public async Task CanStoreComplexClient(NpgsqlClientStore store, Fixture fixture, string clientId) { // Given var client = new Client { ClientId = clientId, ClientSecrets = fixture.Create<List<Secret>>(), Flow = Flows.AuthorizationCode, Claims = new List<Claim> { new Claim(fixture.Create("type"), fixture.Create("value"))}, AccessTokenType = AccessTokenType.Jwt, ClientUri = fixture.Create<string>(), ClientName = fixture.Create<string>(), RequireConsent = false, LogoUri = fixture.Create<string>(), Enabled = true, }; // When await store.AddClientAsync(client); // Then var fromDb = await store.FindClientByIdAsync(clientId); fromDb.ShouldNotBe(null); fromDb.ClientId.ShouldBe(clientId); fromDb.ClientSecrets.Count.ShouldBe(client.ClientSecrets.Count); fromDb.Flow.ShouldBe(client.Flow); }
public static Token CreateAccessTokenLong(Client client, string subjectId, int lifetime, int count, params string[] scopes) { var claims = new List<Claim> { new Claim("client_id", client.ClientId), new Claim("sub", subjectId) }; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { claims.Add(new Claim("junk", "x".Repeat(100))); } scopes.ToList().ForEach(s => claims.Add(new Claim("scope", s))); var token = new Token(Constants.TokenTypes.AccessToken) { Audience = "", Issuer = "", Lifetime = lifetime, Claims = claims, Client = client }; return token; }
public async Task<IOpenIdClientRegistration> AddAsync(IOpenIdClientMetadata clientMetadata) { using (var db = new ClientConfigurationDbContext(options.ConnectionString, options.Schema)) { string clientId = await clientIdGenerator.GenerateClientIdAsync(db); var registration = new OpenIdClientRegistration(clientId) { ClientIdIssuedAtUtc = DateTime.UtcNow }; var client = new Client() { ClientId = clientId, ClientName = clientMetadata.ClientName, RedirectUris = clientMetadata.RedirectUris.ToList(), Flow = GetFlows(clientMetadata.ResponseTypes), LogoUri = clientMetadata.LogoUri, ClientUri = clientMetadata.ClientUri }; if (IsSecretRequired(client.Flow)) { var secret = await secretGenerator.GenerateSecretAsync(db); client.ClientSecrets = new List<Secret> { secret }; registration.ClientSecret = secret.Value; } var e = client.ToEntity(); db.Clients.Add(e); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); return registration; } }
private async Task When_refreshing_onetimeonly_absolute_token_then_raise_event_with_two_different_handlers() { // Given var oldHandle = "old_handle"; var client = new Client() { RefreshTokenUsage = TokenUsage.OneTimeOnly, RefreshTokenExpiration = TokenExpiration.Absolute }; var refreshToken = new RefreshToken() { AccessToken = new Token("token_type") { Client = new Client() } }; // When await _defaultRefreshTokenService.UpdateRefreshTokenAsync(oldHandle, refreshToken, client); // Then _eventServiceMock.Verify(x => x.RaiseAsync<RefreshTokenRefreshDetails>( It.Is<Event<RefreshTokenRefreshDetails>>(p => p.Details.OldHandle == oldHandle && p.Details.NewHandle != p.Details.OldHandle)), Times.Once); }
/// <summary> /// Creates the refresh token. /// </summary> /// <param name="subject">The subject.</param> /// <param name="accessToken">The access token.</param> /// <param name="client">The client.</param> /// <returns> /// The refresh token handle /// </returns> public virtual async Task<string> CreateRefreshTokenAsync(ClaimsPrincipal subject, Token accessToken, Client client) { Logger.Debug("Creating refresh token"); int lifetime; if (client.RefreshTokenExpiration == TokenExpiration.Absolute) { Logger.Debug("Setting an absolute lifetime: " + client.AbsoluteRefreshTokenLifetime); lifetime = client.AbsoluteRefreshTokenLifetime; } else { Logger.Debug("Setting a sliding lifetime: " + client.SlidingRefreshTokenLifetime); lifetime = client.SlidingRefreshTokenLifetime; } var handle = CryptoRandom.CreateUniqueId(); var refreshToken = new RefreshToken { CreationTime = DateTimeOffsetHelper.UtcNow, LifeTime = lifetime, AccessToken = accessToken, Subject = subject }; await _store.StoreAsync(handle, refreshToken); await RaiseRefreshTokenIssuedEventAsync(handle, refreshToken); return handle; }
