = nw - w;
                    w            = nw;
                    actualheight = h;
                    h            = Textures.RoundUpToPowerOfTwo(h);
                    // create texture
                    DefaultTimetableTexture = Textures.RegisterTexture(b);
            // --- constructors ---
            /// <summary>Creates a new table of characters.</summary>
            /// <param name="font">The font.</param>
            /// <param name="offset">The offset from codepoint U+0000.</param>
            internal OpenGlFontTable(Font font, int offset)
                 * Measure characters.
                 * */
                Size[]   physicalSizes    = new Size[256];
                Size[]   typographicSizes = new Size[256];
                Bitmap   bitmap           = new Bitmap(1, 1, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
                Graphics graphics         = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);

                graphics.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit;
                for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                    SizeF physicalSize    = graphics.MeasureString(char.ConvertFromUtf32(offset + i), font, int.MaxValue, StringFormat.GenericDefault);
                    SizeF typographicSize = graphics.MeasureString(char.ConvertFromUtf32(offset + i), font, int.MaxValue, StringFormat.GenericTypographic);
                    physicalSizes[i]    = new Size((int)Math.Ceiling(physicalSize.Width), (int)Math.Ceiling(physicalSize.Height));
                    typographicSizes[i] = new Size((int)Math.Ceiling(typographicSize.Width == 0.0f ? physicalSize.Width : typographicSize.Width), (int)Math.Ceiling(typographicSize.Height == 0.0f ? physicalSize.Height : typographicSize.Height));

                 * Find suitable bitmap dimensions.
                 * */
                const int width      = 256;
                const int border     = 1;
                int       x          = border;
                int       y          = border;
                int       lineHeight = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                    if (x + physicalSizes[i].Width + border > width)
                        x          = border;
                        y         += lineHeight;
                        lineHeight = 0;
                        x += physicalSizes[i].Width + 2 * border;
                    if (physicalSizes[i].Height + border > lineHeight)
                        lineHeight = physicalSizes[i].Height + 2 * border;
                y += lineHeight;
                int height = (int)RoundToPowerOfTwo((uint)y);


