    /// <summary>
    /// This method calculates the rectangle on screen where the video should be presented
    /// this depends on if we are in fullscreen mode or preview mode
    /// and on the current aspect ration settings
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="videoSize">Size of video stream</param>
    /// <returns>
    /// true : video window is visible
    /// false: video window is not visible
    /// </returns>
    public bool SetVideoWindow(Size videoSize)
      lock (GUIGraphicsContext.RenderLock)
          if (!GUIGraphicsContext.IsPlayingVideo && !_vmr9Util.InMenu)
            return false;

          // check if the aspect ratio belongs to a Full-HD 3D format

          GUIGraphicsContext.IsFullHD3DFormat = false;

          if (((double) videoSize.Width/videoSize.Height >= 2.5) && (videoSize.Width >= _full3DSBSMinWidth))
            // we have Full HD SBS 
            GUIGraphicsContext.IsFullHD3DFormat = true;
          else if (((double) videoSize.Width/videoSize.Height <= 1.5) && (videoSize.Height >= _full3DTABMinHeight))
            // we have Full HD TAB
            GUIGraphicsContext.IsFullHD3DFormat = true;

          GUIGraphicsContext.VideoSize = videoSize;
          // get the window where the video/tv should be shown
          float x = GUIGraphicsContext.VideoWindow.X;
          float y = GUIGraphicsContext.VideoWindow.Y;
          int nw = GUIGraphicsContext.VideoWindow.Width;
          int nh = GUIGraphicsContext.VideoWindow.Height;

          //sanity checks
          if (nw > GUIGraphicsContext.OverScanWidth)
            nw = GUIGraphicsContext.OverScanWidth;
          if (nh > GUIGraphicsContext.OverScanHeight)
            nh = GUIGraphicsContext.OverScanHeight;

          //are we supposed to show video in fullscreen or in a preview window?
          if (GUIGraphicsContext.IsFullScreenVideo || !GUIGraphicsContext.ShowBackground)
            //yes fullscreen, then use the entire screen
            x = GUIGraphicsContext.OverScanLeft;
            y = GUIGraphicsContext.OverScanTop;
            nw = GUIGraphicsContext.OverScanWidth;
            nh = GUIGraphicsContext.OverScanHeight;

          //sanity check
          if (nw <= 10 || nh <= 10 || x < 0 || y < 0)
            // Need to resize window video for madVR
            if (GUIGraphicsContext.VideoRenderer != GUIGraphicsContext.VideoRendererType.madVR) //TODO
              return false;

          GUIGraphicsContext.ScaleVideoWindow(ref nw, ref nh, ref x, ref y);


          //did the video window,aspect ratio change? if not
          //then we dont need to recalculate and just return the previous settings
          //add a delta value of -1 or +1 to check
          if (!updateCrop && (int)x == _rectPrevious.X && (int)y == _rectPrevious.Y &&
              nw == _rectPrevious.Width && nh == _rectPrevious.Height &&
              GUIGraphicsContext.ARType == _aspectRatioType &&
              GUIGraphicsContext.Overlay == _lastOverlayVisible && _shouldRenderTexture &&
              (_prevVideoWidth == videoSize.Width || _prevVideoWidth == videoSize.Width + 1 ||
               _prevVideoWidth == videoSize.Width - 1) &&
              (_prevVideoHeight == videoSize.Height || _prevVideoHeight == videoSize.Height + 1 ||
               _prevVideoHeight == videoSize.Height - 1) &&
              (_prevArVideoWidth == _arVideoWidth || _prevArVideoWidth == _arVideoWidth + 1 ||
               _prevArVideoWidth == _arVideoWidth - 1) &&
              (_prevArVideoHeight == _arVideoHeight || _prevArVideoHeight == _arVideoHeight + 1 ||
               _prevArVideoHeight == _arVideoHeight - 1))
            //not changed, return previous settings
            return _shouldRenderTexture;

          //settings (position,size,aspect ratio) changed.
          //Store these settings and start calucating the new video window
          _rectPrevious = new Rectangle((int) x, (int) y, (int) nw, (int) nh);
          _subsRect = _rectPrevious;
          _aspectRatioType = GUIGraphicsContext.ARType;
          _lastOverlayVisible = GUIGraphicsContext.Overlay;
          _prevVideoWidth = videoSize.Width;
          _prevVideoHeight = videoSize.Height;
          _prevArVideoWidth = _arVideoWidth;
          _prevArVideoHeight = _arVideoHeight;

          //calculate the video window according to the current aspect ratio settings
          float fVideoWidth = (float) videoSize.Width;
          float fVideoHeight = (float) videoSize.Height;