public DefaultConsentServiceTests() { scopes = new List<string> { "read", "write" }; client = new Client {ClientId = "client", AllowRememberConsent = true, RequireConsent = true}; user = new ClaimsPrincipal(new ClaimsIdentity(new Claim[]{new Claim(Constants.ClaimTypes.Subject, "123")}, "password")); store = new InMemoryConsentStore(); subject = new DefaultConsentService(store); }
public override async Task<IEnumerable<Claim>> GetAccessTokenClaimsAsync(ClaimsPrincipal subject, Client client, IEnumerable<Scope> scopes, ValidatedRequest request) { var claims = await base.GetAccessTokenClaimsAsync(subject, client, scopes, request); var newClaims = claims.ToList(); newClaims.Add(subject.FindFirst("account_store")); return newClaims; }
public Task <IdentityServer3.Core.Models.Client> FindClientByIdAsync(string clientId) { //var client = DummyClientStore().FirstOrDefault(c => c.ClientId == clientId); //return client; var client = _repo.GetClient(clientId); if (client != null) { var idClient = new IdentityServer3.Core.Models.Client { AbsoluteRefreshTokenLifetime = client.AbsoluteRefreshTokenLifetime, AccessTokenLifetime = client.AccessTokenLifetime, AccessTokenType = (AccessTokenType)client.AccessTokenType, AllowAccessToAllCustomGrantTypes = client.AllowAccessToAllGrantTypes, AllowAccessToAllScopes = client.AllowAccessToAllScopes, AllowClientCredentialsOnly = client.AllowClientCredentialsOnly, AllowRememberConsent = client.AllowRememberConsent, AlwaysSendClientClaims = client.AlwaysSendClientClaims, AuthorizationCodeLifetime = client.AuthorizationCodeLifetime, ClientId = client.ClientId, ClientName = client.ClientName, ClientUri = client.ClientUri, Enabled = client.Enabled, EnableLocalLogin = client.EnableLocalLogin, Flow = (Flows)client.Flow, IdentityTokenLifetime = client.IdentityTokenLifetime, IncludeJwtId = client.IncludeJwtId, LogoUri = client.LogoUri, LogoutSessionRequired = client.LogoutSessionRequired, LogoutUri = client.LogoutUri, PrefixClientClaims = client.PrefixClientClaims, RefreshTokenExpiration = (TokenExpiration)client.RefreshTokenExpiration, RefreshTokenUsage = (TokenUsage)client.RefreshTokenUsage, RequireConsent = client.RequireConsent, RequireSignOutPrompt = client.RequireSignOutPrompt, SlidingRefreshTokenLifetime = client.SlidingRefreshTokenLifetime, UpdateAccessTokenClaimsOnRefresh = client.UpdateAccessTokenOnRefresh, AllowedScopes = client.ClientScopes.ToList(), ClientSecrets = client.ClientSecrets.Select(s => { return(new Secret(s.Value, s.Description, s.Expiration)); }).ToList(), RedirectUris = client.ClientRedirectUris.Select(r => r.Uri).ToList(), Claims = client.ClientClaims.ToList() }; //AllowedScopes = client.ClientScopes.Select(s => s.Scope).ToList(), //ClientSecrets = client.ClientSecrets.Select(s => //{ // return new Secret(s.Value, s.Description, s.Expiration); //}).ToList(), //RedirectUris = client.ClientRedirectUris.Select(r => r.Uri).ToList(), return(Task.FromResult <IdentityServer3.Core.Models.Client>(idClient)); } return(Task.FromResult <IdentityServer3.Core.Models.Client>(null)); }