                 * Draw character to bitmap.
                 * */
                bitmap   = new Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
                graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);
                graphics.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit;
                x               = border;
                y               = border;
                lineHeight      = 0;
                this.Characters = new OpenGlFontChar[256];
                for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                    if (x + physicalSizes[i].Width + border > width)
                        x          = border;
                        y         += lineHeight;
                        lineHeight = 0;
                    graphics.DrawString(char.ConvertFromUtf32(offset + i), font, Brushes.White, new PointF(x, y));
                    float x0 = (float)(x - border) / (float)width;
                    float x1 = (float)(x + physicalSizes[i].Width + border) / (float)width;
                    float y0 = (float)(y - border) / (float)height;
                    float y1 = (float)(y + physicalSizes[i].Height + border) / (float)height;
                    this.Characters[i] = new OpenGlFontChar(new RectangleF(x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0), new Size(physicalSizes[i].Width + 2 * border, physicalSizes[i].Height + 2 * border), typographicSizes[i]);
                    x += physicalSizes[i].Width + 2 * border;
                    if (physicalSizes[i].Height + border > lineHeight)
                        lineHeight = physicalSizes[i].Height + 2 * border;
                this.Texture = Textures.RegisterTexture(bitmap);
		// render data
		private static void RenderData(ref Table Table) {
			// prepare timetable
			int w = 384, h = 192;
			int offsetx = 0;
			int actualheight = h;
			float descriptionwidth = 256;
			float descriptionheight = 16;
			float stationnamewidth = 16;
			for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
				Bitmap b = new Bitmap(w, h);
				Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(b);
				g.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
				g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit;
				g.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, new RectangleF(offsetx, 0, w, actualheight));
				Font f = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 13.0f, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
				Font fs = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 11.0f, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
				Font fss = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 9.0f, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
				// draw timetable
				string t; SizeF s;
				// description
				float x0 = offsetx + 8;
				float y0 = 8;
				if (k == 1) {
					t = DefaultTimetableDescription;
					g.DrawString(t, f, Brushes.Black, new RectangleF(x0, 6, descriptionwidth, descriptionheight + 8));
					y0 += descriptionheight + 2;
				// highest speed
				t = Interface.GetInterfaceString("timetable_highestspeed");
				s = g.MeasureString(t, fs);
				g.DrawString(t, fs, Brushes.Black, x0, y0);
				float y0a = y0 + s.Height + 2;
				float x1 = x0 + s.Width + 4;
				for (int i = 0; i < Table.Tracks.Length; i++) {
					float y = y0a + 18 * i;
					t = Table.Tracks[i].Speed;
					g.DrawString(t, f, Brushes.Black, x0, y);
					s = g.MeasureString(t, f);
					float x = x0 + s.Width + 4;
					if (x > x1) x1 = x;
				g.DrawLine(Pens.LightGray, new PointF(x1 - 2, 4 + descriptionheight), new PointF(x1 - 2, y0a + 18 * Table.Tracks.Length - 1));
				// driving time
				t = Interface.GetInterfaceString("timetable_drivingtime");
				s = g.MeasureString(t, fs);
				g.DrawString(t, fs, Brushes.Black, x1, y0);
				float x2 = x1 + s.Width + 4;
				for (int i = 0; i < Table.Tracks.Length; i++) {
					float y = y0a + 18 * i;
					if (Table.Tracks[i].Time.Hour.Length != 0) {
						t = Table.Tracks[i].Time.Hour;
						g.DrawString(t, fss, Brushes.Black, x1, y + 2);
					} else {
						t = "0";
					s = g.MeasureString(t, fss, 9999, StringFormat.GenericTypographic);
					float x = x1 + s.Width - 1;
					if (Table.Tracks[i].Time.Minute.Length != 0) {
						t = Table.Tracks[i].Time.Minute;
						g.DrawString(t, fs, Brushes.Black, x, y + 2);
					} else {
						t = "00:";
					s = g.MeasureString(t, fs, 9999, StringFormat.GenericTypographic);
					x += s.Width + 1;
					t = Table.Tracks[i].Time.Second;
					g.DrawString(t, fss, Brushes.Black, x, y + 2);
					s = g.MeasureString(t, fss, 9999, StringFormat.GenericTypographic);
					x += s.Width + 8;
					if (x > x2) x2 = x;
				for (int i = 0; i < Table.Tracks.Length; i++) {
					float y = y0a + 18 * i;
					g.DrawLine(Pens.LightGray, new PointF(offsetx + 4, y - 1), new PointF(x2 - 2, y - 1));
				g.DrawLine(Pens.LightGray, new PointF(x2 - 2, 4 + descriptionheight), new PointF(x2 - 2, y0a + 18 * Table.Tracks.Length - 1));
				// station name
				float y2 = y0;
				t = Interface.GetInterfaceString("timetable_stationname");
				s = g.MeasureString(t, f);
				g.DrawString(t, f, Brushes.Black, x2, y2);
				float x3 = x2 + s.Width + 4;
				for (int i = 0; i < Table.Stations.Length; i++) {
					float y = y0 + 18 * (i + 1) + 2;
					g.DrawLine(Pens.LightGray, new PointF(x2 - 2, y - 1), new PointF(w - 4, y - 1));
					t = Table.Stations[i].Name;
					if (Table.Stations[i].NameJapanese & Table.Stations[i].Name.Length > 1) {
						float[] sizes = new float[t.Length];