          // if we have a Full-HD 3D video we half the width or height in order
          // to provide only the size of one half to the GetWindow call of the
          // Geometry class

          if (((double) videoSize.Width/videoSize.Height >= 2.5) && (videoSize.Width >= _full3DSBSMinWidth))
            // we have Full HD SBS 
            fVideoWidth /= 2;
          else if (((double) videoSize.Width/videoSize.Height <= 1.5) && (videoSize.Height >= _full3DTABMinHeight))
            // we have Full HD TAB
            fVideoHeight /= 2;

          _geometry.ImageWidth = (int) fVideoWidth;
          _geometry.ImageHeight = (int) fVideoHeight;
          _geometry.ScreenWidth = (int) nw;
          _geometry.ScreenHeight = (int) nh;
          _geometry.ARType = GUIGraphicsContext.ARType;
          _geometry.PixelRatio = GUIGraphicsContext.PixelRatio;

          // if the width or height was altered because of a Full-HD 3D format we recalculate
          // the width to allow the GetWindowCall to operate with the correct aspect ratio       

          if (GUIGraphicsContext.IsFullHD3DFormat)
            _arVideoWidth = (int) ((float) _geometry.ImageWidth/_geometry.ImageHeight*_arVideoHeight);

          _geometry.GetWindow(_arVideoWidth, _arVideoHeight, out _sourceRect, out _destinationRect,
            out _useNonLinearStretch, _cropSettings);

          updateCrop = false;
          _destinationRect.X += (int) x;
          _destinationRect.Y += (int) y;

          if (GUIGraphicsContext.VideoRenderer == GUIGraphicsContext.VideoRendererType.madVR)
            // Force VideoWindow to be refreshed with madVR when switching from video size like 16:9 to 4:3
            GUIGraphicsContext.UpdateVideoWindow = true;
            //sanity check
            if (_destinationRect.Width < 10)
              return false;
            if (_destinationRect.Height < 10)
              return false;
            if (_sourceRect.Width < 10)
              return false;
            if (_sourceRect.Height < 10)
              return false;

          Log.Debug("PlaneScene: crop T, B  : {0}, {1}", _cropSettings.Top, _cropSettings.Bottom);
          Log.Debug("PlaneScene: crop L, R  : {0}, {1}", _cropSettings.Left, _cropSettings.Right);

          Log.Info("PlaneScene: video WxH  : {0}x{1}", videoSize.Width, videoSize.Height);
          Log.Debug("PlaneScene: video AR   : {0}:{1}", _arVideoWidth, _arVideoHeight);
          Log.Info("PlaneScene: screen WxH : {0}x{1}", nw, nh);
          Log.Debug("PlaneScene: AR type    : {0}", GUIGraphicsContext.ARType);
          Log.Debug("PlaneScene: PixelRatio : {0}", GUIGraphicsContext.PixelRatio);
          Log.Debug("PlaneScene: src        : ({0},{1})-({2},{3})",
            _sourceRect.X, _sourceRect.Y, _sourceRect.X + _sourceRect.Width, _sourceRect.Y + _sourceRect.Height);
          Log.Debug("PlaneScene: dst        : ({0},{1})-({2},{3})",
            _destinationRect.X, _destinationRect.Y, _destinationRect.X + _destinationRect.Width,
            _destinationRect.Y + _destinationRect.Height);

          if (GUIGraphicsContext.VideoRenderer != GUIGraphicsContext.VideoRendererType.madVR)

          return true;
        catch (Exception ex)
          return false;
    /// <summary>
    /// This method calculates the rectangle on screen where the video should be presented
    /// this depends on if we are in fullscreen mode or preview mode
    /// and on the current aspect ration settings
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="videoSize">Size of video stream</param>
    /// <returns>
    /// true : video window is visible
    /// false: video window is not visible
    /// </returns>
    public bool SetVideoWindow(Size videoSize)
        if (!GUIGraphicsContext.IsPlayingVideo)
          return false;

        GUIGraphicsContext.VideoSize = videoSize;
        // get the window where the video/tv should be shown
        float x = GUIGraphicsContext.VideoWindow.X;
        float y = GUIGraphicsContext.VideoWindow.Y;
        float nw = GUIGraphicsContext.VideoWindow.Width;
        float nh = GUIGraphicsContext.VideoWindow.Height;

        //sanity checks
        if (nw > GUIGraphicsContext.OverScanWidth)
          nw = GUIGraphicsContext.OverScanWidth;
        if (nh > GUIGraphicsContext.OverScanHeight)
          nh = GUIGraphicsContext.OverScanHeight;