public static IEnumerable<Client> Get() { var mvc = new Client { ClientName = "MVC Client", ClientId = "mvc", Flow = Flows.Implicit, RedirectUris = new List<string> { "https://localhost:44346/" }, AllowedScopes = new List<string> { "openid", "user_data", "webapi" } }; var angular = new Client { ClientName = "AngularJS Client", ClientId = "angular", Flow = Flows.Implicit, RedirectUris = new List<string> { "https://localhost:44300/modal.html", "https://localhost:44300/#/tokenReceived?x=x&" }, AllowedCorsOrigins = new List<string> { "https://localhost:44300" }, PostLogoutRedirectUris = new List<string> { "https://localhost:44300/" }, AllowedScopes = new List<string> { "openid", "user_data", "webapi" } }; return new List<Client> { mvc, angular }; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="IsActiveContext"/> class. /// </summary> public IsActiveContext(ClaimsPrincipal subject, Client client) { if (subject == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("subject"); if (client == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("client"); Subject = subject; Client = client; IsActive = true; }
protected async Task SaveAsync(Client client) { BsonDocument doc = new ClientSerializer().Serialize(client); IMongoCollection<BsonDocument> collection = _data.Database.GetCollection<BsonDocument>(Settings.ClientCollection); var result = await collection.ReplaceOneAsync( Filter.ById(client.ClientId), doc, PerformUpsert ).ConfigureAwait(false); Debug.WriteLine(result); }
public override async Task<IEnumerable<Claim>> GetAccessTokenClaimsAsync(ClaimsPrincipal subject, Client client, IEnumerable<Scope> scopes, ValidatedRequest request) { var claims = await base.GetAccessTokenClaimsAsync(subject, client, scopes, request); var newClaims = claims.ToList(); newClaims.Add(subject.FindFirst(Constants.ClaimTypes.Name)); newClaims.Add(subject.FindFirst(Constants.ClaimTypes.Email)); //newClaims.Add(subject.FindFirst(Constants.ClaimTypes.PreferredUserName)); return newClaims; }
public void TestAddClient() { var entity = new Client() { ClientId = "test", ClientName = "test2", AllowedScopes = new List<string> { "item1", "item2" }, RedirectUris = new List<string> { "http://redirect1" }, AccessTokenType = AccessTokenType.Jwt, Flow = Flows.ResourceOwner, ClientSecrets = new List<Secret> { new Secret("secret") } }.ToEntity(); Assert.NotNull(entity); }
public static List<Client> Get() { var currentClient = new Client { ClientName = "Silicon-only Client", ClientId = "silicon", Enabled = true, AccessTokenType = AccessTokenType.Reference, Flow = Flows.ClientCredentials, ClientSecrets = new List<Secret> { new Secret("F621F470-9731-4A25-80EF-67A6F7C5F4B8".Sha256()) }, AllowedScopes = new List<string> { "LeagueComparer" } }; var secondClient = new Client { ClientName = "Silicon on behalf of Carbon Client", ClientId = "carbon", Enabled = true, AccessTokenType = AccessTokenType.Reference, Flow = Flows.ResourceOwner, ClientSecrets = new List<Secret> { new Secret("21B5F798-BE55-42BC-8AA8-0025B903DC3B".Sha256()) }, AllowedScopes = new List<string> { "LeagueComparer" } }; return new List<Client> { currentClient, secondClient }; }
public Task AddClientAsync(Client client) { Preconditions.IsNotNull(client, nameof(client)); return _conn.ExecuteCommand(_insertQuery, async cmd => { string model = _serializer.Serialize(client); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("client", client.ClientId); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("model", model); await cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(); return true; }); }
