        public static async Task MakeConfigRecTask(MqttConfig config, ModuleInitInfo info, string certDir, Func <bool> shutdown)
            SynchronizationContext theSyncContext = SynchronizationContext.Current !;

            var    mqttOptions = MakeMqttOptions(certDir, config, "ConfigRec");
            var    configRec   = config.ConfigReceive !;
            string topic       = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.TopicRoot) ? "" : config.TopicRoot + "/") + configRec.Topic;

            Connection clientFAST = await EnsureConnectOrThrow(info, null);

            while (!shutdown())
                IMqttClient?clientMQTT = await EnsureConnect(mqttOptions, null);;

                if (clientMQTT == null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Can not connect to MQTT broker");
                    await Task.Delay(5000);


                clientFAST = await EnsureConnectOrThrow(info, clientFAST);

                var reader = new LargePayloadReader(configRec.MaxBuckets);

                clientMQTT.UseApplicationMessageReceivedHandler((arg) => {
                    var promise = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>();
                    theSyncContext !.Post(_ => {
                        Task task = OnReceivedConfigWriteRequest(clientMQTT, reader, configRec.ModuleID, topic, clientFAST, arg);
                        task.ContinueWith(completedTask => promise.CompleteFromTask(completedTask));
                    }, null);

                var topics = GetTopicsToSubscribe(topic, bucktesCount: configRec.MaxBuckets);

                foreach (var top in topics)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Subscribing to topic {top.Topic}");
                    await clientMQTT.SubscribeAsync(top);

                while (!shutdown())
                    try {
                        await clientMQTT.PingAsync(CancellationToken.None);
                    catch (Exception exp) {
                        Exception e = exp.GetBaseException() ?? exp;
                        Console.Error.WriteLine($"MakeConfigRecTask: Connection broken during Ping. Trying to reconnect. Err: {e.Message}");

                    try {
                        clientFAST = await EnsureConnectOrThrow(info, clientFAST);
                    catch (Exception) {
                        Console.Error.WriteLine("Connection to FAST core broken. Trying to reconnect...");

                    await Time.WaitUntil(Timestamp.Now + Duration.FromSeconds(6), abort : shutdown);

                await CloseIntern(clientMQTT);
        private static async Task OnReceivedConfigWriteRequest(IMqttClient clientMQTT, LargePayloadReader reader, string moduleID, string topicBase, Connection clientFAST, MqttApplicationMessageReceivedEventArgs arg)
            var msg = arg.ApplicationMessage;

            await arg.AcknowledgeAsync(CancellationToken.None);

            if (msg.Topic.EndsWith("/info"))
                string payload = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(msg.Payload);
                Console.WriteLine($"Got Info msg! ClientID: {arg.ClientId}; Topic: {msg.Topic}; QOS: {msg.QualityOfServiceLevel}; Payload: {payload}");
                int bucket = GetBucketNumberFromTopicName(msg.Topic);
                reader.SetBucket(bucket, msg.Payload);

                Console.WriteLine($"Got Data msg! ClientID: {arg.ClientId}; Topic: {msg.Topic}; Bucket: {bucket}; QOS: {msg.QualityOfServiceLevel}; Payload.Len: {msg.Payload.Length}");

            string?content = reader.Content();

            if (content != null)
                try {
                    var       nv    = new NamedValue("config", content);
                    DataValue value = await clientFAST.CallMethod(moduleID, "SetConfigString", nv);

                    Console.WriteLine("Stored new config!");
                catch (Exception exp) {
                    Exception e = exp.GetBaseException() ?? exp;
                    Console.Error.WriteLine($"Failed to set new config: {e.Message}");

                    byte[] payload = StdJson.ObjectToBytes(new {
                        Hash  = reader.ContentHash,
                        Error = e.Message,
                        Time  = Timestamp.Now.ToString()
                    }, indented: true);

                    var msgInfo = new MqttApplicationMessage()
                        QualityOfServiceLevel = MqttQualityOfServiceLevel.AtLeastOnce,
                        Retain = true,
                        Topic  = $"{topicBase}/error",
                        PayloadFormatIndicator = MqttPayloadFormatIndicator.CharacterData,
                        Payload = payload,

                    await clientMQTT.PublishAsync(msgInfo);