        public void update()
            if (isThrown & falling)
                if (burnTime > 0)
                    foreach (Platform p in world.getPlatforms())
                        if (bounds.Intersects(p.Bounds))
                            if (position.Y + 20 < p.Bounds.Top + 18)
                                position.Y = p.Bounds.Top - 19;
                                velocity.Y = 0;
                                falling    = false;

                    velocity.X  = xSpeed;
                    velocity.Y += gravity;

                    position.X += velocity.X;
                    position.Y += velocity.Y;

                    bounds.X = (int)position.X;
                    bounds.Y = (int)position.Y;

                    //isThrown = false;
                    falling = false;

            if (!isThrown)
                this.position = player.Location;
        private void DrawScene(GraphicsDevice device)

            foreach (Platform p in world.getPlatforms())
                spriteBatch.Draw(p.Texture, p.Bounds, Color.Black);

                if (p.HasTorch == true)
                    int pX = p.Bounds.X;
                    int pY = p.Bounds.Y;
                    int pW = p.Bounds.Width;
                    torchPowerup.relocate(pX + pW / 2, pY - 10);
        /// <summary>
        /// This method updates the state of the player based on position and keys pressed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="kbState">This is the current KeyBoardState</param>
        /// <param name="prevState">This is the previouse KeyBoardState</param>
        public void move(KeyboardState kbState, KeyboardState prevState)
            //Print out debugging info
            //Console.WriteLine("VSTATE: " + vState);
            //Console.WriteLine("HSTATE: " + hState);
            //Console.WriteLine("POSITION: " + " ( " + position.X + ", " + position.Y + " ) ");
            //Console.WriteLine("VELOCITY: " + " ( " + velocity.X + ", " + velocity.Y + " ) ");

            //Set the x velocity to 0 automatically and set the horizontal state to standing by default
            velocity.X = 0;
            hState     = HorizontalState.standing;

            //Check key presses to move player
            if (kbState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left) && kbState.IsKeyUp(Keys.Right))
                //Move left as long as there is room
                if (position.X > 0 + xSpeed)
                    hState = HorizontalState.walkingLeft;

                    //Move the player to the left
                    velocity.X = -1 * xSpeed;

            if (kbState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right) && kbState.IsKeyUp(Keys.Left))
                //Move right as long as there is room
                if (position.X < ((float)screenWidth - xSpeed) / 2 - texture.Width / 2)
                    hState = HorizontalState.walkingRight;

                    //Move the player to the right
                    velocity.X = xSpeed;
                    for (int i = 0; i < torches.Length; i++)
                        if (torches[i].Falling == false)
                            torches[i].Location = new Vector2(torches[i].Location.X - xSpeed, torches[i].Location.Y);

                    hState = HorizontalState.walkingRight;

            // Jumping/Falling
            if (kbState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Up))                                                  // If the player is currently pressing up.
                if (vState == VerticalState.none || vState == VerticalState.fallingPlatform) // If the player's veritcal state is none (not falling or jumping) or the player is on a Falling Platform.
                    currentPlatform = null;
                    vState          = VerticalState.jumping;
                    velocity.Y      = -2 * ySpeed;
            else if (vState == VerticalState.jumping) // If the player is currently not pressing up and is jumping.
                // Stop the jump.
                vState     = VerticalState.falling;
                velocity.Y = -0.50f * velocity.Y;

            //Check for collision detection
            if (vState == VerticalState.falling)
                foreach (Platform p in world.getPlatforms())
                    if (body.Intersects(p.Bounds))
                        // && (position.X > p.Bounds.Left - 50 *.75) && (position.X < p.Bounds.Right - 50 * .75)
                        if (position.Y + 50 < p.Bounds.Top + 18)
                            position.Y = p.Bounds.Top - 49;
                            vState     = VerticalState.none;
                            velocity.Y = 0;

                            currentPlatform = p;
            if (vState == VerticalState.none)
                bool isColliding = false;
                foreach (Platform p in world.getPlatforms())
                    if (body.Intersects(p.Bounds))
                        isColliding = true;

                if (!isColliding)
                    vState          = VerticalState.falling;
                    currentPlatform = null;
            if (vState == VerticalState.fallingPlatform) // Check to see if the player is still on the platform horizontally.
                if (position.X + 50 < currentPlatform.Bounds.Left || position.X > currentPlatform.Bounds.Right)
                    vState          = VerticalState.falling;
                    currentPlatform = null;

            if (position.Y >= screenHeight - 50)                                                // If the player is at the bottom of the screen.
                if (vState == VerticalState.falling || vState == VerticalState.fallingPlatform) // If the player's vertical state is falling or fallingPlatform.
                    position.Y = screenHeight - 50;
                    vState     = VerticalState.none;
                    velocity.Y = 0;

            //Add our velocity to our position vector
            position.X += velocity.X;
            position.Y += velocity.Y;

            body.X = (int)position.X;
            body.Y = (int)position.Y;

            //Check to see if player is throwing torches
            throwTorches(kbState, prevState);

            //Update all torches, if any
            for (int i = 0; i < torches.Length; i++)