public async Task<Dictionary<string, object>> ProcessAsync(string subject, IEnumerable<string> scopes, Client client) { Logger.Info("Creating userinfo response"); var profileData = new Dictionary<string, object>(); var requestedClaimTypes = await GetRequestedClaimTypesAsync(scopes); var principal = Principal.Create("UserInfo", new Claim("sub", subject)); IEnumerable<Claim> profileClaims; if (requestedClaimTypes.IncludeAllClaims) { Logger.InfoFormat("Requested claim types: all"); var context = new ProfileDataRequestContext( principal, client, Constants.ProfileDataCallers.UserInfoEndpoint); await _users.GetProfileDataAsync(context); profileClaims = context.IssuedClaims; } else { Logger.InfoFormat("Requested claim types: {0}", requestedClaimTypes.ClaimTypes.ToSpaceSeparatedString()); var context = new ProfileDataRequestContext( principal, client, Constants.ProfileDataCallers.UserInfoEndpoint, requestedClaimTypes.ClaimTypes); await _users.GetProfileDataAsync(context); profileClaims = context.IssuedClaims; } if (profileClaims != null) { profileData = profileClaims.ToClaimsDictionary(); Logger.InfoFormat("Profile service returned to the following claim types: {0}", profileClaims.Select(c => c.Type).ToSpaceSeparatedString()); } else { Logger.InfoFormat("Profile service returned no claims (null)"); } return profileData; }
public async Task CanStoreSimpleClient(NpgsqlClientStore store, string clientId) { // Given var client = new Client() { ClientId = clientId }; // When await store.AddClientAsync(client); // Then var fromDb = await store.FindClientByIdAsync(clientId); fromDb.ShouldNotBe(null); fromDb.ClientId.ShouldBe(client.ClientId); }
public Task<TokenRevocationRequestValidationResult> ValidateRequestAsync(NameValueCollection parameters, Client client) { if (parameters == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("parameters"); if (client == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("client"); //////////////////////////// // make sure token is present /////////////////////////// var token = parameters.Get("token"); if (token.IsMissing()) { return Task.FromResult(new TokenRevocationRequestValidationResult { IsError = true, Error = Constants.TokenErrors.InvalidRequest }); } var result = new TokenRevocationRequestValidationResult { IsError = false, Token = token }; //////////////////////////// // check token type hint /////////////////////////// var hint = parameters.Get("token_type_hint"); if (hint.IsPresent()) { if (Constants.SupportedTokenTypeHints.Contains(hint)) { result.TokenTypeHint = hint; } else { result.IsError = true; result.Error = Constants.RevocationErrors.UnsupportedTokenType; } } return Task.FromResult(result); }
public static IdentityClient ToEntity(this IdentityServer3.Core.Models.Client s) { if (s == null) { return(null); } if (s.ClientSecrets == null) { s.ClientSecrets = new List <Secret>(); } if (s.RedirectUris == null) { s.RedirectUris = new List <string>(); } if (s.PostLogoutRedirectUris == null) { s.PostLogoutRedirectUris = new List <string>(); } if (s.AllowedScopes == null) { s.AllowedScopes = new List <string>(); } if (s.IdentityProviderRestrictions == null) { s.IdentityProviderRestrictions = new List <string>(); } if (s.Claims == null) { s.Claims = new List <Claim>(); } if (s.AllowedCustomGrantTypes == null) { s.AllowedCustomGrantTypes = new List <string>(); } if (s.AllowedCorsOrigins == null) { s.AllowedCorsOrigins = new List <string>(); } return(Config.CreateMapper().Map <IdentityServer3.Core.Models.Client, IdentityClient>(s)); }
