SloppyFreq() public abstract method

Computes the amount of a sloppy phrase match, based on an edit distance. This value is summed for each sloppy phrase match in a document to form the frequency that is passed to Tf(float).

A phrase match with a small edit distance to a document passage more closely matches the document, so implementations of this method usually return larger values when the edit distance is small and smaller values when it is large.

public abstract SloppyFreq ( int distance ) : float
distance int the edit distance of this sloppy phrase match ///
return float
        /// <summary> Score a candidate doc for all slop-valid position-combinations (matches)
        /// encountered while traversing/hopping the PhrasePositions.
        /// <br/> The score contribution of a match depends on the distance:
        /// <br/> - highest score for distance=0 (exact match).
        /// <br/> - score gets lower as distance gets higher.
        /// <br/>Example: for query "a b"~2, a document "x a b a y" can be scored twice:
        /// once for "a b" (distance=0), and once for "b a" (distance=2).
        /// <br/>Possibly not all valid combinations are encountered, because for efficiency
        /// we always propagate the least PhrasePosition. This allows to base on
        /// PriorityQueue and move forward faster.
        /// As result, for example, document "a b c b a"
        /// would score differently for queries "a b c"~4 and "c b a"~4, although
        /// they really are equivalent.
        /// Similarly, for doc "a b c b a f g", query "c b"~2
        /// would get same score as "g f"~2, although "c b"~2 could be matched twice.
        /// We may want to fix this in the future (currently not, for performance reasons).
        /// </summary>
        protected internal override float PhraseFreq(IState state)
            int end = InitPhrasePositions(state);

            float freq = 0.0f;
            bool  done = (end < 0);

            while (!done)
                PhrasePositions pp    = pq.Pop();
                int             start = pp.position;
                int             next  = pq.Top().position;

                bool tpsDiffer = true;
                for (int pos = start; pos <= next || !tpsDiffer; pos = pp.position)
                    if (pos <= next && tpsDiffer)
                        start = pos;                         // advance pp to min window
                    if (!pp.NextPosition(state))
                        done = true;                         // ran out of a term -- done
                    PhrasePositions pp2 = null;
                    tpsDiffer = !pp.repeats || (pp2 = TermPositionsDiffer(pp)) == null;
                    if (pp2 != null && pp2 != pp)
                        pp = Flip(pp, pp2);                         // flip pp to pp2

                int matchLength = end - start;
                if (matchLength <= slop)
                    freq += Similarity.SloppyFreq(matchLength);                     // score match
                if (pp.position > end)
                    end = pp.position;
                pq.Add(pp);                 // restore pq

 public override float SloppyFreq(int distance)