						float totalsize = 0.0f;
						for (int j = 0; j < t.Length; j++) {
							sizes[j] = g.MeasureString(new string(t[j], 1), f, 9999, StringFormat.GenericTypographic).Width;
							totalsize += sizes[j];
						float space = (stationnamewidth - totalsize) / (float)(t.Length - 1);
						float x = 0.0f;
						for (int j = 0; j < t.Length; j++) {
							g.DrawString(new string(t[j], 1), f, Brushes.Black, x2 + x, y);
							x += sizes[j] + space;
					} else {
						g.DrawString(t, f, Brushes.Black, x2, y);
					s = g.MeasureString(t, f);
						float x = x2 + s.Width + 4;
						if (x > x3) x3 = x;
				g.DrawLine(Pens.LightGray, new PointF(x3 - 2, 4 + descriptionheight), new PointF(x3 - 2, y0 + 18 * (Table.Stations.Length + 1)));
				if (k == 0) {
					stationnamewidth = x3 - x2 - 6;
				// arrival time
				t = Interface.GetInterfaceString("timetable_arrivaltime");
				s = g.MeasureString(t, f);
				g.DrawString(t, f, Brushes.Black, x3, y2);
				float x4 = x3 + s.Width + 4;
				for (int i = 0; i < Table.Stations.Length; i++) {
					float y = y0 + 18 * (i + 1) + 2;
					if (Table.Stations[i].Pass) {
						t = "00";
						s = g.MeasureString(t, fs);
						float x = x3 + s.Width;
						t = "   ↓";
						g.DrawString(t, f, Brushes.Black, x, y);
						s = g.MeasureString(t, f);
						x += +s.Width + 4;
						if (x > x4) x4 = x;
					} else {
						if (Table.Stations[i].Arrival.Hour.Length != 0) {
							t = Table.Stations[i].Arrival.Hour;
							g.DrawString(t, fs, Brushes.Black, x3, y);
						} else {
							t = "00";
						s = g.MeasureString(t, fs);
						float x = x3 + s.Width;
						if (Table.Stations[i].Arrival.Minute.Length != 0 & Table.Stations[i].Arrival.Second.Length != 0) {
							t = Table.Stations[i].Arrival.Minute + ":" + Table.Stations[i].Arrival.Second;
						} else t = "";
						g.DrawString(t, f, Brushes.Black, x, y);
						s = g.MeasureString(t, f);
						x += s.Width + 4;
						if (x > x4) x4 = x;
				g.DrawLine(Pens.LightGray, new PointF(x4 - 2, 4 + descriptionheight), new PointF(x4 - 2, y0 + 18 * (Table.Stations.Length + 1)));
				// departure time
				t = Interface.GetInterfaceString("timetable_departuretime");
				s = g.MeasureString(t, f);
				g.DrawString(t, f, Brushes.Black, x4, y2);
				float x5 = x4 + s.Width + 4;
				for (int i = 0; i < Table.Stations.Length; i++) {
					float y = y0 + 18 * (i + 1) + 2;
					if (Table.Stations[i].Terminal) {
						t = "00";
						s = g.MeasureString(t, fs);
						float x = x4 + s.Width;
						const float c0 = 4;
						const float c1 = 32;
						g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, new PointF(x + c0, y + 6), new PointF(x + c1, y + 6));
						g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, new PointF(x + c0, y + 10), new PointF(x + c1, y + 10));
						x += c1 + 4;
						if (x > x5) x5 = x;
					} else {
						if (Table.Stations[i].Departure.Hour.Length != 0) {
							t = Table.Stations[i].Departure.Hour;
							g.DrawString(t, fs, Brushes.Black, x4, y);
						} else {
							t = "00";
						s = g.MeasureString(t, fs);
						float x = x4 + s.Width;
						if (Table.Stations[i].Departure.Minute.Length != 0 & Table.Stations[i].Departure.Second.Length != 0) {
							t = Table.Stations[i].Departure.Minute + ":" + Table.Stations[i].Departure.Second;
						} else t = "";
						g.DrawString(t, f, Brushes.Black, x, y);
						s = g.MeasureString(t, f);
						x += s.Width + 4;
						if (x > x5) x5 = x;
				for (int i = 0; i < Table.Stations.Length; i++) {
					float y = y0 + 18 * (i + 1) + 2;
					g.DrawLine(Pens.LightGray, new PointF(x2 - 2, y - 1), new PointF(w - 4, y - 1));
				// border
				if (k == 1) {
					g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, new PointF(offsetx + 4, 4), new PointF(offsetx + 4, y0a + 18 * Table.Tracks.Length - 1));
					g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, new PointF(offsetx + 4, y0a + 18 * Table.Tracks.Length - 1), new PointF(x2 - 2, y0a + 18 * Table.Tracks.Length - 1));
					g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, new PointF(offsetx + 4, 4), new PointF(w - 4, 4));
					g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, new PointF(offsetx + 4, 4 + descriptionheight), new PointF(w - 4, 4 + descriptionheight));
					g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, new PointF(x2 - 2, y0 + 18 * (Table.Stations.Length + 1)), new PointF(w - 4, y0 + 18 * (Table.Stations.Length + 1)));
					g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, new PointF(w - 4, 4), new PointF(w - 4, y0 + 18 * (Table.Stations.Length + 1)));
					g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, new PointF(x2 - 2, y0a + 18 * Table.Tracks.Length - 1), new PointF(x2 - 2, y0 + 18 * (Table.Stations.Length + 1)));
				// measure
				w = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)(x5 + 1));
				h = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)(y0 + 18 * (Table.Stations.Length + 1) + 4));
				// description
				if (k == 0) {
					t = DefaultTimetableDescription;
					s = g.MeasureString(t, f, w - 16);
					descriptionwidth = s.Width;
					descriptionheight = s.Height + 2;
					h += (int)Math.Ceiling((double)s.Height) + 4;
				// finish
				if (k == 0) {
					// measures
					int nw = Textures.RoundUpToPowerOfTwo(w);
					offsetx = nw - w;
					w = nw;
					actualheight = h;
					h = Textures.RoundUpToPowerOfTwo(h);
				} else {
					// create texture
					DefaultTimetableTexture = Textures.RegisterTexture(b);
		// ================================