        //are we supposed to show video in fullscreen or in a preview window?
        if (GUIGraphicsContext.IsFullScreenVideo || !GUIGraphicsContext.ShowBackground)
          //yes fullscreen, then use the entire screen
          x = GUIGraphicsContext.OverScanLeft;
          y = GUIGraphicsContext.OverScanTop;
          nw = GUIGraphicsContext.OverScanWidth;
          nh = GUIGraphicsContext.OverScanHeight;

        //sanity check
        if (nw <= 10 || nh <= 10 || x < 0 || y < 0)
          return false;


        //did the video window,aspect ratio change? if not
        //then we dont need to recalculate and just return the previous settings
        if (!updateCrop && x == _rectPrevious.X && y == _rectPrevious.Y &&
            nw == _rectPrevious.Width && nh == _rectPrevious.Height &&
            GUIGraphicsContext.ARType == _aspectRatioType &&
            GUIGraphicsContext.Overlay == _lastOverlayVisible && _shouldRenderTexture &&
            _prevVideoWidth == videoSize.Width && _prevVideoHeight == videoSize.Height &&
            _prevArVideoWidth == _arVideoWidth && _prevArVideoHeight == _arVideoHeight)
          //not changed, return previous settings
          return _shouldRenderTexture;

        //settings (position,size,aspect ratio) changed.
        //Store these settings and start calucating the new video window
        _rectPrevious = new Rectangle((int)x, (int)y, (int)nw, (int)nh);
        _subsRect = _rectPrevious;
        _aspectRatioType = GUIGraphicsContext.ARType;
        _lastOverlayVisible = GUIGraphicsContext.Overlay;
        _prevVideoWidth = videoSize.Width;
        _prevVideoHeight = videoSize.Height;
        _prevArVideoWidth = _arVideoWidth;
        _prevArVideoHeight = _arVideoHeight;

        //calculate the video window according to the current aspect ratio settings
        float fVideoWidth = (float)videoSize.Width;
        float fVideoHeight = (float)videoSize.Height;
        _geometry.ImageWidth = (int)fVideoWidth;
        _geometry.ImageHeight = (int)fVideoHeight;
        _geometry.ScreenWidth = (int)nw;
        _geometry.ScreenHeight = (int)nh;
        _geometry.ARType = GUIGraphicsContext.ARType;
        _geometry.PixelRatio = GUIGraphicsContext.PixelRatio;

        _geometry.GetWindow(_arVideoWidth, _arVideoHeight, out _sourceRect, out _destinationRect,
                            out _useNonLinearStretch, _cropSettings);
        updateCrop = false;
        _destinationRect.X += (int)x;
        _destinationRect.Y += (int)y;

        //sanity check
        if (_destinationRect.Width < 10)
          return false;
        if (_destinationRect.Height < 10)
          return false;
        if (_sourceRect.Width < 10)
          return false;
        if (_sourceRect.Height < 10)
          return false;

        Log.Debug("PlaneScene: crop T, B  : {0}, {1}", _cropSettings.Top, _cropSettings.Bottom);
        Log.Debug("PlaneScene: crop L, R  : {0}, {1}", _cropSettings.Left, _cropSettings.Right);

        Log.Info("PlaneScene: video WxH  : {0}x{1}", videoSize.Width, videoSize.Height);
        Log.Debug("PlaneScene: video AR   : {0}:{1}", _arVideoWidth, _arVideoHeight);
        Log.Info("PlaneScene: screen WxH : {0}x{1}", nw, nh);
        Log.Debug("PlaneScene: AR type    : {0}", GUIGraphicsContext.ARType);
        Log.Debug("PlaneScene: PixelRatio : {0}", GUIGraphicsContext.PixelRatio);
        Log.Debug("PlaneScene: src        : ({0},{1})-({2},{3})",
                  _sourceRect.X, _sourceRect.Y, _sourceRect.X + _sourceRect.Width, _sourceRect.Y + _sourceRect.Height);
        Log.Debug("PlaneScene: dst        : ({0},{1})-({2},{3})",
                  _destinationRect.X, _destinationRect.Y, _destinationRect.X + _destinationRect.Width,
                  _destinationRect.Y + _destinationRect.Height);

        return true;
      catch (Exception ex)
        return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// This method calculates the rectangle on screen where the video should be presented
        /// this depends on if we are in fullscreen mode or preview mode
        /// and on the current aspect ration settings
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="videoSize">Size of video stream</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// true : video window is visible
        /// false: video window is not visible
        /// </returns>
        public bool SetVideoWindow(Size videoSize)
                if (!GUIGraphicsContext.IsPlayingVideo)

