// universal functions
            public void Assemble()
                int offset = ((index - 2) * 2) + 0x3A1AFF;

                if (owner == 0)
                    Bits.SetShort(rom, offset, expNeeded);
                offset = (owner * 3) + ((index - 2) * 15) + 0x3A1B39;
                Bits.SetByte(rom, offset, hpPlus); offset++;
                Bits.SetByte(rom, offset, (byte)((attackPlus << 4) + defensePlus)); offset++;
                Bits.SetByte(rom, offset, (byte)((mgAttackPlus << 4) + mgDefensePlus)); offset++;
                offset = (owner * 3) + ((index - 2) * 15) + 0x3A1CEC;
                Bits.SetByte(rom, offset, hpPlusBonus); offset++;
                Bits.SetByte(rom, offset, (byte)((attackPlusBonus << 4) + defensePlusBonus)); offset++;
                Bits.SetByte(rom, offset, (byte)((mgAttackPlusBonus << 4) + mgDefensePlusBonus)); offset++;
                if (spellLearned == 0x20)
                    rom[owner + ((index - 2) * 5) + 0x3A42F5] = 0xFF;
                    rom[owner + ((index - 2) * 5) + 0x3A42F5] = spellLearned;
        public void Assemble()
            int offset = (index * 20) + 0x3A002C;

            rom[offset++] = startingLevel;
            Bits.SetShort(rom, offset, startingCurrentHP); offset += 2;
            Bits.SetShort(rom, offset, startingMaxHP); offset     += 2;
            rom[offset++] = startingSpeed;
            rom[offset++] = startingAttack;
            rom[offset++] = startingDefense;
            rom[offset++] = startingMgAttack;
            rom[offset++] = startingMgDefense;
            Bits.SetShort(rom, offset, startingExperience); offset += 2;
            rom[offset++] = startingWeapon;
            rom[offset++] = startingArmor;
            Bits.SetByte(rom, offset, startingAccessory); offset += 2;
            int a = 0;

            for (int o = 0; o < 4; o++, offset++)
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    Bits.SetBit(rom, offset, i, startingMagic[a++]);
            foreach (LevelUp l in levels)
                if (l != null)
            if (index == 0)
                Bits.SetShort(rom, 0x3A00DB, startingCoins);
                rom[0x3A00DD] = startingCurrentFP;
                rom[0x3A00DE] = startingMaximumFP;
                Bits.SetShort(rom, 0x3A00DF, startingFrogCoins);
                rom[0x02C9B3] = defenseStartL1;
                rom[0x02C9B9] = defenseStartL2;
                rom[0x02C9BF] = defenseEndL2;
                rom[0x02C9C5] = defenseEndL1;
            Bits.SetChars(rom, 0x3a134d + (index * 10), name);
        private void Assemble()
            int i       = 0;
            int pointer = 0x252C00;
            int offset  = 0x330000;

            for (; i < 39 && offset < 0x33FFFF; i++, pointer += 3)
                if (animations[i].BUFFER.Length + offset > 0x33FFFF)
                Bits.SetShort(Model.ROM, pointer, (ushort)offset);
                Bits.SetByte(Model.ROM, pointer + 2, (byte)((offset >> 16) + 0xC0));
                Bits.SetBytes(Model.ROM, offset, animations[i].BUFFER);
                offset += animations[i].BUFFER.Length;
            if (i < 39)
                MessageBox.Show("The available space for animation data in bank 0x330000 has exceeded the alotted space.\nAnimation #'s " + i.ToString() + " through 38 will not saved. Please make sure the available animation bytes is not negative.", "LAZY SHELL");
            offset = 0x340000;
            for (; i < 64 && offset < 0x34CFFF; i++, pointer += 3)
                if (animations[i].BUFFER.Length + offset > 0x34CFFF)
                Bits.SetShort(Model.ROM, pointer, (ushort)offset);
                Bits.SetByte(Model.ROM, pointer + 2, (byte)((offset >> 16) + 0xC0));
                Bits.SetBytes(Model.ROM, offset, animations[i].BUFFER);
                offset += animations[i].BUFFER.Length;
            if (i < 64)
                MessageBox.Show("The available space for animation data in bank 0x340000 has exceeded the alotted space.\nAnimation #'s " + i.ToString() + " through 63 will not saved. Please make sure the available animation bytes is not negative.", "LAZY SHELL");
            molds.Modified     = false;
            sequences.Modified = false;
            this.Modified      = false;
        public void Assemble()
            // set sm to new byte with largest possible size
            byte[] temp = new byte[0x10000];
            // now start writing dynamic data
            temp[6] = (byte)sequences.Count;
            temp[7] = (byte)molds.Count;
            temp[8] = (byte)(vramAllocation >> 8);
            // Sequences
            int offset = 12; // where sequences begin

