send() public method

public send ( string msg ) : void
msg string
return void
        public void Synchronize(MissionControlService client)
            Debug.Log ("STEP1");
            // Retrieve celestial information
            List<json> celestial_buffer = new List<json>();
            foreach (CelestialBody celestial in FlightGlobals.Bodies) {
                celestial_buffer.Add (utilities.getCelestialState (celestial));
            Debug.Log ("STEP2");
            // Retrieve vessel information and add the vessel to known vessels
            List<json> vessel_buffer = new List<json>();
            foreach (Vessel vessel in FlightGlobals.Vessels) {
                vessel_buffer.Add (utilities.getVesselState (vessel));
                Debug.Log ("STEP2X");
                client.known_vessels.Add (vessel);

            Debug.Log ("STEP3");
            // Compile it into a single json packet
            json buffer = new json();
            buffer.Add ("state", GameState ());
            buffer.Add ("celestials", celestial_buffer);
            buffer.Add ("vessels", vessel_buffer);
            Debug.Log ("STEP4");
            client.send (buffer.dumps ());
            Debug.Log ("STEP5");
            UpdateClients (); // TODO: not necessary the right way to do it.