                GUIGraphicsContext.VideoSize = videoSize;
                // get the window where the video/tv should be shown
                float x  = GUIGraphicsContext.VideoWindow.X;
                float y  = GUIGraphicsContext.VideoWindow.Y;
                float nw = GUIGraphicsContext.VideoWindow.Width;
                float nh = GUIGraphicsContext.VideoWindow.Height;

                //sanity checks
                if (nw > GUIGraphicsContext.OverScanWidth)
                    nw = GUIGraphicsContext.OverScanWidth;
                if (nh > GUIGraphicsContext.OverScanHeight)
                    nh = GUIGraphicsContext.OverScanHeight;

                //are we supposed to show video in fullscreen or in a preview window?
                if (GUIGraphicsContext.IsFullScreenVideo || !GUIGraphicsContext.ShowBackground)
                    //yes fullscreen, then use the entire screen
                    x  = GUIGraphicsContext.OverScanLeft;
                    y  = GUIGraphicsContext.OverScanTop;
                    nw = GUIGraphicsContext.OverScanWidth;
                    nh = GUIGraphicsContext.OverScanHeight;

                //sanity check
                if (nw <= 10 || nh <= 10 || x < 0 || y < 0)


                //did the video window,aspect ratio change? if not
                //then we dont need to recalculate and just return the previous settings
                if (!updateCrop && x == _rectPrevious.X && y == _rectPrevious.Y &&
                    nw == _rectPrevious.Width && nh == _rectPrevious.Height &&
                    GUIGraphicsContext.ARType == _aspectRatioType &&
                    GUIGraphicsContext.Overlay == _lastOverlayVisible && _shouldRenderTexture &&
                    _prevVideoWidth == videoSize.Width && _prevVideoHeight == videoSize.Height &&
                    _prevArVideoWidth == _arVideoWidth && _prevArVideoHeight == _arVideoHeight)
                    //not changed, return previous settings

                //settings (position,size,aspect ratio) changed.
                //Store these settings and start calucating the new video window
                _rectPrevious       = new Rectangle((int)x, (int)y, (int)nw, (int)nh);
                _subsRect           = _rectPrevious;
                _aspectRatioType    = GUIGraphicsContext.ARType;
                _lastOverlayVisible = GUIGraphicsContext.Overlay;
                _prevVideoWidth     = videoSize.Width;
                _prevVideoHeight    = videoSize.Height;
                _prevArVideoWidth   = _arVideoWidth;
                _prevArVideoHeight  = _arVideoHeight;

                //calculate the video window according to the current aspect ratio settings
                float fVideoWidth  = (float)videoSize.Width;
                float fVideoHeight = (float)videoSize.Height;
                _geometry.ImageWidth   = (int)fVideoWidth;
                _geometry.ImageHeight  = (int)fVideoHeight;
                _geometry.ScreenWidth  = (int)nw;
                _geometry.ScreenHeight = (int)nh;
                _geometry.ARType       = GUIGraphicsContext.ARType;
                _geometry.PixelRatio   = GUIGraphicsContext.PixelRatio;

                _geometry.GetWindow(_arVideoWidth, _arVideoHeight, out _sourceRect, out _destinationRect,
                                    out _useNonLinearStretch, _cropSettings);
                updateCrop          = false;
                _destinationRect.X += (int)x;
                _destinationRect.Y += (int)y;

                //sanity check
                if (_destinationRect.Width < 10)
                if (_destinationRect.Height < 10)
                if (_sourceRect.Width < 10)
                if (_sourceRect.Height < 10)

                Log.Debug("PlaneScene: crop T, B  : {0}, {1}", _cropSettings.Top, _cropSettings.Bottom);
                Log.Debug("PlaneScene: crop L, R  : {0}, {1}", _cropSettings.Left, _cropSettings.Right);

                Log.Info("PlaneScene: video WxH  : {0}x{1}", videoSize.Width, videoSize.Height);
                Log.Debug("PlaneScene: video AR   : {0}:{1}", _arVideoWidth, _arVideoHeight);
                Log.Info("PlaneScene: screen WxH : {0}x{1}", nw, nh);
                Log.Debug("PlaneScene: AR type    : {0}", GUIGraphicsContext.ARType);
                Log.Debug("PlaneScene: PixelRatio : {0}", GUIGraphicsContext.PixelRatio);
                Log.Debug("PlaneScene: src        : ({0},{1})-({2},{3})",
                          _sourceRect.X, _sourceRect.Y, _sourceRect.X + _sourceRect.Width, _sourceRect.Y + _sourceRect.Height);
                Log.Debug("PlaneScene: dst        : ({0},{1})-({2},{3})",
                          _destinationRect.X, _destinationRect.Y, _destinationRect.X + _destinationRect.Width,
                          _destinationRect.Y + _destinationRect.Height);

            catch (Exception ex)