public void CanSerializeAndDeserializeAClient() { var client = new Client{ ClientId = "123", Enabled = true, AbsoluteRefreshTokenLifetime = 5, AccessTokenLifetime = 10, AccessTokenType = AccessTokenType.Jwt, AllowRememberConsent = true, RedirectUris = new List<string>{""} }; var clientStore = new InMemoryClientStore(new Client[]{client}); var converter = new ClientConverter(clientStore); var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings(); settings.Converters.Add(converter); var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(client, settings); var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Client>(json, settings); Assert.Same(client, result); }
public void AutomapperConfigurationIsValid() { IdentityServer3.Core.Models.Scope s = new IdentityServer3.Core.Models.Scope() { }; var e = s.ToEntity(); IdentityServer3.Core.Models.Client c = new IdentityServer3.Core.Models.Client() { }; var e2 = c.ToEntity(); IdentityServer3.EntityFramework.Entities.Scope s2 = new IdentityServer3.EntityFramework.Entities.Scope() { ScopeClaims = new HashSet<IdentityServer3.EntityFramework.Entities.ScopeClaim>(), ScopeSecrets = new HashSet<IdentityServer3.EntityFramework.Entities.ScopeSecret>(), }; var m = s2.ToModel(); Mapper.AssertConfigurationIsValid(); }
public override async Task<IEnumerable<Claim>> GetAccessTokenClaimsAsync( ClaimsPrincipal subject, Client client, IEnumerable<Scope> scopes, ValidatedRequest request) { var claimsTask = base.GetAccessTokenClaimsAsync(subject, client, scopes, request); var data = new ProfileDataRequestContext(subject, client, null, new string[] { Constants.ClaimTypes.Role }); var roleClaimsTask = _users.GetProfileDataAsync(data); var claims = await Task.WhenAll(claimsTask); List<IEnumerable<Claim>> lst = new List<IEnumerable<Claim>>(); lst.AddRange(claims); await Task.WhenAll(roleClaimsTask); lst.Add(data.IssuedClaims); var outputClaims = lst.Where(result => result != null) .SelectMany(claimList => claimList).ToList(); return outputClaims; }
protected override void PreInit() { host.Scopes.Add(StandardScopes.OpenId); host.Clients.Add(client = new Client { Enabled = true, ClientId = client_id, ClientSecrets = new List<Secret> { new Secret(client_secret) }, Flow = Flows.AuthorizationCode, AllowAccessToAllScopes = true, RequireConsent = false, RedirectUris = new List<string> { redirect_uri } }); }
public void AutomapperConfigurationIsValid() { IdentityServer3.Core.Models.Scope s = new IdentityServer3.Core.Models.Scope() { }; var e = s.ToEntity(); IdentityServer3.Core.Models.Client c = new IdentityServer3.Core.Models.Client() { }; var e2 = c.ToEntity(); IdentityServer3.EntityFramework.Entities.Scope s2 = new IdentityServer3.EntityFramework.Entities.Scope() { ScopeClaims = new HashSet <IdentityServer3.EntityFramework.Entities.ScopeClaim>(), ScopeSecrets = new HashSet <IdentityServer3.EntityFramework.Entities.ScopeSecret>(), }; var m = s2.ToModel(); IdentityServer3.EntityFramework.Entities.EntitiesMap.Mapper.ConfigurationProvider.AssertConfigurationIsValid(); IdentityServer3.Core.Models.EntitiesMap.Mapper.ConfigurationProvider.AssertConfigurationIsValid(); }
public static IEnumerable<Client> Get() { var currentClient = new Client { Enabled = true, ClientName = "LeagueComparer", ClientId = "comparer", Flow = Flows.Implicit, RedirectUris = new List<string> { "https://localhost:44319" }, AllowAccessToAllScopes = true }; return new List<Client>() { currentClient }; }
