        static void Main()
            GSM firstPhone = new GSM("HTC 10", "HTC Corporation");
            GSM secondPhone = new GSM("Y6", "Huawei", "Pesho");
            GSM thirdPhone = new GSM("Nexus 5X", "LG", 1050.99, "Ivan", new Battery("abc", 24, 35), new Display(4, 255));

            //Create an array of few instances of the GSM class.
            GSM[] gsmCollection = { firstPhone, secondPhone, thirdPhone };

            //Display the information about the GSMs in the array.
            foreach (var phone in gsmCollection)

            //Display the information about the static property IPhone4S.

            //Create an instance of the GSM class.
            GSM phoneOne = new GSM("Galaxy S4", "Samsung", 450.99, "M", new Battery("LiIon", 100), new Display(5.0, 16));

            //Add few calls.

            Console.WriteLine("Call a number and enter the duration of the call on the seocnd line (in seconds)");
            phoneOne.AddCall(new Calls(Console.ReadLine(),int.Parse(Console.ReadLine())));
            Console.WriteLine("Call a number");
            phoneOne.AddCall(new Calls(Console.ReadLine(),int.Parse(Console.ReadLine())));
            Console.WriteLine("Call a number");
            phoneOne.AddCall(new Calls(Console.ReadLine(),int.Parse(Console.ReadLine())));
            Console.WriteLine("Call a number");
            phoneOne.AddCall(new Calls(Console.ReadLine(),int.Parse(Console.ReadLine())));
            Console.WriteLine("Call a number");
            phoneOne.AddCall(new Calls(Console.ReadLine(),int.Parse(Console.ReadLine())));

            // Display the information about the calls.
            foreach (var call in phoneOne.CallHistory)

                Console.WriteLine($"Date and time of call {call.Date.ToShortDateString()} at {string.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}", call.Time.Hours, call.Time.Minutes, call.Time.Minutes)}. Called number: {call.DailedNum}. Call duration {call.Duration/60d:F3} min.");

            double pricePerMin = 0.37;

            Console.WriteLine("The price of total calls is {0} BGN", phoneOne.CallsTotalPrice(pricePerMin));


            Console.WriteLine("The price of total calls is {0} BGN", phoneOne.CallsTotalPrice(pricePerMin));

            //Finally clear the call history and print it.
        public static void Test()
            //Create an instance of the GSM class
            GSM gsm = new GSM("Iphone 5S", "Apple");

            //Add few calls
            gsm.AddCall(new Call(new DateTime(2014, 1, 2, 12, 24, 0), "0889333333", 78));
            gsm.AddCall(new Call(new DateTime(2014, 2, 2, 18, 35, 0), "0888230531", 740));
            gsm.AddCall(new Call(new DateTime(2014, 3, 2, 18, 01, 0), "112", 1600));

            //Display the information about the calls

            //Print the total price of the calls in the history
            Console.WriteLine("Total price: {0:F2}", gsm.CalculatePrice(PricePerMinute));

            //Remove the longest call from the history
            gsm.CallHistory.RemoveAll(x => x.Duration == gsm.CallHistory.Max(y => y.Duration));

            //Calculate the total price again
            Console.WriteLine("Total price: {0:F2}", gsm.CalculatePrice(PricePerMinute));

            //Clear the call history and print it
        static void Main()
            GSM firstPhone  = new GSM("HTC 10", "HTC Corporation");
            GSM secondPhone = new GSM("Y6", "Huawei", "Pesho");
            GSM thirdPhone  = new GSM("Nexus 5X", "LG", 1050.99, "Ivan", new Battery("abc", 24, 35), new Display(4, 255));

            //Create an array of few instances of the GSM class.
            GSM[] gsmCollection = { firstPhone, secondPhone, thirdPhone };

            //Display the information about the GSMs in the array.
            foreach (var phone in gsmCollection)

            //Display the information about the static property IPhone4S.

            //Create an instance of the GSM class.
            GSM phoneOne = new GSM("Galaxy S4", "Samsung", 450.99, "M", new Battery("LiIon", 100), new Display(5.0, 16));

            //Add few calls.

            Console.WriteLine("Call a number and enter the duration of the call on the seocnd line (in seconds)");
            phoneOne.AddCall(new Calls(Console.ReadLine(), int.Parse(Console.ReadLine())));
            Console.WriteLine("Call a number");
            phoneOne.AddCall(new Calls(Console.ReadLine(), int.Parse(Console.ReadLine())));
            Console.WriteLine("Call a number");
            phoneOne.AddCall(new Calls(Console.ReadLine(), int.Parse(Console.ReadLine())));
            Console.WriteLine("Call a number");
            phoneOne.AddCall(new Calls(Console.ReadLine(), int.Parse(Console.ReadLine())));
            Console.WriteLine("Call a number");
            phoneOne.AddCall(new Calls(Console.ReadLine(), int.Parse(Console.ReadLine())));

