private int POP(RegisterIndexPair rp)
             * Stack:
             * E rp+1
             * D rp

            registers[rp.RHS] = Pop8();
            registers[rp.LHS] = Pop8();

            if (rp == RegisterIndexPair.PSW)
                 * Issue #1: Always Clear Bit 5 and Bit 3, and Set Bit 1 for POP PSW
                 * instruction.
                /*Flags &= (0xff - 0x20 - 0x08);
                 * Flags |= 2;*/

                Flags &= 0b11010111;
                Flags |= 0b00000010;

        // The most significant 8 bits of data are stored at the memory address one less than the contents of the stack pointer.
        // The least significant 8 bits of data are stored at the memory address two less than the contents of the stack pointer.
        private int PUSH(RegisterIndexPair rp)
             * Assume that register D contains 8F,
             *             register E contains 9D,
             * and the stack pointer contains 3A2C.
             * 3A2C ?? <-- stackPointer
             * Then the instruction: PUSH D
             * stores the D register at memory address 3A2B, stores the E register at memory address 3A2A, and then
             * decrements the stack pointer by two, leaving the stack pointer equal to 3A2A.
             * 3A2A 9D (contents of E) <-- stackPointer
             * 3A2B 8F (contents of D)
             * 3A2C ??

 // "If register B contains 3F and register C contains 16,
 // the instruction: STAX B will store the contents of the accumulator at memory location 3F16H."
 private int STAX(RegisterIndexPair rp)
     mem[registers[rp]] = Accumulator;
 // LDAX Load Accumulator
 //   If register D contains 93H and register E contains 8BH, the instruction: LDAX D will load the accumulator from memory location 938BH.
 private int LDAX(RegisterIndexPair rp)
     Accumulator = mem[registers[rp]];