            Bits.SetShort(temp, 2, (ushort)0x0C);
            int fOffset = sequences.Count * 2 + 2;  // offset of first frame packet

            foreach (Sequence s in sequences)
                if (s.Frames.Count != 0 && s.Active)
                    Bits.SetShort(temp, offset, (ushort)(fOffset + offset));
                    fOffset += s.Frames.Count * 2 - 1;
                else if (s.Active)
                    Bits.SetShort(temp, offset, (ushort)(fOffset + offset));
                    fOffset -= 1;
                    Bits.SetShort(temp, offset, 0xFFFF);
                    fOffset -= 2;
                offset += 2;
            Bits.SetShort(temp, offset, 0); offset += 2;
            foreach (Sequence s in sequences)
                foreach (Sequence.Frame f in s.Frames)
                    Bits.SetByte(temp, offset++, f.Duration);
                    Bits.SetByte(temp, offset++, f.Mold);
                if (s.Active)
                    Bits.SetByte(temp, offset++, 0);
            // Molds
            Bits.SetShort(temp, 4, (ushort)offset);
            int mOffset = molds.Count * 2 + 2;    // offset of first mold tilemap

            foreach (Mold m in molds)
                if (index == 162 && mOffset == 0x132)
                    index = 162;
                if (m.Tiles.Count != 0)
                    if (m.Gridplane)
                        Bits.SetShort(temp, offset, (ushort)(mOffset + offset + 0x8000));
                        Mold.Tile tile = m.Tiles[0];
                        if (tile.Subtile_bytes != null)
                            mOffset += tile.Length - 2;
                        Bits.SetShort(temp, offset, (ushort)(mOffset + offset));
                        mOffset += m.Recompress(mOffset + offset, molds).Length - 1;
                    Bits.SetShort(temp, offset, (ushort)0xFFFF);
                    mOffset -= 2;
                offset += 2;
            Bits.SetShort(temp, offset += 2, 0);
            foreach (Mold m in molds)
                if (m.Tiles.Count == 0)
                if (m.Gridplane)
                    Mold.Tile tile = m.Tiles[0];
                    if (tile.Subtile_bytes == null)
                    temp[offset] = (byte)(tile.Format & 3);
                    Bits.SetBit(temp, offset, 3, tile.Is16bit);
                    Bits.SetBit(temp, offset, 4, tile.YPlusOne == 1);
                    Bits.SetBit(temp, offset, 5, tile.YMinusOne == 1);
                    Bits.SetBit(temp, offset, 6, tile.Mirror);
                    Bits.SetBit(temp, offset++, 7, tile.Invert);
                    int size = tile.Is16bit ? tile.Length - 3 : tile.Length - 1;
                    // set bits for tiles that are 16bit
                    if (tile.Is16bit)
                        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                            Bits.SetBit(temp, offset, i, tile.Subtile_bytes[i] >= 0x100);
                        offset += 2;
                    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                        temp[offset++] = (byte)tile.Subtile_bytes[i];
                    byte[] mold = m.Recompress(offset, molds);
                    mold.CopyTo(temp, offset);
                    offset        += mold.Length;
                    temp[offset++] = 0;
            // finally, set the animation length
            Bits.SetShort(temp, 0, (ushort)offset);
            buffer = new byte[offset];
            Bits.SetBytes(buffer, 0, temp);
        public int Assemble()
            int size = this.buffer.Length;