            // Display the information about the calls.
            foreach (var call in phoneOne.CallHistory)
                Console.WriteLine($"Date and time of call {call.Date.ToShortDateString()} at {string.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}", call.Time.Hours, call.Time.Minutes, call.Time.Minutes)}. Called number: {call.DailedNum}. Call duration {call.Duration/60d:F3} min.");

            double pricePerMin = 0.37;

            Console.WriteLine("The price of total calls is {0} BGN", phoneOne.CallsTotalPrice(pricePerMin));


            Console.WriteLine("The price of total calls is {0} BGN", phoneOne.CallsTotalPrice(pricePerMin));

            //Finally clear the call history and print it.
 public static void Main()
     GSM someGSM = new GSM("Xperia M4 Aqua Dual", "Sony", 520.87m, "Sony owner", new Battery("Xperia Aqua Battery", 488, 13.5f, Battery.BatteryType.LiIon), new Display(5f, 16777216));
     someGSM.AddCall(new Call(new DateTime(2015, 03, 15, 9, 16, 53), "+359874433434", 67));
     someGSM.AddCall(new Call(new DateTime(2015, 02, 16, 18, 3, 7), "+359882223344", 124));
     someGSM.AddCall(new Call(new DateTime(2015, 01, 12, 19, 3, 12), "+359898887766", 23));
     someGSM.AddCall(new Call(new DateTime(2015, 03, 16, 12, 37, 15), "+359884455566", 85));
     someGSM.AddCall(new Call(new DateTime(2015, 03, 17, 16, 43, 0), "+359879933222", 283));
     someGSM.AddCall(new Call(new DateTime(2015, 03, 12, 20, 55, 19), "+359897774433", 149));
     someGSM.AddCall(new Call(new DateTime(2015, 01, 28, 17, 55, 4), "+359884562233", 508));
     Console.WriteLine("Current Calls History:");
     foreach (Call item in someGSM.CallsList)
         Console.WriteLine("Call time: {0}, Number: {1}, Duration: {2} sec.", item.CallDateTime, item.CallNumber, item.CallDuration);
     Console.WriteLine("\nThe total price for the calls is {0}", someGSM.GetCallsPrice(0.37m));
     int longestCall = someGSM.CallsList[0].CallDuration;
     int longestCallIndex = 0;
     for (int i = 0; i < someGSM.CallsList.Count; i++)
         if (someGSM.CallsList[i].CallDuration > longestCall)
             longestCall = someGSM.CallsList[i].CallDuration;
             longestCallIndex = i;
     Console.WriteLine("\nThe total price for the calls without the longest call is {0}", someGSM.GetCallsPrice(0.37m));
     Console.WriteLine("\nCleared Calls History:");
     foreach (Call item in someGSM.CallsList)
         Console.WriteLine("Call time: {0}, Number: {1}, Duration: {2} sec.", item.CallDateTime, item.CallNumber, item.CallDuration);
        public static void Main()
            GSM someGSM = new GSM("Xperia M4 Aqua Dual", "Sony", 520.87m, "Sony owner", new Battery("Xperia Aqua Battery", 488, 13.5f, Battery.BatteryType.LiIon), new Display(5f, 16777216));

            someGSM.AddCall(new Call(new DateTime(2015, 03, 15, 9, 16, 53), "+359874433434", 67));
            someGSM.AddCall(new Call(new DateTime(2015, 02, 16, 18, 3, 7), "+359882223344", 124));
            someGSM.AddCall(new Call(new DateTime(2015, 01, 12, 19, 3, 12), "+359898887766", 23));
            someGSM.AddCall(new Call(new DateTime(2015, 03, 16, 12, 37, 15), "+359884455566", 85));
            someGSM.AddCall(new Call(new DateTime(2015, 03, 17, 16, 43, 0), "+359879933222", 283));
            someGSM.AddCall(new Call(new DateTime(2015, 03, 12, 20, 55, 19), "+359897774433", 149));
            someGSM.AddCall(new Call(new DateTime(2015, 01, 28, 17, 55, 4), "+359884562233", 508));
            Console.WriteLine("Current Calls History:");
            foreach (Call item in someGSM.CallsList)
                Console.WriteLine("Call time: {0}, Number: {1}, Duration: {2} sec.", item.CallDateTime, item.CallNumber, item.CallDuration);
            Console.WriteLine("\nThe total price for the calls is {0}", someGSM.GetCallsPrice(0.37m));
            int longestCall      = someGSM.CallsList[0].CallDuration;
            int longestCallIndex = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < someGSM.CallsList.Count; i++)
                if (someGSM.CallsList[i].CallDuration > longestCall)
                    longestCall      = someGSM.CallsList[i].CallDuration;
                    longestCallIndex = i;
            Console.WriteLine("\nThe total price for the calls without the longest call is {0}", someGSM.GetCallsPrice(0.37m));
            Console.WriteLine("\nCleared Calls History:");
            foreach (Call item in someGSM.CallsList)
                Console.WriteLine("Call time: {0}, Number: {1}, Duration: {2} sec.", item.CallDateTime, item.CallNumber, item.CallDuration);