Provides a set of behaviour strategies that can be applied to a control depending on the environment
Inheritance: IControlMapperStrategy
        public void Test_ControlMapperStrategy_AddBOPropHandlers()
            //---------------Set up test pack-------------------
            var strategyWin = new ControlMapperStrategyWin();
            var factory = new Habanero.Faces.Win.ControlFactoryWin();
            var tb = factory.CreateTextBox();
            const string testprop = "TestProp";
            var stubMapper = new ControlMapperStub(tb, testprop, false, factory);
            var bo = new MyBO();
            var prop = bo.Props[testprop];
            const string origvalue = "origValue";
            prop.Value = origvalue;
            stubMapper.BusinessObject = bo;
            strategyWin.RemoveCurrentBOPropHandlers(stubMapper, prop);

            //--------------Assert PreConditions----------------            
            Assert.AreEqual(origvalue, tb.Text);

            //---------------Execute Test ----------------------
            strategyWin.AddCurrentBOPropHandlers(stubMapper, prop);
            const string newValue = "New value";
            prop.Value = newValue;

            //---------------Test Result -----------------------
            Assert.AreEqual(newValue, tb.Text);

        public void Test_ControlMapperStrategy_RemoveBOPropHandlers()
            //---------------Set up test pack-------------------
            var strategyWin = new ControlMapperStrategyWin();
            var tb = _factory.CreateTextBox();
            const string testprop = "TestProp";
            var stubMapper = new ControlMapperStub(tb, testprop, false, _factory);
            var bo = new MyBO();
            var prop = bo.Props[testprop];
            const string origvalue = "origValue";
            prop.Value = origvalue;
            stubMapper.BusinessObject = bo;

            const string newValue = "New value";
            //--------------Assert PreConditions----------------
            Assert.AreNotEqual(newValue, tb.Text);
            Assert.AreEqual(origvalue, prop.Value, "The text box value is set from the prop due to the fact that the BOPropHandler is on the ControlMapperStrategy");
            Assert.AreEqual(origvalue, tb.Text, "The text box value is set from the prop due to the fact that the BOPropHandler is on the ControlMapperStrategy");
            //---------------Execute Test ----------------------
            strategyWin.RemoveCurrentBOPropHandlers(stubMapper, prop);
            prop.Value = newValue;
            //---------------Test Result -----------------------
            Assert.AreNotEqual(newValue, tb.Text, "Updating the prop should not update the textbox since the handler has been removed");
            Assert.AreEqual(origvalue, tb.Text);
            Assert.AreEqual(newValue, prop.Value, "The text box value is not changed when the prop has changed due the the BOPropHandler being removed");
        public void Test_KeyPressMovesFocusToNextControl()
            //---------------Set up test pack-------------------
            GlobalRegistry.UIExceptionNotifier = new RethrowingExceptionNotifier();
            var parentControl = _factory.CreateControl();
            var strategyWin = new ControlMapperStrategyWin();
            var textBox = _factory.CreateTextBox();
            textBox.Name = "TestTextBox";


            var textBox2 = _factory.CreateTextBox();
            var tbWin = (TextBoxWin)textBox2;
            var gotFocus = false;
            tbWin.GotFocus += delegate { gotFocus = true; };

            var frm = AddControlToForm(parentControl);
            //--------------Assert PreConditions----------------            

            //---------------Execute Test ----------------------
            var box = new TextBoxTester("TestTextBox");
            var eveArgsEnter = new KeyEventArgs(Keys.Enter);
            box.FireEvent("KeyUp", eveArgsEnter);

            //---------------Test Result -----------------------