            // set sm to new byte with largest possible size
            byte[] temp = new byte[0x10000];
            // not dynamic, can set before others
            temp[12] = width;
            temp[13] = height;
            Bits.SetShort(temp, 14, codec);
            // now start writing dynamic data
            int offset = 18;

            // Graphics
            Bits.SetShort(temp, 2, 0x12);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(graphicSet, 0, temp, 18, graphicSetLength);
            offset += graphicSetLength;
            // Palettes
            Bits.SetShort(temp, 4, (ushort)offset);
            paletteSet.Assemble(temp, offset);
            offset += paletteSetLength;
            // Tileset
            Bits.SetShort(temp, 16, (ushort)offset);
            int tilesetoffset = offset;

            foreach (Tile t in tileset_tiles.Tileset)
                if (t.Index >= tilesetLength / 8)
                if (t.Index > 0 && t.Index % 8 == 0)
                    offset += 32;
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    Bits.SetShort(temp, offset, (byte)t.Subtiles[i].Index); offset++;
                    Bits.SetBit(temp, offset, 5, t.Subtiles[i].Priority1);
                    Bits.SetBit(temp, offset, 6, t.Subtiles[i].Mirror);
                    Bits.SetBit(temp, offset, 7, t.Subtiles[i].Invert);
                    if (i % 2 == 0)
                    else if (i == 1)
                        offset += 29;
                    else if (i == 3)
                        offset -= 31;
            Buffer.BlockCopy(temp, tilesetoffset, tileset_bytes, 0, tileset_bytes.Length);
            offset += 32;
            Bits.SetShort(temp, offset, 0xFFFF); offset += 2;
            // Sequences
            Bits.SetShort(temp, 6, (ushort)offset);
            int fOffset = sequences.Count * 2 + 2;  // offset of first frame packet

            foreach (E_Sequence s in sequences)
                if (s.Frames.Count != 0)
                    Bits.SetShort(temp, offset, (ushort)(fOffset + offset));
                    fOffset += s.Frames.Count * 2 + 1;
                    Bits.SetShort(temp, offset, 0xFFFF);
                offset += 2;
            Bits.SetShort(temp, offset, 0); offset += 2;
            foreach (E_Sequence s in sequences)
                foreach (E_Sequence.Frame f in s.Frames)
                    Bits.SetByte(temp, offset, f.Duration); offset++;
                    Bits.SetByte(temp, offset, f.Mold); offset++;
                Bits.SetByte(temp, offset, 0); offset++;
            // Molds
            Bits.SetShort(temp, 8, (ushort)offset);
            int mOffset = molds.Count * 2 + 2;    // offset of first mold tilemap

            foreach (E_Mold m in molds)
                if (!m.Empty)
                    Bits.SetShort(temp, offset, (ushort)(mOffset + offset));
                    mOffset += m.Recompress(m.Mold, width, height).Length - 2;
                    Bits.SetShort(temp, offset, 0xFFFF);
                offset += 2;
            Bits.SetShort(temp, offset, 0); offset += 2;
            foreach (E_Mold m in molds)
                if (!m.Empty)
                    byte[] mold = m.Recompress(m.Mold, width, height);
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(mold, 0, temp, offset, mold.Length);
                    offset += mold.Length;
            // finally, set the animation length
            Bits.SetShort(temp, 0, (ushort)offset);
            this.buffer = new byte[offset];
            Bits.SetBytes(this.buffer, 0, temp);
            //Do.Export(sm, "test.bin");
            return(size - this.buffer.Length);