		internal static void Reset(bool ResetLogs) {
			// track manager
			TrackManager.CurrentTrack = new TrackManager.Track();
			// train manager
			TrainManager.Trains = new TrainManager.Train[] { };
			// game
			CurrentInterface = InterfaceType.Normal;
			RouteComment = "";
			RouteImage = "";
			RouteAccelerationDueToGravity = 9.80665;
			RouteRailGauge = 1.435;
			RouteInitialAirPressure = 101325.0;
			RouteInitialAirTemperature = 293.15;
			RouteInitialElevation = 0.0;
			RouteSeaLevelAirPressure = 101325.0;
			RouteSeaLevelAirTemperature = 293.15;
			Stations = new Station[] { };
			Sections = new Section[] { };
			BufferTrackPositions = new double[] { };
			Messages = new Message[] { };
			MarkerTextures = new Textures.Texture[] { };
			PointsOfInterest = new PointOfInterest[] { };
			PrecedingTrainTimeDeltas = new double[] { };
			PrecedingTrainSpeedLimit = double.PositiveInfinity;
			BogusPretrainInstructions = new BogusPretrainInstruction[] { };
			TrainName = "";
			TrainStart = TrainStartMode.EmergencyBrakesNoAts;
			NoFogStart = (float)Math.Max(1.33333333333333 * Options.Current.ViewingDistance, 800.0);
			NoFogEnd = (float)Math.Max(2.66666666666667 * Options.Current.ViewingDistance, 1600.0);
			PreviousFog = new Fog(NoFogStart, NoFogEnd, new Color24(128, 128, 128), 0.0);
			CurrentFog = new Fog(NoFogStart, NoFogEnd, new Color24(128, 128, 128), 0.5);
			NextFog = new Fog(NoFogStart, NoFogEnd, new Color24(128, 128, 128), 1.0);
			InfoTotalTriangles = 0;
			InfoTotalTriangleStrip = 0;
			InfoTotalQuads = 0;
			InfoTotalQuadStrip = 0;
			InfoTotalPolygon = 0;
			InfoStaticOpaqueFaceCount = 0;
			if (ResetLogs) {
				LogRouteName = "";
				LogTrainName = "";
				LogDateTime = DateTime.Now;
				CurrentScore = new Score();
				ScoreMessages = new ScoreMessage[] { };
				ScoreLogs = new ScoreLog[64];
				ScoreLogCount = 0;
				BlackBoxEntries = new BlackBoxEntry[256];
				BlackBoxEntryCount = 0;
				BlackBoxNextUpdate = 0.0;
			// renderer
		// update custom timetable
		internal static void UpdateCustomTimetable(Textures.Texture daytime, Textures.Texture nighttime) {
			for (int i = 0; i < CustomObjectsUsed; i++) {
				for (int j = 0; j < CustomObjects[i].States.Length; j++) {
					for (int k = 0; k < CustomObjects[i].States[j].Object.Mesh.Materials.Length; k++) {
						if (daytime != null) {
							CustomObjects[i].States[j].Object.Mesh.Materials[k].DaytimeTexture = daytime;
						if (nighttime != null) {
							CustomObjects[i].States[j].Object.Mesh.Materials[k].NighttimeTexture = nighttime;
			if (daytime != null) {
				CurrentCustomTimetableDaytimeTexture = daytime;
			if (nighttime != null) {
				CurrentCustomTimetableNighttimeTexture = nighttime;
			if (CurrentCustomTimetableDaytimeTexture != null | CurrentCustomTimetableNighttimeTexture != null) {
				CustomTimetableAvailable = true;
			} else {
				CustomTimetableAvailable = false;
        public static bool ReadMarkerXML(string fileName, ref CsvRwRouteParser.Marker marker)
            //The current XML file to load
            XmlDocument currentXML = new XmlDocument();