/// <summary> /// Checks if consent is required. /// </summary> /// <param name="client">The client.</param> /// <param name="subject">The user.</param> /// <param name="scopes">The scopes.</param> /// <returns>Boolean if consent is required.</returns> public virtual async Task<bool> RequiresConsentAsync(Client client, ClaimsPrincipal subject, IEnumerable<string> scopes) { if (client == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("client"); if (subject == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("subject"); if (!client.RequireConsent) { return false; } // TODO: validate that this is a correct statement if (!client.AllowRememberConsent) { return true; } if (scopes == null || !scopes.Any()) { return false; } // we always require consent for offline access if // the client has not disabled RequireConsent if (scopes.Contains(Constants.StandardScopes.OfflineAccess)) { return true; } var consent = await _store.LoadAsync(subject.GetSubjectId(), client.ClientId); if (consent != null && consent.Scopes != null) { var intersect = scopes.Intersect(consent.Scopes); return !(scopes.Count() == intersect.Count()); } return true; }
/// <summary> /// Returns claims for an identity token /// </summary> /// <param name="subject">The subject</param> /// <param name="client">The client</param> /// <param name="scopes">The requested scopes</param> /// <param name="includeAllIdentityClaims">Specifies if all claims should be included in the token, or if the userinfo endpoint can be used to retrieve them</param> /// <param name="request">The raw request</param> /// <returns> /// Claims for the identity token /// </returns> public virtual async Task<IEnumerable<Claim>> GetIdentityTokenClaimsAsync(ClaimsPrincipal subject, Client client, IEnumerable<Scope> scopes, bool includeAllIdentityClaims, ValidatedRequest request) { Logger.Info("Getting claims for identity token for subject: " + subject.GetSubjectId()); var outputClaims = new List<Claim>(GetStandardSubjectClaims(subject)); outputClaims.AddRange(GetOptionalClaims(subject)); var additionalClaims = new List<string>(); // if a include all claims rule exists, call the user service without a claims filter if (scopes.IncludesAllClaimsForUserRule(ScopeType.Identity)) { Logger.Info("All claims rule found - emitting all claims for user."); var context = new ProfileDataRequestContext( subject, client, Constants.ProfileDataCallers.ClaimsProviderIdentityToken); await _users.GetProfileDataAsync(context); var claims = FilterProtocolClaims(context.IssuedClaims); if (claims != null) { outputClaims.AddRange(claims); } return outputClaims; } // fetch all identity claims that need to go into the id token foreach (var scope in scopes) { if (scope.Type == ScopeType.Identity) { foreach (var scopeClaim in scope.Claims) { if (includeAllIdentityClaims || scopeClaim.AlwaysIncludeInIdToken) { additionalClaims.Add(scopeClaim.Name); } } } } if (additionalClaims.Count > 0) { var context = new ProfileDataRequestContext( subject, client, Constants.ProfileDataCallers.ClaimsProviderIdentityToken, additionalClaims); await _users.GetProfileDataAsync(context); var claims = FilterProtocolClaims(context.IssuedClaims); if (claims != null) { outputClaims.AddRange(claims); } } return outputClaims; }
/// <summary> /// Returns claims for an identity token. /// </summary> /// <param name="subject">The subject.</param> /// <param name="client">The client.</param> /// <param name="scopes">The requested scopes.</param> /// <param name="request">The raw request.