public void Train_PGMT_CartPoleWithOutUi() { MyCaffeCustomTrainerTest test = new MyCaffeCustomTrainerTest(); try { foreach (IMyCaffeCustomTrainerTest t in test.Tests) { t.TrainCartPolePG(false, "PG.MT", 100); } } finally { test.Dispose(); } }
public void Train_PGST_AtariWithOutUi() { MyCaffeCustomTrainerTest test = new MyCaffeCustomTrainerTest(); try { foreach (IMyCaffeCustomTrainerTest t in test.Tests) { t.TrainAtariPG(false, "PG.ST", 10); } } finally { test.Dispose(); } }
public void Train_RNNSIMPLE_WavRNN_LSTMSIMPLE() { MyCaffeCustomTrainerTest test = new MyCaffeCustomTrainerTest(); try { foreach (IMyCaffeCustomTrainerTest t in test.Tests) { // NOTE: 1000 iterations is quite short and may not produce results, // for real training 100,000+ is a more common iteration to use. t.TrainWavRNN(false, "RNN.SIMPLE", LayerParameter.LayerType.LSTM_SIMPLE, 1000); } } finally { test.Dispose(); } }