            //Load the marker's XML file
            string Path = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName);

            if (currentXML.DocumentElement != null)
                bool        iM            = false;
                XmlNodeList DocumentNodes = currentXML.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("/openBVE/TextMarker");

                if (DocumentNodes == null || DocumentNodes.Count == 0)
                    DocumentNodes = currentXML.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("/openBVE/ImageMarker");
                    iM            = true;
                if (DocumentNodes == null || DocumentNodes.Count == 0)
                    Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "No marker nodes defined in XML file " + fileName);
                marker = new CsvRwRouteParser.Marker();
                foreach (XmlNode n in DocumentNodes)
                    if (n.HasChildNodes)
                        bool             EarlyDefined = false, LateDefined = false;
                        string           EarlyText = null, Text = null, LateText = null;
                        string[]         Trains = null;
                        Textures.Texture EarlyTexture = null, Texture = null, LateTexture = null;
                        double           EarlyTime = 0.0, LateTime = 0.0, TimeOut = Double.PositiveInfinity, EndingPosition = Double.PositiveInfinity;
                        OpenBveApi.Colors.MessageColor EarlyColor = MessageColor.White, OnTimeColor = MessageColor.White, LateColor = MessageColor.White;
                        foreach (XmlNode c in n.ChildNodes)
                            switch (c.Name.ToLowerInvariant())
                            case "early":
                                if (!c.HasChildNodes)
                                    Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false,
                                                         "No paramaters defined for the early message in " + fileName);
                                foreach (XmlNode cc in c.ChildNodes)
                                    switch (cc.Name.ToLowerInvariant())
                                    case "text":
                                        EarlyText = cc.InnerText;

                                    case "texture":
                                        var f = OpenBveApi.Path.CombineFile(Path, cc.InnerText);
                                        if (System.IO.File.Exists(f))
                                            if (!Textures.RegisterTexture(f, out EarlyTexture))
                                                Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Loading MessageEarlyTexture " + f + " failed.");
                                            Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "MessageEarlyTexture " + f + " does not exist.");

                                    case "time":
                                        if (!Interface.TryParseTime(cc.InnerText, out EarlyTime))
                                            Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Early message time invalid in " + fileName);
                                        EarlyDefined = true;

                                    case "color":
                                        EarlyColor = ParseColor(cc.InnerText, fileName);

                            case "ontime":
                                if (!c.HasChildNodes)
                                    Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false,
                                                         "No paramaters defined for the on-time message in " + fileName);
                                foreach (XmlNode cc in c.ChildNodes)
                                    switch (cc.Name.ToLowerInvariant())
                                    case "text":
                                        Text = cc.InnerText;

