        public static byte[] BRRToWAV(byte[] inBrr, int rate, int loopStart)
            if (inBrr == null)
                inBrr = new byte[9];
            p1 = 0; p2 = 0;
            short[] samples = new short[0];
            byte[]  BRR     = new byte[9];
            int     size    = (int)inBrr.Length;
            //if (size % 9 != 0)
            //    MessageBox.Show("Error : BRR file isn't a multiple of 9 bytes or is too big.");
            //    return null;
            int blockamount = size / 9;
            int offset      = 0;

            size = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < blockamount; i++)
                BRR     = Bits.GetBytes(inBrr, offset, 9); offset += 9;
                samples = append(samples, DecodeBRR(BRR));      //Append 16 BRR samples to existing array
                size   += 16;
            int position = loopStart / 9 * 16;

            if (position >= size)
                position = 0;
            size -= position;
            byte[] outWav = new byte[(size << 1) + 44];
            offset = 0;
            Bits.SetChars(outWav, offset, "RIFF".ToCharArray()); offset     += 4;
            Bits.SetInt32(outWav, offset, (size << 1) + 36); offset         += 4;
            Bits.SetChars(outWav, offset, "WAVEfmt ".ToCharArray()); offset += 8;
            Bits.SetInt32(outWav, offset, 16); offset                   += 4;
            Bits.SetShort(outWav, offset, 1); offset                    += 2;
            Bits.SetShort(outWav, offset, 1); offset                    += 2;
            Bits.SetInt32(outWav, offset, rate); offset                 += 4;
            Bits.SetInt32(outWav, offset, rate * 2); offset             += 4;
            Bits.SetShort(outWav, offset, 2); offset                    += 2;
            Bits.SetShort(outWav, offset, 16); offset                   += 2;
            Bits.SetChars(outWav, offset, "data".ToCharArray()); offset += 4;
            Bits.SetInt32(outWav, offset, size << 1); offset            += 4;
            for (int i = position; i < size + position; i++)
                Bits.SetShort(outWav, offset, samples[i]);
                offset += 2;