        public SarifErrorListItem(Run run, Notification notification, string logFilePath, ProjectNameCache projectNameCache) : this()
            _runId = CodeAnalysisResultManager.Instance.CurrentRunId;
            ReportingDescriptor rule;
            string ruleId = null;

            if (notification.AssociatedRule != null)
                ruleId = notification.AssociatedRule.Id;
            else if (notification.Descriptor != null)
                ruleId = notification.Descriptor.Id;

            run.TryGetRule(ruleId, out rule);
            Message      = notification.Message.Text.Trim();
            ShortMessage = ExtensionMethods.GetFirstSentence(notification.Message.Text);
            if (!Message.EndsWith("."))
                ShortMessage = ShortMessage.TrimEnd('.');
            Level       = notification.Level;
            LogFilePath = logFilePath;
            FileName    = SdkUIUtilities.GetFileLocationPath(notification.Locations?[0]?.PhysicalLocation?.ArtifactLocation, _runId) ?? "";
            ProjectName = projectNameCache.GetName(FileName);
            Locations.Add(new LocationModel()
                FilePath = FileName

            Tool             = run.Tool.ToToolModel();
            Rule             = rule.ToRuleModel(ruleId);
            Invocation       = run.Invocations?[0]?.ToInvocationModel();
            WorkingDirectory = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), _runId.ToString());
        internal static (string, string) SplitResultMessage(string input, int maxLength)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input))
                return(input, input);

            const string ellipsis       = "\u2026";
            const string hyperlinkGroup = "link_text";
            string       pattern        = $"\\[(?<{hyperlinkGroup}>[\\w \\.]+)\\]\\(([\\w\\.:\\/ ]*)\\)";

            MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(input, pattern, RegexOptions.Multiline);
            var             sb      = new StringBuilder(input);

            // Replace the hyperlinks with only their text
            for (int i = matches.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                Match match = matches[i];

                // match.Groups.TryGetValue only available in .net 5/.net core 3.0 or above
                Group group = match.Groups[hyperlinkGroup];
                if (group != null && group.Success)
                    string text = group.Value;
                    sb = sb.Remove(match.Index, match.Length);
                    sb = sb.Insert(match.Index, text);

            string fullText = AppendEndPunctuation(input);

            string firstSentence = ExtensionMethods.GetFirstSentence(sb.ToString());

            // ExtensionMethods.GetFirstSentence has an issue it appends '.' even the string ends with other punctuations '!' or '?'
            firstSentence = AppendEndPunctuation(firstSentence.TrimEnd('.'));
            sb            = new StringBuilder(firstSentence);

            bool addEllipsis = maxLength > 0 && sb.Length > maxLength;

            if (addEllipsis)
                // Truncate the string
                sb.Length = maxLength;

            // Restore the remaining intact links
            foreach (Match match in matches)
                Group group = match.Groups[hyperlinkGroup];
                if (group != null && group.Success)
                    if (maxLength > 0 && match.Index + group.Length <= sb.Length)
                        sb         = sb.Remove(match.Index, group.Length);
                        sb         = sb.Insert(match.Index, match.Value);
                        maxLength += match.Value.Length - group.Length;

            if (addEllipsis)

            return(sb.ToString(), fullText);