                                    case "texture":
                                        var f = OpenBveApi.Path.CombineFile(Path, cc.InnerText);
                                        if (System.IO.File.Exists(f))
                                            if (!Textures.RegisterTexture(f, out Texture))
                                                Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Loading MessageTexture " + f + " failed.");
                                            Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "MessageTexture " + f + " does not exist.");

                                    case "color":
                                        OnTimeColor = ParseColor(cc.InnerText, fileName);

                            case "late":
                                if (!c.HasChildNodes)
                                    Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false,
                                                         "No paramaters defined for the late message in " + fileName);

                                foreach (XmlNode cc in c.ChildNodes)
                                    switch (cc.Name.ToLowerInvariant())
                                    case "text":
                                        LateText = cc.InnerText;

                                    case "texture":
                                        var f = OpenBveApi.Path.CombineFile(Path, cc.InnerText);
                                        if (System.IO.File.Exists(f))
                                            if (!Textures.RegisterTexture(f, out LateTexture))
                                                Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Loading MessageLateTexture " + f + " failed.");
                                            Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "MessageLateTexture " + f + " does not exist.");

                                    case "time":
                                        if (!Interface.TryParseTime(cc.InnerText, out LateTime))
                                            Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Early message time invalid in " + fileName);
                                        LateDefined = true;

                                    case "color":
                                        LateColor = ParseColor(cc.InnerText, fileName);

                            case "timeout":
                                if (!NumberFormats.TryParseDouble(c.InnerText, new[] { 1.0 }, out TimeOut))
                                    Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Marker timeout invalid in " + fileName);

                            case "distance":
                                if (!NumberFormats.TryParseDouble(c.InnerText, new[] { 1.0 }, out EndingPosition))
                                    Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "Marker distance invalid in " + fileName);

                            case "trains":
                                Trains = c.InnerText.Split(';');
                        //Check this marker is valid
                        if (TimeOut == Double.PositiveInfinity && EndingPosition == Double.PositiveInfinity)
                            Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Error, false, "No marker timeout or distance defined in marker XML " + fileName);
                        if (EndingPosition != Double.PositiveInfinity)
                            marker.EndingPosition = EndingPosition;
                        MessageManager.TextureMessage t = new MessageManager.TextureMessage();
                        MessageManager.GeneralMessage m = new MessageManager.GeneralMessage();
                        //Add variants

                        if (EarlyDefined)
                            if (iM)
                                if (EarlyTexture != null)
                                    t.MessageEarlyTime    = EarlyTime;
                                    t.MessageEarlyTexture = EarlyTexture;
                                    Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Warning, false, "An early time was defined, but no message was specified in MarkerXML " + fileName);
                                if (EarlyText != null)
                                    m.MessageEarlyTime = EarlyTime;
                                    m.MessageEarlyText = EarlyText;
                                    m.MessageColor     = EarlyColor;
                                    Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Warning, false, "An early time was defined, but no message was specified in MarkerXML " + fileName);
                        if (LateDefined)
                            if (iM)
                                if (LateTexture != null)
                                    t.MessageLateTime    = LateTime;
                                    t.MessageLateTexture = LateTexture;
                                    Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Warning, false, "A late time was defined, but no message was specified in MarkerXML " + fileName);
                                if (LateText != null)
                                    m.MessageLateTime  = LateTime;
                                    m.MessageLateText  = LateText;
                                    m.MessageLateColor = LateColor;
                                    Interface.AddMessage(Interface.MessageType.Warning, false, "An early time was defined, but no message was specified in MarkerXML " + fileName);
                        //Final on-time message
                        if (iM)
                            t.Trains = Trains;
                            if (Texture != null)
                                t.MessageOnTimeTexture = Texture;
                            m.Trains = Trains;
                            if (Text != null)
                                m.MessageOnTimeText = Text;
                                m.Color             = OnTimeColor;
                        if (iM)
                            marker.Message = t;
                            marker.Message = m;