</param> /// <returns> /// Claims for the access token /// </returns> public virtual async Task<IEnumerable<Claim>> GetAccessTokenClaimsAsync(ClaimsPrincipal subject, Client client, IEnumerable<Scope> scopes, ValidatedRequest request) { // add client_id var outputClaims = new List<Claim> { new Claim(Constants.ClaimTypes.ClientId, client.ClientId), }; // check for client claims if (client.Claims != null && client.Claims.Any()) { if (subject == null || client.AlwaysSendClientClaims) { foreach (var claim in client.Claims) { var claimType = claim.Type; if (client.PrefixClientClaims) { claimType = "client_" + claimType; } outputClaims.Add(new Claim(claimType, claim.Value, claim.ValueType)); } } } // add scopes foreach (var scope in scopes) { outputClaims.Add(new Claim(Constants.ClaimTypes.Scope, scope.Name)); } // a user is involved if (subject != null) { outputClaims.AddRange(GetStandardSubjectClaims(subject)); outputClaims.AddRange(GetOptionalClaims(subject)); // if a include all claims rule exists, call the user service without a claims filter if (scopes.IncludesAllClaimsForUserRule(ScopeType.Resource)) { var context = new ProfileDataRequestContext( subject, client, Constants.ProfileDataCallers.ClaimsProviderAccessToken); await _users.GetProfileDataAsync(context); var claims = FilterProtocolClaims(context.IssuedClaims); if (claims != null) { outputClaims.AddRange(claims); } return outputClaims; } // fetch all resource claims that need to go into the id token var additionalClaims = new List<string>(); foreach (var scope in scopes) { if (scope.Type == ScopeType.Resource) { if (scope.Claims != null) { foreach (var scopeClaim in scope.Claims) { additionalClaims.Add(scopeClaim.Name); } } } } if (additionalClaims.Count > 0) { var context = new ProfileDataRequestContext( subject, client, Constants.ProfileDataCallers.ClaimsProviderAccessToken, additionalClaims.Distinct()); await _users.GetProfileDataAsync(context); var claims = FilterProtocolClaims(context.IssuedClaims); if (claims != null) { outputClaims.AddRange(claims); } } } return outputClaims; }
public static StoredClient ToDbFormat(Client client) { return new StoredClient { Id = "clients/" + client.ClientId, ClientId = client.ClientId, Enabled = client.Enabled, AbsoluteRefreshTokenLifetime = client.AbsoluteRefreshTokenLifetime, AccessTokenLifetime = client.AccessTokenLifetime, AccessTokenType = client.AccessTokenType.ToString(), AllowAccessToAllCustomGrantTypes = client.AllowAccessToAllCustomGrantTypes, AllowAccessToAllScopes = client.AllowAccessToAllScopes, AllowClientCredentialsOnly = client.AllowClientCredentialsOnly, AllowRememberConsent = client.AllowRememberConsent, AllowedCorsOrigins = client.AllowedCorsOrigins, AllowedCustomGrantTypes = client.AllowedCustomGrantTypes, AllowedScopes = client.AllowedScopes, AlwaysSendClientClaims = client.AlwaysSendClientClaims, AuthorizationCodeLifetime = client.AuthorizationCodeLifetime, ClientName = client.ClientName, ClientUri = client.ClientUri, EnableLocalLogin = client.EnableLocalLogin, Flow = client.Flow.ToString(), IdentityProviderRestrictions = client.IdentityProviderRestrictions, IdentityTokenLifetime = client.IdentityTokenLifetime, IncludeJwtId = client.IncludeJwtId, LogoUri = client.LogoUri, LogoutSessionRequired = client.LogoutSessionRequired, LogoutUri = client.LogoutUri, PostLogoutRedirectUris = client.PostLogoutRedirectUris, PrefixClientClaims = client.PrefixClientClaims, RedirectUris = client.RedirectUris, RefreshTokenExpiration = client.RefreshTokenExpiration.ToString(), RefreshTokenUsage = client.RefreshTokenUsage.ToString(), RequireConsent = client.RequireConsent, RequireSignOutPrompt = client.RequireSignOutPrompt, SlidingRefreshTokenLifetime = client.SlidingRefreshTokenLifetime, UpdateAccessTokenClaimsOnRefresh = client.UpdateAccessTokenClaimsOnRefresh, ClientSecrets = (from s in client.ClientSecrets select StoredSecret.ToDbFormat(s)).ToList(), Claims = (from c in client.Claims select StoredClientClaim.ToDbFormat(c)).ToList() }; }
