public override void Load() { Name = "Login"; Description = "A plugin to restrict logins in various ways"; Author = "amarriner"; Version = "0.2.3"; TDSMBuild = 33; plugin = this; this.registerHook(Hooks.PLAYER_LOGIN); this.registerHook(Hooks.PLAYER_LOGOUT); this.registerHook(Hooks.PLAYER_TILECHANGE); this.registerHook(Hooks.PLAYER_PROJECTILE); this.registerHook(Hooks.PLAYER_PARTYCHANGE); this.registerHook(Hooks.PLAYER_FLOWLIQUID); this.registerHook(Hooks.PLAYER_EDITSIGN); this.registerHook(Hooks.PLAYER_CHEST); this.registerHook(Hooks.PLAYER_CHESTBREAK); AddCommand("invalidate") .WithAccessLevel(AccessLevel.OP) .WithDescription("Allows OPs to invalidate players manually") .WithHelpText("/invalidate <player>") .Calls(Commands.Commands.InvalidatePlayer); AddCommand("setpoint") .WithAccessLevel(AccessLevel.OP) .WithDescription("Allows OPs to set lobby or validated points") .WithHelpText("setpoint lobby|validated") .Calls(Commands.Commands.SetPoint); AddCommand("testpoint") .WithAccessLevel(AccessLevel.OP) .WithDescription("Allows OPs to test lobby or validated points") .WithHelpText("testpoint lobby|validated") .Calls(Commands.Commands.TestPoint); AddCommand("validate") .WithAccessLevel(AccessLevel.OP) .WithDescription("Allows OPs to validate players manually") .WithHelpText("/validate <player>") .Calls(Commands.Commands.ValidatePlayer); }
static void Main(string[] args) { using (Login server = new Login()) server.Execute(); }
private void mnDangnhap_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Login frm1 = new Login(); frm1.Show(); }
private void RegBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //检查用户是否存在 string userName = Username.Text.Trim(); /** * 连接数据库 */ string constr = "DataBase = test; Data Source =;Port = 3307;User Id=root;Password=jlp1996;pooling=false;CharSet=utf8;"; MySqlConnection mycon = new MySqlConnection(); mycon.ConnectionString = constr; mycon.Open(); //打开数据库 //查询用户是否存在 MySqlCommand checkCommand = mycon.CreateCommand(); string s2 = "select username from tb1 where username = '******'"; checkCommand.CommandText = s2; MySqlDataAdapter check = new MySqlDataAdapter(); check.SelectCommand = checkCommand; check.SelectCommand.Connection = mycon; //初始化 DataSet checkData = new DataSet(); int n = check.Fill(checkData, "tb1"); if (n != 0) { MessageBox.Show("此用户名已存在"); Username.Text = ""; //清空输入文本框 Password.Text = ""; RePassword.Text = ""; } else if (Username.Text == "" || Password.Text == "" || RePassword.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("请将信息填写完整"); Username.Focus(); } else if (RePassword.Text != Password.Text) { MessageBox.Show("密码不一致"); Password.Text = ""; //清空输入框 RePassword.Text = ""; } else { //注册成功,上传数据 string s3 = "insert into tb1 (username , password) values ('" + Username.Text + "' , '" + Password.Text + "')"; MySqlCommand mycom = new MySqlCommand(s3, mycon); mycom.ExecuteNonQuery(); //执行语句 mycon.Close(); //关闭连接 mycom = null; mycon.Dispose(); //??释放对象 MessageBox.Show("注册成功"); this.Close(); Login lg = new Login(); lg.ShowDialog(); } }
private void btn_Salir_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Login log = new Login(); this.Close(); log.Show(); }
public kitchenView(Login login) { InitializeComponent(); this.login = login; }