public DefaultRefreshTokenServiceTests() { originalNowFunc = DateTimeOffsetHelper.UtcNowFunc; DateTimeOffsetHelper.UtcNowFunc = () => UtcNow; roclient_absolute_refresh_expiration_one_time_only = new Client { ClientName = "Resource Owner Client", Enabled = true, ClientId = "roclient_absolute_refresh_expiration_one_time_only", ClientSecrets = new List<Secret> { new Secret("secret".Sha256()) }, Flow = Flows.ResourceOwner, RefreshTokenExpiration = TokenExpiration.Absolute, RefreshTokenUsage = TokenUsage.OneTimeOnly, AbsoluteRefreshTokenLifetime = 200 }; roclient_sliding_refresh_expiration_one_time_only = new Client { ClientName = "Resource Owner Client", Enabled = true, ClientId = "roclient_sliding_refresh_expiration_one_time_only", ClientSecrets = new List<Secret> { new Secret("secret".Sha256()) }, Flow = Flows.ResourceOwner, RefreshTokenExpiration = TokenExpiration.Sliding, RefreshTokenUsage = TokenUsage.OneTimeOnly, AbsoluteRefreshTokenLifetime = 10, SlidingRefreshTokenLifetime = 4 }; roclient_absolute_refresh_expiration_reuse = new Client { ClientName = "Resource Owner Client", Enabled = true, ClientId = "roclient_absolute_refresh_expiration_reuse", ClientSecrets = new List<Secret> { new Secret("secret".Sha256()) }, Flow = Flows.ResourceOwner, RefreshTokenExpiration = TokenExpiration.Absolute, RefreshTokenUsage = TokenUsage.ReUse, AbsoluteRefreshTokenLifetime = 200 }; refreshTokenStore = new InMemoryRefreshTokenStore(); service = new DefaultRefreshTokenService(refreshTokenStore, new DefaultEventService()); user = IdentityServerPrincipal.Create("bob", "Bob Loblaw"); }
Token CreateAccessToken(Client client, string subjectId, int lifetime, params string[] scopes) { var claims = new List<Claim> { new Claim("client_id", client.ClientId), new Claim("sub", subjectId) }; scopes.ToList().ForEach(s => claims.Add(new Claim("scope", s))); var token = new Token(Constants.TokenTypes.AccessToken) { Audience = "", Issuer = "", Lifetime = lifetime, Claims = claims, Client = client }; return token; }
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> ProcessAsync(Client client, NameValueCollection parameters) { // validate the token request var requestResult = await _requestValidator.ValidateRequestAsync(parameters, client); if (requestResult.IsError) { return new RevocationErrorResult(requestResult.Error); } // revoke tokens if (requestResult.TokenTypeHint == Constants.TokenTypeHints.AccessToken) { await RevokeAccessTokenAsync(requestResult.Token, client); } else if (requestResult.TokenTypeHint == Constants.TokenTypeHints.RefreshToken) { await RevokeRefreshTokenAsync(requestResult.Token, client); } else { var found = await RevokeAccessTokenAsync(requestResult.Token, client); if (!found) { await RevokeRefreshTokenAsync(requestResult.Token, client); } } return Ok(); }
// revoke refresh token only if it belongs to client doing the request private async Task<bool> RevokeRefreshTokenAsync(string handle, Client client) { var token = await _refreshTokens.GetAsync(handle); if (token != null) { if (token.ClientId == client.ClientId) { await _refreshTokens.RevokeAsync(token.SubjectId, token.ClientId); await _tokenHandles.RevokeAsync(token.SubjectId, token.ClientId); await _events.RaiseTokenRevokedEventAsync(token.SubjectId, handle, Constants.TokenTypeHints.RefreshToken); } else { var message = string.Format("Client {0} tried to revoke a refresh token belonging to a different client: {1}", client.ClientId, token.ClientId); Logger.Warn(message); await RaiseFailureEventAsync(message); } return true; } return false; }